
Chapter 522

Chapter 520 Second Demon Cultivation Ability

With the blessing of the combined formation, even the dozen or so elders behind Qi Yongheng felt a bit struggling, after all, they needed a lot of spiritual energy to maintain this combined formation!

"I see if you can still be proud!" Qi Yongheng increased the strength of the formation, and looked at Chu Hao in the blink of an eye at this moment, only to see that the latter still had an expression of "I'm afraid", but a discerning person could tell it was Chu Hao at a glance. Pretend.

Qi Yongheng was furious. It would be fine if this formation failed on one person, but it turned out to be invalid for everyone, which made him unacceptable!Especially Chu Hao, as if taking a bath in the Jedi Nirvana formation, he yelled and rubbed his waist while screaming, not to mention how disgusting he was.

"Little prince, let the old man repel them."

Dong Lin also knew what Chu Hao meant, and he didn't want to completely turn against Dongfan Qifu. Although he verbally said to kill him, but if he really wanted to do it, Dong Lin also had to consider Chu Hao.

"Don't be complacent!"

"Move, urge!"

"Increase the strength of the formation, increase it!"

Seeing that Dong Lin seemed to be about to attack, Qi Yongheng was about to burst into tears. This formation couldn't help Dong Lin and the three of them. If Dong Lin fought back, how could they fight back!He was extremely anxious and shouted to the elders behind him again and again, but no matter how much he strengthened the formation, the three of Chu Hao were still fine!

Over the entire sea surface, the electronic sound of the formation blessing to the critical point resounded.

Qi Yongheng was about to despair, Dong Lin was stronger than he expected, and Chu Hao's actions made his chest burn even more.

It's not that he didn't think that these three were Nascent Soul stage monks, but thinking about it this way, he felt that it was too nonsense.The Nascent Soul stage monks are not wholesale production, there are not many in the entire endless sea area, except for those Nascent Soul stage casual cultivators who are known as the two emperors and three kings, there are only three on the Yuren side, five in Dongfan Banner Mansion, and others. In the Nascent Soul Stage with names and surnames, there is no such a human being, let alone Donglin!

They can't be in the Nascent Soul stage, there must be some special magical powers or treasures protecting them!

At this moment, Chu Hao stopped teasing, and looked at Qi Yongheng who was glaring at him with disdain, and said to Dong Lin: "To deal with these small shrimps and fishes, you don't need Dong Lin to take action, Ah Da alone is enough."

Seeing the one-armed evil shark standing out, Chu Hao threw out a demonic blood seal and said, "Ada, kill them all!"

The name of the one-armed evil shark Ada was just thought of by Chu Hao. When he was in the Second Heaven, he had four clones, namely the Four King Kongs.And now, besides Xu Wenzi's clone of the Kuafu family, there is only this one-armed evil shark.

So he called Qi Ada.

Chu Hao sneered and said: "Qi Yongheng, Elder Qi, since you want us to die, I am too embarrassed not to return your gift, let my subordinates fight against you."

Humiliation, this is naked humiliation!

If it was Dong Lin who made the move, even if Qi Yongheng had to abandon all the elders present and flee back to Dongfan Banner Mansion, he wouldn't feel ashamed. After all, Dong Lin was already a famous mermaid monk when he was still an inner disciple.But now Chu Hao prevented Dong Lin from making a move, and instead dispatched his "subordinates"!

This is simply looking down on Qi Yongheng!

"You killed my disciple and humiliated my teacher. Even if I risked my life today, I, Qi Yongheng, would splash your blood!" Qi Yongheng also went all out, without even looking at the one-armed evil shark, he gritted his teeth at Chu Hao.

Chu Hao laughed loudly: "It's such a big hat, but I don't want to wear it. I just asked my subordinates to discuss with you and exchange Taoism. How can you be humiliated? Besides, your disciple is not good at learning. , I will clean up the door for you and eliminate the scum, you should thank me."

"Too much deceit!" Elder Qi gave up the "Jedi Annihilation Formation", and sacrificed several treasures at the same time, all of which were above the seventh rank.It has to be said that the Dongfan Banner Mansion is really rich and powerful. It is impossible for an ordinary Jindan perfect monk to have so many treasures. Even a casual cultivator may fight with his life for a treasure.

And this Qi Yongheng took out so much casually, it can be seen that the treatment of Dongfan Qi Mansion is really extraordinary.

However, Chu Hao is not surprised or moved. He is already in the Nascent Soul stage. The only thing worthy of his attention is the powerful magic weapon or even the psychic magic weapon. Such treasures will not play any role in his subordinates, but will hinder him. .

The "Devil's Blood Seal" was originally a fake magic weapon obtained by the one-armed Xie Shark before, and it was far superior to Dong Lin's "Gou Ling Pipa". Out of thin air, the demonic blood mark spun rapidly in mid-air, and then became bigger and bigger.

It's just that it's different from the "Thick Soil Treasure Cover Umbrella", the imposing manner of this devil's blood seal is not thick, but it has a disgusting bloodthirsty murderous aura. The surface of the dark big seal seems to be covered with thick black blood, which looks extremely awe-inspiring.

After accepting the "Jedi Annihilation Formation", most of Qi Yongheng's spiritual power returned to him. Not only that, but also some spiritual power of the star elders behind him was also borrowed by him. It can be said that his current strength is better than before. Even stronger!

Although the combined formation couldn't do anything against Chu Hao and the three of them, Qi Yongheng was most at ease when his own strength became stronger.

"Elder Qi, you..." After the combination formation was dispersed, the other star-level elders also realized something was wrong, because only part of the spiritual power they gathered on Qi Yongheng, the main formation, was returned!

"Don't talk too much, elders. I'm just borrowing your spiritual power. Although this is not as good as Julizhen, I also feel the great determination of you and Qifu to share weal and woe. Thank you for your spiritual power!"

Those elders felt disgusted, but we didn't say we would lend it to you.But hearing what Qi Yongheng said was impeccable, and the three people in front were too powerful, it was inconvenient for them to speak, so they could only acquiesce to Qi Yongheng's approach.

It's just that Lin Zihao and Lin Zihao were originally just elders of Ke Qing. Now that they lost their spiritual power and their cultivation level fell, they were very upset, and they secretly sent a sound transmission to the teacher's gate.

Not only did Chu Hao discover their little move, but Qi Yongheng also discovered that his strength had increased a lot now, but he didn't stop it.One is that a fight will definitely attract the attention of Dongfan Banner Mansion. After all, it is not far from several islands in Dongfan Banner Mansion. Second, it notifies other moon-level elders and even day-level elders in the door to come forward. He can be saved too, can't he?

Although he had made a desperate plan, Qi Yongheng didn't want to die if he still had his life.

He also felt the power of the Demon Blood Seal, and the aura exuded by the one-armed evil shark was particularly terrifying, "It's actually a demon cultivator, a demon cultivator in the realm of fake infants! Humans, you colluded with mermaids like Dong Lin, and you really did something! It's a matter of heaven's anger and hatred!"

Qi Yongheng's cultivation has skyrocketed, and he has also reached the realm of a fake baby, which is also one of the reasons for his sudden recovery of confidence.

Facing Qi Yongheng's questioning, Chu Hao said coldly: "You don't need to worry about whether I have done something that angered the heavens and the people, but I know that you are not a good person now, and you actually used your spiritual power borrowed by other elders of your Qifu as a reward." It’s really shameless to use it for yourself!”

"The honor of the teacher's sect, how can you allow you to desecrate it! They are all willing to help me!"

Chu Hao continued to sneer: "It's really bragging and not blushing. How do I see their reluctance?"

Qi Yongheng was furious, and said: "What kind of skill is it to use your tongue? Even if you are not afraid of the 'Jedi Annihilation Formation', I will kill you in countless ways!"

"Elder Qi, this is in the air, the wind is blowing your tongue, please stop talking."

Qi Yongheng is not Chu Hao's opponent in terms of scolding and scolding. He can only stare back, and then said: "I will solve this thing about people and ghosts first, and then I will meet you!"

As he said that, a blue light flashed on Qi Yongheng's body, and several spells were shot out one after another, hitting all kinds of treasures floating in front of him.Those treasures trembled slightly, there were whips, spears and dust whisks, Qi Yongheng focused on several things, and attacked the one-armed evil shark regardless of the blood mark of the devil!

"Let you taste the power of my Qifu!"

The one-armed evil shark is in the realm of a fake baby, and Qi Yongheng has now reached the realm of a fake baby. In his mind, he has increased his spiritual power so much that he is infinitely stronger than ordinary fake babies. As long as there is a treasure that hits the one-armed evil On Shark's body, the opponent is probably also injured!As for the devil's blood seal, the big man has already blocked it with two treasures!

Although he didn't use any supernatural powers, Qi Yongheng was full of confidence in himself!

The treasures in his hands are all extraordinary!

However, the treasure in his hand is not ordinary, so what about the devil's blood seal?You must know that it is a fake magic weapon, and the one-armed evil shark was once a demon cultivator!Demon cultivators who are more than a little or two stronger than monks of the same level!

Facing several menacing magic weapons, the black robe on the one-armed Xie Shark swelled and fluttered like a light Luo, and then countless black air lingered from his hand, and after a muffled roar, a huge black light eight Clawed Dragon!


A dragon cry, the momentum is frightening!

This black light octopus dragon surrounded by black air is one of the supernatural powers of the one-armed evil shark. The supernatural powers are not far behind!And in order to cultivate this supernatural power, healed the one-armed evil shark and put himself to a dangerous death. It took decades of hard work to achieve his current success!

On the island of trials, the one-armed evil shark used it once, but at the beginning he underestimated Chu Hao and did not use his full strength. Now this rather treacherous move is approaching Qi Yongheng, stretching out three claws, and will come at him. All three treasures are in your hands!

Immediately, a wave of rotten air visible to the naked eye slowly rose from the hand of the black light octopus dragon, and the treasures held by it began to show a state of corrosion!


Xiaoqi begging for a red ticket, I have been working diligently to update during this time, please give me some encouragement.

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