Chapter 267 Conquering Le Changle Pavilion (1)

Behind the ditch was a broad and low parapet, not more than three feet high, and behind the parapet was a trench dug after sunset.It is usually covered with branches and dry grass, and the head of the city cannot be found. Just when the Japanese army began to jump down the trench and attack the central battery.Two hundred sergeants were squatting in the trench.Under the cover of thick smoke and parapets, neither the lookout posts coming from the far city nor the Japanese soldiers rushing into the battle found them. *** Most of the arrows fired by the archers headed towards the central battery with six cannons. The scattered arrows could hardly hurt the sergeants hiding behind the parapet. Two hundred soldiers were all dressed in iron armor. The spearman squatted quietly in the trench, waiting for the order to stand up.

In contrast, the central battery of the defensive line attracted most of the enemy's arrows.Among the more than a thousand Japanese troops in front of the battle, there were seven or eight hundred archers, all of whom had experienced battles with the Jurchen tribes in the northeast.The cavalry who followed in front braved the artillery fire and the rain of arrows, and the few archers who followed behind were able to strike back.There was an arrow in the gunner's hand that fell to the ground, Liu Ya shot through the air with a whoosh sound, and the surrounding soldiers raised their shields to block the arrows for him, Zhao Xingde was not moved at all, but secretly regretted that there were too few archers on his side.

Cui Xianxi's eyes were fixed on the back of the artillery barracks, and the soldiers in armor and shields surrounded a general. At this moment, the eyes of the two met. "Boom—" "Boom—" "Boom—" Several cannons rang out, almost shattering the eardrums.There was no need for the artillery to aim, and the shells shot directly into the army, immediately sweeping out several criss-crossing alleys of flesh and blood.Some of the infantry rushing to the formation were so frightened that they lay on the ground, some bent their bodies, and some even turned around and fled.

"Kill!" Cui Xianxi yelled again viciously, "Rush up!" "Kill!" From the attack to the present, the number of enemy artillery and the frequency of firing are all clear.Although the artillery is powerful, at this distance the horse will pass by as soon as it is charged, and there is no time for the artillery to fire again.Cui Xianxi slammed the horse's belly and urged the horse to jump down the ditch.Behind Cui Xianxi, most of the cavalry generals who rode their horses into the battle were from the martial arts class, and the more than [-] cavalrymen were all elites from the Republic of China.Although the shells and arrows are completely different, the cavalry general still follows the habit of charging forward, while leaning down behind the horse's neck, holding the saber and riding the spear tightly, while urging the horse to run at full speed.The enemy's battery was almost at hand.The gunner only wears single clothes and thin armor, and it is difficult to resist the iron hoof charge. As long as the cavalry can rush into the artillery barracks and stab with knives and spears, the victory can be sealed!The war horses galloped at the maximum speed, and dozens of horses rushed up the parapet along the slope almost at the same time.

The iron hooves hit the surface heavily, rolling like thunder, and sounding like dozens of drums. At this moment, the charge of the cavalry overwhelmed everything on the battlefield.The troops under Cui Xianxi's command were originally camped in the northeast, and the Republic of China has been trying to expand its territory to the north. The Jurchen tribes on both sides of the Yalu River have also been resisting. The two sides have fought intermittently for nearly ten years. During the period of rebellion, the harassment of the communication lines and supplies of the Japanese army was almost uninterrupted.The current situation, for these cavalrymen, seemed to have broken through another difficult Jurchen tribe, and it was time to rush into the village and give blood for blood!The artillerymen were still scrubbing the barrels in a hurry, the cavalrymen straightened their bodies and raised their weapons high, and there seemed to be a cruel smile on the corner of someone's mouth.

Iron hooves roared, and the ground trembled.Just before the Japanese cavalry climbed onto the low parapet, two hundred spearmen were still squatting in the trench with stern faces, waiting for orders.Xia Guotuan had tens of millions of young and strong men practicing spears in the army, and the spearmen in the army are naturally extraordinary.Fighting for a long time with full body armor, changing formations on complex terrain, and facing armored cavalry charging without fear.Now, these spearmen just squatted quietly in the trenches, waiting for the military order to attack.

"The whole team stands up! Take over!" With a roar.In the trench, there was only the sound of clattering plates of iron armor, and two hundred spearmen seemed to bounce up from the ground, and the suddenly erected spears stabbed down instantly, "Kill!" Before he could react in time, he bumped into a row of dense spears. ***The cavalry rushed up to the parapet from the ditch below. The slope offset most of the momentum of the cavalry. When they were at their slowest speed, they met the spear that suddenly stabbed down from the front, although the remaining momentum would still be tough 'The excellent spears were all bent, but all the horses that were stabbed staggered and fell down, and none of them could break through the spearman's line of defense.

When the spearmen in the first row drew their guns back, the spearmen in the second row took a step forward, stabbing down with their spears, and stabbing down a dozen more horses that were desperately trying to rush up the parapet.The spears used by Xia Guo's infantry were much longer than ordinary cavalry spears. Before Cui Xianxi's carbine pierced the opponent, several blood holes were stabbed in the chest of the horse under his crotch. Exhausted, as if castrated, he fell forward on the slope, Cui Xianxi also fell off his horse, one leg was still under the pressure of the horse, struggling desperately, before he had time to stand up, several spears passed over his head again, But after hearing a few puffs, a war horse was stabbed down by the spearman a few steps away, as if it was an appointment. The war horse made it impossible for anyone to stand up.

Cui Xianxi didn't dare to stand up hastily. He found that these pawns had a whole piece of bright armor on their chests, iron masks under their iron helmets, fish scale armor covering their shoulders, belly guards, and leg skirts. They were all wearing iron armor, and they were not afraid of ordinary arrows at all arrow. "Tie Futu, could it be the Jurchens? Ordinary Jurchen tribes don't have so many iron armors. Could it be that the Golden Army has gone south, and they haven't defeated the Liao Kingdom, so they came to provoke me again?" flashed through his mind.Cui Xianxi crusade against the Jurchen tribe all the year round.The Yalu River Jurchens have coveted Baozhou for a long time.The ancestors of the Khitan lived as nomads, so the Liao army is best at riding and shooting. The Jurchen army lives in the villages in the mountains and forests, and they have places to guard. The soldiers wear heavy armor as much as possible, and they don’t fight like the Liao army. So flexible and erratic, but much tougher.A cavalry general next to him who fell unconscious just stood up."Kill!" shouted in unison on the parapet, before the cavalier could react, he was pierced through the chest by two spear points, even the fish scale armor and the cowhide armor could not stop it.As another row of long spears was pushed on the corpse, the front row of long spears was drawn out, blood spurted wildly, and the cavalier fell limply to the ground.

"It turned out to be Han people! Isn't there no Han army in the Liao Kingdom?" Cui Xianxi could understand Chinese, and the word "Kill!" that he kept yelling out made him break out in a cold sweat in confusion.He could only desperately pull his left leg out from under the horse, and then drew out the saber, which is good for melee combat, and climbed up the slope, hoping that these spearmen would jump into it without noticing him, hack and kill, and escaped from death ***Most of the cavalry generals came up with this idea. Although there were more than a hundred cavalry charging towards the enemy formation, they were divided in order. Each time, only five or six cavalry, or more than ten cavalry, ran into the spear formation. The cavalry behind saw the one in front. Encountered, the heart is timid, the horse is a little afraid of the sharpness of the spear, and the four hooves slow down. In a short time, the infantry behind also rushed up. Within twenty steps before the spear formation, slopes and trenches, cavalry and infantry Army Six and 700 people crowded into a group.Under the huge disparity, the parapet defended by two hundred spearmen was in jeopardy.

At this moment, the huge cannon sounded again, and this time, the shells flew almost straight along the slope inside the trench.Almost all the force of the shells weighing five or six catties was borne by the huddled Japanese army.Wherever the heavy shells passed, there were stumps and internal organs all over the ground.The archers on the cannons on the two wings don't need to aim, they just open their bows halfway and shoot arrows in the direction of the parapet trench, and they can 'shoot' down the enemy in all likelihood. "Beautiful!" Gao Su and Liu Zhijian shouted at the same time on the north and south artillery barracks. When building the fortifications, Zhao Xingde told them every day that the side fire was powerful, and now he has seen it.However, the four three-inch guns fired in salvo on both sides of the trench, and the shells were castrated after less than ten people were penetrated, and they could not penetrate the densest crowd in the middle of the trench. The *** army took the opportunity to rush forward.People were crowded on the slope, and those in front couldn't hold their feet at all. After being stabbed to death, they were pressed on the spears, and the soldiers behind stepped on the corpses of their comrades and attacked upwards.The sergeants had to put down their spears, drew out their side knives, and started a scuffle with these Japanese soldiers.

Fighting was in full swing ahead, Du Chuijiao looked towards Zhao Xingde frequently, and finally saw the messenger making a gesture, Du Chuijiao was overjoyed and ordered: "Swords and shields come out!" Hundreds of swords and shields were waiting for the enemy between the main battery and the trench defense line The hands immediately formed an array and pressed towards the center of the defense line.Xia Guo's sword and shield hands have practiced hard all their lives in the melee combat with sword and shield, but at this moment they are forming an formation, shoulder to shoulder, putting the shield in front, and when they meet the enemy, they will take a cold knife and go out through the gap.Seeing the Sword and Shield team coming up, the spearmen stepped aside one after another.The Japanese soldiers who were caught in the melee had already 'disordered' their ranks, and before they had time to form a formation to fight, many fell in a pool of blood. *** The soldiers charged and killed for a long time, and at this point in the battle, both morale and strength were exhausted. At this moment, they were pushed back step by step by Du Chuijiao, a new army shield wall, and many people jumped from the breast wall again. Up and down the ditch.

Just at this time, the artillery of the flank battery fired again.Due to the short distance of the enemy and the small number of artillery pieces, Liu Zhijian and Gao Su ordered the battery to load two shells each.Although the interval was not long, the Japanese troops on the two wings were attacked by artillery fire and bows and arrows, and they were almost killed or injured.This time, the shells of the three-inch gun passed through the sparse crowd, and finally hit the center of the entire trench defense line, bringing up masses of flesh and blood and howling.At this point in the bloody battle, the morale of the Japanese army finally collapsed. Many soldiers seemed to go crazy, throwing away their weapons and fleeing back.

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