Chapter 243 Drive the horse back to your hometown (4)

"Our army has coerced the people in the past few months, and the number of regular soldiers has increased to more than 6000. Among them, there are more than [-] old soldiers who have survived for many years. In the south of the state, they will be reorganized into five armies, front, back, middle, left, and right."

Zhao Xingde looked at the several marching routes from north to south on the map. The Han army in each village was like a trickle converging into a river, and finally gathered in the narrow strip of Zhenhaifu-Kaizhou-Luzhou. This area itself is Baishan The remaining veins, facing the sea in the southwest, and Hecha fishing ports are all over the place. In addition to the support of the original Zhang Liuge's navy, you can get supplies from Xia and Song at any time. The southeast is the Jurchen tribe on the Yalu River. ***country.Since the rise of the Jin Kingdom, the Qing Dynasty has been trying to conquer the Jurchen ministries of the Yalu River, pushing the border from the Dingzhou, Xuande, and Yuanxing Passes to the north to the Yalu River.Under the threat of the Communist Party, the Yalu River Jurchen tribes had to look for allies, and the same weak and adjacent Han army camps became the ideal allies of some Yalu River Jurchen tribe leaders, and the ideal prey in the eyes of other tribal leaders.

"General Hengzhi, King of Kaizhou Village, has been running this place. With more than [-] soldiers concentrated in our southward direction, plus the family members accompanying the army and coerced civilians, there are suddenly hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in this area. I am afraid that the Jurchen Department of the Yalu River has some ideas. They are nothing more than using military power to lure them, dividing and conquering them." Wang Xuansu slid the wooden stick from the Yalu River to the north, pointing at the Jurchen Jin Kingdom, "The Sheng Jurchen tribe here has been in contact with the Wanyan tribe for an alliance. However, although they and Jin Kingdom are both Jurchens, they are both unfamiliar and hostile to each other, just like the Xia Kingdom and Song Kingdom in the south. To deal with the Yalu River Jurchens, we must be careful, and we might as well show weakness so as not to kill them. Step by step, we forced to form an alliance with the Kingdom of Jin. Once war broke out, we would use cavalry to cut off the north-south communication between the Jurchen ministries, gather a large army to sweep the ministries southward, and quickly crush the tribes that are hostile to our army. At that time, even if the Kingdom of Jin wants to intervene "Hand, it's too late. After the war is settled, we have to accept the fact that we occupy the north and south of the Yalu River."

Wang Xuansu then explained how the Han troops in each village were concentrated, how to unify orders, the supply of food and grass along the way, the distribution of enemy troops, and the garrison after arrival.Han Ningshuang has been listening quietly, Xu Detai and other generals of the Han army occasionally questioned.Zhao Xingde's secret thought, Wang Xuansu's commander Han Ningshuang's guard, his marching plan is very appropriate, and he is like the role of marching Sima, he is a first-class important figure in the army.

"Just now, when he compared Xia and Song, he seemed to have carefully considered the situation in the south. Could it be that he still had plans to compete in the Central Plains? Unexpectedly, there are such people in the weak and weak Han army." Zhao Xingde thought slightly, He also heard Xu Detai laughing and said: "General Wang's strategizing has been closely linked, and he has taken care of each other very carefully. I was worried that some villages would be obedient to the centralization and reorganization. The eldest lady decided to play hard to catch and let Han Kuang stir up trouble everywhere. , we observed secretly, and some people with ulterior motives jumped out by themselves."

Han Ningshuang sighed softly, and said slowly: "If uncle is serious about my Liaodong Han army, it's okay to let him take the position of leader, but it's a pity that he took refuge in Jin Guo and tried to use my Han army brothers as his own. I can't tolerate my own progress. I can only use my tricks and let him show up to attract those unfaithful and unrighteous people." Even now, she still calls Mr. Han Da "uncle".

Han Ningshuang still remembers that Han Kuang, who was in his thirties, came to tell her that the children of the Han family were almost wiped out by the Khitan people. Those calloused hands were stroking and crying in fright. On the head of the little girl who couldn't even cry, he comforted clumsily: "Don't be afraid, uncle will never allow bad people to hurt you." This gentle voice is still in my ears.Han Ningshuang's mother was illiterate, so she could only teach her to ride a sheep and shoot arrows with a small bow since she was five years old.Chinese characters and books are all taught by Mr. Han Da. For this reason, Han Ningshuang's enlightenment reading is "Sun Tzu's Art of War", not "Nv Commandment".She gets up every morning, washes and reads first, and then practices martial arts and archery for an hour, which is a habit she has left since then.

Although Mr. Han Da was used to test out the wavering people in the Han army, she didn't feel complacent at all, but felt a little sad from the bottom of her heart.At that time, the Han army was able to sweep across Liaodong and make the crowd bow their heads, relying on righteousness and not sacrificing their own lives. The military discipline was strict and the whole team was united.Now that the soldiers and horses have not moved, Mr. Han Da tried to woo the Jurchens, and the leaders of eight villages followed him wholeheartedly, and the leaders of more than twenty villages were waiting to see, which is really chilling, so she Had to make up my mind to clean up the portal.

Over the past few decades, the Liaodong Han army has endured the female subjugation and scattered in various cottages. While preserving their strength, they have also condoned and raised "traitors".Now, if we want to do great things and unite the original stragglers into a real army, we must first eliminate the vacillating internal elements, lest these few rat droppings ruin the pot of soup.

Xu Detai pointed to the eight cottages marked on the map, and said in a contemptuous tone: "If you want all the villages to follow the centralized reorganization correctly, you must first get rid of these ungrateful rats, kill chickens and monkeys, these vacillating weeds, Only then did I know who the Han army is in charge of!"

Lu Kui patted his thigh and said with a smile: "It's a pity it's not winter, otherwise, let these guys 'fart loudly'." All the Han generals laughed.This "fart loudly" is a punishment for the Han army to deal with the "traitors". Because the winter in the mountains is extremely cold, and the Han army lacks armor, they strip off the "rapists" and tie them tightly with ropes. On the tree, before leaving, he kicked him in the stomach, heard a loud fart, the man let out heat, and after a while, he froze into a popsicle.The winter here is bitterly cold. Once the village is destroyed, even if they escape, they will die of freezing and starving. Therefore, what the Liaodong Han army hates most are traitors and rebels. hot.

Brother Zhang Liu said with a worried look on his face: "Now is the time. No matter it is the Khitan, Jurchen, or even the Communists, they will try their best to win over these weak-minded people. If we attack too hard, will it hurt?" Will those among these people be overthrown to the Jurchens?" What he was worried about was that the various villages of the Han army had conquered the hilltops for decades, and some villages asked him to abandon his decades-old foundations and concentrate on reorganizing in the south. There must be people who are dissatisfied. At this time, if we use thunderous means to eliminate some Hanzhai leaders who have two hearts, I am afraid that some people will be more dissatisfied, and they will even tear their faces and stop obeying Han Ningshuang's orders.

Xiong Renyue held a long knife in both hands, and said angrily: "What else is there to hesitate? A traitor has appeared and killed a village! Get rid of it earlier, and save trouble sooner!" The ability to survive in Liaodong relies on the hiding of mountains such as Xianbei and Taibai.In the past few decades, there have been cases where one or two traitors sold the location of the village to the Khitan people, and as a result the entire village was flattened by the Liao army.

Xue Congxiao clenched his fists tightly, nodded heavily, and said bitterly: "If these guys don't get rid of them sooner, our affairs will be ruined in the future." As a result, a traitor came forward and reported to the Liao State, causing his whole family to be captured by the Liao State court. The young Xue Congxiao escaped from the dog hole alone, and his parents and relatives were tortured to death.

Zhao Xingde's face was solemn, and he felt that Brother Zhang's worry was not unreasonable, whether it would be counterproductive to integrate the Han army with such a drastic means, and cause the Han army to be divided.But this was a matter of cleaning up the Han army's internal affairs, and Han Ningshuang invited him to listen in, but to show that he was honest with each other.As a guest minister, if he forcibly interfered, it would be a bit out of bounds.So Zhao Xingde could only nod his head to Brother Zhang, but he couldn't speak out in support.

The other generals all advocated solving the Hanzhai that was desperately seeking refuge in the Kingdom of Jin.Regarding this matter of brothers killing each other, Brother Zhang's eyes flashed with pain, so he didn't say anything more.A major purge within the Han army was unavoidable.After tonight, I don't know how many people will be killed.Then Xu Detai and other generals of the Han army began to discuss how to set up an ambush to kill the traitors in the Han army, while mobilizing the hidden stakes in the ambush in these cottages, and then replacing them with generals loyal to Han Ningshuang, how to cleanse the party members in the traitor's cottage.

Han Ningshuang did not participate in these specific discussions. Apart from paying attention to the general who was speaking, she was not looking at Zhao Xingde who was sitting on the side.Inviting him to the secret meeting this time is not only to make up for the many arrangements that kept him in the dark some time ago, but also to show Xia Guo the ability of the Han family to control the various ministries of the Han army.Those village leaders who refused to accept Han's order will soon realize this.The arrangements and hidden stakes that the Han family has kept secret for decades are just to cope with today's situation.

One morning three days later, a pigeon from nowhere landed at Jiming Village on the upper reaches of the Yazi River.The head of Jiming Village went south to Huanglong Mansion more than a month ago to join the Han Army League.Although Yu Er is in charge of the village now, the brothers all obey Liu San, who is the most loyal.

The third master, Liu Qinhu, cut off the red straw tied to the pigeon's legs, and then brought a copy of "Three Hundred Tang Poems".After reading the note according to "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", Liu Qinhu was silent for a while, and finally sighed, and swallowed the note in balls.His movements are extremely careful, which is quite different from his usual rough and brave appearance.If someone saw this scene, they would probably fall to the ground in shock.Liu Qinhu was able to wield a broadsword weighing more than a hundred catties, and he was born with a rough and brainless appearance.But he is really the most cautious person, this book of Tang poems has been kept in Liu Qinhu's room, everyone thought that Liu Sandao was illiterate, and displaying a book of Tang poems was just for show.

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