
Chapter 76 Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle

You know, the first level of leather refining has the power of fifteen horses, and the second level of leather refining has the power of twenty horses, and so on, only after reaching the fourth level of leather refining can one have the power of thirty horses!As for the power of one image in the fifth layer of leather refining, it is even more incredible!

Chu Hao wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, how could he be an idiot to answer the woman in white.He only heard a sneer, then got up again, and then punched straight towards the pretty face of the woman in white.

"Overestimate yourself!" The woman in white recovered from the shock. Although she still couldn't believe that Chu Hao's cultivation had skyrocketed in just one month, her primary goal at the moment was to teach this shameless person a good lesson. Give him a deep memory that will last a lifetime!

I saw the woman in white take a small step sideways, but she no longer used the innate technique, she swung her show fist, bringing along a piece of plain white wide sleeves, planning to confront Chu Hao head-on!

Innate masters all possess the power of elephants, while Chu Hao only has the power of horses, so he is absolutely invincible.Seeing her move, Chu Hao's expression did not change, but he quickly raised his right foot, taking advantage of the gap in the white clothed woman's lower body, and kicked towards her privacy!

"Shameless!!" The white-clothed woman's expression became angrily, and she quickly withdrew her right hand, slashing at Chu Hao's right foot with a knife in her hand.This knife was extremely fast, but it was the woman in white who was angry. If it was true, Chu Hao's leg would definitely be broken!

"What a vicious bitch!" Chu Hao didn't care too much, and cursed loudly, regardless of whether his actions just now were vicious or not, and then resorted to the trick he used when he was fighting against King Jing.

The son's iron head skill!

Among warriors, there were very few who used their heads to attack. Chu Hao never played cards logically, and at this moment he bumped towards the woman in white with his head silently and muffled.

Where has the woman in white seen such shameless and obscene moves? She is a true disciple of the Purple Cloud Sect, and she comes from a noble and noble family.Anyone who talks to her is polite, even those senior brothers who are poking at her with martial arts and profound techniques are still trembling, for fear of hurting her. This is the first time she has seen such an attack from Chu Hao in her life. arrive.

No, to be precise, it should be the second time.

Her eyes were full of murderous intent, but she could only withdraw the knife in her hand, and retreated behind her.Although she was not afraid of Chu Hao's attack, if he touched her again, she would not be able to bear it no matter what!

Chu Hao's face was stern, and the attack from this end failed. He took a few steps back quickly, and there was a distance of about two meters between the two of them in an instant.There is a faint murderous intent in the air, like a wheel carrying a heavy load, which is overwhelmed and may collapse at any time.

That is a crisis!

"I didn't expect you to be promoted to the first layer of leather refining!" The woman in white withdrew her body, and then her long sleeves fell gently to cover her hands, and she said coldly: "Don't you think this is so arrogant that you think you can fight against me?" Me and my teacher?"

Chu Hao laughed out loud. Just now, he was locked in by the woman in white, and his chest was very uncomfortable. Now he burst into laughter, which released the suppressed emotions.

"I not only want to fight against you and your teacher, but also to settle accounts with that little boy!" A frivolous look appeared on Chu Hao's face, and he said coldly: "What about the little boy? If you call them out together, I will kill you together! "

The woman in white didn't react at all to Chu Hao's bold words, her eyes were still cold, as if she was looking at Chu Hao, why did the latter have such confidence.In fact, when Chu Hao dared to let the little prince take the stage today and did not listen to her warning, the woman in white felt that something was wrong.

After all, the strength that she and her senior brother Qin showed together that day is definitely not something the prince can resist, but now, why is he so confident?Is it just to show off the momentary ability, so that you don't care about your life?

Although the son's reputation has become extremely bad in the capital in the past three years, but the woman in white is in a high position, and the things she thinks about are very simple. According to her thinking, she personally went out on behalf of the younger brother Chu Dongliu. The strength of the innate qi training period is displayed, how can this son compromise in order to save his life.After all, they are big factions and masters!

Those who dare to oppose them are either stronger than them, or they are all dead!

However, this Chu Hao is so bold and reckless, not to mention his incomparably weak strength, yet he dares to utter wild words in the face of an enemy who is stronger than him!

"You're courting death!" The woman in white snorted coldly, and then slapped her with a backhand and swung it out!

This time, the woman in white stretched out her hand much faster than before, Chu Hao definitely couldn't dodge it!

"Slap!" Just when the slap was about to hit Chu Hao's left cheek, Chu Hao turned his head swiftly, and the right hand of the woman in white slapped Chu Hao firmly on the back of the head.However, even so, Chu Hao's body was still pulled by this force, he stumbled towards the wall behind him, and fell to the corner of the alley!

In this slap, the woman used at least [-]% to [-]% of her strength. Chu Hao was dizzy for a while, and he recovered after a long while. He spat out a mouthful of blood, and said with a sinister smile, "You still want to slap me?" Dreaming!" After a pause, he tried his best to get up from the ground with his hands on his hands, and said coldly: "I have decided now, I must let you be my wife, and then divorce you! The two slaps before, I remember it all!"

When the woman in white heard Chu Hao's words, she trembled even more with anger. With a flash of cold light, the quiet long sword suddenly appeared in her hand.Chu Hao knew that this girl was a true disciple of Ziyunmen, and she would definitely have something like a storage bag, so it was not surprising, but seeing her slashing at his right hand with a sword, this sword , There is no room for it!

On the other hand, Chu Hao, facing this sword, laughed arrogantly, and then, something slipped out of his cuff in an instant.It was a wooden cylinder with a length of only two inches. The whole body of the cylinder was black and black, and there were countless small holes in the front, which seemed to be a kind of hidden weapon.

Chu Hao moved quickly, and after taking it out, he saw a little bit of nakedness suddenly appearing in front of him!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! !

Following a burst of buzzing, densely packed flying needles burst out from the hole in the cylinder!

"Tips for carving insects!"

The woman in white was a congenital master. When she saw Chu Hao take out a gadget to deal with acquired warriors, a look of disdain flashed in her eyes. The flying needle resisted it.

However, when she looked at Chu Hao's eyes again, she was surprised to find that the eyes of this bastard boy whose arm was about to be taken off by her still couldn't see the slightest trace of fear. , It was a mockery!

How could it be a mockery? !


Although the woman in white was proud, but seeing such an abnormal scene, she couldn't help but concentrate, and her long sword slowed down immediately!Several thoughts flashed through her mind, and finally, in the shortest possible time, she drew the long sword, and then slashed towards the densely packed flying needles!

"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang..."

Swinging the long sword, the flying needles were stopped one by one by the long sword, making a piercing sound.

After the woman in white stopped all the flying needles, she immediately felt extremely relaxed, a little incredible.He wondered if he had made a fuss over a molehill, and looking at Chu Hao, he had already got up at this moment, holding the wooden cylinder, his eyes were full of sarcasm.

The woman was furious, knowing in her heart that she had been tricked by Chu Hao, and was about to attack Chu Hao with her long sword again, but she saw Chu Hao throw the cylinder lightly towards her. .

"This is useless. It's the dowry gift I gave you first. You should keep it safe."

I just saw Chu Hao's many tricks, how could the woman dare to take it at this moment, a qi shield formed in front of her, and with a swing of the woman's long sword, the round wooden cylinder was chopped off in half!

"Damn it, dare to ruin my dowry, look at my rainstorm pear blossom needle!" Chu Hao was covered in blood, but he ignored it. At this time, his body quickly hid to the side. Seeing that the wooden cylinder that had just been cut in half by the woman burst open in the air before it even hit the ground!


With the huge roar produced by this explosion, it seemed that the entire space of the formation was about to be broken through.Immediately afterwards, an unknown number of flying needles flew out from the bursting log cylinder, shining with a gnawing cold aura!

The white-clothed woman's face changed in shock, she never thought that Chu Hao would have such a hand, she was really despicable to the extreme!

With so many flying needles attacking indiscriminately, the woman in white is not a strong person in the foundation building stage after all, she can counterattack with her mind.And Chu Hao's minute hands mixed with the last wave of impact have been carefully refined by him. Due to the large number, even if it is impossible for each of them to be of the first rank of the human rank, the combined damage is, But it is huge!

What's more, Chu Hao still caught him by surprise, the woman in white is very close, and without preparation, the effect of the attack produced by these flying needles can be maximized!


Today's third update, 8000-9000 words, use the red ticket to vent your excitement!

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