
Chapter 77 Life and Death 1 Line!

At this moment, the woman in white couldn't tolerate the slightest hesitation, she scolded coquettishly, and then an astonishing brilliance bloomed on the long sword, as if forming circles of ripples, and the woman in white was muttering words for a moment!

The whole process, starting from the explosion of the log cylinder, took less than a second, and the woman in white completed these steps. I have to say that her adaptability and sensitivity are surprisingly good.

If he hadn't been irritated by Chu Hao's words before, I am afraid that the cylinder that Chu Hao prepared early in the morning would not be useful.As the halo formed by these brilliance slowly spread, the flying needle seemed to be shot into the water, and the effect of the attack was greatly reduced, while the long sword of the woman in white was protecting the surroundings of her body, and her movements were dazzlingly fast. These flying needles fell to the ground one by one.

Chu Hao kept a cold face at the side, and he did not expect that the woman in white was so powerful, and she also had a magic talisman of the water attribute among the five elements on her body.The magic talisman covered her second-grade water-attribute long sword, which greatly increased her strength, making the attacks of these flying needles have no effect at such a close range!

Chu Hao had prepared for the worst in everything, so even though he was surprised that the flying needle did not bring any substantial harm to the woman in white, his left hand did not hesitate at all. , another claw, and attacked the chest of the woman in white.

The direction of this palm attack is really insignificant, it is the right breast of the woman in white!

The woman in white was swinging her sword against the flying needles. Even though the log exploded, it still targeted her after it rolled to the ground. I don't know how this thing was made so that it could hold so many arrows. Flying needle!

But at the moment when she noticed Chu Hao's movements, a look of annoyance appeared in her eyes. She gave a soft drink, and then her body moved lightly, and her white jade legs kicked up, revealing a crystal clear and mellow little girl from under the long skirt. back part.Immediately afterwards, in a difficult posture, she leaned her long sword to the ground, swiped lightly in mid-air, and after dodging a wave of flying needles, she flashed a cold light, and kicked towards Chu Hao's The abdomen kicked over.

Chu Hao's slap failed, and seeing the woman in white, he laughed loudly and said, "I don't have a foot fetish, don't stretch your stinky feet over!"

While provoking the woman, he summoned up his inner strength with both hands to protect his abdomen, trying to block the kick.

It's a pity that although Chu Hao was a tenth-rank human-level craftsman in his previous life, and his spiritual sense was extremely powerful, after all, the two of them are still in a different realm. Even if they know the direction of this kick, it is extremely difficult to stop it!

At this moment, Chu Hao finally understood the difference in physical strength between the first level of skin refining and the innate level of Qi training!This kick was not fancy, but it blocked all Chu Hao's escape routes, so he could only resist!

The power of thirty horses against the power of five elephants!


With a burst of force, Chu Hao was completely kicked out, and his body hit the wall behind him heavily, directly smashing a big hole in the wall, causing dust to fly.

The burning pain in his back and abdomen spread to the nerves, and he couldn't help but let out a roar.

The body was half lying on the ground. At this moment, the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle had completed its mission, and no flying needles flew out again.But the woman is still in white clothes and has no time to suffer any harm!

Chu Hao didn't expect his counterattack to be so failed. He stared at the scarlet eyes, and watched the woman in white walk towards him with a cold expression after she fell to the ground.He coughed, but laughed involuntarily.

The woman in white stood still in front of him, looked down at him from above, and said coldly, "What are you laughing at?"

"What's your name?" At this moment, Chu Hao's face was unusually calm, but the blood was flowing from his lips, which seemed a little scary.

"You know you're going to die, don't you want to be a fool?" The white-clothed woman spoke contemptuously. She was played by Chu Hao just now. With her realm and identity, she was naturally extremely angry at the moment, and said with a sneer: "Or You want to ask my name so that you can find me for revenge in the future?" Her expression became even more disdainful, her beautiful head held high, and she said every word:

"Remember, my name is Lu Ruhua, the one who took your life!"

After finishing speaking, she stared at Chu Hao for a moment, the long sword was chilling, reflected in the entire white formation world, dazzling and dazzling: "I still want to ask you, how did you improve your cultivation? ?”

"Lu Ruhua, it really is a stinky name!" Chu Hao was not afraid, he ignored her question at all, and then laughed: "I just want to know the name of the wife I will divorce in the future, You don't think it's funny when you talk about a lot of things, but I think it's funny when I hear it!"

"You!" Lu Ruhua was anxious, trembling all over, unable to bear Chu Hao's nonsense anymore, then raised the long sword, and stabbed towards Chu Hao viciously!

This sword naturally did not leave any room, but seeing Chu Hao suddenly stretched out his hand in the face of such a fierce sword wind, he snapped his fingers out of thin air, and then he only heard a cold snort!


For a moment, everything was silent.

This sound of "fixation" seemed to have caught some kind of airflow in the air, and then, Lu Ruhua's long sword slowed down, and his body seemed to be frozen, motionless!

Her expression gradually became terrified. Looking at Chu Hao who was close to the sword tip, no matter how hard she tried to circulate her innate energy, she couldn't hand out the sword!And what's even more frightening is that she couldn't even draw back the long sword. It was as if someone had cast a spell on her whole body, limp and without any strength!

That sound of "settling", could it be some kind of profound spell? !

The woman in white was covered with a layer of haze.

Chu Hao's face was gloomy. At this time, he slowly got up from the ground, stretched out two fingers, held the long sword, and then pulled it down, and the long sword left Lu Ruhua and held it tightly. His right hand fell to the ground with a snap.

Chu Hao stepped on the long sword, temporarily ignoring Lu Ruhua's suddenly ugly face, but took out a elixir from his bosom, and put it in his mouth.

This is the second-grade "Bone Healing Pill", which is somewhat useful for healing external injuries, but the healing effect for internal injuries is much worse.It was specially made by Chu Hao in the past ten days.It's just that although this elixir is only the second grade, the materials are more difficult to find. Chu Hao only refined three pills, and now he ate one.

During this period of time, Chu Hao has made complete preparations for today. He has a character of revenge, and he must get back the shame of these two slaps!

After adjusting his breath, Chu Hao stood up, no longer a playful smile on his face, but with a strong murderous intent, looked at the woman's calm eyes, and said coldly: "Do you know why you can't move? "

As he spoke, he squatted down, then picked up the unrecognizable log cylinder from the ground, put both pieces in his hands, then picked up a few flying needles from the ground, and gestured towards the woman , said with a smile: "On these flying needles, I was stained with some special potions by Xiao Wang, such as yellow lotus grass, moon-watching mud, platycodon grandiflorum and common bitter flower tea leaves."

Chu Hao stared at the woman in white, and said lightly: "I have said so much, but with your wisdom, you may not be able to understand it, so I will explain it to you clearly." After a pause, Chu Hao moved the abdomen that was hit , wretchedly pushed in the direction of the woman, then ignored the shame and indignation on the woman's face, and continued:

"These things are mixed together, and an invisible smell will be emitted in the air. This smell is not a highly poisonous smell, but the more angry, the more angry people absorb this smell, as long as it is not congenital Consummation, for a cultivator who has glimpsed some spiritual power and thoughts for the first time, in the latter's body, no matter whether it is innate or acquired energy, it will stop flowing for a period of time, and even make people lose all their strength."

Lu Ruhua's beautiful eyes widened at this moment, and as each of Chu Hao's words fell slowly, her expression that had been frozen all this time finally began to loosen inch by inch.Even, there is a little more panic in the eyes!

Looking back now, Chu Hao had been trying to irritate himself before, and it turned out that it was because of the volatilization of this smell!And that flying needle is just a trick to cover up the eyes!

Although the woman in white would rather believe that Chu Hao was just scaremongering and intimidating herself at the moment.However, all the feelings on her at this moment are real, the kind of truth that makes her regret it!

She never thought that a monk who had always been aloof and congenitally cultivated Qi, would be carried on the body of a waste who was not as good as herself at this moment, and was slapped twice by herself a month ago!

It's too unreal, everything is too unreal!

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