Chapter 315 Joy is not over (16)

"Sit still!" Han Ningshuang said in a deep voice.

Zhao Xingde nodded, and said again: "The one who saved me!"

"It's the one who saved me!" She pinched the horse's belly lightly, and the horse galloped forward.Zhao Xingde only felt his body leaning back, and immediately stabilized his figure.The cavalry of the Han army was divided into teams of about a hundred cavalry, while resisting the Liao cavalry who were chasing and intercepting like a pack of wolves, while rescuing the artillerymen of the Han army.The war horse rides two people, Rao is the best breed, and it runs a lot slower.At this time, many Han troops scattered everywhere were shouting loudly: "Help!" "Help me!" Stay on the battlefield and grit your teeth and fight hard.These guys may not be very skilled in martial arts, and they are usually a little cunning, but they are unambiguous on the battlefield, and they seldom escape and surrender.

A group of cavalry from the Liao Kingdom rushed over horizontally, and they were about to cut Han Ningshuang's cavalry into two sections. Suddenly, a spear protruded from the stabbing, and the leading cavalry immediately threw themselves to the ground in place of their horses. The cavalryman immediately broke his neck and saw that he was dying. "It's useless for a rich man to call for help," Liu Cui scolded fiercely, "It's better to kill him if he dies anyway." After the wind spun, everything seemed to shrink. He saw his headless body, and a Liao soldier was rushing past him, his scimitar spattered with blood. "Mother!" Liu Que's mouth moved twice, but no sound came out. His eyes were wide open, but the world was darkened.

"It's a pity, a man." Zhao Xingde thought to himself, he had no time to regret.The spearman of the Han army tried his best to stop Liao Qi once, but more Liao Qi charged forward. A cavalryman raised his spear with a grim face, and took Zhao Xingde's head. "Be careful!" Han Ningshuang shouted in a low voice, she lightly lifted the rein with her left hand, and swung the sword with her right hand, only heard a "clang", the spear head was blocked by the long sword, almost brushing against Zhao Xingde's helmet.Just when the two horses were passing each other like the wind and lightning, Zhao Xingde held the horizontal knife instead, and dragged the enemy's waist. The Liao cavalry was caught off guard, and a long and deep gash was cut in the waist, and the blood flowed wildly. Chung, the horse hadn't run far, and the man had already fallen down limply.

However, both Han and Zhao didn't have time to watch this scene.The Liao army continued to attack and intercept, Han Ningshuang sometimes reined in the horse to slow down, and sometimes accelerated to urge the horse. The horse ran fast and sometimes slowed down. People are stuck together.He could only hold the back of the saddle with his left hand, and the horizontal knife in his right hand.This posture was extremely awkward, and finally he couldn't hold back when he stopped suddenly again, and the whole person fell forward.

"Didn't I tell you to sit still?" Han Ningshuang said angrily, she was almost pushed off the horse by Zhao Xingde.Zhao Xingde grabbed the back of the saddle with his left hand, and stabilized his figure with his waist and legs. "I'm sorry." Although he didn't explain further, Han Ningshuang thought for a while, feeling restless in her heart, and said in a deep voice, "You hold me, don't let go." After a moment of silence behind her, a strong arm wrapped around her waist .Han Ningshuang felt a little upset, she bit the tip of her tongue, her eyes were clear again, she held a sword in one hand, and accelerated the horse to gallop.

Riding a horse depends entirely on the strength of her waist and legs, Zhao Xingde can know in advance how she rides and controls the horse based on the feeling of her left arm, and it is almost the same as riding a horse herself.It's just that being so close makes one feel uneasy, Zhao Xingde thought to himself, fortunately there are armors separating them, otherwise it would be really abrupt.The iron armor Han Ningshuang wears is the cavalry style of the Xia Kingdom. The chest and lower abdomen are all made of iron armor, while the back and shoulders are mainly made of scale armor. It is strong and flexible. It is called Dragon Scale. Forged by a local master craftsman, the sword is named Qiulian, and it is also a sword that cuts gold and jade.Zhao Xingde tried his best to get rid of distracting thoughts from his mind, dragging the horizontal knife with his right hand, and together with Han Ningshuang dealt with the charging enemies.The cooperation of the two became more and more skillful. Although the speed of the horse was slowed down by sharing a ride, the extra hands and eyes also took advantage of a lot.

The battle didn't last long, and the 3000 Jurchen cavalry led by Wanyan Zongbi also rushed into the battlefield. Yeluguan no longer entangled, and led more than 200 damaged palace tent cavalry to forcefully rush out.The left battlefield was a mess. The fourteen three-inch guns abandoned on the ground by the artillery battalion had all been destroyed, and nearly half of the more than [-] gunners of the artillery battalion had been lost. The ground was full of dead and injured Han army spearmen and Jurchen archers. corpse.Most of the living people sat on the ground exhausted, their faces were pale, and they were panting heavily, as if they had escaped from death.

"This matter can't be left alone, you and I go to see Wanyan Aguda and ask for an explanation."

Han Ningshuang said in a deep voice. "That's right." Zhao Xingde nodded, seeing that she was still standing still, he felt a little strange.It wasn't until Han Ningshuang said in embarrassment: "Aren't you going to change horses?" Zhao Xingde just woke up like a dream.Just when things were urgent, the two rode together.Now that the Liao army has retreated, it is impossible for Han Ningshuang to be so close to him.He felt extremely embarrassed, and his face was hot, but luckily it was covered by blood and dust.

The Artillery Battalion suffered heavy losses due to the sneak attack of the Liao Army cavalry, and the various departments of the Jin Army had to bear a great deal of responsibility for their failure to save them.Han Ningshuang commanded the Han army to gain a foothold in Liaodong, so she couldn't let her subordinates be bullied like this.Although Shicai's battle was not long, it was fierce and dangerous. Both Han Ningshuang and Zhao Xingde were sweating through their armor.Soon, Zhao Xingde's horse was brought, and the two rode side by side. They didn't care about rest, and immediately went hand in hand to seek justice from the Emperor Wanyan Aguda of the Kingdom of Jin.

Although the Kingdom of Jin is known as a country, various laws and regulations have just been established, and the rules are not as strict as Song, Liao, and Xia.Wanyan Aguda came to the battle in person, Han Ningshuang and Zhao Xingde asked to see him, and they only needed to say a word.After listening to Han Ningshuang and Zhao Xingde's statements in front of many powerful and powerful generals around him, Wanyan Aguda was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "I will give you a fair deal." He stopped mentioning this matter and only urged All the troops tried their best to attack the Liao army camp.

The two sides continued to fight until sunset, and Wanyan Aguda just withdrew his troops.On this day, the Jin soldiers broke through the two defense lines of the Liao army and captured more than 30 camps. Although the Liao army was still desperate to retreat, the Jin soldiers did not do their best, but they won a big victory after all.In the evening, Wanyan Aguda hosted a banquet to reward the generals, and announced two surprising decisions. First, to reward the Han army for their contributions, after the battle, the city of Liaoyang and the areas south of it were assigned to the Han army to rule.Second, His Majesty valued Zhao Xingde and revealed his intention to betroth the Ninth Princess Wanyan Meini to this person.

When these two decisions were made, there was an uproar.Veteran generals such as Wanyan Cibushi and Wanyan Zonghan objected one after another, but they were still unable to shake Wanyan Aguda's determination.Wanyan Zongbi's face was extremely gloomy, "Father, are you crazy?" He pinched the glass with his hands so hard that it was almost crushed, but he didn't dare to speak out against it.Wanyan Aguda made such a decision, one is to reward merit, but to appease the anger of Zhao Xingde and the Han army, and he also has to bear a responsibility for the pursuit.

"Your Majesty must be crazy!" Wanyan Zonghan failed to persuade him, turned sideways and said to Wanyan Zongbi, staring at Zhao Xingde and Han Ningshuang with rather unfriendly eyes.

Although Liaoyang is located between the Liao and Jin Dynasties, the land should be the center of the four wars, but all industries in Liaoyang are prosperous, and the surrounding areas are the most concentrated Han people in Liaodong, and the most perfect land reclamation in Liaodong. , and even the land south of Liaoyang is like a fish in water. If it is managed well, it will be a tripartite rivalry with Liao and Jin.Wanyan Aguda was willing to hand over Liaoyang. For the Han army, no matter how difficult it was, it was better than no chance.

With such a big victory suddenly, Han Ningshuang hesitated, and then Wanyan Aguda revealed his intention to marry again, Zhao Xingde immediately rejected it again, Wanyan Agu said angrily: "General Zhao said that we treat the Han army as a Outsider, now I promise you my most beloved daughter, and I add two more soldiers to show the sincerity of the Jurchens, and General Zhao pushes back and forth again, what is going on here?"

Wanyan Agu has been a soldier all his life, and his prestige has always been there. When he got angry, the audience was awe-inspiring. Not only did the important officials of the Jin Dynasty dare not persuade them, but also Zhao Xingde and Han Ningshuang were inconvenient to pursue the Jin soldiers. grim thing.After the banquet was over, the surprise and doubts of all the Nuzhen dignitaries dissipated, and the angry look on Wanyan Aguda's face disappeared in an instant, replaced by a playful smile.

Now that the battle has been fought, he has fully seen Yelu Dashi's intentions.Lure the main force of the Jin army away from their homeland, fight a decisive battle under Liaoyang City, and then use heavy troops to cut off the retreat and attack from both sides.What the Jin army faced was not only the 20 Liao army in front of them, but also the tens of thousands of Liao troops who captured Shenzhou and plundered the former land of Jurchen behind their backs.Therefore, for Jin Guo, it can only be resolved quickly.It is best to defeat Yelu Dashi in World War I. Now it seems that the Liao army is surprisingly tenacious.The Jin army could only take advantage of the victory to retreat. Taking advantage of the remaining prestige of the great victory, the Liao army might not dare to catch up and fight another battle.There is still enough food and grass, and the Liao army in the north of Shenzhou is still weak, so they can bring back the Jurchen warriors as intact as possible.

If the Liao Army cannot be defeated in World War I, no matter how important the location of Liaoyang is, it will always be the first line of threats from the Liao Army.Handing over Liaoyang to the guards of the Han army can contain the Liao army and make the Jurchen retreat more smoothly.Places are dead, but people are alive. For the Kingdom of Jin, the most important warriors, Shenzhou and Liaoyang, have no long legs and cannot run away. As long as the warriors are still there, they can fight next year and the year after. beat.Yelu Dashi is a cunning fox, but he still can't beat the good Jurchen hunter. In the end, Liaodong is still the Liaodong of the Jurchens.

Wanyan Agu poured himself a glass of wine and poured it down his throat.Today, it is inconvenient to explain these plans to the generals in front of Zhao Xingde and Han Ningshuang, if it is said in advance, it will appear fake.Wait until tomorrow to find an opportunity, and then rush to resign, Lou Shi, Zong Bi, Zong Han and others to teach them, so that they can understand their painstaking efforts.

Wanyan Agu was thinking in his heart, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly, the smile froze at the corner of his mouth, his face froze, his eyes showed an incomparable pain, his right hand desperately clutched his chest, only feeling the pain I couldn't stand up straight.This heartache is his own sickness, and several generations of Wanyan tribe chiefs have died of it. When he was sick in the past, Wanyan Aguda always endured it and passed it.

But this time it didn't seem so simple, Wanyan Aguda held his throat with one hand and covered his chest with the other, and fell to the ground with a thud, his teeth knocked out blood from his tongue, the wine glass was poured on the dead and wounded, and the surrounding guards all ran away When he came up, he could only see figures swaying around in front of his eyes, and he couldn't even hear the panicked voice, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" His vision became more and more blurred, and finally turned into darkness.

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