
Chapter 804 Final success!

In the silent space, only heavy breaths sounded slowly one after another.

Immediately, a sound of clear spring pouring slowly came, and in the quiet space, the ding dong ding dong was extremely crisp.Chu Hao seemed to be dead, sitting cross-legged in the formation, lifeless.

If he wasn't still breathing, he would really be like a dead person now.

At this moment, with the clear sound of water, Chu Hao's chest began to rise and fall regularly. At first it was one after another, very slowly, but then it speeded up. Not only that, but also the stomach area It began to swell, like a frog's breath.

Destroying his own dantian and re-opening the world made Chu Hao suffer a lot.

Chu Hao has remained motionless in this posture for more than three days, nearly four days.His body was moving autonomously, whether it was the swelling or swelling of his limbs and organs, he didn't do it deliberately, but was moving autonomously.

Now Chu Hao can clearly have his own consciousness, but this consciousness cannot control his body.In layman's terms, he feels like a vegetable now, maybe a little better than a vegetable.

It has been three days since the dantian exploded.

And during these three days, Chu Hao has been doing one thing all the time - that is to absorb all the spirit energy of the spirit stones into his body for transformation.After the dantian explodes, it needs to be reshaped, and the most important thing to reshape is to need enough aura. According to Chen Honghong's method, Chu Hao has a top-quality spirit stone. It is precisely because of this top-quality spirit stone, plus Shang Chuhao's own cultivation base is only in the Nascent Soul stage and has not been finalized, so there is only a slight chance of success.

The spirit stones that maintain the formation around and the top-grade spirit stones and middle-grade spirit stones placed beside them, etc., countless spirit energy was drawn out from the spirit stones.Finally, when he couldn't even maintain the top-grade spirit stones, Chu Hao also used the top-grade spirit stones he had prepared!

This top-grade spirit stone is as big as a huge boulder. To be honest, this is the first time that Chu Hao has seen a top-grade spirit stone. If he hadn't just discovered it in the Bodhi Temple, he might not have the chance to see it even in Jiuchongtian.

The top-grade spirit stones are too rare and precious, the entire Nine Heavens World is rare, and the value of a top-grade spirit stone is too high to estimate.However, since it was picked up by chance, Chu Hao certainly wouldn't be distressed. Now that the spiritual energy of the top-grade spirit stones is pouring into Chu Hao's body from the Tianmen Gate, it seems that Chu Hao is bathed in the purest water source, and Chu Hao's whole body begins to relax.

I have to say that top-grade spirit stones are better than top-grade spirit stones in all aspects. Not only is the spirit energy of top-grade spirit stones not as pure as top-grade spirit stones, but the quality of spirit energy is also much higher. If it is converted, the top-grade spirit stones can definitely reach the top few of the top-grade blessed land!

Moreover, the abundance of its aura is thousands of times that of top-grade spirit stones. In the high-level Jiutian, even [-] top-grade spirit stones may not be able to exchange for a top-grade spirit stone.There is a price but no market, and there is no exchange for spirit stones, which shows the rarity.

Of course, Chu Hao didn't know about this. He only knew that according to Chen Honghong's statement, this top-quality spirit stone was the key to reshaping his dantian and expanding its volume.Without enough spiritual support, the dantian cannot be reshaped.

With the infusion of spiritual energy from the top-grade spirit stone, Chu Hao's body began to be stitched together at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if the place that had been blown into ruins began to be rebuilt, and buildings rose from the ground...

The best spiritual energy is indeed the best spiritual energy. Under the nourishment of this kind of spiritual energy, Chu Hao's dantian has shown signs of healing in three days, and Chu Hao's spiritual wisdom can gradually control his own dantian.

Through internal vision, Chu Hao can clearly see that the original dantian is completely dark at the moment, and the spiritual energy seems to be like a stream of water, and it is floating around in the sky, while Chu Hao's four Nascent Souls are like Like a gecko, quietly huddled in four different corners.

The positions of the four Nascent Souls did not conflict with the air currents of the aura, and the aura could not touch them at all.

These four guys will find a place.Chu Hao thought in his heart, now he can't see the lotus pond at his dantian for half a day. Under the swarm of spiritual energy, although Chu Hao doesn't look like there is any change on the outside, he can clearly feel that the volume is real. It's getting bigger!

The luster of the top-quality spirit stone also began to dim as the spiritual energy gradually passed, and the transmission speed of the spiritual energy also showed signs of slowing down.If anyone else knew that Chu Hao used up the best spirit stones in less than half an hour, they would definitely beat their chests and feet. This is simply too violent!

Chu Hao doesn't know the value of the top-quality spirit stones, but even if he knows, he will do so. When almost all the spirit stones in Chu Hao's body, including the spirit energy of the top-quality spirit stones, are about to be evacuated, the spirit energy in his body has gradually been blocked. full.

At this time, he knew that the volume had basically been determined, and after a little feeling, the entire dantian was more than three times larger than before!This is only because of his Nascent Soul stage, if he improves his cultivation, the effect will be more significant and obvious!

Chu Hao is good at deduction of exercises, which is naturally inseparable from his constitution of Tianlinggen. At this moment, according to the law of the flow of spiritual energy, Chu Hao began to deduce it again.He first gathered all the spiritual energy and airflow together, and after using more than a dozen methods to transform it, he slowly merged all the spiritual energy into one piece, which looked like a transparent water polo.

If Chu Haoxin's dantian is compared to a piece of land, the land looks extremely desolate now. Chu Hao raised his brows again on his flushed face, and burst the water polo!

After the blisters burst, the whole space suddenly became brighter, and with the infusion of running water, it poured down like heavy rain and sprinkled on the land of Chu Hao's dantian!

And at this moment, Chu Hao's body could already move!His body did not continue to swell, but had gradually returned to its original proportions before, and his shriveled hands were also full, and it seemed that he had regained the agility of a living person.

The second step is the most critical step!

When the aura in the top-grade spirit stone was completely absorbed by Chu Hao, the infusion of aura had lost its main effect on Chu Hao, and now that the volume had expanded, what Chu Hao needed to do was to outline and fill it!

The so-called opening of the sky has been completed at this stage, and the next thing to do is to open up the earth!

Chu Hao took out all the bodhi stones at once. These stones, which contain the energy of the starry sky, shone with multicolored brilliance in the formation, and each of them made Chu Hao feel extremely comfortable. The energy released will bring This space is lit up again, and there is already a sense of vitality in the soil.

Chu Hao began to frantically absorb the energy in the bodhi stone, but it was far from enough!

Six-color bodhi stone!

Chu Hao took out the four six-color bodhi stones again, no matter what other energies they contain, as long as the five elements can be filled and let him outline his dantian, it will be fine!

This time when the dantian was exploded, Chu Hao was safe and sound, but when he outlined the dantian, he ran into trouble.

The four Nascent Souls clashed again, and the energy flowing into the starry sky seemed to be blocked by a plug, and they couldn't get in from the outside.Chu Hao's heart suddenly became angry, and Lao Tzu's dantian also expanded, which can completely accommodate the new energy into the condensed Nascent Soul, and you still have to pretend to be strange.

Thinking about it, Chu Hao completely ignored the resistance of the four Nascent Souls, and poured energy into it again!

In fact, Chu Hao owns a cloud world. As the owner of the cloud world, Chu Hao still knows the five elements branch quite well. After the energy finally entered his body, Chu Hao began to transform into five elements.This time, the bodhi stone did not require Chu Hao to extract the excess energy of the five elements. He seemed to have formed a space, and the attributes of the five elements were indispensable.

The dantian originally reshaped by Chu Hao seemed to be a new soil. At this moment, every little bit of five-element energy poured into this soil would pierce his heart like a needle, causing him convulsions and severe pain.

Chu Hao endured the severe pain, endured it bit by bit, and then continued to inject new energy of the starry sky and five elements.

He knew that it must be the ghost of the four Nascent Souls, which prevented him from absorbing it steadily, but how could Chu Hao give up so easily? The moment he blew himself up in his dantian, he had already walked a circle at the gate of hell. Now, to reshape his dantian, he certainly can't give up and compromise.

Chu Hao's new dantian now needs too many attributes of the five elements, and soon the five-color bodhi stones have been consumed. Of course, Chu Hao also wasted a few when he condensed the water Yuanying.The six-color bodhi stones filled it up. Although there was a trace of extra energy that Chu Hao didn't understand, with these purer and new five-star space energy, Chu Hao's dantian space suddenly filled up.

Water Element, Metallicity!

Chu Hao separated those attributes, like kneading with mud, and began to pour energy into it crazily, forming a Nascent Soul!This way of forming a Nascent Soul is simply appalling. If Chu Hao hadn't learned about it from Chen Honghong, and he was doing it now, he would have thought it was a fantasy and impossible!

Let's do it!

Chu Hao roared in his heart, seeing the four original Nascent Souls gathered around the two newly formed Nascent Souls, his heart was full of longing and excitement.

It has been another four days of waiting outside the Bodhi Temple. At this moment, all the ancestors have felt that the spiritual power fluctuations from the Bodhi Temple have faded.

Lin Badao stared at the Bodhi Temple, and said calmly: "It seems that the Bodhi Temple is about to disappear."

King You Xiao looked at the sky and sighed softly, "The high-level Nine Heavens World, what kind of world is that?"

Wu Zhengyi of Wuji Sect smiled and said: "There is no difference. You were all born and raised in the sixth heaven. I flew up from the fourth heaven. I thought I was going to the fifth heaven, but I didn't expect to come to the sixth heaven. Actually Except for the larger area, the average cultivation base is almost the same, it is a world where people eat people."

Lin Badao laughed, and said, "That's right, it's a world where people cannibalize people!" His eyes flashed fiercely, and he looked towards the Bodhi Temple, with a cruel arc on his mouth, and said, "The people we want to eat, It's probably coming out soon!"

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