Chapter 268 Conquering Le Changle Pavilion (2)

The army was defeated like a mountain, and the soldiers who braved the artillery fire and the rain of arrows to the death were extremely embarrassed when they retreated.In front of the parapet, which was still in danger just now, there were only corpses and wounded soldiers waiting to be killed. The strength of the "Liao Army" guarding the camp was no more than [-]. The circular "big camp" behind did not participate in the battle at all, and there were no more than [-] people in the front. defeated an enemy army three times its size.The [-] soldiers stationed in Laiyuan County were not ordinary strong men, but the most elite troops of the Republic of China. The battle was not without heroic efforts, but they still failed.

This scene fell into the eyes of the governor Jin Xianrong, and his face was covered with a cloud: "The 'Liao Army' is so powerful, could it be the palace tent army?" Up to this time, Jin Xianrong still believed that the Liao Army who was fighting with him Team. On the surface, the imperial court pursued the policy of "doing everything with sincerity", but in fact it regarded itself as the successor of Goguryeo, a great power in Liaodong, and always wanted to expand its influence northward to the scope of Liaodong.Jin Xianrong controls tens of thousands of elite troops in the northeast camp, and now he is in Baozhou. He only regards the Liao Kingdom and the recently rising Jin Kingdom as opponents, and ignores other 'savage' Jurchen tribes and the weak Han army.

The nightmare of the defeated Japanese army is far from over.Both Ma Rui and Jian Cheng received orders from the cavalry to pursue them. Two hundred cavalry circled out from behind the artillery barracks on the left wing, gradually increased their speed, and chased after the Japanese defeated soldiers with their backs to their own positions.At the same time, Xia Jun's artillery barracks turned to fire at the head of Laiyuan City, and the shells with heavy inertia smashed around the tower of Laiyuan West, which not only suppressed the powerful crossbows and arrows at the head of the city, but also caused the retreat of the defeated. It is difficult for the Japanese soldiers to escape into the nearest west gate.

This time it was Jian Cheng who led the troops to rush to the front. After the centurions came to the open field, he raised the horses horizontally with his right hand. This was an order for the cavalry to disperse and form a sparse formation. Divided into two teams, front and rear, the distance between the front and rear, left and right cavalry is about [-] steps. On the open battlefield, it is very convenient to shoot arrows and spears.Jian Cheng hung the horse lance on the victory hook of the bird's wing ring, freed his hands, took out the "shooting" tiger bow from the bow bag, bent the bow and put an arrow on it, and swished the arrows out, and there were no arrows in vain.Ma Rui still used his big spear, and when he encountered a defeated soldier, he hurried two steps forward. The big gun stretched and retracted as quickly as a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, just enough to stab the enemy to the ground, and avoided the impact to shake the long spear Falling is the result of years of hard work.Led by these two brave generals, the two hundred cavalry opened a distance, sweeping across the battlefield like two iron teeth of a rake.Even if one or two soldiers resisted desperately, the Japanese soldiers had no strength to turn around and fight at all, so they fled along the city wall while desperately calling for the city.

The battle under Laiyuan City was drawing to a close, but the sound of cannons and shouts of killing became louder and louder, and could be heard clearly on the Yalu River.Li Sihai stood in the bucket of the mast, observing the battle situation with binoculars.Seeing the Eighth Battalion wailing and howling at being hunted down, he shouted loudly to the bottom of the mast. The victory was exciting, but the end of the battle made him feel a little uninterested, so he turned the binoculars The direction of crossing is facing the head of Baozhou city. "Eh? The one standing on the top of the wall is probably a general!"

Li Sihai had a sudden whim, he leaned half of his body out of Diao Dou, and shouted loudly: "Fire at the head of Baozhou city! Hurry up!"

The sergeants did not dare to be negligent, and the position of the warship was adjusted quickly. The port side was facing the head of Baozhou City, and ten four-inch guns roared one after another. shake.Li Sihai didn't care about it at all, and just followed the Baozhou city with binoculars.Most of the shells fell elsewhere, and when he saw one shell hit the top of the city, he couldn't help shouting excitedly: "Good job!" All ten cannons fired once, and the general was killed by the Japanese army. Surrounded in the middle, the city of Baozhou was in chaos, and it was unclear what the outcome of the battle would be.Li Sihai leaned down again, and shouted: "Keep firing, don't stop!" He stared viciously at the bottom of the deck, as if his eyes were going to penetrate the thick planks, staring at those who were already cleaning the barrels with all their strength, On the gunners who loaded the ammunition, after a long-term drill and cooperation, the gunners on the ship loaded the ammunition at an alarming speed.Li Sihai's body hadn't had time to retract outside the Diao Dou railing, "Boom!" A loud cannon sound shook the mast again, almost knocking the captain who was caught off guard.

"He's 'grandmother'!" Li Sihai grabbed the railing with one hand in embarrassment, "The scum trained by Zhao De!" With the other hand, he hurriedly pointed the telescope at the head of Baozhou City, and the first time The effect of the second round of shelling was better. Three shells hit the city tower one after another, but the figure of the general just now had disappeared, and the Japanese soldiers were running around like headless chickens. Li Sihai couldn't help but feel a little sad about the result of the battle. After watching for a while, the mast shook violently again. He was furious and shouted down: "Stop, stop, don't fire any more!" With the delay effect, six more shots were fired below the deck before the movement stopped.The surface of the river was filled with black smoke, just like Li Sihai's mood, the navy is indeed not as easy to build military exploits as the shore battalion.

At the head of the city of Baozhou, the northeastern battalion was like a mourning concubine. In the shelling just now, Jin Xianrong, the commander of the northeast battalion who came to Baozhou in person, was killed in battle.During the first round of shelling, a shell hit the city tower. Jin Dutong was still very heroic, saying that it was just harassment by enemy ships showing off their might on the river. Under the persuasion of his staff and subordinates, he still insisted , Do not go down the tower to avoid.However.The first shell of the second round of bombardment hit the top of the city again, and a piece of flying gravel hit Jin Dutong's back, bleeding profusely on the spot, and he resigned before he even had time to say his last words.Ever since Emperor Suzong of the Communist Party of China set his sights on conquering northern Xinjiang, there has been no record of a general at the same level in the battalion and battalion. When the thunderbolt struck from the blue sky, the battalion in the northeast was in chaos, causing the battle situation on the other side of the Yalu River No one pays any attention to the gains and losses of Laiyuan County.

The battlefield where the cannons were roaring and killing sounds was everywhere, now it was completely silent.The chasing cavalry did not get too close to the city wall of Laiyuan, and slowly galloped back to the camp.Du Chuijiao led the sword and shield team over the parapet trench and came to the battlefield where corpses were strewn all over the field. They tidied up the battlefield. Their main military affairs, besides counting the killed enemy troops, was to replenish the seriously injured enemy troops waiting to die. Make a knife.Many Japanese soldiers were injured by shells, leaving only half of their bodies, but they were still breathing, or their stomachs were bleeding, lying on the ground and breathing helplessly.The bloody bravery of a desperate battle is only a momentary thing. At this time, the smoke on the battlefield is still filled with endless sorrow.Before Du Chuijiao joined the Chengying Camp, he had already participated in several regular battles. It was not the first time that the Sword and Shield Team had done military affairs to clean up the battlefield. If he died, those who could be saved, or those who were not injured at all, but were too frightened to move, threw a rope and asked them to tie themselves up.These battered and defeated soldiers are like lambs waiting to be killed in front of swordsmen, but they are still extremely dangerous for the inexperienced garrison battalion.After the soldiers cleaned up all the living people on the battlefield, Zhao Xingde ordered the garrison to come out to bury the corpses and collect the spoils.

In this battle, more than 800 enemies were killed and more than 21 were captured.Two thousand elite soldiers went out into battle, but only four hundred escaped back to Yuancheng.Xia Guoying's own losses were 33 killed and [-] injured, most of which occurred when the Japanese army shook the parapet and trench defenses.A big victory was ushered in by a small number of people. Except for the friends who died in battle, the whole Chengying Eighth Battalion was very excited.Even the soldiers of the garrison battalion who only saw the faces of the Japanese army after the battle felt honored, all of them were overjoyed. The soldiers Chengying looked down on the armor and weapons of the Japanese army, Naturally, these trophies were to be used to arm the garrison battalion.

Before cleaning up the battlefield, the military discipline was declared to the garrison battalion in advance, and all seized, including the personal property found from the traitors, should be distributed centrally, and those who hid them would be severely punished. Zhao Xingde really didn't want his army to be like Lu Mei's army The same, lost combat effectiveness because of looting each other's booty.The soldiers even wanted to strip off the blood-stained military robes, but Zhao Xingde stopped them immediately after he found out.

The subordinates were overjoyed, but Zhao Xingde paid attention to the dead and injured soldiers first, and apologized: "If we have more archers, the casualties will be smaller." No matter how weak the enemy army is, as long as hand-to-hand combat, the casualties will be reduced. It is inevitable.However, General Xia's Mansion has never dared to allow archers to account for as much as [-]% of the infantry like Kanto.Although bows and arrows can avoid casualties, in many battles of this era, it is the ability to fight hand-to-hand that determines the outcome.

Not just a coincidence or deliberate, the battle between Xia Guoying and the Japanese army ended in the morning, and Wang Hengzhi arrived in Laiyuan County with three thousand Kaizhou Han troops in the afternoon.Not only that, two thousand Yalu River Jurchen tribe troops arrived with them.When the Han army arrived, it happened that the garrison camp was picking up the battlefield. The corpses of Japanese soldiers were piled up together, and the garrison soldiers were sweating profusely digging a big pit beside the corpse pile.After obtaining the permission of the sergeant, the garrison battalion immediately distributed the armor and weapons that were still in good condition, and put together the damaged and unusable armor and weapons, and transported them back to the camp in the future.

The belated Han army and the Jurchen coalition army could only drool as they watched the soldiers of the garrison battalion carry piles of captured materials into the camp.

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