Chapter 242 Drive the horse back to your hometown (3)

Since the previous head of the Han family was ambushed and killed by the Liao State, the Han army has been leaderless for a long time.Looking at Han Ningshuang's figure, the veteran Lu Kui's eyes were a little blurred. More than ten years have passed, and most of the brothers who escorted the old master's orphan to fight a bloody road are now waiting in the underworld.Lu Kui forcibly suppressed his heart and sighed, exchanged glances with Xu Detai who came in, then nodded to Zhao Xingde, and said in a deep voice: "Leader, the envoy of Xia Guo has arrived."

Han Ningshuang put down the map, stretched out her right hand and said, "General Zhao, sit first." She looked around, and smiled, "When Ningshuang lived in Xia Kingdom, General Zhao's name had already been heard like thunder. I wanted to meet the general a long time ago, but unfortunately I never got to know him." Chance. Finally, God obeyed people’s wishes and asked General Zhao to help our Han army achieve success and save millions of Han people from suffering.” She smiled slightly, and the generals of the Han army also laughed, and the atmosphere in the military tent was full of goodwill.

As the saying goes, you don't hit smiling faces, Zhao Xingde couldn't vent his anger even though he blamed the Han army for arranging a plan to support the leader without telling him, he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Zhao is just a mediocre man, leader Han is serious." Several other generals of the Han army in the reconciliation cupped their hands.

Han Ningshuang's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile: "Mr. Zhoushan once said that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. He is talking about a hero like General Zhao."

Lu Kui praised loudly: "What a man is responsible. Where is the man who said this? Let's go and get him to join the gang." The generals of the Han army didn't know who Mr. Zhoushan was, but they were extremely excited.Xu Detai smiled slightly, and jokingly said: "Mr. Zhoushan is a great saint, but there are many rules. If he wants to go up the mountain, I'm afraid that most of the brothers will run away."

Lu Kui twitched his eyebrows, and cursed: "That bastard dared to run away, I cut off his sacrificial flag. Let's set up the rules and just have a big fight with the Liao Kingdom. If he is really capable, we can let him To be the chief army division. Don’t be afraid of the rules, we are not real bandits, stragglers and rogues.”

Although the Han army seems to be no different from the bandits who go up the mountain and fall into the grass, hereditary generals like Lu Kui have family-passed military books and generals, and they are also awarded the titles of Jiedushi, Defense Envoy, and General by the Han family.They attach great importance to their family origins, and they even hate the relaxation of military discipline.Now that the situation is turbulent, if the Han army wants to expand and operate its territory, it will have to confront the Liao army's golden soldiers head-on.No matter how many people are coerced, if they can't be integrated into strong soldiers that are prohibited by orders, they are just mobs.

Han Ningshuang introduced: "This is the old general Lu Kui." She suppressed her smile, worried that Zhao Xingde would belittle him because of Lu Kui's rudeness, and said slowly, "Back then, the king of the Han clan betrayed his trust and sent hundreds of people from our Han clan I handed it over to Khitan, and Jiaci happened to take me to stay at my grandmother's house, so Taoguo ended up in this catastrophe. The court of the Liao Kingdom is still searching everywhere, and it is General Lu and more than a hundred uncles who have protected Ning many times Frost escaped from the dead."

As she spoke, her voice choked with sobs: "I still remember that once the Khitan soldiers suddenly surrounded the camp, General Lu protected me in front of him and broke through, and even changed three horses. After escaping, I was unscathed. General Lu's clothes were stained with blood, and he was injured in more than 30 places. Later, the Khitan court searched hard, and General Lu had to send someone to send me to the south. Over the years, the overall situation of Liaodong has also depended on General Lu and other generals. Support hard." After she finished speaking, she stood up and gave a deep salute to Lu Kui and other generals who insisted on Liaodong.

Zhao Xingde nodded and said: "In the corner of Liaodong, there are millions of Han Chinese. If there are more heroes like General Lu among them, the generals will choose talents and talents. If we work together, we will definitely defeat Khitan and Jurchen."

Lu Kui's burly figure trembled slightly under the agitation of his heart, and he said in a trembling voice: "The veteran has followed the Han family for several generations. What he has done is just his duty. It is rare for the leader to remember it so clearly. The eldest lady is The only bloodline of the Han family, when the Khitan people searched and hunted urgently, the veterans did not protect them well, which frightened the eldest lady a lot. In the end, she had to be sent to Xia Kingdom for temporary shelter as a last resort." The seven-year-old The little girl was tied to the front of the saddle and rushed all the way for more than [-] miles before she escaped. Han Ningshuang was strangled by the rope and was jolted, and passed out. Just after waking up, she asked about her injuries.Recalling those years, Lu Kui couldn't help crying.This time when he learned that Han Ningshuang was planning to personally command the Han army, he originally opposed it, and he didn't want her to suffer from the danger of the war and the suffering of being displaced, but Han Ningshuang insisted on this, and Lu Kui could only help with all his strength.

Han Ningshuang said in a deep voice: "I also know the worries of the generals. My great-grandfather, grandfather, and father were all killed by the Khitan people, but none of them left the homeland of Liaodong because of greed for life and fear of death, and lived in peace. What I just said It is said that everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Although Ningshuang is a woman, she can also bear this responsibility. As long as I come back this trip, as long as I don’t defeat the Khitan people, I, Han Ningshuang, will never leave my homeland in Liaodong. I would rather die with my head held high , will never endure humiliation and steal life."

The general of the Han army was touched by her awe, and Xu Detai said loudly: "I am willing to follow the leader and make contributions!" Lu Kui clasped his fists and said: "The old general has put his life to the limit, and he must protect the young lady's safety." Some people shouted "" Defeat Khitan!" "Swear to wipe out the barbarians!"

Han Ningshuang calmed down again in the tent, and said to Zhao Xingde just now: "General Zhao saw that we are short of food, salaries and weapons, but we don't lack heroes!" She pointed to a general with a stern face and said: "This is the garrison General Xiong Renyue of Tongzhou Village. Just two months ago, General Xiong broke through the camp of Ximu County in the Liao Kingdom, beheaded [-] people, and rescued more than [-] people."

Xiongrenyueren, as his name suggests, was tall and big, with a thick back and a stubby beard, he grinned at Zhao Xingde, clasped his fists and said, "I heard that General Zhao is good at archery, when will we have a sparring match?" Zhao Xingde smiled and bowed his hands in return.

"This is General Zhang Sixth, who is stationed in the water village of Chenzhou. General Zhang is good at water warfare. He appears and disappears, and the Khitan people had to ban the sea to deal with it." Han Ningshuang praised him, and Zhang Sixth's face was slightly smug. color', arched his hands towards Zhao Xingde.

"This is General Gao Bolong who is stationed in Liuhe. General Gao has [-] iron armored soldiers, and the elite is no less elite than Jin Guo's Iron Futu..." Gao Bolong said humbly: "It is all thanks to the continuous supply of food, grass and armaments that Gao can train this strong soldier for the eldest lady. Waiting for today."

Han Ningshuang nodded with a smile, and then introduced: "This is General Xue Congxiao from Hutu Village in Xianping. General Liu Chang and his subordinates are all elites who dare to fight. The Khitans don’t dare to approach their stockade without hundreds of cavalry..." "This is General Yang Shilian who garrisoned Polumai Shanzhai. General Yang has eight soldiers under his command. The Hundred Cavalry..." "This is General Wang Xuansu who is in command of my guards."

Zhao Xingde met these Han army generals one by one, and these Han army generals were also quite kind to him.They had already known from Xu Detai that it was Zhao De who saw that the Khitan and Jurchen were in a fight and had no time for others, and suggested that the Han army coerce the people to strengthen their own power. In just a few months, all the Han armies have tasted a lot of sweetness .Just now Zhao Xingde stepped forward again and destroyed Mr. Han Da's plan to subdue the generals of the Han army, which made Han Ningshuang's confidant generals feel more fond of him.

Han Ningshuang smiled slightly and said, "This time I invite General Zhao to come over here, to discuss the centralized reorganization of the Han army." She nodded, and Wang Xuansu unfolded the map, pointing to the places marked with the Han army's strongholds, and said in a deep voice. Said: "My Liaodong Han Army claims to have 48 villages. In fact, there are more than 100 villages in total. , even the more scattered the soldiers and horses are, the less likely they are to be wiped out by the Khitans. However, the strength is strong when united, and the strength is weak when divided. If the soldiers and horses are too scattered, we can only fight small , there is no way to confront the Khitan people head-on.”

Zhao Xingde saw this map for the first time. The distribution of the Han army's stockades was dotted all over the entire Liaodong. It is estimated that there are only a few dozen small groups, and no more than two to three thousand soldiers in large groups. It is indeed not enough to deal with those who come prepared Khitan or Jurchen armies pose a threat.Seeing that Wang Xuansu had already marked the approximate locations of the Khitan and Jurchen garrisons, Zhao Xingde secretly thought that if the Han army hadn't had a detailed network, they would never be able to spy on these things. It seems that the Huguofu's decision to cooperate with the Han army still has a certain reason.In Liaodong, a place where all ethnic groups are mixed, we don't know how long it will take to build a foundation from scratch.

He nodded, and continued to listen to Wang Xuansu's explanation of the plan for reorganizing and concentrating the Han army: "In the current situation in Liaodong, the Kingdom of Jin occupies Huanglong Mansion and Ningjiang Prefecture, while the Kingdom of Liao guards Liaoyang and Shenzhou with heavy troops. Two tigers are fighting, and we We should avoid their sharp edge for now. Now Liao and Jin are fighting heavily in Tongzhou, Xianping, and Shenzhou. Under the threat of Khitan and Jurchen's large forces, there is not much room for the Hanzhai in these places to develop. All the soldiers and horses should be moved southward, concentrated in the Kaizhou area, backed by the Taibai Mountain and the Yalu River, completely cleared of the remaining Khitan forces here, subdued the surrounding tribes, and then slowly developed their forces westward and southward. The concentrated place is also the hometown of Bohai people, and there are the fewest barbarian tribes. The people here are used to our Han system, so as long as we show our strength, we can easily control this area.”

The area marked by Wang Xuansu is exactly where Wang Heng erected the stronghold, including the Sanyin stronghold.A cold light flashed in Zhao Xingde's eyes, and he narrowed his eyes slightly again, but he heard Wang Xuansu murmur, "Most of the soldiers and horses of the Liao Kingdom have retreated from this area, and there is no direct descendant of the Jin Kingdom, Meng'an Muke, over there." , the ones who are most interested in this area now are probably the Yalu River Jurchen tribe, and the *** country." When he mentioned the *** country, Han Ningshuang's eyes burst out with a gleam of hatred.

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