Chapter 316 Returning to Xianyang with full rank (1)

Wanyan Agu was thinking in his heart, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly, the smile froze at the corner of his mouth, his face froze, his eyes showed an incomparable pain, his right hand desperately clutched his chest, only feeling the pain I couldn't stand up straight.This heartache is his own sickness, and several generations of Wanyan tribe chiefs have died of it. When he was sick in the past, Wanyan Aguda always endured it and passed it.

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you, Your Majesty?"

"Do you want to call the shaman?"

The guards all knew that the emperor had a problem with heartache, but they usually pretended not to know, and no one dared to say it.But now Wanyan Aguda's face is too frightening, his whole face is distorted, looking very ferocious.Holding his throat with one hand and his chest with the other, he fell to the ground with a bang, and his teeth knocked out blood from his tongue.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty?"

The surrounding guards all ran up, but he could only see figures swaying in front of his eyes, and he couldn't even hear the panicked voice clearly.Wanyan Aguda is like a drowning man struggling desperately. He still has a battle to fight, the entire country that is in full swing, and 10,000+ warriors to bring back.He fought back the severe pain and desperately tried to regain control of his body. It was an uphill battle, struggling to knock down the wine jug and wine glass on the white tiger skin rug.

"I will not lose, I will never lose!" Wanyan Aguda clenched his teeth and stood up. His body was quite majestic, like a mountain.He regained his sanity somewhat, and his hands and feet changed from numbness to needle-like pain. "It seems to be coming through." A smile began to appear on his face, "I won't lose, I won't!" At this moment, there was a sudden pop in his ears, as if something was broken, Wanyan Agu beat him. His eyes went dark, his legs went limp, and he fell down with a "bang", knocking over the entire table.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!" His vision became more and more blurred, and finally turned into darkness.

Undoubtedly, the dignitaries of the Kingdom of Jin were very dissatisfied with Wanyan Aguda's decision, especially the first Bo Jilie Wanyan Ci. Wu Qimai, ever since he led the army to march south, Wan Yanci has long regarded Liaoyang as his possession.However, Wanyan Aguda gave it to the Han people so resolutely, and it was useless for Wanyanci to object, but how could he swallow this tone.

"Your Majesty, is this bewitched?" Wanyan Zonghan said angrily, "How many girls died in the attack on Liaoyang? They are really good men. How can I give them to the Han people?" He looked at Wanyan Zongbi who bowed his head and said, "You said Woolen cloth?"

Wanyan Zongbi said in a low voice: "Maybe Father has other meanings, he is so determined, we can only bear with it for the time being." He looked at Han and Zhao who were not far away, and a look of sternness flashed in his eyes.But Wanyan Zonghan said loudly: "What is patience! I think you are reading Han people's books, and you have read your mind stupid! Let the place go out, and you will have to bleed to get it back in the future!" Seeing that Wanyan Zongbi was silent, he said again : "Liaoyang is flat and fertile. Do we Jurchens deserve to stay in a dangerous and bitter place?"

At this time, everyone was not far away from the imperial tent, Wanyan Zonghan's voice became louder and louder, Wanyan Cibushi, Wanyan Loushi and others all turned their faces, even Han Ningshuang and Zhao Xingde in the distance could vaguely hear it.The powerful ministers of the Kingdom of Jin usually respected Wanyan Aguda and never doubted his decision, but this time, no one criticized Wanyan Zonghan's presumptuous words.Everyone exchanged glances tacitly.

The Jurchen tribe is different from nomadic peoples like the Khitan people and the Shiwei people. Because of the relationship with farming, the elites of the Jin Kingdom value land very much.Although the Kingdom of Jin had established the monarchy, Zhu Bo still had the tradition of discussing and deciding major issues. Many people thought about it and advised His Majesty that Liaoyang must not be handed over to the Han people in the next meeting.The elites of the Kingdom of Jin were originally a small group of several families of the Wanyan tribe, and now they are even more united in hatred. They feel that the Han army is like a thief who stole the fruits of victory.

After fighting for a whole day, before he had time to rest, he participated in the banquet held by Yan Aguda again. The night wind blew on his body, and Zhao Xingde intuitively felt that his mind was refreshed a lot. Sweat stuck his inner and outer robes together, making them sticky and uncomfortable. At the same time These Jurchen dignitaries came out of the imperial tent together, their eyes were full of hostility, only Han Ningshuang could barely be regarded as one of their own.

"It seems that someone put it on the fire this time." Zhao Xingde said with some dissatisfaction.

"I was the one who was roasted on the fire. Didn't you already reject the marriage proposal? However, you are embarrassing Minnie by doing this. If she finds out, she will settle accounts with you."

Han Ningshuang joked, and immediately felt that her tone seemed a little more intimate, and she tied a strand of wet hair sticking to her forehead into her forehead as if to cover up.She was calm on the surface, but she was quite excited inside. The Han army captured Liaoyang, which was the place where the ancestors of the Han family raised their troops. The city regulations were all written by the ancestors, how could she calm down?

"Liaoyang is a poisonous bait." Zhao Xingde said in a low voice, "If my guess is right, Aguda is about to retreat."

Han Ningshuang was originally a thoughtful person, but when Liaoyang was blinded, she couldn't see Mount Tai.On the contrary, it was Zhao Xingde who was a bystander, and he woke up the vital point. "Liaoyang is very important to us, even if it is poisonous..." Han Ningshuang was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "Mr. Send troops to attack Datong Mansion of the Liao Kingdom, threatening to go to Beijing?"

"This..." Zhao Xingde was at a loss for words for a moment, wondering if Han Ningshuang was asking for his personal opinion, or was he treating him as a representative of the Xia Kingdom court?At this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the direction of the imperial tent behind him, and then several guards rushed out from the imperial tent. The system of the imperial tent of the Kingdom of Jin was not as strict as that of the Imperial Palace of the Song Dynasty, and those guards caught up with them. Wanyan, who had the highest status at the scene, did not lose his words, and immediately reported to him that His Majesty was seriously ill and fainted. At this time, Wanyan Aguda was already out of breath, but no one dared to mention it, or was unwilling to mention it.For a moment, all the generals of the Kingdom of Jin who were present all changed their colors. Wan Yanci was not a man of the city, and without thinking too much, he asked the guards to take him into the tent to have a look. Others such as Wanyan Zongbi, Wanyan Lou Shi, Wanyan Zonghan and other relatives and dignitaries also followed behind. Han Ningshuang and Zhao Xingde exchanged glances, and followed all the dignitaries of the Jin Kingdom. At this time, people were panic-stricken, and no one stopped them from entering the imperial tent.

Seeing Wanyan Agu lying crookedly on the ground without any movement, Wanyanci's heart sank, and he said angrily: "What's the matter, Your Majesty fell down, and no one helped him? You people deliberately It's bad, everyone will be executed!" This sentence scared all the guards in the imperial tent to the ground and begged for mercy.After Wanyan Agu fell to death with heartache, all the guards only tried to make him breathless, and they didn't dare to move his body at will, for fear of taking the responsibility. Unexpectedly, it is a crime to support him, and it is also a crime not to support him!

Zhao Xingde shook his head, stood behind and watched with cold eyes, while the powerful officials of the Kingdom of Jin stepped forward one by one, most of them touched Wanyan Aguda's pulse and breath, and then retreated with a solemn expression.These Jurchen dignitaries were all fighting on the battlefield, and they were used to seeing life and death, and they didn't even cry on the spot. Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Han Ningshuang's face was full of nostalgia. When she was young, the Wanyan tribe was far from being as powerful as it is now. It is common to see Wanyan Aguda. He also told some stories about the Jurchens, the skills of catching animals and fish, and so on.

Convinced that Wanyan Aguda was indeed dead, many ministers quickly began to whisper.Wanyan Lou Shi was talking with Wanyan Cibushi about how to arrange the funeral, whether to withdraw troops, etc. Wanyan Zongbi lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking. Soon he was called over by Wanyan Cibushi, and then walked over to Han Ningshuang and said: "Well... Ningshuang, and Captain Zhao," he said with a rather ugly face, carefully speaking, "Father has passed away, and I have to discuss some things, please avoid it."

Just now, these Jurchen aristocrats thought Han and Zhao were like air, and now they all stared at them fiercely, as if if they dared not leave, they would rush forward immediately and let them be buried with Wanyan Aguda.Zhao Xingde put his hand on the handle of the knife, Han Ningshuang coldly looked around at the ministers of the Kingdom of Jin, and fell silent for a moment, before the two of them left the imperial tent, there were voices of chattering in Jurchen language behind them.

There was a slight night breeze, and a sentence came out, "Giving Liaoyang to the Han people is a foolish thing said by His Majesty who is seriously ill, and he can't do it!" I don't know who deliberately raised his voice so high, Han Ningshuang's eyes turned cold, and he bit his tongue. Lips pursed, fists clenched tightly.

After the emperor passed away, there were many major decisions to be made. This major event in the Kingdom of Jin was decided by Zhu Bo after intense discussions, and the rest of the generals and ministers were all for execution.But now Dabo Jilie Wanyan Wu Qimai is guarding Huanglong Mansion, Prime Minister Bo Jilie Wanyan Sagai is guarding Huining Mansion, and the third Bo Jilie Wanyan Pujia slave is gathering remnants outside Shenzhou City to contain the Liao army.Among the tens of thousands of troops under the city of Liaoyang, only the first Bo Jilie Wanyan Cibushi and the second Bo Jilie Wanyan Xieye, both of them have always been Wanyan Aguda's right-hand man, but because of this, in the On major issues, they mostly agree with Wanyan Aguda, and seldom have independent opinions.

The generals discussed for a long time, Wanyan Cibushi and Wanyanxie also did not make up their minds, so they tentatively decided that tomorrow each ministry will take turns guarding the Liao soldiers, a truce for a day and continue the discussion.Because Jurchen Meng'an Mouke controlled his subordinates very strictly, although His Majesty's sudden death from illness had a great impact on morale, but there was no trouble for a while.According to Zhu Bojilie's order, after Wanyan Aguda passed away, Dabojilie Wanyan Wu Qimai should inherit the throne, but now Wanyan Wu Qimai is not in the army, that's why some people don't say it. Something that has always been on my mind.

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