Chapter 217 Nobody's Noble Bones (3)

In the early morning of the next day, Wang Hengzhi met Zhao Xingde on the archery range, put down his bow and arrow and asked, "I heard you sent Sinan back?"

Zhao Xingde spread his hands and said with a wry smile: "General Wang's kindness, Zhao accepts it, but he has no luck to accept it." He picked up the bow and arrow, and shot an arrow towards the target in the distance, and the arrow landed neatly 'Shoot' the red heart.

Wang Hengzhi secretly praised that although the number of soldiers in the Chengying Camp was small, all of them were outstanding in martial arts, almost comparable to the legendary Tielin Army under the command of Marshal Han when the Han Army in Liaodong was completely victorious.At that time, Han Chang personally led the Daohan army in Tokyo to attack the Liao Dynasty. The five thousand Tielin army was the vanguard, broke through the blockade of the Khitan's tens of thousands of horsemen, and went straight to the city of Shangjing. However, the Han army in Liaodong fell into an ambush on all sides by Marshal Yelu Renxian of the Liao Dynasty.Tens of thousands of troops smashed their halberds at Broken Axe Mountain, and Han Chang died in battle.Yelu Renxian was also really patient. As a Khitan, he was willing to live under Han Chang for decades without showing his edge. He watched Han Chang conquer and kill in the east and kill in the west.

"Except for his outstanding archery skills, Captain Zhao doesn't show his sharpness easily. He looks like Mr. Yeluren back then. I don't know if this man came to Liaodong is a blessing or a curse for me?" Wang Heng put the arrow on the bow. , like a full moon, the right hand loosened, and the arrow pierced through the target like a shooting star chasing the moon.

"General Wang," Zhao Xingde took an arrow and put it on the bow, and said in a deep voice while drawing the bow: "The situation in Liaodong is now that two tigers are fighting each other, and there is no time for the other, so the Han army can still survive. If you want to win or lose, turn to attack me, I'm afraid," he let go of the bowstring, only to hear a "bang", the arrow pierced through the red heart of the target, as if piercing Wang Hengzhi's nerves, the hidden worry in his heart has always been there .

After learning of the defeat at the front, Liu Liufu, the military strategist, held on to Liaoyang for more than a year. When the food was exhausted, he set fire to the city and died in the fire.As soon as the Shangjing army arrived at Tokyo Road, Han people were immediately prohibited from carrying bows and knives. Millions of Han people in Liaodong fell into a sea of ​​misery. .In the past ten years or so, the Jurchens have been rampant, and the momentum of the two tigers' rivalry has given the Han army a chance to breathe. Unfortunately, the two tigers finally won one. The Han army exists.

Zhao Xingde exhaled, and said slowly: "I'm afraid that when the time comes, people will be swords and I will be fish." He put down his bow and looked at Wang Hengzhi.The remnants of the Han army set up dozens of villages in Taibai Mountain and Xianbei Mountain. Each of them served as a leader and respected the Han family as the common master. Among them, Wang Hengzhi was loyal to the Han family and had a great influence on the Han army in each village. The person needs to be persuaded.

Wang Heng has been through the rivers and lakes for a long time, and he heard something in Zhao Xingde's words. He pondered and said: "We are all rough people, illiterate, and localized, with short-sightedness. May I ask General Zhao to give me some advice?" He also put down He took the bow and arrow, and walked to the side with Zhao Xingde.This Han army camp was built on a cliff, and three sides are surrounded by dense forests that are inaccessible. There are only a few paths in the forest, all of which are under the supervision of Han army sentries. On one side is a cliff that is difficult for apes to climb. On a piece of flat land on a cliff.

Zhao Xingde and Wang Hengzhi stood together on this cliff, overlooking the vast mountains. The mountains are endless, like the waves of the sea, with dense forests, tall birch trees, maple trees, Chinese pine, and spruce covered with snow. Countless unnamed shrubs grow endlessly in this remote mountain that has been inaccessible for thousands of years. It is better for many trees to wither in winter. In summer, the branches and leaves that block the sky make the forest dark.In this dense forest of mountains, there are countless birds and beasts, and there are countless savages and savages.This piece of white mountains and black waters is like the grasslands in Mobei. After the rise of the Jurchen, the court of the Liao Kingdom didn't care too much about this group of defeated soldiers who were left to fend for themselves.

Zhao Xingde took a deep breath of icy air, exhaled a cloud of white mist, and said slowly: "People are like water, and water can carry a boat and overturn it. General Wang must have heard of this sentence, right?" His voice was sharp Low, as if a great determination was made, it came out from the depths of the throat.

Wang Heng nodded straightly and said: "I heard from the military master that when I let the brothers go down the mountain, I used this sentence to tell them not to harm the people." There was a slight regret in his words, the fourth child in the village believed in this most, and now But he is missing a leg. Is it true that a good man has no reward?

Zhao Xingde's pupils shrank slightly, as if stabbed by Wang Hengzhi's answer, he paused for a moment, and then slowly said: "General Wang, forgive me for being disrespectful, the Han army is hiding in the mountains and dense forests, in the eyes of the Khitan court, we are The bandits are out there." Wang Heng said with a wry smile, "It's the same in reality, but we still have to abide by some rules, and the rules are becoming more and more outdated now, and in a few generations, I'm afraid they will really become bandits." He sighed heavily and kicked a stone to the bottom of the cliff.

"Looking through the history books, there have been bandits and bandits throughout the ages, but one or two of them can make a big difference, even disturb the luck of the world, and even affect the change of dynasties. After careful consideration, there is a mechanism in it." Zhao Xingde slowly road.

"What kind of mechanism?" Wang Heng asked directly.

"It's still the same sentence, the people are like water, and the water can carry a boat and overturn it. Bandits and bandits, as long as they can coerce the people, they can gain momentum. The more people they coerce, the greater the momentum, just like Chen Sheng in Qin Dynasty and Zhang Zhang in Han Dynasty Jiao, the Yellow Nest of the Tang Dynasty, rises in the grass and grass, but can sweep the world and fight against the imperial court, and can also be called a hero in the world."

The wind was strong on the cliff, and the cold wind was blowing, and even the thick fur jacket was blown through, but Wang Hengzhi was inspired by him, and he felt a wave of heat gushing out from the depths of his heart, as if Something was stirring in his heart, and he listened silently to Zhao De's continuation.

"Forgive me for my stupidity, I just figured out this truth recently, but there are many talented and ambitious people in the world, and there must be someone who can understand this point, so why can't things be done?" Zhao Xingde smiled and said lightly, "These people are not dead. Things are not cattle and horses, so how can they be so easy to coerce? It must be driven by the general trend of the world, and the so-called planning is up to people, and it is up to heaven to make things happen."

Wang Hengzhi couldn't help showing disappointment on his face, but he still didn't give up, and asked in a low voice: "So what?"

Zhao Xingde glanced at him, then turned his head to look at the vast mountains in the distance, and said in a deep voice: "Jinlin is originally a thing in a pond, but when it encounters a storm, it turns into a dragon, which is the general trend of the world. The current situation in Liaodong, It's pretty much the same."

"Before the fall of the Han clan, the government of the Liao Kingdom treated the Han people better than before, and the Han people lived and worked in peace and contentment. After the fall of the Han clan, the Liao Dynasty gradually began to carry out a perverse policy, especially the tyranny of Yelu Dashi. The Han people were originally the honest and responsible people of the Liao Dynasty. Common people, now the wives leave the mountain, and the day is precarious, this is driving the fish for the deep, and creating a general trend for the Han army to ride the wind."

Wang Hengzhi nodded. Many new brothers, including Tong Yunjie, the fourth leader, were all because of this tyranny.He originally thought that Zhao Xingde was just a general of the Xia Kingdom, but who would have thought that after listening to his few words, it was like seeing the sun behind the clouds, all of which were joints that he had never thought of before. "It's no wonder Marshal Han's commanding generals were like rain, but he had to listen to Commander Liu." Wang Heng said to himself, "It's a pity that many counselors below Military Commander refused to take responsibility, and all died in Liaoyang City."

"It's a good plan for Yelu Dashi to reverence Khitan in order to unite the hearts of the clan and de-sinicize it. Unfortunately, in the chess game he laid out, Liaodong is a loophole for us." Zhao Xingde said with a cold smile.

The more Wang Hengzhi listened, the more fascinated he became, and he couldn't help asking: "What's the flaw?"

"This tyrannical government is not unprecedented. It was even worse during the Five Hu's chaos in China and the Northern Dynasties. As long as the imperial court has the power to control the place, if it wants to follow Zhangjiao Huangchao, I'm afraid it hasn't happened yet. However, Khitan and Jurchen were fighting against each other in Liaodong, and they regarded each other as great enemies, and it was impossible for either party to control the entire Liaodong. And the people everywhere were in dire straits. Although the Han army wanted to coerce the people to accomplish things, it was not easy , but it is far easier than the peace of the world, and this opportunity is fleeting, it is the so-called God does not take, but suffers."

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