
Chapter 83

These four young men in purple robes are all members of a cultivation family with the surname Li in the Yuntian Empire.

There are quite a few cultivation families on the Sky Continent. They are more or less attached to some monastic sects, but they cannot enter the ranks of real monastic sects.

But this kind of power is not strong, but it is not weak when it is said to be weak. Even in the Yuntian Empire, there are no less than ten such aristocratic families.Their patriarchs or those at the helm are all connected with the Daoist sect, either as disciples or nominal elders.

This kind of family can be said to be closely related to the monastic sect.Any subordinate of a great faction has such a family of monks. These families are not only the source of their spiritual stones, but also a resource bank for the great faction to transmit disciples.

So, a family of cultivation is not scary, what is scary is the sect behind them.

And the Li family happened to be such an existence. In the Yuntian Empire, they were attached to Ziyunmen.

The Zipao son who owns the storage bag is Li Jie, the second son of the Li family. He was just [-] years old and had reached the postnatal Dzogchen. He was favored by the Ziyun Sect and entered the periphery of the Ziyun Sect to become a disciple.This time they went down the mountain to perform a mission, a mission to obtain the qualifications of true disciples.These few, of course, are the only ones who follow the lead.

Due to Li Jie's outstanding talent, he also has the rare spiritual root of the five elements, the thunder spirit root. As long as he breaks through the innate and cultivates the lightning attribute kung fu, it is only a matter of time before he wins the championship and establishes the foundation.Therefore, he also has status in Ziyunmen.

They are full of arrogance and domineering, which is not without reason. After all, they can achieve such an achievement at a young age, and they have entered Ziyunmen, one of the three sects of Taoism!

And Li Jie was the best among the disciples of the Ziyun Sect. Even the emperor of the Yuntian Empire, if he wasn't the apprentice of the prince Chu Dongliu Naiyun, he would not have paid much attention to him.

A bunch of mortals, let alone.

But as soon as these words were spoken, not only Liu Li and the others were furious, but even Chu Hao's face collapsed in an instant.The arrogance and arrogance of these people, originally Chu Hao could bear it and play with them slowly, but now, he couldn't bear it any longer.

Because the fire burned Lin Yueer's body!

If he could still have a playful smile at this time, then he would not be Chu Hao, but a good man Chu.

"Presumptuous!" Huang Hongjin yelled out first this time. In their hearts, Chu Hao's image is so tall, and Lin Yueer is Chu Hao's woman. How could they bear this tone!

Liu Li, Huang Hongjin and others have followed Chu Hao for the longest time, and needless to say their loyalty to him. Even the little four over there blushed, with the blue hat in his hand, showing an abnormal expression of anger .

But at the moment the atmosphere was terribly cold, the boy and the old man in the tea shed trembled all over and dared not say a word.

Chu Hao waved his hand, and walked slowly towards the edge of the tea shed, with one foot on the stool, and everyone could see that the trace of coldness in his eyes seemed to be an invisible The sharp sword light is painful to scratch.

Li Jie was not afraid, and looked at Chu Hao coldly.

Chu Hao patted the table with his palms, and then slowly said: "If I kowtow to you to admit my mistake, and then give you my woman, you won't kill me?"

"That's right!" Li Jie was a little dissatisfied with Chu Hao's frivolous appearance, but when he heard his words, he smiled coldly and said, "It seems that you still don't know your position. I don't care what your identity is , even if you are the nobleman of Yuntian, I, Li Jie, can still kill you quickly!"

"So your name is Li Jie." Chu Hao smiled contemptuously, "I'm sorry, I don't understand, it's really a bad name."

An angry look flashed across Li Jie's face, and then, the young man in purple robe next to him who seemed to be a follower yelled again, "Presumptuous, you mortal, how dare you talk to my third senior brother like that, do you know who he is?"

This person has a mortal on the left and a mortal on the right. Damn, he really thought he was a monk in the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Your dog just ate shit, right? Your mouth really stinks." Chu Haoli ignored Xiaoxiao, spoke slowly, and lightly tapped Li Jie with his hand, provocatively said: "I don't care if you are If you keep a dog, you still come out to walk the dog. If you kowtow to Lao Tzu now and admit your mistake, and then kill the dog, I will let you live."

Chu Hao sent back Li Jie's words just now, and sent them back very simply, his tone and demeanor were even better than Li Jie's just now.

Liu Li and the others took the lead in laughing, and Huang Hongjin even raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly with a smile: "Kneel down quickly, our son has the virtue of being good at life, and we can let you live!"

Li Jie's face was livid, obviously pissed off by Chu Hao's words.And the three yew youths beside him also had cold expressions on their faces.They are all disciples of the great sect, whether they are in the family or in the sect, they are all outstanding. When have they been so underestimated by a mortal!

"You are courting death!"

Chu Hao was very surprised, why every self-righteous guy had to say this before getting angry, so did Lu Ruhua, Xiaobailian, and even Li Jie.

Seeing that Li Jie was about to make a move, Chu Hao smiled coldly, put his legs down, and said, "What, do you want to make a move?" Li Jie put his hand on the side of the storage bag, raised his head, and looked arrogantly , Can't tell the arrogance, "So what? Are you afraid?"

Chu Hao laughed loudly, and said: "Look at you four skinny, if you want to fight, you are not my opponent. I don't bully you because you are small. How about this? Send a representative to let my subordinates fight with you. He's been tricked."

Speaking of this naked provocation, even Li Meng was taken aback.He looked at Shizi, not understanding what he meant by this.They are all warriors, and the soldiers of the palace can also tell that the strength of these four people is at the seventh or eighth level of skin refining. Get down.And if it's one-on-one, the tallest Li Meng on my side is only at the fifth-level leather refining stage, who is still their opponent?

Although the son is only a warrior of the second level of bone refinement, he has once been brilliant, so he doesn't even have this vision?

Isn't this an obvious sign of weakness? !

Li Meng slandered endlessly in his heart, but it was inconvenient to express it, after all, the son was the master, and he was just a subordinate.

And what Chu Hao said made Li Jie and the others laugh wildly. The young man in purple robe who was scolded by Chu Hao as a dog stood up with a hideous smile, and said with a sneer, "You said this! If you lose Now, I will immediately kowtow to my third senior brother to admit my mistake, and then hand over that woman!"

Hearing this, Lin Yue'er unconsciously grasped the hem of her skirt, her beautiful eyes were like Wang Qiushui with faint water lines, and she looked at Chu Hao over there from a distance.

"Fuck your mother!" Chu Hao slapped the table, showing his true colors, and sneered, "When did I agree to your condition? I just want to give you face and let my subordinates do tricks for you to satisfy your eagerness to be abused , You really know how to put gold on your face! Also, I am talking to your master, why do you get in the mouth! Do you have a share in talking?"

"You...you mortal..." The purple-robed young man's face changed instantly, his color was like a pig's liver, he pointed his right hand at Chu Hao, and was so angry that he couldn't even finish his sentence.

Chu Hao smiled disdainfully, and said, "Don't point your fingers at me, I am very dissatisfied with your appearance!"

It was what Li Jie said before, which was sent back intact by Chu Hao.

"Stinky boy, I have to kill you today!" The purple-robed youth was furious, his actions made Liu Li and the others feel tense, and they all stood in front of Chu Hao.However, before the purple-robed youth had time to attack, he was stopped by Li Jie with a gloomy face. Li Jie looked at Chu Hao sternly and said, "Since you want to fight, then you can. It's just that , I think you have lost, and you have no face to stay here any longer, and as for that woman, she will no longer follow such trash as you."

Chu Hao blew a kiss to Lin Yue'er so badass that Lin Yue'er turned her head and pretended not to know him.

Then, Chu Hao triumphantly hummed to Li Jie: "None of your business!"

The purple-robed youth said: "Third Senior Brother, how could you let them go like this."

"They are just a group of mortals. Although they are nothing, we are bullying a group of mortals. If this spreads to the master's school, the impact will not be good. Maybe this time I will be disqualified from becoming a true disciple. I thought about it just now. Now, after a while you won them, cut off the tongue of that stinking brat, and then snatched that woman over, forget about it."

The purple-robed youth nodded before calming down, and said, "Senior brother third is right."

Li Jie's voice was not too loud, although it seemed to be explaining to the young man in purple robe, but it happened to penetrate into the ears of everyone present, very clearly.


Another update of more than [-] words. During the recommendation period, the red tickets and collections really can't stop, please.

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