Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 424 79 2 Jingcheng Hill Market-2

Chapter 424 79 Two Capitals Chengqiu Ruins - 2

The imperial chariot of the emperor of the Liao Kingdom was facing the tower of Nanxun Gate. A few miles away, Yelu Dashi, the emperor of the Liao Dynasty, squinted his eyes, looked up at the most majestic city in the world, and took a deep breath of the breath wafting from the city. , There was an intoxicated expression on his face, as if what he was breathing was not air, but nectar.

Yelu Dashi's eyes seemed to be closed but not closed. After a while, he opened them suddenly, showing a bright line of light, and then the light was restrained.He turned his head, smiled gently and said: "Revisiting the old place, I can't help myself. I have a merciless request, and I have to trouble King Zhao. Can you call me to open the city, and please come to the palace for a while for my brother?" ?”

Zhao Ke's face was ashen, he didn't know whether it was anger or fear, his hands trembled slightly in the sleeves of the dragon robe, the top of the dragon robe was clean, but the bottom was shocking, with bloodstains and mud all over.The final battle at Zhu Xianyi was cruel and fierce, and many bloodstains on Zhao Ke's dragon bubble belonged to the loyal Banzhi guards.These people have been honored and favored by the officials of the past dynasties. Since Song Taizu, they have defended the royal family for generations.So at the emperor's order, they abandoned their wives to escort them southward, and those who sacrificed their lives to protect the lord died overnight.After hearing Yelu Dashi's words, Zhao Ke nodded, "Huh?" but did not take any action.His expression was numb, if not for breathing, he would be no different from a zombie.

Yelu Dashi frowned and waved his hand, two wolves and tiger palace tent troops came forward, one left and one right took Zhao Ke off the imperial chariot.Soon after, Zhao Ke was caught on the horse by the Liao army, and slowly galloped towards the southern Xunmen of Bianliang City.

Yelu Dashi turned his head, and lightly slapped the horsewhip.Just behind the imperial chariot, hundreds of clan members of the Song Dynasty stood on the muddy ground in a panic, without the air of aristocrats.The cavalry in the surrounding palace tents urged their horses to swarm up, yelling and driving away with spears, making this group of embarrassing imperial relatives walk towards the front of the army.

Yelu Dashi's mouth curled into a smile.This is the signing army with the most noble status in the Southern Dynasties.If the Bianliang Song army insists on not opening the city gate, then use one or two hundred county kings, heir kings, and state princes as signing troops to serve as arrows for the Liao soldiers who attacked the city. It depends on whether the Song army on the city dares to Dare to kill this group of people all at once.He wanted to keep the dozen or so princes for later use as Song Emperor Zhao Ke's substitutes.Moreover, with the emperor and more than a dozen princes in hand, according to the system of the Song Dynasty's clan conferring titles, heirs, kings, princes, princes, etc., can be born continuously.

On the tower of Nanxun Gate, a few guards of the class looked out of the city with pale faces. They were all sentinel scouts who knew that His Majesty had been captured by the Liao people, and were ordered by Zhang Shuye to be locked up in the tower and not to go out. "That's the official!" A voice suddenly shouted.It was as if the sky was falling. "Master Commander, what should we do, shoot arrows at the official's house?" The voice was already crying, "Is this plotting against you?"

On the east side of the old Fengqiu Gate, the bells and chimes in the Daxiong Hall of Kaibao Temple are ringing. Thousands of monks risked being hit by cannon stones, kneeling and sitting on futons, knocking on wooden fish, and murmuring with their eyes closed. There are words, under the leadership of the abbot, they are still praying for the official family to return to Bianliang as soon as possible.Of course, there should be countless kings and masters defending His Majesty to expel the northern captives with the power of heaven. After conquering Hebei, it is best to take Yanyun directly, take down Shangjing, and let that Yelu Dashi who destroyed temples and Buddhas fall into Abi Hell forever. . "Sins, sins." The abbot and the monk accidentally became angry, and then prayed for the official family devoutly.

As soon as the war broke out, the rich businessmen moved south to avoid disaster, and the business in Temple Street, where business was booming, plummeted.Adjacent to Kaibao Temple, the shop selling incense, candles and vegetarian food has been closed for many days, only a few idlers roaming the street.At the entrance of Shi Jiaxiang's medicine store, a couple sat on a stool with sad faces. They were weaving silk sachets in their hands. The dustpan beside them was already full. It is very fragrant and fragrant, but no one patronizes it. "Alas, don't worry, don't worry, just wait for the official Longjia to come back, and the business will be easy." Shopkeeper Shi comforted the proprietress, and sighed again.For ordinary people, the official family is the sky, especially for the Bianliang people who have lived at the feet of the emperor for generations.Now that the price of rice is getting more and more expensive, if there is no business for a while, the family may not have enough to eat. I just hope that the official family will come back soon.

Outside the North City, the Baoyi Army is still practicing nervously. Whether it is the much-loved Tokyo left behind Shao Wu, or the Henan Mabu Army Chief Zhang Shuye who is slandered by them, they dare not form this team of Tai students and idlers in the market. The mobs in the city were easily sent to the top of the city.Zhang Shuye even interpreted the existence of the Xinjian Baoyi Army as the will of his ancestors' family law to turn bandits into soldiers.To subdue the two restless forces in Bianliang City will be auspicious.On the sidelines of the small school, two Xiangru military officers who are not doing their jobs are watching the soldiers perform.Although they are all sharpening their guns in front of the battle, Tai Xue Xiang Confucianism eats better than ordinary people, and there are many people who usually use their bows to strengthen their bodies, and they are also able to read and write.Those who are going to be in charge of a state or county can still be competent to guide these soldiers to perform simple drills.

"The officials actually abandoned the people in the city and fled without making a sound." Jia Yuanzhen sighed in a low voice.

"Even if you want to leave, you should leave the clan to sit in the town and stabilize people's hearts." Liu Wengu shook his head and said, "He took all the clan away? Xuanzong of the previous dynasty toured the middle of Sichuan, and he also left the prince in the north to resist the Anshi rebels."

"Prince?" Jia Yuanzhen laughed, "How long has the official family been married? Besides, can the official family trust the clan?"

While the two were talking, suddenly, there was a burst of crying from the south of the city. Liu Wengu and Jia Yuanzhen looked up curiously. "What's the matter?" Ma Yuan asked not far away. "I don't know." Liu Wengu replied loudly while listening attentively, wanting to know what happened.It is strictly forbidden to make noise in the army, and it is even more taboo to gather a crowd to cry loudly, which is close to camp screaming.Many Baoyi soldiers also stopped their drills, whispering among each other, guessing what happened.

The cries from the top of the city became louder and louder, mixed with vague wailing and shouting, drifting along the north wind.Suddenly, Liu Wengu's face changed suddenly, he heard the word "Guanjia" vaguely, and then, someone cried and said, "The Guanjia was captured by the northern captives." With an expression of disbelief on his face.

Many soldiers in the drill looked at each other, and someone asked in a low voice, "Brother, I am hard of hearing, I seem to have misheard, did you hear clearly?" The man looked hesitant and refused to say what he heard. I also went to ask another person: "Brother, did you hear anything? It seems to be an official..." A group of people asked back and forth, unable to believe that no one said the word "official".At this time, the cries from the south became louder and louder. It was clear that "the official house has fallen" and "just under the city tower". The cries seemed to be contagious. crying, and then the people in the city began to cry too, as if a huge cloud of sorrow slowly enveloped the entire Bianliang, and finally, everyone had to accept this cruel nightmare.

The formation of the soldiers of the Baoyi Army was completely scattered, and the Xiangru officers were not in the mood to rectify it. Everyone's face was ashen, and they didn't know what to do. "Bang Dang" sounded several times, which was extremely ear-piercing. Ma Yuan frowned, and followed the sound, but it was the spears of several soldiers who missed and fell to the ground.

There are millions of soldiers and civilians in Bianliang, and the despair and cries of countless people merged into a huge vortex, and Nan Xun, who first discovered that the official family was captured, became the center of this vortex.Although Shao Wu and Zhang Shuye had already ordered that as long as the Liao army approached the city, they would shoot random arrows to death, but the Liao army escorted the officials to the city, which of the imperial guards on the city would really dare to open their bows and release arrows?Not to mention further away, hundreds of clans have been escorted to the front of the Liao army.

The face of Shao Wu, who was left behind in Tokyo, looked gray. He looked at the bottom of the city tower again. He was detained by the Liao army in the middle. All have fallen, and the hearts of the army and the people have been lost. At this point, Bianliang City may not be able to keep it. The Liao army looted gold and silk and other foreign objects, that's all. Shao's worries are only the people of this city." Uncle Zhang night's face' Se' cold, did not speak.Shao Wu's face was complicated, and he said in a low voice: "If the Lord of Liao can kill the white horse, he will only take gold, silk, money and food after entering the city, and will not send troops to wash the city, and restrain his subordinates from killing indiscriminately, killing people, and plundering by force. The people in the city went to the northern kingdom to be slaves. The master insulted his ministers to death, and this infamy of dedicating the city was borne by Shao."

"Master Shao." Zhang Shuye heard that he intended to die for the city, and his face changed drastically, "No." Shao Wu shook his head, sighed, and said dejectedly: "Send people out of the city and declare the conditions to Yelu Dashi. If he doesn't agree, then everything will be burnt." With grief and indignation on his face, he looked at the officials below the city again, staggered to his knees, and slowly bowed three times and kneeled nine times.


At Yanmen Pass, there are towering cliffs, built on the pass city between the cliffs, Zhe Keqiu, the deputy envoy of the East Road Economic Strategy, received the gold medal in a hurry, he opened it and looked, and his expression changed drastically.Zhe Keqiu originally thought it was an imperial decree, but unexpectedly it came from Xijing camp.Zhangxin Jiedu envoy Cao Di confessed frankly that except for the third son of the first emperor, King Jing Zhao Qi, who is still safe, the official family Zhao Ke and other clans have all fallen into the hands of the Liao army, and the fall of Bianliang will only happen sooner or later. between.

When the country was in crisis, in order not to let the Liao Kingdom take this threat, only Lijing Wang Zhao Qi was the king, and in the name of the new king, he called on all the military states in the world to send food and salaries, or to train the new king's division.The Cao family, the Zhe family, and the Yang family were the generals, who were generously favored by the Song Dynasty and entrusted with the border town of Dafan.At this time, it is even more important to work together to overcome difficulties.At the back of the document, there is an imperial decree issued by Zhao Qi, granting Yang Yanqing the deputy envoy of the Privy Council and the crown prince Shaofu, and Feng Zheqiu as the commander of the guard Ma Bujun and the crown prince Shaobao.In addition, there was a letter from Prime Minister Cai Jing. Officials from dozens of states and counties in the southeast had unitedly supported King Jing Zhao Qi as emperor, persuading Yang Yanqing and Zhe Keqiu to put state affairs first.

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