Chapter '0 Zhengle Changle Museum (4)

"There are so many flies and mosquitoes here." Li Sihai put down the binoculars and let Zhao Xingde into the captain's cabin.

The captain's cabin is the largest cabin on a sea-going ship. It is divided into two rooms, inside and outside. The inside is for the captain to rest personally, and the outside is for military meetings and receiving guests.There is a large map of Liaodong hanging in the military cabin. The area of ​​* * * was only outlined in the past, and the famous cities and towns and port barracks were all newly drawn by the Fourth Battalion.

"We won the first battle," Li Sihai said with a smile, "I also tried to prove that the Japanese are vulnerable. Captain Zhao, you see, the capitals and famous cities of the * country are all on the banks of the river," he pointed from the Qingchuan River, The Datong River and other rivers headed upstream from Haikou. "If you march along these rivers, you can take all the troops. Captain Zhao is willing to write a letter to the Huguo Mansion with Li. You and I will join forces to take the corner of the army first." Land, and then manage the East China Sea.”

Zhao Xingde was not as optimistic as he was. He frowned and said, "The Japanese have always been ambivalent about surrendering to the Central Plains. Famous cities and important towns are all on the banks of waterways. It is easy to win a battle. But as long as the Japanese give up these easy-to-take areas The land, retreating into the inland mountains, if our dynasty intends to take the whole country, we will need a lot of troops, if we are deeply trapped in it, it will not be conducive to our dynasty." Zhao Xingde turned his fingers from *** to Liaodong, "The army is trapped Spending too much time in *** may be detrimental to the affairs of Liaodong, and Liaodong is also related to the Central Plains..." He paused, and said in a deep voice, "So I feel that we should use war to make peace with ***, face to face The main enemies are Liao and Jin."

"Oh?" There was some disappointment in Li Sihai's eyes, he pondered for a moment, and asked, "Then Captain Zhao, what do you mean by the Battle of Baozhou?"

"This is exactly why I'm here," Zhao Xingde stood up, looking out of the cabin and said, "I didn't expect to attract so many Jurchens when I came to the battle of Yuancheng. Since the fall of the Bohai Kingdom, the Yalu River Jurchen tribe has gradually taken over. This place has been conquered. Mao Zedong expanded the northern border and formed a feud with the Jurchens. The two sides fought endlessly, and there is no possibility of repairing it. Therefore, although our army is weak, it is a pivotal position between Mao Zedong and the Jurchens If the Communist Party is completely expelled, the Jurchens will probably point their fingers at us. Fortunately, the sergeants said that the people recruited by our battalion in Liaodong and the Han army in the newly established garrison battalion may not be able to compete with them now. Confrontation. Therefore, it is better to keep the Communists in Baozhou and maintain the balance of power on both sides of the Yalu River. Let us first consolidate the foundation, and when the wings are full, we will turn against the Jurchen and the Communists."

"So that's how it is," Li Sihai also stood up, looking outside the cabin, the tents of the Yalu River Jurchen tribe continued to the river bank, these 'savage' Jurchens in the mouth of the Japanese, if they really turned against the Han army in the future, they would definitely get gold He thought for a while, and said slowly, "What Captain Zhao means is to attack Baozhou with a bluff. After 20 days, I will stay and talk to the Japanese?" A playful look flashed in his eyes. look'.

"Exactly," Zhao Xingde replied, "if we drive away the Communists at this time, I'm afraid they will be making wedding dresses for the Jurchens."

"The matter of peace talks is no small matter. Can Captain Zhao trust me?"

"What Li Xiaowei said is Chengying's robe, if I can't trust you, who else can I trust?" Zhao Xingde said with a smile.Based on the terrain of Laiyuan County and the experience of designing Suzhou Guancheng, Zhao Xingde re-drawn the pattern of a new city.He discussed with Li Sihai that once the army withdrew, they would stay in the garrison and more than a thousand Japanese prisoners, and start to demolish the old Laiyuan county town and rebuild a new one.Chengying and Li Sihai helped to fight the river surface to prevent the Japanese from sneaking into Yuan County, and at the same time negotiated peace with the Japanese.The bottom line is that the Communist Party must admit that Laiyuan County on the other side of the Yalu River is owned by Xia Guoying, and that taxes on boats sailing on the Yalu River are collected by Xia Guoying.

The two have made a plan, and the fourth and eighth battalions of Chengying have bluffed their minds.Baozhou City is far stronger than Laiyuan City, and the Japanese army has more soldiers. The Han army and the Jurchen tribe of the Yalu River attacked several times. After suffering heavy losses, they also stopped thinking about taking down Baozhou City. , The army withdrew to the west bank of the Yalu River, took advantage of the situation and turned to Kaizhou.Among the Jurchen tribes, Zhieri also led more than [-] Jurchen troops to attack Kaizhou together with the Han army, while the other Jurchen tribes scattered on the spot.The Yalu River Jurchen tribes benefited greatly from Laiyuan County, and even regarded Xia Guoying who occupied Laiyuan as an ally. Since then, many special products such as fur, wild ginseng, horses, and pearls from the Yalu River Jurchen tribe have been shipped to Laiyuan County. Trade with merchants here, and then buy food, cloth and other materials to go back, this is a later story.

This time, in order to build momentum, the Han army dispatched all the troops from Taibai Mountain and the Yalu River. Nearly 3 Han troops gathered under the city of Kaizhou. The blade is enough, but Wang Hengzhi still distributes military rations at two liters per day. 7000 people ate horse chews, and the grain and grass were spent every day like running water. Wang Hengzhi frowned and sighed every day, and spent most of his time staring at the grain and grass book.In order to prepare for this battle, Kaizhou Village took out all the grain and grass for the winter. If it wasn't for Xin's acquisition of more than [-] stones of grain and grass in Laiyuan City, the Han army gathered at Kaizhou City might also be in danger of being stopped.Zhao Xingde witnessed this situation, and also understood why Wang Hengzhi was so greedy for food and grass.

Kaizhou is an important town in eastern Liaodong. The old Kaizhou city was originally located in Fenghuang Shanzhai where Xia Guoying is now. Enter Liaodong.After Han Changzhi's "rebellion", the target of the Liao Kingdom's defenses changed from the Japanese to the Han army and Jurchen tribes in the mountains of Liaodong. The Duoliao army moved from Fenghuang Mountain to the new city at the foot of the mountain more than ten miles away. It not only controlled the passage of the Jurchen tribe and the Han army out of the mountain, but also protected the tens of thousands of Khitans scattered on the nearby plains.

Although the attack on Kaizhou was a bluff, 3 Han troops were deployed under the city, and the Chengying Battalion continued to fire artillery every day to help out, but it still made Liao's generals feel like they were facing a big enemy.The Han army under the city of Kaizhou not only attacked the city, but also dispatched troops to plunder the four fields, and the cavalry team who attacked Caogu even appeared outside Liaoyang city.After the Han army began to besiege Kaizhou, the Khitans either withdrew into Kaizhou city or retreated further west to Liaoyang, which also brought news of the deteriorating situation in Liaodong everywhere.After more than two years of preparations, Yelu Dashi has unified the forces within the Liao Kingdom and is planning to use troops in Liaodong.The court of the Liao Kingdom has always regarded the Han people as their confidantes. As soon as the news of the Han army's resurgence came out, Yelu Dashi immediately dispatched troops from Shangjing to prepare for the attack. Guard, and prepare for the future crusade against the Han army.

It was in Kaizhou City that attracted the attention of the Liao court. Due to the limited number of Khitan troops in Liaodong, in order to concentrate on defending Liaoyang, some less important Khitan troops in the city and pass were transferred away.The Han army, Bohai people and Jurchen tribes in the south of Suzhou Guan suddenly rose up and captured Suzhou Guan.Although more than 200 Liao troops who stayed at Suzhou Pass were beheaded in this battle, compared with the huge momentum under Kaizhou City, the chaos in the south of Suzhou Pass still did not attract enough attention from the Liao Dynasty court.Taking advantage of this short period of time, the Han army gathered elite soldiers and generals from all over the place, and at the same time moved more than [-] people with their families to Guannan, Suzhou, by land or by sea, and drove the people away day and night. The repair of the Walled City destroyed the isthmus of Guannan in Suzhou.In this short period of time, the Khitan army in Fuzhou attacked three times in an attempt to recapture Suzhou, but failed. However, under the deliberate cover-up of the Han army, the Liao court never realized that Suzhou Guannan was being managed as the Han army in Liaodong. The most important stronghold, their eyes have been firmly attracted to Kaizhou area.More than [-] Han troops have besieged Kaizhou for nearly a month, and the strong men sent by the Han village masters to eat military rations have changed several times. Although they have not conquered Kaizhou City, they have repelled Liaoyang Liao Army several times. rescue.

In Shangjing City, Yelu Tiege, the privy envoy of the Northern Court, had requested several times to personally lead elite troops to rescue the siege, but he did not get permission from His Majesty the Emperor.Yelu Dashi originally had a plan to lure the enemy, to fight the Jurchen Kingdom of Jin under the city of Liaoyang. The situation has evolved to this point. Emperor Wanyan Agu sent troops to Liaoyang City to help the Bohai people restore their country.Envoys from the Liaoyang Mansion and the Kingdom of Jin kept going back and forth on the roads, and the time passed unknowingly, and soon came the season of high autumn and high horses, that is, the season for the northern tribes to use their troops.

At the end of August, just under the city of Kaizhou, Zhao Xingde got the news that the Fourth Battalion of Chengying had successfully negotiated peace with the Communists.Under the threat of Xia Guoying's display of power, the Communist Party agreed that Laiyuan County should be under the jurisdiction of the "Phoenix Mountain Han Army", and Xia Guoying promised not to support the Jurchen tribe east of the Yalu River.Li Sihai rushed to the city of Kaizhou in person, not only to explain the terms of the peace talks to Zhao Xingde in detail, but also to witness the battle situation under the city of Kaizhou with his own eyes.Unlike the Han army's low-key management of Suzhou Guannan, the Han army in Kaizhou was afraid that the momentum would not be big enough. Now not only the Huguo Mansion is asking about the situation here, but even the Bianjing court of the Song Dynasty and the Privy Council have also proposed to cross the sea with food and grass. The suggestion of aiding the Han army and the Liao Kingdom is difficult, but the relationship between Song and Liao is very good now, and even the grain, grass, and military equipment to aid the Jurchen Jin Kingdom have been reduced a lot, and this proposal to aid the Han army has also been suppressed.

Zhao Xingde looked at the terms of the peace talks brought by Li Sihai, and suddenly his eyes focused, and he said in confusion: "It's all right if the country pays [-] shi for grain and grass to reward the army, and also pays fifty pairs of divas and beauties. What does it mean?"

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