Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 500 93 Midnight Navy Comes - 5

Chapter 500 93 Midnight Navy Comes - 5

Most of Timuge's troops came from grassland tribes, and even among the Liao army, they were considered very brave and brutal.Companions were constantly being shot down by arrows from the opposite side, which instead aroused their ferocity.When they got closer, they saw that the Song army's barracks were so low that they could jump up on horses. The riders shouted loudly. The riders in front hung up their bows and took out their swords and spears, while the riders behind them kept firing arrows.After firing the last round of arrows, the cavalrymen of the Liao Army quickly hung up their bows and took out their knives, preparing to rush to the camp and chop off those heads that were as tall as war horses.

"Destroy some iron cannons." The cavalry general Subotai loudly reminded his subordinates not to just kill the infantry. The most important purpose of this charge was to jam the iron barrel cannons of the Song army.Subotai held the spear in his right hand, and leaned tightly behind the horse's neck. He passed over the heads of Song Jun in the front row, and almost saw the shadows of those iron guys. "It's near, it's here..."

The method of blocking the iron barrel gun is very simple, just put an iron block into the barrel to make it unusable.Artillery is a siege weapon, and His Majesty the Emperor hopes to capture as many artillery pieces as possible from the Song Army.As artillery is getting more and more attention, apart from the Han people, the Liao Kingdom began to train Khitan gunners for the first time.Since the Shuzhou confrontation, not a few Liao troops died under the iron barrel cannon.It is rare that the Song army took the initiative to fight today. In order to bombard the Liao army, the artillery battalion left the strong artillery base that had been in operation for a long time and moved forward to the relatively simple forward artillery base.

The thinly armored archers of the Southern Dynasty retreated one after another, leaving only some burly soldiers standing in front. Compared with the thick Song army infantry, the number of them seemed very few.Within a distance of thirty steps, the arrows of the Liao soldiers were very accurate. At this time, they were no longer aiming at the Song army's barracks, and the arrows seemed to have eyes, chasing each of the Song soldiers. The figure of the army left.When the arrow touched the iron armor, it made an ear-piercing sound of "ping ping pong pong".

"Hold on, hold on, what an arrow 'shoots' doesn't wear, what 'shoots' doesn't wear..."

It was the first time for Qian Shen to face the cavalry attack. His pale face was blocked by a thick iron mask, and no one could hear him chanting, which gradually became, "Swords and arrows are hard to penetrate, swords and arrows are hard to penetrate." , invulnerable to knives and arrows,..." Qian Shen has complained many times about this set of heavy armor, and even thought about taking out the thick armor and replacing it with a lighter thin armor. Today, those who survived all depended on this thick armor.Qian Shen's legs were a little weak, and the narrow eyes of the iron mask seemed to be crowded with cavalrymen.Fortunately, all the timidity was covered by this mask. Qian Shen once secretly took a picture with a bronze mirror. This mask was very ferocious, very cold, and could be called heroic.He felt a little relieved. "Even if the young master is planted, there will be another one in 20 years..." I haven't finished reading this sentence.

With a sound of "dang", Qian Shen staggered, and the grenade in his hand was so smoky that he almost fell to the ground. The fear just now turned into anger in an instant, and an arrow hit his helmet. The force of the attack made my ears ring, as if being hit hard on an iron helmet by someone turning a stick. "Damn it." Qian Shen cursed, with a hint of sweet and salty taste in his mouth, it was the shock just now that bit his lip.

"Prepare——" the officer ordered loudly again. This is the last time "prepare". Qian took a deep breath and returned to the treasure he was holding in his hand. Even the iron armor can't save the young master's life.When rehearsing throwing grenades, he once took the lives of eight heroes. The bloody scene was deeply etched in Qian Shen's mind. He was far from ignoring life and death. The fear of grenades is even more severe than the oncoming cavalry.

At this time, there was only a "poof", and the arrow pierced the eye window of a thunder-throwing hand trickily. The person beside Qian Shen fell down in response, and the heavy grenade also fell to the ground. Nearly burnt to the thin red line that marks the last cut.At that moment, his mind went blank. If it weren't for the instinct formed by countless trainings, Qian Shen could hardly turn around and run away.At this moment, Qian Shen felt as if his heart was going to jump out of his throat, his mouth was full of bitter taste, the cavalry of the Liao Army who pressed up like a mountain became as light as floating clouds, and the grenade thrower near the grenade almost At the same time hold your breath.

Facing the enemy in formation, any redundant command and redundant action may cause chaos and defeat...

At the very moment, a burly, long-handed and long-legged grenade thrower came out from the second row, and grabbed the grenade with his big hand like a cattail fan.The grenade weighing more than ten kilograms, with its sizzling burning fuse, was caught by him just like that. "Miaoshan Monkey—" Qian Shen recognized this unique figure at a glance. At this time, the enemy cavalry was approaching, and the officer behind him shouted loudly at the right time: "Throwing Thunder—"

This military order was like a needle prick, Qian Shen didn't have time to think about anything else, just after hearing the word "throw" in the military order, all the grenade throwers in the first row threw the grenade out without thinking.As soon as the "thunder" military order was issued, several thunder throwers finally threw grenades and glanced around triumphantly.Because the fuse of the grenade is specially made, when it burns to the throwing scale marked by a red line, the grenade thrower throws it with maximum strength, and it explodes almost exactly at the moment of landing.If the grenade-thrower is particularly daring and holds his breath for half a breath after the officer gives the order, the grenade is likely to explode in the air to achieve the maximum killing effect.Because of this, in the grenade throwing battalion, it is proud to throw the grenade last.Zhao Xingde specially issued a military order strictly prohibiting delaying the throwing of mines after the command "throw mines". However, this kind of game, which is almost a game of gambling for life, is still very popular in the mine-throwing battalion.The military judge can't completely prohibit this matter. Apart from the factor of the officer's secret connivance, the grenade-throwing hand with more than a dozen grenades on his back and the courage to throw it at the last moment is an enemy that no one wants to face.

The lead wire has been nearly burned in, and more than 200 grenades flew over the heads of the Liao army with a faint blue smoke.

When the Liao army was vigorously urging their horses to charge towards the artillery fortress, they saw more than 200 black things volleying towards them. "Be careful—" Subotai yelled. As a commander, he had heard of this vicious grenade.But most of the Liao army did not know that there were only a thousand grenade throwers in the Song army, and even fewer were lucky enough to have seen or heard of the power of grenades.

"Damn it!" Subotai only came to try his best to tighten the bit of the horse, the horse neighed, hooves were raised high, and the hind legs almost stepped out of two holes in the mud.The rest of the Liao army subconsciously took the hand grenade as a stone, which looked like a lump weighing several kilograms. "Eat the sharp stone once or twice, and then the scimitar will harvest the head!" This is the thinking of most of the Liao army.Some cavalry turned slightly to dodge these black things coming from the sky, while the braver ones did not dodge or dodge, urging their horses forward at full speed. Totally inaccurate "stuff".

"Boom!" "Boom——" The grenades exploded one after another, and the cast iron projectile imprisoned the power of the gunpowder until the last moment before they were torn apart in the most violent gesture. The black gunpowder explosion produced thick black smoke, huge There was a loud sound, and the shrapnel that shattered along the grooves on the surface of the projectile flew in all directions. Even if the Liao army was not hit, the horses under their crotches were shocked out of control.This happened almost in an instant. Subotai's mount hadn't put down his front hooves, and several shrapnel hit the chest of the horse with a howl, and were deeply embedded. The horse wailed, and the premise was weak. Fall, fall forward with inertia.

"Okay!" Moments later, Qian Shen felt his whole body go numb. At this moment, his back was pulled violently, and he felt it. He took a step back, and the mine-throwing hands in the second row stepped forward. One step later, the second round of grenades was thrown under the command of the officer. Qian Shen retreated to the end. At the same time as the third row of grenade throwers threw grenades, the first row of grenade throwers took out the second grenade. Holding a grenade in one hand, the other hand shook the fire pocket. At this time, several cavalrymen from the Liao army rushed to the camp.

"Draw out the knife—"

"Draw out the knife—"

Almost at the same time as the officer issued the order, the third row of thunder throwers who had no time to withdraw picked up the weapons 'inserted' in the mud.In the Baoyi Army, only soldiers who are tall and burly with extraordinary physical strength can be selected as thunder throwers.The mace, long-handled heavy axe, and Mo Dao greeted the several horses who charged up the artillery barracks one after another, bringing out a large amount of flesh and blood.The cavalrymen of the Liao army, who were secretly calling for luck, fell off their horses unexpectedly, and before they could stand up, they were chopped into meat sauce by the heavy ax that followed like a shadow.

The thunder-throwing hands in the second row just drew bloody weapons from the Liao army.The officer's command was issued, and the first row of mine-throwing hands threw grenades again. More than 200 black objects flew towards the heads of the following Liao army, and the third row of mine-throwing hands ignited the fuse at the same time.The throwing of the grenade was actually continuous, a bit faster than setting off a firecracker.Under the blow of the thunder-throwing hand, the cavalry of the Liao army who originally wanted to take advantage retreated like a tide. Under the artillery barracks, except for a mess of corpses, the wounded were wriggling in despair, and the wounded horse was panting for the last few breaths .

"Huh—" Qian Shen also took a long breath.The fierce battle lasted very short, and the enemy was repelled. He recalled just now, his mouth was full of salty and bitter taste, and while he relaxed slightly, he actually felt a little empty after the excitement. "Damn it." Qian Shen turned his head. The iron helmet was extremely heavy, and he didn't dare to take it off without the military order to remove it. He couldn't even lift his mask to take a breath of bloody air.Qian Shen could only whisper to the long-armed and long-legged sergeant nicknamed "Miaoshan Monkey" behind him, "Mountain Monkey, I owe you my life."

"Qian Daguo, don't be polite." Miao Pingdi grinned, even through the iron mask, it made people feel a little silly.Qian sighed deeply. Except for this illiterate savage, all the elites from the old battalion from central Sichuan were at least ten commanders, right?The Ten Commander and a group of specially selected elites are responsible for guarding against the situation just now.Their armor is thicker than the mine-throwing hand next to them. In the most dangerous situation, they even have to lie on the smoking grenade with their bodies...

"This is the fucking elite!" Thinking of his performance just now, Qian Shen couldn't help but blush, but luckily the iron mask covered everything up.

In the eyes of everyone in the rear, a burly thunder-thrower turned his face away, watching thousands of Liao army cavalry fleeing in a panic through the narrow eye window with two cold eyes.

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