
Chapter 800 Creation of Heaven and Earth, 6 Nascent Souls

In the world of the sixth heaven, generally speaking, it is a complete watershed when one has reached the out-of-body stage and reached this level of cultivation.And monks in this realm will be dubbed the title of Patriarch.The ancestor not only expressed respect, but also explained the other party's cultivation base and experience, just like the ancestor.

The out-of-body stage of the sixth heaven is already at the top of the practice, but if one wants to ascend to the seventh heaven, one still needs to reach the middle of the out-of-body stage.As for the Yachongtian, it is basically the world of the Mahayana period, and the Jiuchongtian has almost become a pseudo-celestial world after Chi Huang's transformation.

Therefore, although the monks of the sixth heaven are the strongest in the out-of-body stage, they are also divided into levels. Only those who reach the middle out-of-body stage can be regarded as the strongest, except for a few hermit monks and monks from the high-level nine-day world No one can shake its position.

And when it reaches the middle stage of leaving the body, Jiutian Pagoda will send monks to ask the opponent to ascend. If you want to hide it, you have to hide it, otherwise Jiutian Pagoda will forcibly send it to the high-level Jiutian if it finds out.

After all, below the Nine Heavens World, the Nine Heavens Tower has absolute authority, saying that he is the "Tao" is the rule.

Wu Zhichi, the Great Elder of Haoyang Palace, is an existence that is infinitely close to the middle stage of leaving his body. It is precisely because of this that no one can shake his position in Haoyang Palace and in a place of wealth, and no one wants to offend this man who is at any time. The guy who may fly to the upper floors for nine days, once the other party retaliates, he will have no worries at all.

Because the sixth heaven is indeed much larger than the third heaven, and the threshold for practice and foundation is also much higher, so there are quite a few ancestors in the out-of-body period, but no matter how many there are, it will not exceed 60 people.

The more than 30 ancestor-level figures gathered here now account for more than half of the peak figures of the sixth heaven!

And it was the news brought by the monks from various sects in the Bodhi Temple that made these ancestors vigilant and worried. At this moment, under the summoning of the ancestors of the Yaozu, the discussion began.

The ones who summoned all the ancestors this time were the three ancestors headed by the Feng clan. The gray-haired elder of the Feng clan was the elder who was second only to the head of the Feng clan.

After learning that Xue Buyu was taken away by a Buddhist cultivator, Buqun old Taoist was shocked and angry, although he also learned the secret of the Feng clan that has been kept secret for a long time, and knew the secrets of the Feng clan and the Peacock clan. He also knew about the relationship between the Peacock Clan and Buddhist practitioners, but he was still furious!

The other party didn't even ask the opinion of his Feng Clan, so he took away the greatest hope of the Clan, and didn't even say hello!What Peacock Ming King, Xue Buyu is just a demon cultivator cultivated by the Feng Clan, without the Feng Clan, without the inheritance of the Feng Clan, he is nothing!He just ran away without saying a word!

But the veteran Taoist was even more angry at Xue Buyu. When he sensed that the Bodhi Temple was opened, that guy actually knew the call of Buddhism and Taoism, but kept hiding it and didn't report it, and even asked to leave!

This made the Taoists extremely furious!

It is conceivable that the Feng Clan invested time and energy in cultivating a genius and successor. Although Xue Buyu did not practice for a long time, the cultivation of him by the Feng Clan is unprecedented.But now that countless resources were wasted to make wedding dresses for others, as the great elder of the Feng clan, he would never accept this cruel result!

Even if there is a fluke in his heart that Xue Buyu may bring the Feng Clan to the upper nine heavens after he becomes King Peacock Ming, but can he afford to wait?Although he is not old in terms of the lifespan of his monster clan, but when Xue Buyu returns with great power, where will he be?Still qualified to follow?

Everyone has selfishness, and the old Taoist Buqun was so angry with Xue Buyu's inhumanity that he ran away with the Buddhist cultivators without even revealing the news.

"Calling everyone over now is not to compare the achievements of different sects." Buqun was full of anger at the moment, seeing two ancestors from different forces still bragging about their sect's achievements to each other triumphantly, He was even more angry, and said: "People who have such thoughts, leave as soon as possible."

Buqun, this old guy has lived for thousands of years. Compared to the long years of the Yaozu, he is still an old monster. In addition, everyone knows that their Fengzu has lost a genius and future patriarch Xue Buyu. Immediately shut up, no one will touch his bad head.

"You are all ancestors of the sixth heaven, you can be said to be people standing in the clouds. This time we jointly entered the Bodhi Cave, but we did not expect to be caught in the conspiracy of Buddhism and Taoism. What do you think about this matter?" His ancestors have already received reports from his monks, so they will cut to the chase at this moment.

"I heard from my disciples that there is more than one sect of Buddhist cultivators. What is the difference between esoteric sects and evil sects?" The person who spoke was the ancestor of the Great Demon Sect. They all gathered together, but the scene didn't look like gunpowder. It was obvious that everyone was shocked by this news and became a little vigilant, "Not a group of fellow Taoists, do you want to ask us what we think of Buddhist cultivators? Or of Potian Island?" view?"

This time, in addition to the competition between the two sects of Buddhist cultivators in the Bodhi Temple, there is also a name that the ancestors have to pay attention to.That is "Broken Island".

This sect is also the power of the Sixth Heaven, and according to the information collected by the monks of the Meteor Sect in the Bodhi Cave, Potian Island is much stronger than imagined, and it is definitely not that small power!

You must know that the monks of the Zongmen who participated in the Nagarjuna Temple Battle had no reservations when facing their ancestors, and when they heard that Chu Hao was able to defeat an ancestor-level Buddhist cultivator who was out of his body at the second level, they were also in their hearts. very surprised.

"Speaking of Buddhist cultivators." Although many people were afraid and guessed where Potian Island came from, but the old Taoists of the Feng Clan did not have such leisure, he said in a deep voice.

The ancestor of Feixuechi laughed, and said: "If it's about cultivating Buddhism, then it's easy to handle. Let's bring the news directly to those guys in Jiutian Pagoda. I think they should solve it."

"Yes." Most of the patriarchs nodded in agreement, saying: "The conspiracies and tricks of Buddhist cultivators are definitely not limited to our sixth heaven, and their strength is astonishing. The monks are all in the late stage of out-of-body, even in front of us, there is no way to deal with it, so tell Jiutian Pagoda and let them worry about it."

These ancestors had a good plan. Although they did lose a lot of people this time, it doesn't mean that they didn't gain anything in Bodhi Cave, and even the loss of monks was not enough to make them gnash their teeth, so they practiced Buddhism. It is undoubtedly the best way to report the situation of the survivors to the Nine Heavens Pagoda.

Besides, with their cultivation base, they are not qualified to fight with Buddhist practitioners.

"The Nine Heavens Pagoda you reported to?" Buqun frowned, and said, "Can't we solve it ourselves?"

"How to solve it?" The ancestor of the Earth Demon Sect said: "Can we go in? Or go to other Buddhist practitioners to fight for our lives? To be honest, we might as well consider the matter of the Potian Island."

"What's there to think about in Potian Island..." Buqun Patriarch couldn't be more angry, he felt that everyone was happy that their Feng clan lost Xue Buyu, and he was even more angry. At this time, Lin Badao and the other three were also angry. flew over.

"Haoyang Palace is here."

All the ancestors looked at Ji Youchang and the monk in the main heart hall, but ignored Lin Badao and asked, "What is your attitude at Haoyang Palace now, are you waiting or what?"

The monks in our sect are almost out now. In fact, if there is nothing else, they can leave the Tianyao Mountain Range and go back to the sect now.However, some ancestors had their own little calculations in their hearts. After the reports from their disciples, they already knew that the biggest gain in Bodhi Cave was Potian Island. Waiting outside, maybe there will be gains.

Of course, the reason why these ancestors gathered together was not simply to discuss Buddhist cultivators for the sake of saving face, Potian Island was their main concern!It's just that they have never heard of the sect of Potian Island, and they don't know what background the other party has, so they didn't express their opinions in a hurry.

Human desires are endless, at this time, the ancestors naturally have to think about their own sect.

Lin Badao snorted softly. Although no one asked him, he still said carelessly: "What are you discussing? We haven't heard it before. Please tell me again."

An ancestor of a second-rate sect recounted the previous conversation, and Lin Badao suddenly laughed: "What is there to discuss, Buddhist cultivators are completely incompatible with us, and their two factions are dog-eat-dog, making Jiutian Pagoda It has nothing to do with us.” Then, he looked at the old Taoist Buqun, and said, “Senior Buqun, you can’t let us old guys come out with you to deal with those Buddhist practitioners Bar?"

No matter the strength, cultivation, age or prestige of Buqun veterans are higher than Lin Badao, there is nothing wrong with calling him senior.Although Lin Badao called seniors in this move, it was inevitable that there would not be a hint of schadenfreude. The Taoists knew that it was hopeless to count on these ancestor-level guys, so they snorted coldly: "It's not speculative!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and said: "Our Feng clan will discuss with the Hui clan first, you can discuss it yourself."

With that said, the three ancestors of the Feng Clan left indignantly. As the initiators, they also walked in an incomparably chic manner.

"It's ridiculous." As soon as the Feng family left, the ancestor of the Great Demon Sect sneered, and said, "You want to use us as spearmen for their Xue Buyu? Not to mention that Buddhist cultivators are everywhere. If we can’t find it, what can we do even if we find it? Can we still enter the Bodhi Cave and leave the sixth heaven?”

"Okay, everyone hasn't dispersed yet, you should all want to go together." Ouyang Long of the Bilan Sect pressed his hands and said: "Everyone is famous, who has heard of the sect of Potian Island? "

Lin Badao was overjoyed, and it was he who said again: "I've heard that a small sect established in the Six Color Lake at the foot of Haoyang Palace was wiped out by our ancestors thousands of years ago."

It was the first time for everyone to hear this news, and their eyes lit up immediately, and they said with interest: "Friend Dao Dao, let's hear it."

"There's nothing to say." Lin Badao was secretly happy. These old fellows finally knew how powerful I am, so they thought to themselves: "That sect can't be any smaller. If there are 200 people, it will break the sky. Zongmen is just a guy whose Nascent Soul stage is less than Yinyang stage, if he hadn’t dared to set up a sect near our Haoyang Palace, the ancestors would not bother to care about them.”

"All in all, that sect has nothing to fear, it's all exaggerated by the disciples."

Although Lin Badao has a rough temper, he is not completely an idiot. He said that, naturally, he wanted everyone to despise Potian Island and drag everyone into trouble.

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