
Chapter 55 Bone refinement level 9, advance by leaps and bounds!

Chu Hao was surprised, and said, "Why do you ask this? It is true that Chu Mo has not followed Xiao Wang during this period of time."

Xiao Si nodded, and continued: "That's right! Yesterday I went to the Four Claws Garden, and the servants there said to the servants that I saw the commander of Chu Mo go to the prince yesterday, and it seems that he wanted to go back to the battlefield. But the prince did not agree."

It was only then that Chu Hao remembered that the end of Chu used to be one of the four major armies of the empire, a partial general of the Yaohu Army. Later, because of an incident that angered the Yaohu Army's senior management and other generals, he was relegated to a local area.Later, he was protected by King Weiyuan and came to the palace to be the commander of the guard.At that time, Shizi had already been restrained, so he was transferred to Chu Hao's side not long after to protect Chu Hao's safety.

Chu Mo is also a soldier with high martial arts skills, with almost innate strength, but it is far from enough to be the guard of Chu Hao today.Chu Hao knew in his heart that these soldiers were full of arrogance. Although Chu Mo was grateful to the prince for saving him, he still didn't want him to be the subordinate of a dandy son.

Moreover, Chu Hao had talked with him a few times, and he also disliked this person very much. This person always puts the emperor first when it comes to interests. This is understandable for the generals of the empire, but the key is, He is the son of Prince Weiyuan, even if he is loyal to the emperor in words, he should also be loyal to the palace in his heart.This Chu Mo, I really don't know how his cheap father was transferred to protect him. If it's not safe, Chu Hao would rather not.

Therefore, during this period of time, except for the last time when I went to the palace to question the little prince and let Chu Mo drive a familiar way, the rest of the time, the two of them never walked together.

"Xiao Wang knows." Chu Hao remembered this in his heart, and decided to talk to Chu Yunfei when he had time. He now has nine Liu Lis in his hands. Although it is impossible to reach Xiantian in twenty days, at least all of them They have to reach the skin refining stage, Chu Hao has absolute confidence in this.

After waving Xiaosi down, Chu Hao sorted out the day's affairs in his mind.Not long after, Liu Li and nine people came to Lingyueyuan, but they were stopped by the guards outside the courtyard.

It was only then that Chu Hao remembered that Liu Li and the others did not have the token to freely enter and leave the Lingyue Garden, so he told the guard that Liu Li and the others followed into the yard and came to the dining room.

Liu Li and the others stood by the table in a daze. Chu Hao looked at them, smiled, and said, "Sit down and eat together."

Their backgrounds are not very good, and they have been training for a day and a night. Seeing so many delicious dishes, they have long had the urge to eat.Huang Hongjin couldn't help being angry, the young man swallowed his saliva, and continued: "His Royal Highness, it seems that it is not good for us to sit down, it is not polite. Why don't you ask someone to make another portion, Your Highness, and we will eat it in the yard Enough."

Liu Li scolded: "Huang Hongjin, don't talk nonsense!" Then he said seriously: "Your Highness, our voice is humble, you are a descendant of the dragon species, please take back your life!"

Chu Hao's complexion changed, he stared, and suddenly slapped the table fiercely, and said coldly, "Do you take what I say as fart? What did Xiao Wang say yesterday? How did you agree to Xiao Wang? Don't sit down It's okay to go down, get out now!"

Only then did Liu Li and the others see Chu Hao's rogue side, and they were taken aback. Huang Hongjin quickly sat down and said, "Let's sit, let's sit!" Seeing what Liu Li wanted to say, Huang Hongjin said in a low voice: "Brother, do you still want His Highness to be angry? Let's listen to His Highness and sit down." Liu Li hesitated for a while, and finally sat down.

Chu Hao turned his face faster than turning the pages of a book. Seeing that Liu Li and the other nine had sat down, the smiling expression returned to his face, and he continued, "You're welcome, just eat whatever you want."

The food was a bit cold, but for warriors, it was still edible when it was cold.Liu Li and the others were about to use chopsticks, but Chu Hao frowned, called a servant, and said, "How do you cook the food? It's cold, do you know?"

The servants were extremely aggrieved, this meal has been cooked for almost half an hour, can it not be cold?But although they were full of slander in their hearts, they didn't dare to argue with Chu Hao, and quickly put down the food.

Liu Li was slightly a little bit arrogant: "My lord, in fact, these meals can be eaten, we don't mind."

Chu Hao said seriously: "Since you have followed me, how can you not dress well and eat well? Your training volume will increase every time. Do you really think that you are hard-working?"

Although Chu Hao's words were a reprimand, Liu Li and the others felt warm in their hearts.They also knew that Chu Hao was just a way to win people's hearts, but this way could make them feel important, and that was enough.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the food came back again, after Chu Hao asked them to finish eating.Indifferently said: "You don't have to go to training for a while, go to rest early, tomorrow morning, you will have a load of [-] kilograms!"

Liu Li and the others responded, and were about to retreat, but Chu Hao called out Liu Li again, and took out the bottle of tiger tendon pill pill from his bosom.This was prepared by him early in the morning. There were nine tiger tendon pills in a bottle, which was a elixir after infused with golden liquid.

Throwing it to Liu Li, Chu Hao said indifferently: "I will share it with the brothers in a while. This is a third-rank human-level pill, and the medicinal effect is better than the solid pill I gave you before. If you work hard enough, Xiao Wang will be able to improve your cultivation. I will never treat you badly."

Liu Li immediately burst into tears of gratitude. He naturally knew what the third rank of the human rank represented. The efficacy of the solid pill benefited them a lot. Now that the pill is one rank higher, the prince is really kind to them !

Thinking of this, Liu Li didn't pretend to evade, but knelt down and said, "Your Highness, my brothers and I can't repay you for such a great favor. The subordinates and others must work hard to cultivate, and I only hope that the great cause of Your Highness can be fulfilled in the future." !"

Chu Hao knew that his thoughts were wrong, so he didn't correct them. He nodded, said a few words of encouragement, and let them go down.Stretching for a while, the sky was getting dark at this moment, Chu Hao thought about it, went back to the yard, and sat on the chair.

It was almost autumn at this moment, and the wicker chair had been left outside for a long time, and it was a bit cold. Chu Hao did nothing, staring blankly at the path paved with pebbles in the vestibule. Tree.In the pond not far away, there are only dim moonlight shining spots on the surface of the lake, twinkling and twinkling, which is extremely eye-catching.

Sighing, Chu Hao suddenly felt a little tired.

Soon Xiao Si came over and prepared all the materials.Chu Hao nodded, then went to the utility room to let Xiaosi go to bed early.Looking at these materials, it is enough to use it for ten days and a half months.However, tiger tendon pills are the only ones that are easier to obtain for pills below the third grade, and the second-grade Feijian does not have a [-]% success rate. Compared now, although I am like a nouveau riche with one million taels, but Not enough.

Clenching his fists tightly, Chu Hao walked out of the utility room.After returning to the room, he took out the tiger tendon pills, took out one, and ate it in his mouth, then he started to operate the exercises and adjust the internal energy.Based on his current cultivation base, there are about six Tiger Tendon Pills infused with gold liquid. Only after the effect of the medicine volatilizes can he break through to the seventh layer of bone refinement. But Chu Hao knew that he still needed to practice hard.

Chu Hao knew that there was no room for delay. After exercising the exercises to dissipate the effects of the medicine, he took another pill, sat cross-legged on the bed, and his internal force flowed to every inch of the meridian, dispersing the aura in the pill.

One night, Chu Hao ate five pills like drinking water. If Chen Honghong hadn't reminded him that his body had reached its capacity, maybe he would continue to eat it.

He is becoming too strong now, because the weak will never be able to survive in this cruel world and under this cruel law system.It wasn't until the effect of the five tiger tendon pills disappeared that Chu Hao fell down on the bed and fell into a drowsy sleep.

In the following time, Chu Hao was refining alchemy, serving alchemy, practicing, and then went to see Liu Li's training. In this atmosphere, four days passed in a hurry before he knew it.

Chu Hao finished his training that day, thinking that he would go to Yuzhu Mountain to meet Wu Lang, the palace craftsman tomorrow, so he stopped.His current cultivation base has reached the ninth level of bone refining, and he is not far from the great perfection of bone refining.

This speed can be described as advancing by leaps and bounds.It's not just the merit of the elixir, after all, Shi Zi's previous cultivation base was the fifth layer of skin refining, and now he is only using his strength to catalyze his previous internal strength.

And up to now, counting the first solid pill, he had given Liu Li and others three pills in total.And Liu Li and the others are carrying a load of [-] kilograms. Liu Li is fine, and the others are stronger than those in the army. It is very gratifying to have such a result in just a few days.

It's just that Liu Li and the others dare not relax when they think that they will gain another [-] kilograms tomorrow. They must squeeze out their potential thoroughly, work hard, and not let Shizi down!

Chu Hao also fought several times during the period, the first time was practicing with that Huang Hongjin.Before Huang Hongjin entered the palace, he was just a warrior of the eighth level of bone refinement. In this world, the root bone is not bad.But now, under Chu Hao's training and the effect of Hu Jinwan, his cultivation has reached the ninth level of bone refining!Although he was not as talented as Chu Hao, his boxing skills were extremely sharp.They always thought that Chu Hao was a natural master, so when Chu Hao proposed to cut the poke, Huang Hongjin refused.

Later, Chu Hao could only bluff his face and force Huang Hongjin to compromise.But what he didn't expect was that this trial made Chu Hao feel ashamed, and Huang Hongjin beat him to the ground within a few moves.You know, although he now has the strength of ten horses, which is one horse stronger than Huang Hongjin, but he has too little actual combat experience, so he can't beat Huang Hongjin at all.

On the contrary, Liu Li and the others didn't think much about it, thinking that Chu Hao gave way to Huang Hongjin.Of course, Chu Hao was unwilling to destroy his glorious image, so he simply found other people to try. Among the nine people, Huang Hongjin and Liu Li had the highest cultivation bases. If Chu Hao wanted to maintain his stalwart figure, he naturally had to find soft persimmons. Squeeze, but there are not many decent persimmons among the nine people. After being cleaned up several times, Chu Hao finally became angry and defeated one of them, feeling proud.

At this moment, Chu Hao was standing in the martial arts training ground, watching Liu Li and the others working hard to cultivate, his brows were frowning, and his fists were unconsciously clenched.There are still sixteen days until the Lantern Festival!

Chu Hao still has thirteen tiger tendon pills on his body.These days, he has been refining alchemy, but the consumption is also huge. There are very few pills that can be completely stored every day.

Thinking that Sun Haoran might still be angry with him, Chu Hao stood up and walked out.

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