
Chapter 830 No more Haoyang Palace

Chapter 830 No more Haoyang Palace

"From now on, Liuchongtian will no longer have the sect of Haoyang Palace!"

Accompanied by these extremely domineering words, Chu Hao exploded with an astonishing aura!The strong wind couldn't get close to him. After the domain was shattered, Sunda Qi was aimless in the space. Wu Zhichi's carefully arranged domain space dispersed, and the absorbed Sunda Qi began to rise towards the sky and mixed into the heaven and earth.

Wu Zhichi's body fell heavily on the ground. After Chu Hao finished speaking, a primordial spirit jumped out of Wu Zhichi's body.At this moment, in Wu Zhizhi's spiritual consciousness space, it has been turned upside down by Yimu green grass, and his spiritual consciousness is almost eaten away.But Wu Zhizhi used the secret method to save his soul, and tried to escape with the power of Yuanshen before Yimu Qingxiancao was completely wiped out.

But Chu Hao was already prepared, and snorted coldly: "Want to leave?" He flashed out a laser beam and hit Wu Zhichi's primordial spirit hard.The primordial spirit flew less than a hundred meters before he was knocked down by Chu Hao. At the same time, Chu Hao used his supernatural powers, and a celestial figure appeared, and within a few steps, he came to the primordial spirit and grabbed him.

In fact, Wu Zhichi wanted Yuanshen to use the blood escape technique to escape. After all, blood escape is the least likely to be interrupted by others, but Yimu Qingxiancao has eaten away most of his consciousness, directly threatening him. Soul, so he let the primordial spirit leave his body in a hurry, and then he was caught by Chu Hao before he could even use the spell.

"Little B, you come back first."

Chu Hao beckoned to Yimu Qingxiancao, and saw that Yimu Qingxiancao seemed to be drunk. After breaking away from Wu Zhichi's body, he staggered in the air and slowly came to Chu Hao's side.And during its flight, no cultivator dared to look too much, for fear of being stared at by this terrifying "little thing".

"Can you get away?" Chu Hao said with a sneer as he appeared in front of Yuanshen the next moment.

The primordial spirit is a ball of five-color light, which can only be seen clearly with spiritual consciousness. The surface of the light ball is Wu Zhichi's face, which is exactly the same as the old Taoist priest just now. At this moment, his face is frightened, which makes Chu Hao feel extremely disgusted.

"Forgive others and forgive others." Wu Zhizhi's Yuanshen knew that he couldn't escape, and said: "Friend Daoist, you have already destroyed my physical body, and most of my cultivation base has been destroyed. I can’t even go, and I have to practice again. With such a punishment, don’t fellow daoists plan to let it go?”

"Of course I don't intend to let it go." Chu Hao sneered, "I'm not a saint. If you want to kill me, I'm just punishing you? Why don't you say let me save you and influence you with love? Before you do it You should be mentally prepared when you do something, there is no possibility of regret after doing some things, and you can only pay the price with your life."

"You have obtained Yimu Qingxiancao, and my Dingfengzhu, and I can also give you the secret of my stellar energy." Wu Zhichi began to beg for mercy in order to survive.

Chu Hao remained unmoved, and the celestial figure grasped the palm of the primordial spirit and began to slowly close it. The power could directly crush the primordial spirit, distorting the face of Wu Zhichi who emerged from the primordial spirit.

"Fellow Daoist, don't kill me. If you kill me, Yimu Qingxiancao will not obey your orders. It has my restriction and seal on it. If I die, it will not be able to live." Wu Zhichi was doing. Final struggle.

The palm of the celestial figure stopped, which made Wu Zhichi see hope, and hurriedly said: "Fellow Taoist, I will lift the seal of Yimu Qingxiancao for you, and you will let me live. Don't worry, I will never look for you. The trouble for fellow daoists, I am no longer comparable to a late-stage golden core, even if I rebuild it, it will take nearly a thousand years, fellow daoists let me go, I must be a good person..."

"No need." Chu Hao said: "Since I practiced, I have given opportunities to my enemies, but those people didn't cherish them. Now, I don't intend to keep disasters for myself."

"So, go at ease."

"I still have the seal..." Wu Zhichi cried out in despair, hearing Chu Hao's determination to kill, he cried out mournfully.

Chu Hao stopped listening to his nonsense at all, his palms ignited with blood, and then he squeezed hard, crushing the primordial spirit directly!The brilliance flashed across the sky, and Wu Zhichi, a strong man of the Sixth Heaven, immediately turned into countless bubbles and fell.

At the same time that Chu Hao crushed Wu Zhichi's primordial spirit, he put the Yimu fresh grass that had absorbed all of Wu Zhichi's consciousness and was now a little crumbling into the space of the Hunyuan cauldron, letting it float in the golden liquid. Warm up slowly.

"In the Hunyuan Magic Treasure, is your seal useful?" Chu Hao smiled lightly, took back the celestial and human form, and then returned to the way he came from.But now, Wu Zhichi has fallen, and the whole scene has fallen into Chu Hao's control.

Lin Badao and the others were about to burst into tears, but there was nothing they could do, and they were extremely nervous now, knowing that Chu Hao would definitely not let them go, waiting for them, I am afraid that the end would be the same as Wu Zhichi.

"Haoyang Palace will cease to exist in the future."

This is to kill them all!

At this moment, the catastrophe in the sky has completely ended, and the four of Bai Yunqingfeng survived the catastrophe without any risk, and they all successfully reached the out-of-body period.At this moment, the four of them didn't come over immediately, but got down cross-legged in the formation, feeling the benefits and changes brought about by the catastrophe.

They had already noticed this side when they finished the tribulation, and wanted to come over at the same time.But Chu Hao sent them the voice transmission, allowing them to handle their own affairs.Chu Hao knew that during the period after crossing the catastrophe, it was the best time to understand the way of heaven. At this time, the clouds of the catastrophe had not yet dispersed, and some of the power of the law of heaven triggered by the catastrophe was too late to recover. In order to be stable, even Gang Qi may improve.

Therefore, Chu Hao didn't let them come here, and they didn't need their help here.

"Fellow Daoist, congratulations, four more members of Potian Island have come out of their bodies." Daoist Ningmo hurriedly stepped forward to congratulate Chu Hao when he saw Chu Hao approaching. He has now entered the role and thinks that he is Chu Hao's friend. Be Chu Hao's friend.

With such a strong backer, as long as their Great Demon Sect doesn't turn against each other, there will be no harm.

The so-called reaching out and not hitting the smiling face, and Chu Hao didn't mean to do anything to the Great Demon Sect. Hearing the congratulations from the Condensed Demon Taoist, Chu Hao also cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, but it's not the time to congratulate. I'll settle things here."

As he said that, Chu Hao swept his eyes away, and focused on Lin Badao and the others.

Now that the battle is over, Chu Hao has killed Wu Zhichi, who owns the domain, under his command. Lin Badao and the others are already fish and meat, and they can't even think of running away.

Ruan Pingzhi's face was ashamed, the moment he saw Wu Zhichi's death, he knew that everything was over, "You can kill us, but Haoyang Palace, can you..."

Ruan Pingzhi already had the will to die, but before he finished speaking, Chu Hao had planned on him unceremoniously, "No."

The two decisive words made Ruan Pingzhi's face turn pale again, and he tried to make a final effort: "Fellow Daoist, Haoyang Palace is innocent, we offended you, and we have nothing to say about our death at the hands of you, but... ..."

"If Wu Zhichi killed me, do you think my four disciples will survive?" Chu Hao looked at Ruan Pingzhi indifferently, and said lightly: "Sometimes, if you do something wrong, not only will you die, but you will also die." More people died because of you."

Lin Badao said: "Elder Ruan, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? If you want to kill him, kill him. I don't believe it. You can wipe out the entire sect of our Haoyang Palace. With so many comrades present, how can Liu Chongtian allow you? Such a murderer exists."

"Up to now, you are still thinking about dragging people into the water?" Chu Hao did not hide the murderous look in his eyes, and said coldly, "Okay, don't say I won't give you this chance." As he said, Chu Hao Hao Lang said: "Now, whoever wants to stand with Haoyang Palace to live and die together can stand up immediately."

Silent, silent.

All the ancestors watched from the sidelines, and no one stood up to speak to Lin Badao and Haoyang Palace. Even Ouyang Long from the Bilan School only had a look of pity in his eyes, but he still didn't stand up.

Although it is natural to have cold lips and teeth, it depends on the situation.There is such a huge gap in strength between them and Chu Hao, if they dare to confront him, it is not courage, but courting death.

Cold sweat had already soaked Lin Badao's whole body, and he almost collapsed under Chu Hao's sharp eyes like a knife.

"You die first." Chu Hao said, "I'm very humane, and I'll give you a good time." As he said that, the celestial figure stepped forward again, and then slapped Lin Badao fiercely to suppress him!

Lin Badao's pupils shrank, and the palm prints in his eyes gradually moved closer. He circulated all the true energy in his body, but he was still directly blasted to the ground.The bones shattered and there was a bang, and a big hole was punched in the ground. Then, Chu Hao's yin and yang energy rushed out, sealing Lin Badao's primordial spirit.

Immediately, crush it!

Lin Badao, die!

"The other two of Haoyang Palace, you should leave with your elders." Chu Hao looked at Ji Youchang and Ruan Pingzhi, and said, "I said to myself before, if I leave Bodhi Temple this time, you If Haoyang Palace doesn't trouble me, I won't attack you. But fate is so strange, the debt will be paid back sooner or later, but the debt collector will pay more."

As he said that, Chu Hao mercilessly pressed down both hands of Heaven, Man and Dharma at the same time!

"I gave you the opportunity to submit to me, but unfortunately, you don't cherish it."



There were two explosions, as if falling into the heart, which made the hearts of all the ancestors jump.These three early stage monks with the same level of cultivation as them were eliminated by Chu Hao just like that. The three primordial spirits were surrounded by yin and yang energy, and with a light pinch by Chu Hao, they had already turned into a sky full of light and shadow!

The four out-of-body periods of Haoyang Palace have all been wiped out since then!

Haoyang Palace is over, even if Chu Hao doesn't announce their death sentence, Haoyang Palace, which has lost four ancestors, has already fallen from the altar of the land of wealth. However, none of the sects that had had grievances before would let go of this opportunity to beat the dog in the water.

However, Chu Hao still did not intend to just let Haoyang Palace go, he flew up, faced those monks who were in the Yin-Yang period in the distance in the sky, and shouted loudly: "From now on, there will be no more in the sixth heaven." This sect of Haoyang Palace, the current disciples of Haoyang Palace can leave Haoyang Palace, if you hear about the disciples of Haoyang Palace again, they will be the disciples of my Potian Island, end, kill without forgiveness!"

Chu Hao's voice came out layer by layer with true essence, shaking the sky.

Most of those monks in the yin and yang period had seen Chu Hao in the Nagarjuna Temple. Hearing such domineering words now, and having witnessed the death of the four out-of-body ancestors at the hands of Chu Hao just now, they all My mind was terrified, and my soul trembled endlessly.

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