
Chapter 46

Chapter 46

When Sun Haoran came out of Yanhe Palace, Sun Haoran had a bitter face all the time, but Chu Hao felt extremely relieved, he pulled him and said, "How about it, did you vent your anger on you today?"

Sun Haoran sighed, and said: "Brother Hao, what kind of broken plan are you doing? You are simply basing your own happiness on the pain of others."

Chu Hao sneered and said, "I just want to make him suffer, otherwise, Xiao Wang's hard work would not be in vain."

Sun Haoran knew that Chu Hao was evasive, but he was still indignant. He 'touched' his right cheek, which was swollen a lot, and muttered, "The person I'm talking about suffering is me!"

Chu Hao took a sneak look at Chu Mo and the others who were following behind him, then walked a few steps faster, put his arm around Sun Haoran's shoulders, and said in a low voice: "We are brothers, how could I harm you? Can bear the humiliation of the crotch, bear the humiliation and bear the burden, and taste the courage. For the sake of the general in the future, what is your small injury and pain?"

"Who is Han Xin?"

Chu Hao slapped his forehead, and said vaguely: "He is a very powerful general, you should take him as an example."

Sun Haoran rolled his eyes, too lazy to listen to Chu Hao talking nonsense here.

Just a few steps after they walked out of Yanhe Palace, Chu Hao's heart suddenly moved and he turned around, just in time to see the eldest prince walking into Yanhe Palace with a cold face.He was followed by a few guard eunuchs, who seemed to be going to question the little prince.The eldest prince noticed Chu Hao and his party, but he just nodded his head slightly to this dude, as a greeting.

Chu Hao didn't take it seriously, but when he thought of the couple behind the little prince, he was a little happy, but he also felt a little heavy.Judging from today's confrontation, the little prince probably didn't know about threatening him, but it was wishful thinking for him to give up the lottery at the lantern festival.

He is like this by nature, even if he dies, he will definitely stain others with a 'sexy' taste.

After parting with Sun Haoran, seeing that Sun Haoran still seemed to be brooding, Chu Hao sighed, and thought to himself that he could only go to Cuiyue Tower after the auction was over and he had money, and then he would appease this buddy.

On the way back to the mansion, Chu Mo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Little prince, you have acted recklessly and impulsively today, if the prince finds out, you will definitely be unhappy."

Chu Hao turned his head, looked at the master who was about to approach the innate warrior with a smile, and said, "Commander Chu Mo, why do you think Xiao Wang is reckless today?"

Chu Mo said in a low voice: "Forgive me, I will bluntly say that it was reckless for the young prince to enter the palace today to question His Royal Highness the Ninth Prince, and Mr. Sun was attacked on the way to send the young prince back to the mansion last night. The identities of those people have not been investigated yet." Clearly, the young prince concluded that it was the Ninth Prince who did it, and he left the house without telling the prince, it was impulsive."

Chu Hao patted Chu Mo's shoulder carelessly, and said, "Xiao Wang knows, thank you General Chu Mo for reminding me!"

Seeing that Chu Hao didn't intend to listen at all, Chu Mo showed a wry smile on his face.No more words.

But Chu Hao was thinking in his heart, when would he want those nine people from the school to come over and accept his solid pill, how could he let go so easily.Pills are trivial matters, the key is that I lack people under my command now. Although Chu Mo is sincere, he is not his real person after all.

Thinking along the way, he returned to the palace.

At this moment, there is still some time before noon. After Chu Hao practiced basic boxing in the backyard for a while, he sweated profusely and took out one of the newly refined tiger tendon pills, and then swallowed it.

With a heavy muffled roar, Chu Hao's tired body was ignited again, the effect of the 'medicine' volatilized in his body, and he soon recovered.Chu Hao's eyes were like hawks, and he saw six wooden stakes standing in front of him, which were pierced into the soil in the form of up, down, left, and right, and the two in the middle were five feet high.

Chu Hao ordered Xiao Si to steal this wooden stake from the training ground. It is not an ordinary wooden stake, but "Ligu wood", which is the best wooden stake for boxing masters to cultivate their strength.

Chu Hao groaned again and again, constantly changing his body style, his body shape flowed between the six wooden stakes, and he punched and punched the wooden stakes lightly and heavily.He is already a warrior at the fifth level of the bone refining stage. Although the tiger tendon pill is useful to him, it cannot be the only dependence. He can only continuously absorb the effects of the medicine and become stronger and stronger!

Right now he has the power of five horses, and he is about to break through to six horses, which is comparable to the warriors of the sixth level of bone refining.

However, this is not easy to judge, because he has been in this world for so long, and he hasn't had a real chance to fight, so he can't judge what level he can achieve in actual combat.

However, Chu Hao knew that he was like a leaf in the vortex of the storm, and he might be submerged by the tide from all sides at any time, and before he reached the innate stage, he would expose himself Strength is no different from seeking death.

In the prince's house, everything is involuntary.

Chu Hao really understood the meaning of this sentence, but since he was reborn once, his desire for true energy has completely exploded in this life. If he doesn't reach the foundation building stage, if he doesn't experience the true energy, he will just try again. If you die, you will die with regret, and you will never be willing!

After eating at noon, Chu Hao practiced punches for a while again. This time the effect of the tiger tendon pills gradually weakened. It was not as obvious as the previous two times. There was no big breakthrough in cultivation, but the strength was just now. Breakthrough to the power of six horses!

Think about it, the power of five horses can dismember a corpse, and the power of six horses is considered a master among warriors.

And Chu Hao didn't practice other martial arts or body skills anymore. He gave up those and only practiced basic fists and kicks. He didn't practice the previous method of casting door until he broke through the innate realm and gained luck.Those who practice the Tao know that too complicated practice is not beneficial, but there are many obstacles, and it is easy to lose your mind.

If Chu Hao no longer practiced other martial arts, when he reached the innate realm, or broke through the restrictions in his body, he would be a blank slate when facing Taoism, and his speed of practice would be even faster!

After practicing for a while, thinking that tomorrow is the day of Tao Ranju's auction, Chu Hao hesitated for a while, and decided not to participate for the time being.If Bi Zhuang wants to make a name for himself, he must not lower himself. To make Tao Ranju value himself, it is a wise plan to wait until the auction is over before 'showing' his face.

Besides, he didn't know whether the craftsman in the palace would participate, so after careful consideration, he didn't plan to pass this auction.

After thinking about it, Chu Hao decided to go find Lin Yue'er. After all, she is the eldest lady of Bizhuang, and she has to be involved in many things.It's just that there are a lot of things these days, so I ignore them.Thinking of Lin Yueer's pure and beautiful face, Chu Hao's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly said a few sins.

But at this time, Xiao Si came to the courtyard in a hurry, and said loudly: "Little prince, Steward Liu asked you to go to the martial arts field."

Chu Hao was stunned, straightened his gold silk collar, secretly wondered what Liu Lao would do to him at this time, and asked, "Is it Lao Liu? Which martial arts training ground?"

"It's the training ground in the east." Xiao Si replied.

Chu Hao nodded, and then walked towards the martial arts field, Xiao Si followed behind him.

When he arrived at the training ground, Chu Hao found strangely that there seemed to be no one around. There were very few guards practicing today, and there was no usual noise.Chu Hao hadn't been here for several days, and felt a little strange, so he opened the door and walked in.

On the training ground, Old Liu was standing alone, his feet seemed to melt into the ground, his whole body was extremely calm and introverted, although his body was thin, he could not be ignored.And after looking at it for a long time, it will give people a heavy feeling.

"His Royal Highness." Seeing Chu Hao walk in, Liu Lao's body moved, then lowered his body, walked towards Chu Hao, and saluted.

Chu Hao didn't know how many years Liu Lao had stayed in the palace, nor what his full name was.But he knew that since he was not born, when Chu Yunfei was crowned king, Liu Lao had already been by the prince's side.Counting it, it may not be less than 30 years. He is not only the steward of the palace, but also the most important confidant of the prince, and the most mysterious person in the entire palace.

In Shizi's memory, Chu Hao knew that the prince had told Shizi very early on that he would treat Elder Liu as an adult, so Chu Hao had never treated him as a servant over the years.

It can be said that in the palace, apart from Chu Yunfei and Chu Hao, this old Liu has the highest status. Even when Chu Mo was in the general position, he was not as good as him.

Although he was puzzled as to why Elder Liu would ask him to practice martial arts at this time, Chu Hao didn't show it on the surface.For this housekeeper who didn't even realize that Chen Honghong was observing him in the dark, he felt deep awe in his heart.

"Old Liu, you don't need to be too polite. You are my elder, so I can't afford to salute you like this." Chu Hao hurriedly pulled Elder Liu, helped him up gently, and then said in confusion: "Old Liu , why is there no one in the training ground today?"

Elder Liu stood up, and on that withered face, there was a trembling smile on his face.Gujing's voice was calm, and he said calmly: "Because they were dismissed by the old slave."

Chu Hao was startled, let go of Old Liu, and said, "Why?"

"Because this old servant wants to try His Royal Highness's cultivation."

When Chu Hao heard this, his heart was shocked, he quickly retracted his hands, and unconsciously took a small step back.

At the same time, Old Liu's bony right hand protruded from the gray robe, like a poisonous snake, the black shadow flashed past, and directly grabbed Chu Hao's right wrist.

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