
Chapter 523

Chapter 520

"Do not!!"

The few treasures seized by the black light octopus were only seventh-rank treasures, and the two higher eighth-rank treasures were sacrificed by Qi Yongheng in an attempt to resist the attack of the blood seal.

But even so, these three magic weapons were gradually corroded and lost their spirituality in the hands of the black light octopus, which made Qi Yongheng feel extremely distressed!He has a total of six treasures above grade [-], and the number of treasures he owns is outstanding among moon-level elders. They are all his savings of hundreds of years of hard work!

Before he reached the Nascent Soul stage, he had to rely on these things!

But now, after meeting each other, he was gradually corroded by the black light and dead energy!

"Come back!" No longer caring about attacking the one-armed evil shark, the magical powers of this demon cultivator are so weird that even treasures can be blocked with magical powers and even smile like a flame. Qi Yongheng immediately recalled three treasures, I saw some spots and some small holes after the potholes were corroded!

Qi Yongheng was angry and terrified at the same time. In such a short period of time, he was actually corroded into such a appearance. If it was longer, wouldn't the treasures be turned into ordinary weapons, or even trash?

Feeling extremely heartbroken, Qi Yongheng couldn't help roaring: "Too much bullying, too much bullying!"

Although Chu Hao knew that the one-armed evil shark had this supernatural power, seeing that he could have such power now, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart.This supernatural power is really powerful, and the weapons that can be used in the golden core stage are just treasures. If the power of corrosion is more domineering, wouldn't it be impossible for even the muddy clothes on his body to stop it?

After all, anything less than a magic weapon belongs to the category of treasures, and this "Evil Blood Rot Art" is the nemesis of all treasures!

As the owner of the one-armed evil shark, Chu Hao is naturally clear about some things in his memory. Although this supernatural power seems to be extremely powerful, the effort he has to put in is doubled. Cultivate desperately, and use your own blood to carry out blood sacrifices, and finally cultivate a trace of evil blood and black energy, and then feed treasures to cultivate this trace of evil blood!

The process is extremely difficult and dangerous, even if it is to cultivate some powerful spirit beasts and insects, it is far less dangerous than this.

No wonder it is said that demon cultivators are evil demons and heretics. They are not only cruel to others, but also extremely cruel to themselves. After this dead energy is cultivated, there are not many treasures left on the one-armed evil shark, and they are all fed to this There is only a trace of black energy to contribute to this supernatural power, and there is only a "magic blood seal" of a fake magic weapon.

If this evil blood and death energy is raised to a higher level, I am afraid that it will still need to devour magic weapons to practice.And the blood of the host needs to be doubled!

This Qi Yongheng only saw the arrogance and terror of this supernatural power, but how could he know the painstaking efforts that the one-armed Xiexiong had spent in cultivating this supernatural power?He was defeated by a group of Nascent Soul stage monks, and was later rescued by Tao Ranju. In the past 200 years, apart from recuperating from his injuries, he has been practicing this supernatural power and refining the magic blood seal!

Can the evil skills cultivated for such a long time not be powerful?

Even Dong Lin's eyes showed a little bit of surprise, no wonder the one-armed Xiexie was able to carry the Nascent Soul stage when he reached the golden elixir, and the demon cultivator is too much higher than the same level!

Hearing Qi Yongheng's miserable cry, Chu Hao sneered coldly, and said with disdain: "If you don't deceive others, how can you be deceived! A scum like you, relying on the name of Dongfan Banner Mansion, I am afraid that you have done bad things. You can tell who you are by looking at your disciples! If you want to cry out for injustice, you are not worthy at all!"

Whether he is a cultivator or a demon cultivator, Chu Hao doesn't care. His character is to do whatever he wants. When he was in the fifth heaven, the way of heaven that Chu Hao pursued in the Foundry Gate was to follow one's heart.Now that the one-armed evil shark is his avatar, he won't go to why the so-called justice eliminates such supernatural powers.

Both knives and swords are used to kill people, for good or evil, it just depends on the user, what Chu Hao can do is to have a clear conscience.

"I'll fight with you!" The three treasures in his hand have temporarily lost their spirituality. If they insist on using them, they will definitely speed up the demise of the treasures, but Qi Yongheng has a raging anger in his chest at the moment, so it doesn't matter so much. After activating the magic seal, even the devil's blood seal was ignored, and then the body together, the whole body burst into blue light, and flew towards the one-armed evil shark!

"Call the Flag Universe!"

"Storm of Sunda!"

Dongfan Banner Mansion's great supernatural powers, as well as stellar energy!

At this moment, Qi Yongheng used several treasures to delay the Black Light Octopus Dragon, and then used his magical powers to attack the One-armed Evil Shark!There seems to be a storm rising in the space, those storms are extremely strong, one after another, one must know that Qi Yongheng's cultivation base of Gang Qi has reached the peak of the three lines, and with all his strength, it seems to form a huge wave in the air with the wind. The vortex!

Countless dust and birds around were swept in!

Stellar Qi is one of the attack methods of monks, and the Gang Qi used by truly powerful monks is stronger than supernatural powers. After all, Gang Qi belongs to the Dao of Heaven!

But Qi Yongheng's stellar energy is not worth mentioning at all!Chu Hao's yin and yang energy in one line can be broken now!

And the one-armed evil shark, as a demon cultivator, stood in the midst of the storm without moving, like a giant Buddha, but the evil spirit of death was floating in his robes.

The black light octopus dragon formed by the dead air and blood began to devour Qi Yongheng's treasures frantically. The treasures of the seventh rank were devoured quickly, but the eighth rank seemed to take some effort.But the giant dragon roared, and it didn't take long to penetrate a hole with a seventh-grade treasure, and the brilliance of the treasure dimmed, as if it had become a mortal thing.

Qi Yongheng saw it, and his movements became even more crazy, slapping his palms violently in the storm.Ripples of Gang Qi rolled towards the one-armed evil shark.Facing each of his palms, the one-armed Xiejiao also did not use the demon blood seal, but returned the same palm force.

One seemed to be going crazy, while the other was fighting calmly. Back and forth in the air was like hitting dozens of palms at each other.The one-armed evil shark is fine, but Qi Yongheng is a little bit lacking in stamina.

The group of elders in the back watched the fight so frightened, and the pressure and death aura brought to them by the one-armed evil shark was too strong, and many of them felt withdrawn.But their spiritual power is now borrowed from Qi Yongheng. If Qi Yongheng dies, they will never get it, so they are a little hesitant.

But at this moment when Qi Yongheng was fighting fiercely with the one-armed Xiexie, the sea area of ​​Dongfan Banner Mansion was less than a quarter of an hour away.

The central island of the three main islands is also the mother island of Dongfan Banner Mansion.

At this moment, there is a quiet place in the north of the island, and a large-scale house hall is built. This is the classroom for inner disciples.Generally speaking, even inner disciples in the sect rarely worship elders as teachers, and even if they worship masters, one elder and dozens of apprentices may not have time to teach Taoism and exercises .

Therefore, the lecture class is a place to teach some simple Taoism and exercises to the inner disciples. From time to time, there will be some elders, guest elders, star elders, and even some monthly elders who will occasionally give lectures.

Given Dongfan Banner Mansion's status in the Endless Sea, there are tens of thousands of outer disciples alone, and tens of thousands of inner disciples, which does not include the echelon of core disciples, which shows the huge number of disciples under the sect.Therefore, because of this, it is also necessary to teach inner disciples to practice exercises.

The setting of the lecture class is extremely simple, and there is no requirement to attend the lectures, but most inner disciples will come to listen to the lectures in the lobby, because in this world, those who have no strength will be eliminated, and the law of survival of the fittest is in the big sect. Even more cruel and significant.

At this moment, a certain hall of the classroom is full of inner disciples. Some of these disciples are old disciples, but most of them are disciples who have been promoted from the outer sect to the inner sect a few days ago.

The outer sect competition is held once every five years, and it is a feast for the outer sect disciples. Generally, only a hundred of them are selected to enter the inner sect to practice. , not only must he be a disciple with excellent aptitude, but also be favored by elders above the month level, otherwise he will not be eligible.

In this hall, there are almost all such lucky people, and Shi Chenfeng, who is sitting under a woman in white, is one of them.

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