
Chapter 801 Creation of Heaven and Earth, 6 Nascent Souls

Lin Badao already knew from Lin Honglei and Ji Wuhen that Potian Island had a grudge against Haoyang Palace, and that they were responsible for the deaths of Lin Feng and others. It can be said that Haoyang Palace and Potian Island have been resolved There is no revenge.

"Exaggeration?" Bi Lanzong glanced at Lin Badao contemptuously, and said, "Lin Badao, you said that well, could it be that only you Haoyang Palace disciples dare to tell the truth, we are all telling lies ?”

Ji Youchang said: "That's not what he meant, but do you also choose to believe it? Can a Nascent Soul stage be able to deal with an out-of-body stage or a second-level out-of-body stage?"

"How is it impossible?" Zhou Yulong, the ancestor of the Meteor Sect, said lightly: "From the information collected by my disciples, the Nascent Soul Stage is the island owner of Potian Island. Yes, his understanding of the way of heaven and supernatural powers are not something that can be displayed in the Nascent Soul Stage. Besides, there are more than three of them on the Tiandao Island, and there are four half-steps out of their bodies on the surface, but they are only in the Nagarjuna Temple. I don't know why he wasn't by Chu Hao's side."

"We are not afraid. Isn't this being discussed and discussed?"

"Lin Badao, is what you said true? Is Potian Island the sect you established before at the top of Haoyang Palace?"

Lin Badao said dissatisfiedly: "Why, you still doubt that I, Lin Badao, can't be a good person? I always say that one is one, so how can I deceive you? That Potian Island did appear on the Six Colors Lake, and it was indeed taken by our Haoyang The ancestors and predecessors of the palace will be destroyed."

"So Potian Island and your Haoyang Palace have an undying relationship?"

An ancestor thought of this, looked at Lin Badao with a half-smile, and said, "You said that others have nothing to fear from Potian Island. Could it be that you want to drag us into the water and deal with Potian Island together with you?"

Lin Badao's scheme was seen through, and he didn't blush at all. He said, "Those bastards from Potian Island killed my great-grandson Lin Feng, and they are always against my Haoyang Palace. Do you think I, Haoyang Palace, can swallow this?"

"So what if you can't swallow it?" Yang Baidao sneered and said, "You Lin Badao, don't you dare to be able to deal with others' Potian Island?"

"I can't deal with it, there are everyone!" Lin Badao knew he couldn't talk too much, if he said he could deal with it, he would definitely offend others.He ignored Yang Baidao's cynicism, looked at the ancestor of Meteor Sect over there, and said, "Zhou Yulong, fellow Daoist Zhou, tell the truth, you are the most informed about Meteor Sect, and it should be the same in Bodhi Temple. There are so many patriarchs present, what about Potian Island?"

Zhou Yulong laughed and said, "What's there to say? Our Meteor Sect never gossips behind people's backs. If you plan to buy a jade slip of information, I can give you a discount."

"Zhou Daoyou is too real." Ji Youchang sighed, and said: "What Potiandao did in the Bodhi Temple is outrageous, why should everyone pretend that they don't know anything?" He said, first looked at The two patriarchs of the Tianyao Mang Clan smiled and said, "The four great demon clans of the Tianyao Mountain Range, fellow Daoist Ge Geli, it seems that there are no monks from your Mang Clan yet?"

"So what?" In fact, the two patriarchs of the Tianyao Mang Clan didn't get any news. After all, none of their demon cultivators have come out yet. Participating in this discussion was purely to watch the jokes of the Feng clan. After the Feng clan left, he was not in the mood to discuss with everyone at all.

Therefore, after hearing Ji Youchang's words, Ge Geli smiled proudly and said: "Although the demon cultivators we entered this time are not top-notch, if we only want to gain benefits and not conflict, there is no problem. You say yours, wait When my people come out, I won’t chat with you.”

Ji Youchang shook his head, and said: "It seems that you still haven't figured out the situation, Fellow Daoist Ge Geli." Then, he said to the ancestor of the Silver Wolf Monster Clan: "Both of you are demon cultivators, and both of them are from the demon clan. He is a well-known and respectable person, so I am not in a position to say some things, so I ask Fellow Daoist You Xiao to say something."

You Xiao Wang is an ancestor of the Silver Wolf Monster Clan. He has never spoken since the beginning of the discussion meeting. At this moment, Ji Youchang's words made his eyes flash with murderous intent, and he said: "Your surname is Ji, you are courting death!" !"

King You Xiao became famous much earlier than Ji Youchang, he was almost a person who stepped into the second level of his body, this kind of powerful monk and his racial advantages, the aura he erupted was particularly fierce, which made Ji Youchang It's almost too much.

Ji Youchang's words just hit the sore spot of King You Xiao. The demon cultivators entered by their Silver Wolf demon clan are actually no different from the entire army being wiped out. Not only the blood demon who had half-stepped out of his body died, but even the two monks with perfect yin and yang died. There is only one red tooth left.When Chi Ya reported everything to King You Xiao, King You Xiao almost couldn't hold back a palm to understand Chi Ya!

Such a huge lineup of their silver wolf demon clan went in, and they ended up like this, and what made him most angry was that the blood demon died!Unlike Xue Buyu who was taken away by Buddhist cultivators and there was still a glimmer of hope, the blood demons fell completely, which is undoubtedly a huge loss for their silver wolf monster clan!

Half-step out of the body, it won't take long, it will be an out-of-body existence!

And the Gorefiend also has the blood spirit root that is rare in a thousand years!

Ji Youchang smiled, and said, "You Xiao daoist, calm down, I don't mean anything else, I just want you to tell Ge Geli that you all encountered the same situation and enemies when you entered the Bodhi Temple."

An ominous premonition rose in Ge Geli's heart, he glanced at King You Xiao, and said, "What's going on?"

King You Xiao sneered and said, "It's not the Heaven-breaking Island." He didn't want to mention it, but anyway, the Tianyao Mang Clan and the Silver Wolf Monster Clan are the four big monster clans in the Tianyao Mountain Range, so he said via voice transmission: "You guys The Sky Demon Mang Clan is dead, and it is the same person who killed our Silver Wolf Clan Blood Demon."

"Who is it!?" Ge Geli's body trembled.

"Breaking Heaven Island, Chu Hao."

Ge Geli's eyes were red with murderous intent, and he said: "Heavenly bastard, dare to kill my Heavenly Demon Mang Clan."

"No one is left." Lin Badao added: "The whole army was wiped out."

Seeing that Ge Geli was showing signs of madness, the ancestor spoke again, saying: "In the Bodhi Temple, there will definitely be fights for treasures. The Dao is like this, and everyone is also flocking to it. This is a normal situation."

This person is Wu Jizheng, the only patriarch of the Wuji Sect. Although his name is Zhengyi, everyone knows that he is a hypocritical and dignified master. At this moment, he seems to be trying to smooth things over, but it is more like making sarcastic remarks.

It is true that the Promise Sect has not come out yet, and no one has reported the situation to Wu Zhengyi. His idea is the same as that of Ge Geli before. Their sect is not strong, and they must not have entered the Nagarjuna Temple. They should take advantage of it outside.

But Ji Youchang sneered and said, "Fellow Daoist Wu, why didn't your Wuji Sect come out?"

"Our small sect, how can we dare to compare with you, presumably the group of disciples under me should be looking for an exit, but they are not as smart as the disciples of fellow Taoists."

"It's really smart. If you offend people who shouldn't be offended, they're all dead." Lin Badao laughed. He even gave some face to others, but Wuji Sect is not worthy to sit on an equal footing with their Haoyang Palace. Naturally, he has no scruples, "This You should ask Fellow Daoist Ge Geli for advice, it is said that when the conflict between Potian Island and the Tianyao Mang Clan happened, the Wuji Sect happened to be nearby, and by the way, there was also the Fuhu Sect."

Lin Badao's meaning is self-evident, Wu Zhengyi couldn't believe it, he looked at the ancestors of the sect who had been reported by his disciples, and found that the eyes of others looking at him were different, with sarcasm and pity!

He knew in his heart that something had happened, but he still suppressed the shock in his heart and said, "Didn't the Fuhu Sect also come out?"

"Of course they came out, because their disciples formed an alliance with Potian Island in the Bodhi Temple, but your disciples are not so blessed." Lin Badao said, his eyes drifted towards Ge Geli with a vague look.

Although Wu Zhengyi and Ge Geli couldn't see anything on their faces, their eyes already contained anger. They looked at the ancestor of the Fuhu Sect at the same time, and said coldly: "Friend Zhang Hai, don't you Fuhu Sect need to explain? for a while?"

Zhang Hai said calmly: "What is there to explain?"

Yang Bodao and Ouyang Long looked at each other, and they both saw the worry in their eyes. It can be seen that Haoyang Palace has successfully aroused the anger of everyone. Originally, Gu Qingyou, a disciple of their sect, had been talking about Chu Hao Hao's kind words, let him make friends with good intentions, but now it seems that it is not the time to mention this at all.

One Haoyang Palace is fine, but there are so many ancestors present who have developed disgust and prejudice against Potian Island...

Public anger cannot be appeased, if they want to speak at this time, they will undoubtedly break with everyone...

Ouyang Long smiled wryly, and thought, forget it, just wait and see what happens, anyway, Potian Island is said to be the one that has gained the most benefits, and when the time comes, we middlemen will not suffer no matter which side wins, and there may be other opportunities.

There are all old foxes present, so naturally they won't be angered by Lin Badao's words and phrases. Of course, they still have another layer of thoughts in their hearts. Not only is the benefit of breaking Tiandao the most, but also the mysterious origin of this sect. , making them faintly uneasy, such things as general hidden dangers should be eliminated early and reassured...

"I do have a copy of the jade slip here. It is the one sold by the Meteor Sect in the Bodhi Temple. It is the innocent life that was killed by Potian Island before our disciples entered the Nagarjuna Temple." Jane revealed it, threw it to Wu Zhengyi and the others, and said, "Look, if you want to know about the things behind Nagarjuna Temple, you can ask me. There are so many ancestors here, and I won't deceive you."

Ji Youchang said: "On behalf of Haoyang Palace, I will make a statement first, and I will take revenge against Potian Island! If you come out, you will be killed!" Then he looked at the ancestors and said: "Old ancestors who agree, you can fight with us. Form an alliance, after all, Chu Hao of Po Tiandao has gained a vicious reputation, and the rumors cannot be completely believed, but they must also be believed."

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