
Chapter 56 Meeting Wu Lang

After walking out of the palace, Chu Hao just let Xiaosi follow him, and then came to the general's palace.

After arriving in the main hall, after a few minutes, the servants of the General's Mansion went to report, and Sun Haoran came out with a bad face, and waved his servants down.Seeing that he didn't seem to wake up, Chu Hao chuckled, walked over and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "What's the matter, you won't be forced to recite military law by General Sun again, so you won't be able to sleep?"

"Brother Hao..." Sun Haoran said with a sad face, "You attacked too hard that time, I dare not go out for three days with this face!"

Chu Hao smiled sheepishly, and then glared: "We are all men and men, how can this little injury and pain not be treated? I have prepared good medicine for you, and I will call everyone together in two days to go to Cuiyueju to have fun. !

Sun Haoran immediately regained his spirits, changed his drunken look just now, smiled broadly, and nodded again and again: "It really is a good medicine, just wait for Brother Hao's words!"

Chu Hao hugged his shoulders hesitantly, and said: "There is a good thing, how could Xiao Wang forget you, tell Xiao Wang, why do you look like you haven't woken up?"

"Hey, don't mention it." Sun Haoran shook his head and said, "A few days ago at Tao Ranju's bullshit auction, my father went to buy three solid pills, which he said were second-grade human-level pills. You can only rest when you are half dead from training, and you have to get up very early during the day to memorize military law, do you think my life is hard!"

Chu Hao didn't expect that the solid pill he sent for auction was actually bought by Sun Lei.He felt a little funny in his heart, but the Sun Mansion and the Wang Mansion Meng Bujiao, the money belonged to the whole family, so Chu Hao didn't plan to send it back.He nodded his head and said seriously: "General Sun is also doing it for your own good. You don't know what's good and what's wrong. Do you know that the pill costs tens of thousands of taels a piece!"

"Who would believe those rumors? Only my father would believe that! With so much money, I don't know how many villains will be attracted." Sun Haoran rubbed his arm angrily, looking extremely dissatisfied .

Chu Hao asked strangely: "What? You took the solid pill, didn't it work?"

"Yes, the internal strength has increased a little bit compared to before..." Sun Haoran gestured and said with a wry smile: "I am a warrior at the sixth level of bone refinement, how can I break through so quickly, but my father said that I didn't work hard enough, Now I am really suffering." After a pause, he said: "Brother Hao, if you don't come to save my little brother who is in dire straits, I will die of exhaustion."

The solid pill was refined by Chu Hao himself. Logically speaking, it is impossible for it to have no effect. Chu Hao has earned money from the Sun Mansion, so naturally after-sales service must be done.He asked Sun Haoran to stretch out his hand, and in Sun Haoran's bewildered face, he injected a bit of inner strength, and finally found out that something was wrong.

He couldn't laugh or cry and said to Sun Haoran: "Did you eat three solid pills together?"

"Yes." Sun Haoran disagreed, and said, "Brother Hao, how do you know?"

Chu Hao shook his head, secretly thinking that he really didn't hold you to death, and said, "That's right, it's the first time you take pills, how can you eat three pills at once, this is not a fruit, you think you can eat it for fun. In your current situation, it’s good that the medicine’s effects haven’t dissipated, but fortunately you’re lucky, you’re at the sixth level of the bone refinement stage, if it’s below the fifth level, if you take three pills in one bite, you’ll die straight away.”

Only then did Sun Haoran come to his senses, and said, "So serious?"

Chu Hao said: "Otherwise what do you think?"

Sun Haoran turned around suddenly, left Chu Hao behind and ran towards the backyard without looking back: "Brother Hao, you go back by yourself, I won't give it away! When I wipe away all the effects of the medicine, After getting the benefits of my father, come to eat your flower wine!"

Chu Hao couldn't help pointing his middle finger, cursed inwardly, took back the tiger tendon pills he was going to take out, and walked out of the palace slowly.

Walking on the street, Xiaosi saw that Chu Hao was in a good mood, and flattered him, "My lord, where are we going now? Are we going outing?"

"No." Chu Hao shook his head. He doesn't have the heart to go for an outing now. What he wants to know is how the little prince is doing recently.It's just that he has no spies in the palace, and he can't get any news, so it's better to go to the teahouse, listen to the voices in the market, and see what's going on.

Randomly entered a teahouse, Chu Hao asked for a private room, and walked in with Xiao Si.The grade of this teahouse is not high, but the flow of people is very mixed, it happens to be the best place to inquire about the news.Chu Hao sat on the soft couch in the private room, while drinking tea, while mobilizing his internal strength, he listened to the discussions from outside.

Half an hour later, Chu Hao walked out of the teahouse with a smile all over his face, and returned to the palace with Xiaosi who looked dazed.

After meditating in the room for a while, Chu Hao went to the training ground to ask Huang Hongjin to poke him. In the end, he was defeated by one move.

Thinking about going to Yuzhu Mountain tomorrow, Chu Hao felt that it was necessary to make some preparations. He found the black cloak in the room, and said in his mind: "Chen Honghong, I won't make alchemy today. You should prepare more spiritual energy, and in case something happens tomorrow If there is an accident, we can escape." Chen Honghong said lightly: "Aren't you planning everything, why are you still afraid of this and that?"

"Hey. Be prepared, do you understand?" Chu Hao smiled, then his eyes narrowed, and he said, "This Wu Lang asked Tao Ranju to come forward to meet me. If I go to meet him, Tao Ranju will act as the middleman. Maybe he wasn't there, Hu Dong is just an innate manager, so he will definitely not be useful, maybe tomorrow will be the Foundation Establishment cultivator you sensed last time."

"Are you so sure?" Chen Honghong was also taken aback when she heard the words, but she was not sure why Chu Hao was so sure.However, this matter is related to the black crystal ore, which is the material for repairing the Hunyuan Ding, so Chen Honghong will not slack off.

"I don't know how to knock on the scales. How dare you not make a plan." Chu Hao smiled slightly, not saying much, and prepared everything. After dinner, he thought of the fact that Sun Haoran had eaten three solid pills during the day, and disdainful He curled his lips and said, "Hao Ran, that boy, he thought he was a wise and powerful master!" As he spoke, he took out five tiger tendon pills and swallowed them like peanuts.

Blackness engulfed the capital, and night fell at this moment.

The next day.

After Chu Hao got up, he continued to practice for a while, and felt that he was not far away from the Great Perfection of Bone Refining. The pill accumulation tactics and actual combat in the past few days had indeed played a certain role.Chu Hao is quite satisfied with the current speed.

After a while, Xiao Si knocked on the door. After washing his face, Chu Hao went outside the courtyard to check the sky, and then went to the training ground to see Liu Li and others.Unexpectedly, they got up earlier than themselves, and they were already carrying the [-] kilograms on their backs.

Regarding the training of Liu Li's nine people, Chu Hao was quite at ease. These people are all masters of one thing, and once they have done something, they will continue to do it.Up to now, it was impossible for them to stop the input of Tiger Tendon Pills. Even though Chu Hao didn't make alchemy yesterday, he still took out nine pills for them and gave them some instructions before going to eat breakfast.

Now it's Chen time, and it's almost the same time in terms of time.Chu Haocai took the black robe with him and walked out of the palace alone.Leaving the affluent area of ​​the capital, Chu Hao turned into an alley. He wasn't sure if Mr. Liu was following him. After changing his clothes in the alley, he used the bone shrinking skill. After Chen Honghong confirmed it, he left ten minutes later. out.

Outside Shenglong City, there is Yuzhu Mountain. Chu Hao had just traveled to the Second Heaven World when he was hunting in the depths of that mountain forest.It was still early at this moment, but the city gate was still bustling with people. Many merchants and peddlers had already started their day's work. When Chu Hao left the city, he walked in the direction of Youxia Court.

The weather at this moment is autumn, the morning breeze is pleasant, the flowers are everywhere, and occasionally there are a few autumn leaves floating down, walking on the grass, it feels quite comfortable.Chu Hao walked slowly while admiring the scenery on the hillside, and he quickened his pace after a quarter of an hour.

Youxia Court is one of the landscapes of Yuzhu Mountain. Many dignitaries and talents in Shenglong City like to sing poems and show off their coquettishness here. However, since Chu Hao has made an appointment with Wu Lang, he believes that this court craftsman will definitely handle these things well.

From a distance, you can see the Youxia Court, and you can see two figures swaying in the deep court.

Only Chen Honghong said in surprise: "Stinky boy, you are really sure, the monks of the foundation establishment period really came."

Chu Hao smiled and walked over.

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