Chapter 269 Conquering Le Changle Pavilion (3)

Because of the Liao State's intention to divide and rule, the various ministries of the Yalu River Jurchen living in the hinterland of the Liao State have not been unified.This time when the Jurchen tribe learned that the Han army was attacking Baozhou, each tribe sent soldiers separately. When they arrived at the city of Laiyuan, each tribe also set up their own tents, but they were closer together.The camp is not as strict as the regular army of the Kingdom of Jin. After the tents are set up, those who practice martial arts, those who herd sheep, and those who cook, go about their own business.As the evening approached, there was the sound of Hu Jia floating in the air, the tune was sobbing, mournful and desolate, it came from the Jurchen camp, like an elegy.

Many tribesmen stood by the tents enviously watching the garrison move the loot, while the leaders of various tribes came down to Zhao De to discuss the next move under the leadership of Wang Hengzhi.When they arrived at the tent of the Chinese army, the soldiers told Zhao Xingde to patrol the wounded camp, Wang Hengzhi and others went to the tent where the doctor bandaged the wounded.This wounded camp is the only one in the big camp. In addition to the wounded sergeants of the [-]th Battalion of Chengying itself, some Japanese prisoners who were slightly injured were treated here.

The leader of the Jurchen, Erli, also envied: "If we knew that these Japanese are so vulnerable, we should have taken down Baozhou City." The Yalu River Jurchen tribe and the Japanese are feuds. After withdrawing, the Japanese took over Baozhou.The nearby Jurchen tribes were all on pins and needles, so after Wang Hengzhi made an invitation, Erli joined forces with other tribes and brought more than 2000 soldiers to attack Baozhou.

Zhao Xingde glanced at him and said indifferently: "The Japanese were honored to be defeated. They persisted until they were half dead or wounded before retreating. They were defeated because of their incomplete armies. Only relying on their numbers and bravery, it was difficult to defeat the infantry, cavalry, and artillery. The army." He didn't care whether Eriye understood what he meant, and said straight to Wang Heng: "The main force of the Japanese army who came to Yuancheng has been wiped out by our battalion outside the city. There must be many people in this city. If you don’t have enough food and grass, how about sharing it equally between your two families?”

As soon as he finished speaking, the veins on his forehead suddenly showed. "General Wang, didn't you say that at the beginning?" "Did our Jurchens go for nothing?" He had fought against the Japanese army many times, and knew that it was actually not easy to deal with.Zhao De easily cleaned up the elite soldiers of the Communist Party.Fore Li also felt a little timid in his heart, even if he was dissatisfied with him, he only quarreled with Wang Heng.

Wang Hengzhi suddenly said in embarrassment: "General Zhao, the leader of Erli also came to attack Baozhou together. It is also a good intention..." He coughed and said in a deep voice: "In any case, the three armies will be allied to protect the state. The first thing is to fight together. When you come down to Yuancheng, you can't 'disrupt' your position. It will also prevent General Zhao's previous efforts from being wasted."

His original idea was to bring [-] strong men over to collect rations for [-] days, and then lead Zhao Xingde and other elite soldiers to besiege Kaizhou City.Wang Hengzhi had no intention of conquering Kaizhou City, he just wanted to attract Liao Kingdom's attention for Han Ningshuang's management of Suzhou Guannan.The Han army has been hiding in the deep mountains and dense forests all year round. Except for a few cutting-edge generals around Han Ningshuang, most of them have lost the courage and confidence to fight a tough battle in a fortified city.Unexpectedly, the battle situation in Baozhou was far beyond his expectations. Xia Guoying not only used gunboats to attack this area of ​​the Yalu River, but also cut off the support of the Japanese army between Baozhou and Laiyuan.Zhao Xingde single-handedly defeated the Japanese army which was three times larger than himself.

"The Xia*** team is so tyrannical, no wonder both Song and Liao are so afraid." Wang Hengzhi and Erli also kept calm on the surface, but in fact they were deeply guarded and fearful, let alone showing weakness.Wang Heng could see that Yuancheng was small, the Japanese army could not exceed [-], and the main force had already been damaged. Even if they stormed the city, there would be no serious casualties, so he deliberately took advantage of it.What's more, with the help of the Jurchen army, the chances of capturing Yuancheng are not small.

However, Zhao Xingde didn't look at Wang Hengzhi and E Liye, and kept looking down at the wounded sergeant.Seeing that many artillerymen were shot by the arrows and injured their arms and calves, which were not well protected by armor, Zhao Xingde regretted placing all the archers in the flank camps, and murmured: "If the Japanese army is charging, It would be good if there are capable archers who can suppress the front of the defense line." Liu Zhijian was also watching the gunners of his team, shaking his head and said: "Lieutenant, don't blame yourself. Everyone has seen with their own eyes that the archers are deployed on the flanks to kill the enemy. It's the best. If you want to blame it, it's a pity that we have too few archers, and all the soldiers in the garrison battalion are useless." He sighed and said: "The Huguo Mansion will never agree to cut the scissors, shields and spearmen. Archers." Zhao Xingde nodded and sighed.Xia's use of various weapons is like the various subjects of the imperial examinations for scholars in the Song Dynasty, which affect people's chances of being promoted to official careers and cannot be easily changed.On the other hand, increasing the proportion of archers is not beneficial and harmless. Compared with the increase of archers in the infantry army to [-]% in the Song Dynasty, the Xia*** army emphasizes defeating the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, so the infantry battalion is equipped with more heavy weapons. Armored spearmen and sword and shield hands.

The two of them were discussing here as if no one was around, and just five steps away, some Japanese soldiers who were slightly injured were also wounded.Cui Xianxi was dragged out from the pile of dead people in the trench by the sergeant, he was completely disheartened, his face was ashen, and he just sat on the ground stunned.Hearing that the enemy general was summing up the gains and losses of this battle, he felt ashamed and wanted to die. "Back then in Kaijing, I was used to being flattered by others, but today I realize that there are people above all others, and there is a sky beyond the sky." He raised his head, carefully remembered the appearance of the general of the Han army in his heart, and secretly made up his mind, "If you survive by chance, Cui Come again to ask Your Excellency."

Zhao Xingde deliberately ignored the leaders of the Han army and Jurchen who came late, and he did not want to let them in easily to share the benefits.These people are not easy to dismiss, and their foreheads are full of anger. Wang Heng smiled and said: "General Zhao, you have something to say. Your army won the first battle, and you should rest for two days. Let our army and the Jurchen army fight far away." City. The property we get will be shared equally among the three of us, how do you like it?"

"Our army has fought for a long time. Although we have defeated the Japanese army, we have suffered a lot. Well..." Zhao Xingde looked embarrassed when he spoke.In the end, it was still Wang Hengzhi and Erli who continued to persuade, and everyone discussed and decided that Xia Guoying would be responsible for firing and bombarding Laiyuan City, while the Han army and the Japanese army would attack the city.Xia Guoying has gunboats patrolling the river, neither the Jurchen nor the Han army can hold this place.After the city was broken, the Jurchens and the Han army seized and looted the treasury equally, but they were not allowed to plunder the property of the people.Wang Hengzhi and Erli also calculated very clearly that when the Liao army retreated, they must have searched the people in Baozhou and Laiyuan City once, and the army had to raid again when they entered.The people living in the cities must be destitute, and the Japanese army stationed [-] soldiers and horses in a mere Laiyuan County. Obviously, the treasury reserves in these two cities are very rich.Xia Guoying wanted the city and the people, but he was willing to give up some real benefits.

"General Zhao, what do you plan to do with these **** captives, so as not to waste food, they can either be sold to the Kingdom of Jin as slaves, or killed. The **** bastards are not good things, and we Jurchens have a lot of hands blood."

Cui Xianxi kept pricking up his ears to eavesdrop, and when he heard the words, his whole body trembled, full of worry, and afraid of being seen by others.

Zhao Xingde looked at those pale slaves, many of them could understand Chinese, he said indifferently: "Let's keep it for now, this city is not properly repaired, and we can build a new city after the city is conquered. They are still needed." He paused for a moment, then murmured: "It would be nice if we could get some more ransom."

It is a common thing to use captives to build projects in troubled times, and the forehead also "hummed", as if a little dissatisfied with the good lives of these Japanese soldiers.Wang Hengzhi praised: "General Zhao is really a bodhisattva for letting them live." Building a city is hard work, but it is much better than selling yourself to the Kingdom of Jin as a slave.Many Japanese captives secretly breathed a sigh of relief, staying in Laiyuan to build a city, at least they could see their homeland on the other side of the Yalu River every day.A noble son from a hereditary martial arts class like Cui Xianxi has a [-]% or [-]% hope of surviving, so he can't help but hope every day that his family in the middle school will run to the rescue and pay the ransom to redeem himself as soon as possible.After this bloody battle, although the news of the death of Du Tong Jin Xianrong was not known, almost no one among the prisoners believed that the Baozhou army could reverse the defeat.

The days of fighting that followed were both expected and unexpected.The morale of the Japanese army in Laiyuan City is low, and they have lost foreign aid. It will be a matter of time before they fall.Zhao Xingde intended to test the strength of the Han army and the Jurchen army, so he only ordered the artillerymen to bombard the head of Laiyuan city, and did not send a single soldier to help attack the city.Because Laiyuan City was short, the Han army used the method of attacking the city with earth hills, and the strong men carried bags of earth on their backs and piled them under the city wall. The Japanese army shot arrows on the city wall to prevent the accumulation of earth hills. However, they suffered heavy casualties under the counterattack of bows and arrows under the city.The earth mountain was piled up at an astonishing speed, but within two days it reached the height of the city wall, and the Jurchen army and the elite Han army stepped on the earth mountain to attack the top of the west city.In the face of the visible fruits of victory, the Jurchen army and the Han army fought valiantly without hesitating casualties. In less than half a day, they drove all the last resistance army to the head of the Far West City.

The remaining 1000 Japanese troops in the city finally surrendered to the Han army. When food, armor, weapons and other supplies were brought out of the camp, even Zhao Xingde secretly regretted it. The Communists obviously wanted to make Laiyuan an important town on the west side of the Yalu River. Although they only stationed [-] troops, they had stored enough grain and grass for half a year, hundreds of thousands of arrows, and more than [-] armors. There are piles of wood and stone needed to rebuild the city.The Han army and the Jurchen army felt a little sorry for sharing the spoils equally, and generously gave all the captives to Zhao Xingde, but did not give them any food to feed them.

Erli also gave most of the distributed materials to the Yalu River Jurchen tribes.As a result, after the Jurchen tribe tasted the sweetness, it is said that the supplies in Baozhou City are ten times that in the city of Yuanyuan.Within four or five days, more and more Jurchens gathered under the city of Baozhou, and various simple tents of different styles were connected one by one.According to what Erli also revealed to Zhao Xingde, the Jurchen tribe under Baozhou City actually had more than 3000 officers and aides. Although they were not subordinate to each other, they far exceeded the strength of the Han army and Xia Guoying.

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