
Chapter 45 Give me justice

Chapter 45 Give me justice

While Chu Hao was looking at the charming and attractive court ladies in the palace, he was slandering in his heart.

Hey, Chen Honghong, I want to be reborn, and I don't want to give me a better identity. If I become an emperor, hugging left and right, with three thousand beauties in the harem, how cool it would be.And Sun Haoran next to him naturally didn't know that the son still had such rebellious thoughts, otherwise he might not even dare to enter the palace and just slipped away.

At this moment Sun Haoran's hands were wrapped in gauze, his face was bruised and purple, and the left and right cheeks were obviously out of proportion, looking extremely ridiculous.However, none of the guards following them smiled, and they all kept their eyes on each other, walking like a dragon or a tiger.

These guards include Chu Mo from the prince's mansion, and some generals from the general's mansion.

To be honest, Chu Hao was more courageous this time, relying on his status as the eldest son, he actually broke into the palace directly, and a group of people headed for the little prince's Yanhe palace.

After receiving the news from the eunuch, the little prince was also taken aback for a moment, then his expression calmed down, staring at the three swords placed on the table, he didn't get up, he was still sitting in the middle of the pavilion.

After entering Yanhe Palace, the eunuchs didn't dare to offend the prince, so they quickly brought him to Chu Dongliu's courtyard.Outside the courtyard, Chu Mo and several other guards stood still, allowing them to walk in.

"Brother Huang, why didn't you say hello to Brother Huang when you entered the palace? I was not prepared at all, and I was far away from welcoming you." Chu Dongliu stood slowly when he saw Chu Hao and Sun Haoran walking in through the marble arch. Get up, and then said loudly.

"It's easy to talk about." Chu Hao put on a smile, staring at the little prince.Chu Dongliu is still dressed relatively dry today. He is wearing a yellow mandarin jacket with a brocade dragon and jade belt pinned to his waist. The gold hooks on his boots are shining, which is very heroic.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Chu Hao snorted, "Imperial brother should know what we are here for."

"Why did the emperor say that?" Chu Dongliu seemed to have just seen Sun Haoran's appearance at this moment, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Why is Mr. Sun dressed like this?"

"Smart people don't speak dark words!" Chu Hao walked into the pavilion carelessly, picked up the tea on the table and drank more than half of it, then turned around and said coldly: "Why did Mr. Sun become like this? I think you are very clear in your heart, brother, right."

"My brother is confused, please tell me clearly." Chu Dongliu also guessed a little bit in his heart, but he was very puzzled. Sun Haoran's name was obviously not on the letter just now.

"I think the younger brother is pretending to be confused!" Chu Hao chuckled, with cold eyes in his eyes, and said, "Since the younger brother doesn't want to admit it personally, then I will tell you for you." After a pause, Chu Hao He sat down on the stool, stared at Chu Dongliu fiercely, and said word by word: "Young brother, you hate that you lost to me in Juyun Tower that day, so you came up with such indecent methods!"

Chu Dongliu smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Huang, what you said really wronged me. To be honest, if you hadn't come today, Brother Huang, I wouldn't have known Sun Gongzi was injured." As he spoke, Chu Dongliu approached Sun Haoran , Said: "Mr. Sun, are you all right?"

"Your Highness, please don't worry, I won't die for the time being." Sun Haoran snorted coldly.

On the other hand, Chu Hao slapped the table on the side, saying: "Imperial brother, I never thought you would be so vicious, and you will be punished! Do you know that Mr. Sun almost lost his life! You abused your means so much that the rumor Among the civil and military officials, how do you let the emperor's uncle appease the court? How can you let me be the emperor's brother!"

"His Royal Highness, calm down." Sun Haoran hurriedly said.

"Calm down, how can I calm down?!" Chu Hao was heartbroken, and said, "You are my best brother. Seeing you hurt, my heart hurts. From last night to now, here is here. It's still aching!"

The corner of Sun Haoran's mouth trembled, watching Chu Hao's affectionate performance, he lowered his head: "Sun is so grateful for His Royal Highness's concern."

Chu Hao patted Sun Haoran on the shoulder, and said emotionally: "Don't worry, Xiao Wang will definitely give you justice!"

As soon as the two sang together, Chu Dongliu's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

He looked at Sun Haoran's pretended sickness, how did he look like he was seriously injured and about to die?

Chu Dongliu was extremely unhappy. In terms of status, although both of them are grandsons of the emperor, in terms of influence, there is no comparison between the prince and the prince!If it wasn't for the power of Prince Weiyuan that people had to underestimate, or Chu Hao's appearance, Chu Dongliu would have been furious long ago.But as a superior person, one has to endure the unbearable, so he swallowed back the anger in his heart, looked at the presumptuous Chu Hao, smiled and said: "Brother Huang, I think you really made a mistake. No one has ever sent anyone to attack Young Master Sun, on this point, the emperor can swear to the sky."

"You don't have to swear, I know you didn't send someone to attack Mr. Sun!" Chu Hao felt a little parched from the excitement just now, so he sat down and took a sip of tea.Looking at the three long swords on the table, two pieces of wood and one iron, his heart skipped a beat. It seemed that Chu Dongliu still wanted to play a trick when the other princes came to question him.

Chu Hao's words made Chu Dongliu stunned again, he was a little surprised.This son seems to be very different from before, since the first battle in Juyun Tower, he has often played cards unreasonably, and this behavior is even more puzzling.

Chu Dongliu could only say: "Brother Huang, do you believe what Brother Huang said?"

"Believe me!" This sentence almost didn't make Chu Dongliu's anger bear down, but when he heard Chu Hao's words behind him, his face changed again, and Chu Hao said in a dark way: " Brother Huang, the person you want to attack is Brother Huang, right? If Young Master Sun hadn’t seen the situation was bad and rescued Xiao Wang, Brother Huang might not be able to stand in front of you now.”

Chu Dongliu turned pale with shock. If Chu Hao's hat was confirmed by him, he would definitely be in disaster.Although I have a master behind me, and my father can't 'intervene' in anything, at least the hope of becoming a prince is definitely gone!Maybe, he will be verbally criticized by those pedantic and other princes in the capital, and he will be hastily appointed king and leave the capital.

"Brother Huang, you can't take this joke!" Chu Dongliu calmed down, put away his usual tired smile, and said seriously: "Brother Huang is very confused, why did Brother Huang insist that it is What did the emperor do? Besides, although there are constant conflicts between the emperor and the emperor, but they are both the emperor's grandson, and the emperor knows Yuntian's rules, how can he do such a thing that is against the world?"

"Hmph, don't say nice things." Seeing the little prince's aura slipping, Chu Hao felt overjoyed, and said, "When they left, they still cursed and said that Master Jiu would not let Sun Gongzi go, saying He ruined Master Jiu's good deeds." Speaking of this, Chu Hao 'touched' his fingers, tapped on the chair, and said with a sneer, "Your brother, you don't even know this Master Jiu, do you?"

The little prince, who was still a little surprised by Chu Hao's transformation, immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he heard these words.The secret channel is okay, but it's still an idiot.Then he smiled and said: "Brother Huang must know what happened last night." Having said that, the little prince stood up, then walked towards Sun Haoran, and said: "Mr. , there were six other people who had accidents in the capital, not only Zhou Qing who was very close to the sixth prince, but also Mr. Nangong, who had a good relationship with me! Those individuals were all under the banner of me, you Do you think Bengong would do things so thoughtlessly?"

Before Sun Haoran opened his mouth to speak, Chu Hao laughed softly at the side: "What does the emperor mean, are you framed?"

"This is natural. Brother Huang should be aware of his character. I have always been friends with Mr. Nangong, so how could I do such a thing." The little prince said coldly: "There are too many things in the palace that are vying for power and benefiting oneself at the expense of others. I don't know which villain this time, but also attacked Brother Huang and provoked the relationship between the two of us."

Being called a villain, Chu Hao was naturally furious, and snorted: "Isn't this the place where your brother is so clever? You created this beating incident in the capital to disturb the clear sky , make it so turbulent, and then, when everyone is paying attention to the cover-up you arranged, then attack the target!" Then, Chu Hao stared at Chu Dongliu, and sneered:

"Your target is me, Xiao Wang is right?"

To say that you are an idiot is really flattering you, who would go to such lengths to get you a useless person!

Chu Dongliu kept cursing in his heart, but on the surface he was taken aback, then looked at Chu Hao's face that he could control, and praised: "Brother Huang's analysis is very reasonable, but it is true that Brother Huang didn't do it. The emperor is in the palace, and he only wants to be happy and happy. The emperor and I have always cherished each other. If I do such a thing, it will not only insult the majesty of the royal family, but it will also be of no use to me. How could the emperor be so disrespectful? wise?"

At this time, the servants came to report, and Wu Donghan came.

Chu Hao had known for a long time that the little prince would definitely call Wu Donghan to discuss it, so he didn't show any surprise at this moment.Wu Donghan was dressed in a blue Confucian shirt, his whole body was bright and smooth, with an extraordinary aura, even if he walked slowly, no one would ignore him.Originally, Sun Haoran was also a handsome son, but now he has a pig head, and he was immediately compared.

Wu Donghan walked into the courtyard, seeing the appearance of Chu Hao and Sun Haoran, his face slightly showed surprise.

"Mr. Wu." The little prince hurried over.

"I've seen His Highness Ninth Prince, Your Highness, Young Master Sun." Wu Donghan bowed his head and cupped his hands, then went up to the pavilion, and stood under the three of them, with a natural and calm expression.

"Mr. Wu, you must know what happened last night, right?" Chu Dongliu saw Wu Donghan, he calmed down a bit, and then smiled wryly, "Sir, you have to testify for me. You have been there all the time from yesterday afternoon to evening. Tasting tea and playing chess with Mr. Wu in the Hanlin Bieyuan, listening to the spring and concentrating, apart from a few guards around me, I didn't bring many people with me, and I didn't leave for a moment during that time."

Wu Donghan nodded, and said: "Your Highness, Young Master Sun, what His Highness Ninth Prince said is indeed the truth. His Highness was with the students yesterday, and the old gentleman from the Imperial Academy can testify."

"He didn't do it himself, even if he was in the palace all the time, he didn't have convincing power." Chu Hao snorted coldly.It seems that Wu Donghan is a member of Chu Dongliu, and he has no manners to talk about when dealing with enemies.However, Wu Donghan is the grandson of Mr. Wu, so the weight of his words is naturally different, so he has to believe it.

Chu Dongliu's face changed again when he heard the words, and he said, "I don't know how to believe the emperor? This is indeed setting the blame."

Chu Hao also achieved his goal today, so he accepted it as soon as he saw it, hugged Sun Haoran's shoulders, and said: "Mr. The murderer has been brought to justice, so that Xiao Wang can avenge Sun Gongzi! However, Xiao Wang will report to his father and General Sun, and ask the emperor to give us justice!"

Chu Dongliu suppressed his anger, and said: "The emperor must find out the murderer as soon as possible, and vent the anger of Sun Gongzi and the emperor!"

"That's very good." Chu Hao turned his head and asked Sun Haoran, and said, "Young Master Sun, the Ninth Prince has already issued a military order. Why don't we put this matter aside for a while and wait a few days to see what he has to say?"

Sun Haoran was eager to return to the mansion to heal his wounds as soon as possible, nodded, and cupped his hands: "Your Highness, I have offended you for disturbing me today!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Don't worry, Mr. Sun, I will definitely give you justice!" Chu Dongliu hurriedly said, "Xiao Chunzi, send His Royal Highness and Mr. Sun away!"

The eunuch who led the way just now came out. Chu Hao saw that he was handsome, his body was a little thin, and his whole body was white and clean. Occasionally he showed a seductive smile, which made Chu Hao feel extremely cold.Only Xiaochunzi said in a sharp voice: "His Royal Highness, Mr. Sun, please!"

Chu Hao shuddered, and hurriedly said: "Then Xiao Wang will leave first."

And watching Chu Hao and Sun Haoran disappear behind the arch completely, Chu Dongliu's face became extremely ugly in an instant.Standing beside the little prince, Wu Donghan shook his head lightly...

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