Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 501 94 Xunyang full of Jingzhan -1

Chapter 501 94 Xunyang full of Jingzhan -1

"Zhao Xingde's tooth soldiers are still capable of fighting." Yue Fei put down the binoculars, turned around and said, "Let each battalion select elites, and 'drill' practice thunder-throwing hands."

"Obey!" Zhang Xian said in a deep voice, he was always arrogant, and an unnatural look flashed across his face.

Although in the military newspaper submitted by the Baoyi Army, the thunder-throwing hands of the Yabing Battalion had repeatedly made military exploits, this was the first time that Yue Fei witnessed the thunder-throwing hands of the Suppression Army.The generals of the Song Dynasty mostly used steps to control cavalry, and studied various formations for this purpose.However, Yue Fei has always advocated learning from the Han and Tang Dynasties. Only by building a strong cavalry to attack the northern captives can he drive the Liao army out of the Central Plains.Although the battalion head of the infantry that suppressed the army was able to fight hard, it still couldn't satisfy Yue Fei.Therefore, the Beiwei Battalion and the Tabai Battalion are all cavalry among the elite of the town.

Volunteer battalions from all states and counties have gathered in Shuzhou, preparing for a decisive battle with the Liao army.Both the town army and the Baoyi army recruited heroes and warriors from the volunteers to expand themselves, and each of their headquarters expanded to more than [-] people.Ever since the northern captives invaded the country, the southeast has been in turmoil. It can be said that all industries have withered and the people are in dire straits.All states and counties can quickly recruit Dao Ding Zhuang to form a volunteer camp.Compared with the volunteer camps in prefectures and counties, the salaries and salaries of the soldiers recruited by the town police and the Baoyi army are generous, and the rewards are quicker for military exploits, and the family members of the soldiers can move into the city walled city, which is much more secure than outside.Therefore, for the common people, joining the army has become a good way out.It's just that in this way, there are more soldiers and fewer people, and the burden on ordinary people in Jingxiang and Jiangnan counties is even heavier.Some lin students even suggested to the prime minister's mansion that they were on the verge of death.

"Marshal, please allow the Beiwei battalion to join the battle." Zhang Xian asked for a fight suddenly.

Yue Fei groaned slightly, looked at the Liao army cavalry like dark clouds in the distance, and nodded: "The Beiwei battalion goes out first to drive away the captive cavalry, and the front battalion is going to seize the Liao army camp," he turned his head and said to the herald officer , "Notify General Zhao that once the enemy's camp is captured, the artillery battalion should follow up quickly without delay." The messenger rushed down the camp almost at the same time as Zhang Xian.

Nearly [-] cavalry troops from the Beiwei Battalion have slowly stepped out.Some of these cavalry were born in the imperial army, and some were Hebei heroes who had fled here.All of these people are superb riding skills. In addition to riding and shooting, they are especially good at riding spears.However, Zhang Xian personally commanded more than [-] riders in the First Capital, all of whom can shoot left and right. They don't need to turn their bodies too much, and they can shoot arrows very fast with their bows.

The cavalrymen of the Beiwei Battalion slowly came out and formed a long snake formation in front of the Zhongjun Battalion. Zhang Xian raised his carbine high with his right hand, signaling to his subordinates to form a formation, and then put down their masks.Compared with the northern captives, the Song Dynasty lacked horses, and it was difficult for the Song Army to focus on cavalry. But because of this, the Song Army has always been generous with the equipment of elite cavalry.The Beiweidu cavalry wear iron armor and horse harnesses, which is just the standard of the Hebei camp. Except for better horses and better armor, swords and guns, they are not much different from other heavy armored Song Army cavalry.But in normal training, Beiwei Battalion has always been wearing heavy armor, rushing up steep slopes, jumping into trenches, and if there is a slight mistake, they will be punished with whips.Following Zhang Xian's movements, all the cavalry put down the iron curtain connected to their helmets, and the formation stood still, with an awe-inspiring look throughout their lives.

Beiwei Battalion is Yue Fei's personal soldiers, Yue Fei can call every soldier by name, he looks along the formation from left to right, when he sees the back of a soldier with a military flag hanging on a carbine in the middle, his eyes slightly After concentrating for a moment, he could recognize even from the back, this cavalryman was Yue Yun.Although Yue Yun was Yue Fei's eldest son, he fought in the most dangerous place, and was treated the same as ordinary soldiers. This was one of the reasons why the soldiers didn't complain even though Yue Fei ruled the army strictly.

The iron armor rang slightly, Zhang Xian held a long spear in one arm, pointed forward obliquely, and the war horse began to trot.Yue Yun held up the military flag and followed behind him. Starting from Yue Fei, the generals fought in the vanguard and retreated in the rear. This is also the tradition of suppressing the army.The cavalry mobilized their horses and followed Zhang Xian one after another.More than two thousand riders rode their horses slowly, evolving from a long snake formation to a geese formation, and the two wings continued to drag back, turning into a conical formation most suitable for piercing through the enemy camp.

Zhang Xian rode his horse at the forefront all the time, his eyes were firmly fixed on the Liao army cavalry in front of him like dark clouds, and he didn't look back at his formation at all, only relying on the rhythmic sound of horse hooves and the clang of iron armor in his ears Responding to the voice of harmony, he has always known that his subordinates have completed the transformation of the battle formation in a leisurely manner.If it was an ordinary cavalry army, such a change of formation would inevitably cause chaos, but when it was done by the Beiwei camp, it was so familiar that it was even like the legendary horse dance performance.

The cavalry of the Liao Army faintly stirred up. Brother Tiemu squinted his eyes and watched the cavalry of the Song Army come out of battle, with a cloud of cloud hanging over his face.

There are tens of thousands of Liao cavalry, most of whom are waiting for opportunities behind the forward camp.However, since June, the weather in the south of the Yangtze River has gradually become hot and humid. The Liao soldiers who are accustomed to the cool climate are very uncomfortable. Both humans and horses began to have some inexplicable diseases.Some tribesmen have secretly said that they want to go back to the grassland to spend the summer.Since the Baoyi Army and the Henghai Navy rushed to Shuzhou successively, the pressure felt by this part of the Liao Army has doubled.As time dragged on, more and more Song troops gathered in Shuzhou. Although most of them were volunteer soldiers from prefectures and counties who could not fight, these volunteer soldiers were like soil, continuously feeding the elites of the Song Kingdom. The military provides men and reserves.

Timuge repeatedly urged Yelu Bijie, the capital of the Southern Expedition to the East, to increase troops to Baozhou, but Hangzhou delayed the dispatch of troops on the grounds that Jiangnan was still undecided and Jingdong bandits were about to move.East Jiangnan Road was the most affluent place in the Song Dynasty. The Khitan generals plundered Jiangning and Hangzhou, filling their pockets, as if horses broke into the forage field, and no one was willing to leave.Later, Yelu Bijie sent Timuge with Yelu Dashi's imperial decree.Brother Timu wanted to abandon the signing army and led his cavalry to withdraw to Jiangning, but was strictly prohibited by Yelubi Jie, telling him to firmly attract the main force of the Song army in Shuzhou. "The life of the Khitan people is life, so the life of my tribe is not life?" It's not that no one complained, and they were all suppressed by Brother Tiemu.

Unexpectedly, the people of the Song Dynasty had such powerful cavalry. Brother Tiemu's eyes turned cold, he raised the whip with his right hand, swung it left and right, and then pointed forward. Following this movement, more than [-] cavalry in the entire front army urged their horses forward .Since the southern invasion, the cavalry from various tribes had already put on distinctive armor, but out of habit, they were not fully armored like the cavalry of the Song Army.With the dispatch of the Liao army, the artillery of the Song army's forward artillery barracks accelerated its firing, and the round iron shells roared into the cavalry, causing bloody sprays, forcing the Liao army cavalry to disperse , instead of maintaining a dense formation like the Beiwei camp.

"Damn Nanban!" A stern look flashed in Temuge's eyes.

The Song army moved the artillery forward overnight. Although the temporary artillery fortress was short, the shells fired could cover the entire battlefield.In the case of weak artillery, the cavalry of the Liao Army could only station horses outside the artillery fire of the Song Army. When they began to charge, they entered the range of the Song Army artillery.This is the first time the cavalry of the two armies have fought head-on since the Liao army invaded the south.Prior to this, although the Song Army repeatedly relied on harassment, naval forces and tricks to win, Brother Timu was still full of confidence in the strength of his cavalry.As long as the two armies get mixed up and form a melee situation, the Song army's artillery will not be able to play a role.After so many battles, Brother Tiemu also knew that the Nanman general was a very pedantic person.The Song army even informed the Liao army that they could temporarily cease fighting to collect the corpses. Brother Tiemu saw at a glance that this was a tactic to delay the army and sternly refused.It is impossible for such generals to bombard their own soldiers indiscriminately.

The two cavalry were like two torrents, the speed of the two sides was getting faster and faster, and there was no intention of giving in, until finally they collided, and Yue Fei saw the Beiwei Battalion in red military robes in the binoculars Deeply cutting into the loose formation of the Liao army, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.With Zhang Xian and Yue Yun as the vanguards, the result of head-to-head confrontation is that there is no one in charge.Both sides pushed the speed of the horses to the extreme, and the balance of victory rapidly tilted towards the Beiwei camp. Their formation was tighter, their armor was thicker, and their spear skills were more superb. The cavalrymen of the Liao Army fell off their horses, but suffered little damage to themselves. The backwei cavalrymen in red robes were like sharp knives, billowing waves of blood where they passed. After a dozen or so breaths, they pierced through the enemy's formation.Under Zhang Xian's command, the Beiwei Battalion circled half a circle with a very small radius, and there was almost no whole team, so they rushed towards the scattered Liao army cavalry group again like a hungry tiger pouncing on a sheep.

"I didn't expect that." Lu Mingyu frowned. "I didn't expect that." Luo Xian sighed empathetically.The generals of the Baoyi Army, who had always been competitive, had no choice but to submit at this time.Even Zhao Xingde didn't expect that Beiwei Ying could fight so well, he turned around and asked, "How is it?"

Ma Rui sighed: "I thought the Song Dynasty was only good for bows and crossbows. This cavalry can be called elite in Kansai."

Zhao Xingde nodded, and said in a low voice: "The Liao bandits will never let it go, brother Ma, would you like to try?"

"Compete with the heroes of the world for a day," Ma Rui said with a smile: "Ma can't ask for it." Zhao Xingde immediately passed on the order, and the cavalry battalion put on their horses one after another, and slowly moved to the side and rear of the artillery barracks.Ma Rui sat on the horse, holding a big gun and waiting for the military order to attack.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield changed. Seeing that the Beiwei battalion was strong, the Liao army changed its tactics and no longer charged head-on with it. Instead, it was divided into cavalry groups of different sizes and wandered around. Taking advantage of the advantage, they kept shooting arrows towards the Beiwei camp.Whenever the Beiwei battalion rushed over, the cavalry of the Liao army scattered like flies.

The Beiwei battalion did not show weakness either. Zhang Xian chose the right side of the cavalry of the Liao army to charge through. On the right side, under the protection of its cavalry, the Beiwei battalion shot arrows from the left. By chance, the Beiwei camp caught up again, shooting arrows with guns, and the Liao army fell from their horses one after another. Later, they were only fighting in all directions, and did not dare to approach the Beiwei camp, and "shot" from far away. The arrows he shot were also weak, and fell to the ground before they even reached the Song army's horses.

"The hearts of the northern captives have been discouraged." The flag officer rushed down, "Handling Yue Jie's commander-in-chief, the king will lead the front army to seize the enemy's camp quickly. Don't hesitate to delay, otherwise the military law will proceed."

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