Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 423 79 2 Jingcheng Hill Market-1

Chapter 423 79 Two Capitals Chengqiu Ruins - 1

In the afternoon of the next day of the Shangyuan Festival, the streets of Chang'an are still filled with the smell of lanterns and fireworks.In the courtyard, a thin layer of snow is piled up on the branches of the wall, and the plum blossoms of several trees are in full bloom.Zhao Xingde's mansion welcomed a rare visitor, the grandson of South Korea, Director Li, who made a special trip to visit. He put the New Year's gift on the table, and after sitting down, he said in a low voice, "Yuan Zhi, it's hard for me to hide it from you."

Zhao Xingde's face was surprised, and Director Li smiled wryly: "The mansion sent a general to pick up the eldest aunt's family in Bianliang. Unexpectedly, my uncle is still such a bully and insists on refusing to leave. I just ask my father to take care of him in Kansai. disciple." Director Li paused for a moment, seeing that Zhao Xingde was puzzled like the second monk Zhang, and his heart was a little calm, and he explained, "My uncle's surname is Chao, and he was the official residence of the Taishi Bureau of the Imperial Academy in the Song Dynasty." His face Se' was quite embarrassed, as if he was embarrassed to admit that he still had this relative.

"Teacher Chao." Fang Zhao Xingde suddenly realized, thinking that his teacher was in a dangerous city, and the meaning of begging Li's mansion seemed extraordinary.Zhao Xingde's eyes were a little moist.He didn't want to act like a child in front of outsiders, shook his head, and said with emotion: "It turns out that my mistress belongs to the Li family in Chang'an." Knowing that she was born in a prominent family in Guanzhong, but did not expect it to be the government of South Korea.

"Oh, my uncle's family has left Guanzhong and hasn't returned home for more than 20 years." Director Li sighed with complicated eyes, "This time the Liao army invaded the Song Dynasty in the south. The world is originally one family, and the people in Guandong will be the people of our dynasty sooner or later. Even after a hundred years, if the people in Guanzhong shed an extra drop of blood, it will hurt the vitality of China. Even if the Song Dynasty insists on not allowing it, the army will march east There is no need to procrastinate any longer. However, the Huguo Mansion cares about the gains and losses in the immediate future, and some people forget their lives for small gains, and cherish their lives when they do great things.

Zhao Xingde also sighed, he just let go of his identity as a school captain, and he understood the situation in Huguo Mansion.The school lieutenants are not very enthusiastic about unifying the world. It would be good if they could unify the Kanto with less casualties. If the casualties are expected to be large, the war will lead to increased taxes, and the sergeants will have to leave their hometowns for a long time, and they will not be able to take care of the shady households. And Tianyuan, Huguofu will be very hesitant.A few years ago, the Anxi Army Division defeated and dismembered the country of Ross with a surprise attack. Except for the hereditary princes who were entrusted to Ross's hometown, the National Protectorate reduced the number of sergeants stationed in Ross's hometown for a long time to a minimum.One is that most of the sergeants want to return to their hometown as soon as possible, and the other is that the Huguo Mansion is worried that if they are away for a long time, the influence of the commanding generals on the sergeants will be greatly enhanced.Therefore, for the Huguofu, it is best to wait until the Liao and Song Dynasties are exhausted from the battle, and even when the last drop of blood is about to be shed, before intervening in the war is the best.In order to reduce the burden on the sergeants in Guanzhong, the Huguo Mansion also made an exception and agreed to recruit a training group to practice the firearms battalion.Seeing that Zhao Xingde's expression was also a bit gloomy, Director Li asked: "Yuan Zhi is from Kanto, what do you think of the royal system?"

"Royal system?" Zhao Xingde repeated in surprise, "Which royal system?"

No wonder he asked this question. The term "royal system" has its origins from the "Book of Rites", which describes the system of respecting the holy king and ruling the world. "Xunzi Zhenglun said that "the great prosperity of the world, the sealing of right and wrong, and the origin of the separation of duties and names are the same as the kingship." The other source is the narration written by the sage Bo Luotu in Xiyi. People often call it "Nian Nian Guo", which is also translated by Confucians as "King Zhi", which also talks about the system of the sage king governing the country, the ministers assisting, the soldiers serve, and the people are happy to obey.Because the Xia Dynasty was in the middle of the world, it was a country where theories from all directions gathered. In the scholar's mansion, there were a lot of articles citing the two "royal systems".

Director Li smiled knowingly, and said generously: "The way of the kingship is similar, and the two sources can be used as a reference. Let's go to the same goal as the sages." His eyes flickered slightly, and he continued, "I can't blame some people for their short-sightedness. The so-called hardworking people rule others. Those who work hard are ruled by others. You know, Yuan Zhi, I have the best horse racing in Chao Gongqing. If I want to find a good horse, the above-mentioned pedigree is the most important. The offspring of a real famous horse, nineteen is not bad. Some people just rely on A man of courage, won the support of the sergeants, he could not climb up to half of the hereditary ministers within the five uniforms, but he was able to rank among the five mansions to take charge of state affairs. The clerk in a certain shop worked hard and won the hearts of his colleagues, so he was transferred to the chief cabinet of Chang'an Being a shopkeeper is like making decisions about major business affairs in a commercial firm. It would be an incredible thing to do in any commercial firm, but it is still popular in my dynasty." It is probably rare that he criticizes the system of the five mansions so heartily, Director Li said a little excitedly , was so excited that he couldn't choose what to say, "Let the Huguo Mansion decide the state affairs, it's like using the buttocks instead of the head. Can you manage the business well if you do a good job as a man? .hum..."

He sneered twice, seeing that Zhao Xingde's expression was cloudy and cloudy, his heart moved slightly, and added, "Yuan Zhi, don't be overwhelmed, you come from a family of hairpin tassels for generations, so you are naturally different from those short-sighted people."

"These five prefectures govern together, and the National Protectorate presides over major national affairs." Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice, "But the ancestral system of the founding of the country must have deep meaning."

"One moment, another moment. When the country was founded, whoever wins the warrior will win the world," Director Li smiled triumphantly, tapped the table with his left index finger, leaned forward, and whispered, " I heard that Yuan Zhi is good at using firearms, so I can't fail to see that the days of the world where a strong soldier and a strong horse are the emperor are numbered."

Zhao Xingde's heart trembled, he looked at Director Li in surprise, he remembered that Guan Zhong was practicing the firecracker battalion in Daxing regiment, his mind was like a mess, he seemed to be aware of something, but not very clear.Just as he couldn't remember how to answer, suddenly, there was a rush of horseshoes outside the courtyard.Zhao Xingde's face changed slightly, he stood up, a moment later, a sergeant knocked on the door and said loudly: "The military situation is urgent, please come to the military mansion to discuss matters."


The news of His Majesty Nanshou cannot be sealed.The next morning, in the mansions of the clan princes and princes in Bianliang City, the men of the family suddenly drove away.Folk rumors are everywhere, ordinary people feel as if the sky is falling, and there are market thugs who take advantage of the chaos to loot shops and shops.Even some elites of the class hurriedly accompanied Nanshou, while other imperial guards abandoned their posts and returned home. The gates of the White Jade Palace were relaxed, and some eunuchs and maids even stole the imperial utensils and sneaked out.

Shao Wu and Zhang Shuye urgently issued an Announcement for the People, and posted it all over the city to inform the people that His Majesty hunted Xiangyang south to mobilize King Qin's troops to break the siege of the capital.Before the Holy Majesty left Beijing, he appointed Privy Envoy Shao Wu to stay behind in Tokyo, and Zhang Shuye, the general manager of the Henan Mabu Army, assisted in defending the city.Shao Wu also ordered the Dianqian Division to send out the Forbidden Army to patrol the city with the officials of the Kaifeng government to arrest the villains who took advantage of the chaos.No matter how absurd the explanation on the Annmin notice was, most of the people in Bianliang immediately accepted the government's explanation.People's hearts temporarily settled down.But Shao Wu and Zhang Shuye's hearts were always hanging high.On the night of Shangyuan, three fireworks hung high in the night sky, like a lingering nightmare that enveloped the hearts of the two important officials who stayed behind in the capital.

And now, all nightmares have become reality.The cavalry of the Liao army, like layers of dark clouds, kept gathering into groups, surrounding the white umbrella in the middle.At the head of Xunmen Gate in the south of Bianliang City, the privy envoy Shao Wu looked under the umbrella cover with a binoculars. There was a man standing beside Yelu Dashi. Ke.

I don't know who is the spies of the Liao people, and they exposed the official Nanshou with fireworks and cannons. The cavalry of the Liao army outside Bianliang City immediately gathered and chased after them.The fighting and pursuit of the two sides continued to intersect. Tens of thousands of Liao soldiers chased to Zhu Xianyi, and finally surrounded Song Emperor Zhao Ke's imperial driver.Zhuxianyi is just a small post station, and there is no danger to defend. At this time, there are only more than [-] guards escorting Banzhi. After a short battle, most of the accompanying generals including Zhu Berna, the military commander of the Wuchang Army, died in battle. Died for the country, the official Zhao Ke and hundreds of clans were captured by the Liao people.

Shao Wu's heart seemed to be suddenly squeezed by a big hand. Even though he had a city that had never changed color before the collapse of Mount Tai, his figure was still shaking. He took a deep breath and forced his mind to stabilize.Zhang Shuye stood next to the left guard in Tokyo, his eyes showed worry, when he got the report, he immediately disseminated the news, and at the same time confiscated all the telescopes of the lookout post at the top of the city.He only informed Shao Wu, who stayed behind in Tokyo, to go to the top of the city as soon as possible to discuss contingency strategies.

"What should I do?" Shao Wu and Zhang Shuye were helpless at the same time.

In the whole world, is it the land of the king, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers.In the minds of the two veteran ministers, the ruler is the minister's guide, and the emperor's guide is relaxed, and chaos is not far away in the world.Suddenly encountering the emperor being kidnapped, Shao Wu and Zhang Shuye suddenly lost their minds, panicking like sheep that have lost their shepherd.This is true for extremely high-ranking ministers, not to mention ordinary soldiers and civilians.The stay in Tokyo has just been sealed, and the official seal has not yet been heated.

"Your Majesty was captured by the Liao people. Once the news is leaked, Bianliang will be finished."

"How long will this news last?"

Shao Wu's face was pale, and he couldn't help shivering, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and he shouted in a deep voice: "Tell all the troops at the top of the city, once the Liao people approach the outer city, don't answer, they will shoot randomly." 'Shoot' to death." Zhang Shuye turned his head and looked at him in surprise, a wry smile appeared on Shao Wu's face, let the dead horse be treated as a living horse doctor.Zhang Shuye opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and waved his hand to order the flag officer to deliver the order.

The imperial chariot of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom was facing the tower of Nanxun Gate. A few miles away, Yelu Dashi, the emperor of the Liao Dynasty, squinted his eyes, looked up at the most majestic city in the world, and took a deep breath of the breath wafting from the city. , There was an intoxicated expression on his face, as if what he was breathing was not air, but nectar.

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