
Chapter 803 This is a new world!

"Create the world?"

"That's right!" Chen Honghong said: "If you regard the five elements as the attributes of the five elements, then your physical body is the chaotic universe. How did the Primordial Origin form? It was breaking the chaos and opening up the world to form a new space, commonly known as the new world. .”

"Your body can only hold four Nascent Souls, but if you want to condense the Five Elements Nascent Souls and add one Nascent Soul, you have to break the body, open up the world, and load the Nascent Souls!"

"It's like expanding your volume, the energy that your body can store automatically expands, and the layout is drawn by yourself, the water cup will also become larger."

Chen Honghong's statement was too appalling. Chu Hao was shocked and said, "What kind of method is this? Isn't it suicide?"

"Suicide ass." Chen Honghong snorted: "If you don't break it, you can stand it. If you break it, you can stand it. Have you heard of it? If you want to form a six-yuan infant, this is the only way. Oh, by the way, you also have six-color starry sky meteorites. It contains a trace of time or space energy other than the five elements, if it is time energy, you can try to temporarily disappear one of the four Nascent Souls in the dantian, and then form a Nascent Soul and put it in."

"It's as if you took out another cup, poured out a little water, then stuffed some water in, and finally poured out the water and poured it in again." Chen Honghong said: "However, there are dangers in doing this. The body will explode."

Both of the methods Chen Honghong mentioned are dangerous, and the first one is even more outrageous, blasting the body as if it were chaos, and then sketching the world by itself.Chu Hao's face was unpredictable, he couldn't make up his mind.

"You don't have time to think about it." Chen Honghong said: "Alin, tell him how long the Bodhi Temple will be closed."

"Why should I say it?" Alin's dissatisfied voice sounded.

Chen Honghong scolded: "As a little brother, don't you want me to say these words?"

"When did I become a younger brother..." A Lin muttered, perhaps feeling that Chen Honghong was going to get angry, and hurriedly said: "Chu Hao, the Bodhi Temple is extremely unstable now, and it seems to be leaving the space of the Sixth Heaven. Estimate, um, five days."

"Bodhi Cave is going to leave the sixth heaven?" Chu Hao's body shook, "How to leave? Is it someone from the Tantric sect to collect it?"

"I don't know about this." A Lin said: "This Bodhi Temple seems to be a magic weapon. Even if it is not a magic weapon, it exists like a magic weapon. I guess I will leave automatically."

"It's not good if the esoteric sect comes." Chu Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Although Alin didn't say clearly that he would not come, he gave Chu Hao a little luck. He is indeed a little afraid of the esoteric sect now. His strength It's not enough to give people a gap between their teeth.

But the news that came immediately made Chu Hao wake up: "Five days?"

"Yes, it may be less than five days." Chen Honghong said: "Boy, in five days, the second method is to extract the six-color starry sky meteorite. You have never tried it, and you don't know how long it will take to think about it. Basically, you can Exclusion cannot succeed."

"Then you mean that only the first method is left?"

Chen Honghong said: "You don't have much time, except for the first method, it is impossible for you to have so much time to condense the Nascent Soul." Then, Chen Honghong's tone had a taste of gloating, "You have offended so many people , Seeing how eager you are to condense the Nascent Soul, I am afraid that you will come to your door after you leave the Bodhi Temple. If you want to improve your strength, how can you not take risks."

Chu Hao said angrily, "Who are you with? If I die, it won't do you any good."

"Didn't I follow your thoughts?" Chen Honghong said in detail: "You want to cultivate the Nirvana Copper Body, so let the space cracks and space fragments cut your body, you want to condense the Fire Nascent Soul, and sneak into the In the fire source of the fire of karma, he finally stole the essence of the sun from others."

"I've advised you all these things, but you didn't listen."

Chu Hao thought to himself, this guy Chen Honghong is quite vengeful, and now he is starting to criticize, obviously it is revenge.

Just listen to Chen Honghong continue: "Opening up the world, this is an unprecedented feat, once you succeed, don't talk about Emperor Chi, even immortals don't have the physique like your body, it's really amazing, think about it, six The Nascent Soul is condensed and made everyone look up, isn't it a little exciting?"

"Okay, don't talk about it." Chu Hao was aroused by Chen Honghong, and he immediately said proudly: "I will open up the world, whoever is afraid of him!"

After Chu Hao asked Chen Honghong what to do, he ignored the old boy's nagging, and cut off contact with Chen Honghong cleanly.And Chen Honghong kept scolding Chu Hao for being heartless, ungrateful, crossing the river and tearing down the bridge, but Chu Hao couldn't even hear it.

Without Chen Honghong affecting his mood, Chu Hao took a deep breath and made preparations.

This time should be the most difficult challenge he faced. If he failed, he would not even be able to become a ghost.

According to Chen Honghong's prompt, after Chu Hao relaxed his whole body, he shook his whole body in the formation, and strands of his true energy rushed towards his dantian violently.

Soon, Chu Hao's face turned red, gathering all his true energy, and there was a sign that the true energy gathered from all over the meridians could not be contained at all, but Chu Hao still didn't stop!

He just wants to saturate the energy of his dantian, then overload it, and finally explode!

Open up the world, exactly!

Coo coo coo coo - sounds like water flowed from all over Chu Hao's meridians, but these sounds were not pleasant to Chu Hao's ears. He seemed to be swollen at the moment, but his limbs were constantly shrinking , shriveled and soulless.

This situation already means that both the aura and the true energy in Chu Hao's body are almost concentrated at one point!Looking at his dantian at this moment, the lotus pond-like dantian has already been covered by countless "flowing water" true essences, and it can't be more full!

"not enough!"

There was still no feeling of explosion coming from his body. Chu Hao clenched his teeth and held on tightly. The veins on his forehead were swollen. Not only his forehead, but his whole body was covered with terrible veins. Although the eyes are tightly closed, you can still see the red circle around the eye sockets, which looks terrible.

At this moment, Chu Hao had already suffocated all his strength to explode his dantian. If other people knew what he was thinking, they would definitely say that he was crazy and wanted to kill himself.After all, the dantian is the whole of a monk, once it bursts, he will become a cripple!

But Chu Hao knew that he had to do this, otherwise the six Nascent Souls were just delusions!

Chu Hao's nose became heavier, and he gasped fiercely. He already felt his dantian start to heat up, and those "clear springs and flowing water"-like true essence had already surged up, like boiling water, exuding astonishing heat!

"Come on, come on!"

Chu Hao could feel the feeling of being stuffed up in his body, his whole body was like a balloon!

"If you don't break, you can't stand, open up the world, let me be the No.1!"

"This is the new world I want!"

A gleam flashed in Chu Hao's eyes!


A muffled sound exploded in Chu Hao's body!

Dantian, broken!

The four Nascent Souls were blown to pieces and flew everywhere!

Losing the true energy that was entrusted to him, he vented it out in a frenzy!


The sixth volume is finished, can I ask for a red ticket? ?Two updates today.

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