
Chapter 82

Early the next morning, Shizi's team left the county seat and continued on their way.

Since there were not many people accompanying him, there were only two carriages, and the speed of the horses was also very fast.In this way, after passing through three large and small cities, after six consecutive days, the border of Jiangjin Province is getting closer and closer.

Not long after I came here this morning, the weather was not good, and it rained every day from this day on. The government soldiers all wore coir raincoats and bamboo hats to brave the rain. Chu Hao got into the carriage after getting off the big black horse, and looked out the window. Rain scene, this rain scene looked fresh at first, but after three days, everyone got tired of it.

But fortunately, there was the beautiful and beautiful Lin Yue'er by his side, otherwise Chu Hao would have been suffocated to death long ago.

The internal force movement technique he is practicing now is not the second-rate technique that Shizi used to, but a special method, which is only used for breath adjustment and circulation of the heavens.After all, he still has restraints in his body, and he doesn't plan to learn inner strength and mental methods.And as long as he reached the innate breakthrough restriction, not to mention Chen Honghong, even he would have a lot of things in his head.

Therefore, apart from eating pills and meditating, there is no progress in real cultivation.

At the moment, there were not many pills left, only about forty pills, and after being distributed to Liu Li and others, he still had thirty pills in his hand. In his eyes, the whole journey was both too long and too fast.

Not long after noon, the captain of the guard outside announced: "My lord, there is a tea shed in front, where you can rest and shelter from the rain."

Chu Hao nodded when he heard the words, and asked the motorcade to stop by the tea shed.Although he hadn't talked to these soldiers these days, he knew the name of the captain of the guard, Li Meng.

The entire tea shed looked relatively large, and there was still some room left to accommodate the thirty-odd people.I don't know what the owner of the shop thought about building such a large tea shed on this remote official road.

After getting out of the carriage, Chu Hao held Lin Yue'er's hand, not paying attention to everyone's gaze, and then sat on the stool.Liu Li and the others stood aside faithfully.Like bandits, Liu Li and Li Meng took off their coir raincoats and surrounded the tea sheds.

It's autumn, it's been raining for three days, the wind is blowing and it's already a bit cool, Chu Hao knows that Lin Yue'er is no better than himself, her body is weak, like a willow, it's not good to be cold, so when he came out , put her in a blanket.And that girl Xiaodie also got out of the carriage and stood beside Lin Yueer, refusing to sit down.

It was the first time that Chu Hao held her hand in public. Lin Yue'er blushed a little, and she couldn't pull it out at all, so she could only let this hateful villain play tricks.

There are more than ten tables in the tea shed, only one boy and an old man are setting them up.Seeing Chu Hao and his group, the old man in sackcloth with venomous eyes naturally knew the identity of the visitor was extraordinary, so he greeted them warmly.Chu Hao didn't drink tea, but took a sip of plain water.He is used to drinking tea made by Lin Yue'er, so how can he appreciate these crude tea leaves and tea art.

But the servant in the tea shed was not very old, fifteen or sixteen years old, secretly looking at the glamorous Lin Yue'er, Chu Hao gave him a hard look, and was too frightened to look any further.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yue'er patted Chu Hao, but her eyes were bent like crescent moons.

The raindrops fell on the canopy with crackling, which seemed to be full of autumn.

Not long after sitting down, four people came in the rain.These four youths were all dressed in purple, with long hair tied up at the top, but at the moment they were all wet from the rain, and two of them were still cursing.

Chu Hao glanced casually, then his eyes suddenly opened.

Storage bag, one of them had a storage bag pinned to his waist.

These four young men are quite arrogant, especially the young man holding the storage bag, who seems to be the most senior of the four, with an even more arrogance on his face, and he The rain and dew on the body are the least.

For Chu Hao and his group, the four of them just glanced around from the moment they entered the tea shed, without any change in their expressions.And only when his eyes passed over Lin Yue'er, did they all light up.

"Four warriors who are close to innate..." Chu Hao was determined in his heart, and his consciousness spread towards that side without a trace, and found that none of them were monks at the innate stage, and almost all of them were warriors at the seventh or eighth level of acquired skin. There is that son of the storage bag, who is the day after tomorrow Dzogchen, almost stepping into the innate.However, for an acquired cultivator to own such a storage bag, his status is definitely not simple.No, it should be said that it is definitely not easy for these people to have such strength at such a young age.

"Sorry, we have reserved this place." The four of them were about to find a table to sit down, but they were stopped by a figure.Standing in front of the four of them, Li Meng said calmly, "Please find another place to shelter from the rain."

Li Meng is only a warrior of the fifth level of leather refining, two levels worse than the weakest of the four, but at the moment he stands tall, standing in front of the four without fear, with a deadpan expression on his face. Said loudly.

Sure enough, you are worthy of your fierce name!

The storage bag boy smiled contemptuously, his expression was a little haughty, and he didn't intend to speak.But a young man in purple beside him stood up and said with a sneer, "We haven't said to drive you out yet, but you didn't know how to look for Huitou first."

As soon as these words came out, the other nineteen government soldiers immediately stood up with unkind expressions.

Li Meng's face darkened, and he said: "The people in this tea shed are not something you can offend. If you leave now, I don't have to pursue what happened just now!"

Li Meng was originally one of the captains of the palace soldiers in the palace. Although the soldiers in the palace have no official rank, but they follow Prince Weiyuan's guards, which one is not a guy with high-level eyes and strong bones?Their loyalty to the prince naturally does not allow anyone to speak ill of the prince's son.

Moreover, as the son of Prince Weiyuan, it is no problem to rent a mere tea shed. As the son of the prince, how can he sit with these people of unknown origin.

The young man in purple robe was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said, "Senior brother, he said they don't need to pursue it."

As soon as these words came out, the other two young men in purple immediately laughed wantonly as if they had heard some big joke.And the storage bag boy raised his head even more, with a look of disdain, as if Li Meng was not worthy of him to speak at all.

After the young man beside him laughed, he squinted and said: "You mortals should be the guards of some officials of the Yuntian Empire. However, mortals dare to talk to us like this, it is really reckless!"

He sneered and said: "At first we just wanted to shelter from the rain here and drive you out, but now it seems that you have to kowtow to my third senior brother to confess your guilt, so that this matter can be resolved!" Said, the young man of Zishan paused , pointed at Chu Hao in the tea shed, and said, "Let him come out and confess to my third senior brother."

Although the prince is away, although the identities cannot be revealed, the arrogance of these four young people has really exceeded the bottom line of Li Meng and the others. There is a sound of drawing swords, and even Liu Li and the others are shaking their joints. His eyes were red, and he walked over here with a gloomy face.

Although the sound of the rain was loud, it couldn't cover the cold sound of swords being drawn in unison.

The four young men in purple robes didn't even blink their eyelids. Facing this group of soldiers with genuine murderous aura, they still showed a sneer and disdainful expression.

And Chu Hao's expression was also cold at the moment.He thought it would be better to do less than to do more, and it would be no harm to let these people in to shelter from the rain.Of course, this is still because his own cultivation is not enough.If Chu Hao himself had reached the innate stage, then these four people would have been kicked away by him one by one.

However, the development of the situation at this moment has exceeded his expectations. These few pretentious guys, the little kids who didn't even have the innate qi training period, actually looked aloof and called themselves and others as mortals!Not only that, but you have to make amends to them yourself!

Sun, why are the people in this world so crazy!

Chu Hao's favorite feeling in his life is to step on this kind of guy who is even more arrogant than himself!

If a tiger is not in heat, you are impotent!

I was worried that I didn't have a storage bag, so a few people who took advantage of me sent it to me!

After pinching Lin Yue'er's little cold hand, Chu Hao smiled at her, signaling not to panic.

Then, he stood up slowly, clapped his hands, and said: "Everyone has something to say, why bother to use swords and swords? It's raining so hard now. If the weapons get wet and rust, no one will pay for it." Here it is, right?" After a pause, he said with a friendly smile to the four bullies over there: "If there is anything wrong, we have to explain it to the truth, and only when we explain the truth can anyone be convinced... There is a saying Isn’t that what you say, you can walk all over the world with reason, but it’s hard to walk without reason. As for me, although my cultivation level is not as good as those of them, I am the most reasonable person. They want me to kowtow and admit my mistakes, as long as I speak out the truth, I'm sure I'll do it."

Although Chu Hao's words were sincere, they were full of yin and yang. After these words were spoken, the tense atmosphere became even weirder.


Lin Yue'er couldn't help it first, covered her mouth and laughed out loud.Although she was used to Chu Hao's unreasonable character, she still couldn't bear Chu Hao's words in this tense atmosphere.

Her smile was incomparably gorgeous, with the tranquility of a young girl mixed with a few traces of natural charm. The blue-brown flower-bottomed sheep blanket on her body was lazily covered on her delicate body, making her look even more charming.

The group of four who had been wronged looked through the layers of sword light, and their eyes were full of surprise.And the young man with the storage bag showed even more greed.The yew young man next to him hurriedly said: "Senior brother, this woman's appearance can be compared with that of Senior Sister Lu." Then he whispered: "Senior brother, don't you still need a maid? This girl looks like a virgin. Brother, after returning to the mountain this time, he has achieved innateness, and he is about to be able to adjust yin and yang."

The storage bag boy's eyes lit up and he nodded.Although his eyes had regained their clarity, his gaze was still on Lin Yue'er.But among these four people, none of them looked at Chu Hao directly, and ignored what he said just now.

This made Chu Hao even more upset.

Damn, this kid is so arrogant, I've raised my liking for you to another level.

He decided in his heart that these four people must belong to a certain sect of cultivation, but he didn't know if they belonged to Ziyun sect, so it was inconvenient for Chu Hao to do it right now.Li Meng, Liu Li and others heard the words of the prince, and Li Meng held the long sword in his hand, exuding a strong killing intent: "Young master, these people should speak rudely to you, please rest assured, I will leave this matter to my subordinates." !"

And Liu Li was even more straightforward, saying: "Young master, let my brothers and I take them down and kowtow to you to apologize."

These four people are all seven or eight levels of bone refining, and the young man with the storage bag is the acquired Dzogchen. With the eyesight of Li Meng and Liu Li, it is naturally impossible not to see it.It's just that Li Meng is dedicated to his duty, while Liu Li believes in the strength of himself and others, and even more in Chu Hao's "innate" cultivation.

"A group of mortals really think that they are noble and lawless!" The young man with the storage bag finally spoke, but his voice was feminine and arrogant. It looks very handsome.

But the taste of speaking is extremely unpleasant.

He smiled coldly, then nodded Chu Hao contemptuously with his fingers, and said, "I am very dissatisfied with what you said just now. If you don't want to die, besides kowtowing to me to apologize, you have to hand over that woman now."

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