
Chapter 829 Rearrangement of the Six Heavens

So many things happened in Chu Hao's consciousness space just now, but in fact, it took less than three breaths outside.At this moment in the outside field, Wu Zhichi still kept a sneer, and the other ancestors also looked at Chu Hao.

The function and ability of Yimu Qingxiancao are known to all the ancestors present, even if they have not seen it, they have seen it in classics or heard of it from their predecessors.At this moment, Chu Hao was quietly staying where he was. Yimu Qingxiancao had obviously invaded his spiritual consciousness space, but he didn't know if Chu Hao could persist.

The attack of the algae in the starry sky is divine consciousness, but no matter how huge Chu Hao's divine consciousness is, it cannot avoid the invasion, and Chu Hao's combat strength is already so strong, the realm of divine consciousness should not be high, otherwise it would be too much Against the sky.

Wu Zhichi's body trembled. Sensitive, he seemed to have noticed something, as if something was missing in his body, but he checked his whole body, but there was nothing.

With a self-deprecating smile, Wu Zhichi looked at Chu Hao again, secretly thinking that he was getting nervous because of this kid.But this kid is not bad, let him use Yimu Qingxiancao, it is indeed enough evildoer and genius.

If it wasn't for the fact that the scene wasn't out of control, and even the domain couldn't deal with Chu Hao, Wu Zhichi would never reveal that he owned Yimu Qingxiancao. After all, this thing belongs to the algae in the starry sky, and it is still dominated by spiritual consciousness. With his current The abilities are completely unable to fully utilize Yimu Qingxiancao.

But if he didn't take the risk, Chu Hao would break through his domain, and the time would be unpredictable, so he had no choice but to do so.

But at this moment, everyone suddenly noticed that the Yimu green grass lying on top of Chu Hao's head moved, and the root slowly protruded from Chu Hao's scalp again.


The corner of Wu Zhichi's mouth curled up into a smile. He didn't feel the breath of life coming from Chu Hao's body at all. He said something lightly, and then took a step forward.

After Yimu Qingxiancao left Chu Hao's head, Chu Hao still froze in place like a walking corpse, not moving at all.And this scene made the other ancestors shudder. How long has it been since Chu Hao's consciousness was completely swallowed by Yimu Qingxiancao?

If this is the case, this Yimu Qingxiancao is too perverted.If any of them were attacked by Yimu Qingxiancao, would they be able to survive for a second?

Wu Zhichi was full of confidence in Yimu Qingxiancao. Although he saw that Yimu Qingxiancao did not immediately return to his side during the floating process, he just hesitated for a moment and waved. Those who float back.

And Yimu Qingxiancao did fly back towards Wu Zhichi again. Seeing this scene, Wu Zhichi heaved a sigh of relief. Yimu Qingxiancao did not completely belong to him, but only obeyed his orders because of the seal. At least he was not out of control at the moment .

"This kid is dead, and the shadow of his blood should dissipate soon." Wu Zhichi thought to himself, and then looked around. The shock in the eyes of most of the ancestors has not dissipated, and the heart suddenly A sense of accomplishment and arrogance arose, and he said, "This son's crime is unforgivable. He broke the rules of my sixth heaven and attempted to wipe out all the sects of my sixth heaven. I will follow the way of heaven and kill him... "

But just when Wu Zhichi was talking about the scene and wanted to restrain Yimu Qingxiancao again, his body froze suddenly!Then he yelled, "What are you doing!"

The voice was full of panic and fear.

It turned out that at this time, the Yimu green fresh grass escaped from Wu Zhichi's air control and floated above Wu Zhichi's head, and its roots were already stretched out. Can be submerged in Wu Zhichi's brain!

This is about to invade Wu Zhichi's spiritual consciousness space, how can Wu Zhichi not panic, he tremblingly said: "You have my abundance on your body, what are you doing now, after eating some spiritual consciousness, do you want to resist the old man? Do you want to kill the master?!"

Wu Zhizhi was stern, and his body was already tense, but he didn't dare to offend Yimu Qingxiancao. His speed was definitely not as fast as Yimu Qingxiancao. I'm afraid he just caught Yimu Qingxiancao. It plunged into his head mercilessly.

This scene was shocking again.

The ancestors present did not expect that this Yimu Qingxiancao, which seemed to belong to Wu Zhichi, would actually resist, and even planned to end Wu Zhichi!This is like a spirit insect rebelling against its master. Could it be that Yimu Qingxiancao's spiritual intelligence is already so high that after absorbing a certain amount of spiritual consciousness, he actually launched a spiritual attack on Wu Zhichi?

Everyone is in danger, if Yimu Qingxiancao doesn't listen to Wu Zhizhi's control, then it's hard to guarantee that after absorbing Wu Zhichi's consciousness, they won't do anything to them. This is starry sky algae, so powerful that they can't do it at all. dealt with.Things like Chu Hao and Wu Zhichi fell into its hands.

"Damn it, Wu Zhi insists that this old guy is going to kill people."

Watching this scene in horror, Lin Buchou scolded Wu Zhichi in his heart.

Not only him, but the other ancestors who were originally out of the way also began to curse Wu Zhichi in their hearts. The existence of such a terrifying thing will definitely cause chaos in the sixth heaven.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened again, and Chu Hao actually moved again.Chu Hao slowly opened his eyes, a playful look flashed in his eyes, and he said, "You don't need to panic, Xiaoyi won't attack you."

"Little B? What is it?"

Before everyone recovered from the shock of how Chu Hao "resurrected from the dead", they heard the inexplicable words Du Chuhao said.

"Oh, everyone may be wondering, this little Yi is naturally Yimu Qingxiancao." Chu Hao smiled slightly, his eyes flicked over the bodies of the ancestors, but only stayed on Lin Badao and the three of them for a while, looking murderous revealing.In the end, he slowly put it on Wu Zhichi, who had a terrified and unbelievable face. Seeing Wu Zhichi like this, Chu Hao smiled even more, "I know that some people want me to die, and even think that I am already dead. But it's a pity, I'm so fateful that I can't die for the time being."

"Fellow Daoist Wu, we met again." Chu Hao said with a light smile, "You don't know, just now I escaped death, almost, just a tiny bit, and died."

Wu Zhichi seemed to have noticed something, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said in a deep voice: "Really? Oh, then congratulations, Fellow Daoist Chu."

Wu Zhichi's appearance made everyone else surprised. This was completely different from the previous tit-for-tat style. Chu Hao didn't die, but Wu Zhichi actually congratulated him.

However, Chu Hao sneered and said: "Congratulations, there is no need. Do you like the gift I brought to Fellow Daoist Wu this time?" So I turned to the light and followed me, and now in order to repay you for taking care of me all the time, I specially let Xiao Yi get close to you."

"I don't need to get close, I already feel the sincerity of fellow Taoist." Wu Zhichi understood what caused his body to tremble just now, it was actually Chu Hao who plundered Yimu Qingxiancao.

At this moment, the roots of Yimu Qingxian grass are less than one millimeter away from him, and they may penetrate at any time.Wu Zhichi couldn't get angry anymore. Under such high mental tension, he broke out in cold sweat, and said: "Since you like Yimu green fresh grass, I will give it to you as a gift. Everything before was a misunderstanding. .”

"Misunderstanding, you really know how to joke." Chu Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "But I don't have the time to joke with you, but in order to thank you for giving me Xiaoyi, I will let you die more happily!"


Wu Zhichi shouted at the top of his lungs, panting heavily, his eyes were scarlet, and said: "You can't kill me, you kill me, you can't break the seal on Yimu Qingxiancao..."

"kill him!"

Chu Hao ignored Wu Zhichi's threat at all, and snorted coldly. Following his words, he saw the roots of Yimu Qingxian grass immediately entered Wu Zhichi's head, and then Wu Zhichi's body trembled. It trembled, bounced a few times like an electric shock, and then kept a hideous expression on his face, freezing the frame.

This scene is the same as Chu Hao before.

All the patriarchs reacted at this time. Unexpectedly, Wu Zhichi actually lifted a rock and smashed his own foot. Not only was Yimu Qingxiancao obtained by Chu Hao, but Chu Hao also used Yimu Qingxiancao to swallow his god. knowledge!

The situation of the battle between the two was changing rapidly, with ups and downs, and a monk with a bad heart could not persist at all, but now there is no doubt that Wu Zhizhi tried all means to win Chu Hao, but was invaded by Chu Hao. .

I'm afraid it's really not far from death!

"Elder Wu!"

Ruan Pingzhi cried out, and impulsively took a few steps forward, wanting to pass.But before he could take a step, the power of Chu Hao's qi and blood came along with his true essence, and directly knocked him to the ground.

Ruan Pingzhi lay on the ground and coughed several times, with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Chu Hao with resentment.

Chu Hao said lightly: "You don't have to look at me like that, because it will be your turn in a while." As he spoke, Chu Hao clenched his fists tightly, and then punched fiercely at the domain space, and the huge Qi and Blood Shadow also made such a move, bang!

With a loud noise, the entire domain was shattered, and the false domain was broken by Chu Hao's energy and blood. Numerous Sun Qi formed small whirlpools in the air, and then slowly dissipated.The dissipation of the domain was also accompanied by a huge storm. When everyone felt their strength recover, they saw Wu Zhichi's body lying on his back facing the ground!

The domain is broken, Wu Zhizhi is the same, die!

In an instant, a bolt of lightning tore through the sky, and in the center of the robbery cloud in the distance, the Baiyun Taoists finally attracted the last catastrophe.At this moment, although all the ancestors left the domain, none of them cared about the situation of Bai Yun and others.

At this moment, no matter what sect the patriarchs were, they were once again intimidated by Chu Hao.These people had different emotions, some were frightened, some regretted, some were afraid, and some were in awe. They were waiting for Chu Hao's words.

At the same time as the catastrophe fell, the sky was illuminated for an instant, reflecting Chu Hao's resolute face and words full of affirmation.

"I declare that from now on, there will no longer be a sect called Haoyang Palace in Liuchongtian!"

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