Chapter 218 Nobody's Noble Bones (4)

Wang Heng faced him with a tempting expression, but hesitated and said: "Going down the mountain to coerce the people, the momentum is too big, but this kind of movement is too big, causing the Khitan army to retaliate and suppress, we..." The Liaodong Han army had a hard time Taking advantage of Jurchen's rage and having a chance to breathe, Wang Hengzhi still has lingering fears when he thought of the days when he was struggling to survive under the harsh raids of the Khitan people.

"General Wang, I wonder how far Huanglong Mansion is from the state?" Zhao Xingde asked suddenly.

Wang Heng was taken aback for a moment, puzzled, and replied, "About seven or eight hundred miles."

Zhao Xingde showed a look of thought on his face, and said slowly: "After the Jurchens captured the Huanglong Mansion, they have not made any major moves in the past year. But the Huanglong Mansion is [-] miles away from the state, but the Jurchens' iron hooves are like Entering the land of no one, it can be seen that the Khitan people are already turbulent, guarding the city wall, unable to stop the Jurchens from coming and going in the wilderness. If this is the case, why would they go to war if we engulf some Han people outside the city wall?"

Wang Hengzhi nodded. The situation in Liaodong is indeed the case recently. The Liao people are good at riding and shooting, and they come and go like the wind. However, under the aggressive offensive of the Jurchens, the Liao army in Dongdong Province actually learned from the Southern Dynasty and guarded their camps , Even if the Jurchen army provoked them, they would never dare to go out of the city to fight.The defense line of the Liao State on Tokyo Road runs from north to south, starting from Ningjiang Prefecture, followed by cities such as Huanglongfu, Xinzhou, Xianping, Shenzhou, and Liaoyang.Huanglong Mansion is almost the northernmost end of this line of defense, while Liaoyang Mansion is at the southernmost end.The Jurchen iron hoofs could span [-] miles, and after destroying the city near Liaoyang, they left. Although they took advantage of the Han army, the Jurchen army's entry and exit in Liaoyang Mansion itself showed that the Khitan was weak in controlling the local area.

"These Han people were kidnapped by the Jurchens to make cattle and horses, and were divided into various tribes by the Khitans as slaves. Why don't we take them here and place them in a region far away from the Jurchen and Khitan forces, so as to relieve the people and strengthen our power? There are more than one million Han people living in Liaodong, and as long as one-third is owned by the Han army, that is 30 people, which is enough to train [-] strong soldiers. Although it is not enough to compete with the Khitan Jurchen for the time being, it is very important between the two tigers However, it is enough to meander in vain, and if you take time to recuperate, you may not be able to revive the glory of the Liaodong Han army!"

Although Zhao De's voice was low, Wang Hengzhi's ears were extremely tempting, he nodded involuntarily, and said in a deep voice: "General Zhao's discussion is of great importance. Call all the leaders in the village to discuss." The implication is that he has already agreed to this matter.

The two of them split up to greet their subordinates to discuss.After a while, the centurion of the Chengying camp and the heads of the Han camp, except Tong Yunjie, who was handicapped due to injuries, gathered together. Wang Hengzhi first told everyone about Zhao De's suggestion, and then Zhao Xingde explained it himself.Everyone raised a lot of questions.

"Since we want to rebel and save the people, whose banner should we use?" Xu Detai, the third leader, accused him. "If we use the banner of the imperial court, we will naturally attract many Han people. But if we wait to use the banner of the Xia Dynasty, I'm afraid It just got out that Khitan and Jurchen are about to kill them, let alone fight between the two tigers. If it is the banner of the Song Dynasty, I will not be reconciled. If the two banners are not used, I am afraid of meeting some bandits. Confused, so there must be an explanation. In my opinion, it is better to use the banner of Xinghan."

As soon as he said this, everyone's expressions became strange.As the saying goes, if the name is not correct, the words will not go well. If the Han army revolted against the Xia flag, it would consider itself a part of the Xia army. However, if the Xinghan banner would not immediately lead to the siege of Khitan and Jurchen, it would be hidden. Independent from Xia Kingdom.At the beginning, Han Chang raised troops against Liao, it was under the banner of "big Han", and he had the intention of occupying the old place of Liao and establishing himself as a country.

Jin Changtai, Wang Tongdeng and the others looked at each other, and then they all looked at Zhao Xingde, Mr. Xia followed the rules, you can speak freely in the camp discussion, but when discussing with outsiders, the lower-level officers usually have to echo the opinions of the higher-level officers in order to accept The effect of upper and lower integration.After Zhao Xingde exchanged glances with his subordinates, he found that no one was firmly opposed to this proposal, so he took another look at Jin Changtai, this kind of negotiation is also one of the duties of the marching commander of the General's Mansion.

Jin Changtai nodded knowingly. Considering that he needed to rely mainly on the strength of the Han army to coerce the Han people, he said with a smile: "Master Xu's proposal is not unreasonable, and I also agree not to use the flag of Xia or Song. But I have one more concern."

Xu Detai said in a deep voice, "Jin Sima, please tell me."

Jin Changtai said with a smile: "When the rebel army first started, it shouldn't be too 'showy'. Xu Sandao said it well, but he also underestimated himself a bit. Back then, the Han army shocked all ethnic groups in Liaodong, sweeping across dozens of states and counties in Liao from north to south. If it wasn't for the Liao people's secret tricks, how could the current Zhuzi become famous?" This compliment was quite useful to the leaders of the Han army below Wang Hengzhi, although they had never seen the Han army at that time with their own eyes. The might of the Han army, but the stories passed down from generation to generation have long been engraved in the heart. Revitalizing the past is the hope of many Han troops to persevere in this deep mountain and dense forest.

"Jin Sima has won the award." Wang Hengzhi was being polite, but he heard Jin Changtai change the subject: "Because of this, if playing the banner of 'Xinghan', I am afraid it will attract the same jealousy from barbarians as playing the banner of Xia." Regardless of the slight change in the expression of the generals of the Han army present, he continued, "Furthermore, the land of Liaodong is full of various ethnic groups. Since the pre-Han period, there have been Han people who have continued to cultivate, but after wars and chaos, the original Han people have gradually grown up. It is also unclear to distinguish them from the barbarians in the local area. Many people in the Southern Dynasties were taken captive into Khitan and Jurchen tribes as slaves. After one or two generations, they could not tell their origins. In my opinion, it is better to make a compromise and directly to protect The word 'min' is clear at a glance, and it is also easy to deal with Khitan Jurchen."

"Exactly," Wang Heng saw that Zhao Xingde did not insist on the Han army playing the flag of Xia, and was afraid that Xu Detai would continue to argue, so he smoothed things over with a smile, "General Zhao is right. The common people know the banner at a glance." He turned his head to look at Zhao Xingde, and said with a smile: "General Zhao, I think the title 'Guardian Army' is good, what do you think?"

Wang Tongdeng complained in a very low voice: "It seems to be the name of the regiment training army." Zhao Xingde ignored it, cupped his hands and smiled: "Exactly, then do as General Wang wants." Wang Heng smiled and waved his hands and said: "I How can I make such a decision, Mr. Zhao proposes such a big event, and brothers from dozens of villages need to discuss it together."

Zhao Xingde frowned. This Wang Hengzhi seemed rude, but he was too cautious. The Khitan and Jurchens were doing it every day to coerce the common people, and they were waiting for the day and night. Waiting for Wang Hengzhi and more than 40 Han troops in Liaodong The leaders discussed it clearly, I am afraid that there is no one to wrap up.He suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in a slow and deep voice: "General Wang, this matter should not be delayed. The leaders of more than forty villages have no leaders. If we want to discuss a result, I am afraid it will delay the time."

Wang Heng smiled and said: "It's okay, General Zhao doesn't know something, Dunhuang has sent a message, my Miss Han will arrive in Liaodong soon, the Han family is my co-lord of the Han people in Liaodong, and everyone will join in the grand event at that time." There was an indescribable joy in the words, so that Zhao Xingde secretly thought about what benefits the Han family gave these Han soldiers.

Seeing that Zhao Xingde remained silent, Xu Detai said inwardly, "Even if you have the ability to reach the heavens and have a tongue like a lotus flower, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a snake." But with a smile on his face, he asked: "General Zhao, protect this side. The common people want to expand their military power to deal with Khitan and Jurchen. We are short of everything, food, armor, weapons, gunpowder, alas, we don’t have anything. The Xia Dynasty is the largest country in the world. Help me a little more?"

Zhao Xingde smiled slightly and said: "It's easy to say, this general will naturally fight for it with all his strength..." The generals discussed again how to coerce the people, and what to do in Taibai Mountain and Xianbei Mountain, which are far away from the centers of Khitan and Jurchen forces. The place is suitable for resettling the people.Zhao Xingde remembered several high-grade small iron mines and coke mines in Liaodong in later generations, and he asked these generals of the Han army about the local situation one by one. country reached out.

After the discussion, Zhao Xingde returned to his room and spread out his notebooks. He had already written a half of "Baishan Weeping Blood Record", and he also wrote the beginning of "Donghai Food Treasures". These days, Han Jun and Cheng Ying The battalion is a reserved cooperation. Except for Wang Hengzhi's village, the distribution map of more than 40 other Han army camps has not been revealed to him.But this is also understandable, the distribution map of this stockade is the lifeblood of the Liaodong Han army, once it is leaked to the Khitan or the Jurchen, the entire army may be wiped out.Zhao Xingde had nothing to do, so he wrote these two books. The first one preached the righteousness of the Liaodong Han people struggling and resisting under the iron heel; But it was unknown, so I wrote it out. In the future, Liaodong will trade with the Central Plains and Han, and there will always be some products in exchange.

He took a few breaths of hot air on the inkstone, and after bursts of white mist, there was actually moist ink. Zhao Xingde couldn't help secretly praising the magic of creation. No wonder Bianliang Juzi tried everything possible to get this top-quality inkstone. After the smoke ink is ground, not only does it evaporate very slowly, but it is also difficult to freeze when the weather is extremely cold.He raised his hand to take the little wolf hair from the pen holder, held his breath and was about to start writing, but the door was pushed open with a creak, and Jin Changtai walked in, and after carefully checking that there was no one around, he said in a low voice: "Be straight, it's a poisonous scheme."

Zhao Xingde's heart trembled, a drop of ink fell, and a large group of ink smeared on this white and delicate rice paper, like a dark cloud.His face was cloudy and cloudy, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: "I also had to do it. Liaodong is important to the world? Besides, the situation may not come to that point."

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