Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 50 Exiting Evil Gas {Please bookmark it once}

When Nie Feng heard the other party's words, he felt that the other party was a fool, and he felt very easy to get along with, and said with a smile: "I saw senior wearing my Zhenwu Xianzong's purple robe, and using the 'law order magic technique', I guess the senior is me. Master of Luling Peak!"

The man laughed, turned around slowly, with a wonderful rhythm still surging under his feet, and said, "Boy, we meet again."

Nie Feng recognized at a glance that the other party was the owner of Luling Peak, and hurriedly bowed and said, "It really is the Patriarch."

The man waved his hand, and a wave of mana surged out, causing Nie Feng to float up slowly, and then he pulled back with his hand, and flew to his side. He smiled and said, "Insincere brat! Let me call you senior!" , I don’t like red tape either.”

Nie Feng floated on the pool, as if his feet were on the ground, he quickly shouted: "Senior! It's better to call it that way."

Di Huanzi smiled and said: "Your personality is exactly the same as when I was young. Let me ask you, do you know where this place is?"

Nie Feng knew it already, and blurted out: "I used to come with Tang Liuer to the back mountain where my master Huang Xuanzi lives."

Di Huanzi stared at him, and asked again: "Then do you know why I am here?"

Nie Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "How do I know? Could it be that seniors also come here to eat barbecue and have a tooth festival?"

Di Huanzi smiled mysteriously and shrugged his brows: "Hey, you are really right!"

Nie Feng immediately showed a dumbfounded expression, and then smiled and said: "Come on, as the master of Luling Peak, you only need to wave your hand, and you can even cook and eat cranes. Do you still need to come here?"

Di Huanzi shook his head, did not delve into this question, and asked: "Then you know, I am fully aware of your experience with Tang Liuer here that day!"

Nie Feng curled his lips and said: "You have great powers, even if you know how many times I poop a day, I don't think it's strange!"

Di Huanzi slapped his nose, and said: "Don't be disgusting, who would presume that you have nothing to do. I only paid attention to you after I learned that you have the Destiny Orb."

Nie Feng frowned and asked, "Will you be watching me anytime, anywhere?"

Di Huanzi explained: "I also want to practice, but I just observe you when I'm free. But, fortunately, I have time to observe you today, otherwise I don't know how you died!"

Nie Feng asked, "Why don't you take action yourself and kill those people?"

Di Huanzi asked back: "Those three people are worthy of me personally? After this time, although they don't dare to sneak into my Zhenwu Xianzong, they are afraid that they will ambush you near Zhenwu Xianshan. The 50-year-old outer disciples will go out to practice, and they will definitely come to you at that time, and I can't make a move at that time."

Nie Feng opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, "After half a year?"

He recalled the scene just now, but he was extremely unwilling to meet those three people again, the gap between them was really big.In half a year, Nie Feng was not sure that he would be able to defeat them.

Di Huanzi said helplessly: "There is no room for negotiation. After all, our Xianzong does not need flowers in the greenhouse. You must undergo training and experience some life-and-death dangers before you can become the talents of my Xianzong."

Nie Feng nodded in agreement, thought for a moment, and asked, "Senior, how should we deal with Huang Leizi's matter?"

Di Huanzi raised his hand and spread it out, a ray of light flashed in the palm of his hand, and an iron token appeared, with the character 'Huan' written on it, flowing with brilliance similar to the ripples gushing out from Di Huanzi's feet.

Di Huanzi handed the token to Nie Feng: "Take it!"

Nie Feng showed a surprised look, but still reached out and grabbed the token.The iron token was very cold, making Nie Feng shudder all over, and asked, "Why are you giving this to me?"

Di Huanzi smiled and said: "This is my token, I will lend it to you once. It contains the big formation I have drawn, as long as you move it with vitality, you can imprison Huang Leizi. I will give you the power to kill Huang Leizi." They will be sent to Lulingfeng Criminal Law Palace."

Nie Feng opened his eyes wide, feeling unbelievable and very uncertain: "Is what you said true?"

Di Huanzi showed a sly smile, stretched out his hand in front of Nie Feng, and said with a smile, "Why? Don't want to? Don't want to give it back to me!"

Nie Feng quickly grasped the token tightly, held the token in his arms with both hands, and said anxiously: "Who told you that I don't want it! I won't give it!"

Di Huanzi laughed, and took a step forward, before the water wave shook, he had disappeared.Nie Feng only heard the lingering sound: "Go, as long as no one is killed, all the consequences will be on my shoulders."

Nie Feng only thought that this task was too good, and hurriedly shouted to the place where Di Huanzi left: "No problem, no problem!"

Suddenly, Nie Feng only felt his body weighed heavily. He only had time to let out an exclamation, and he fell into the water. He jumped a few times and swam to the bank of the pool. Cursed in a low voice: "Immortal, this is too irresponsible!"

Waiting for the first clothes to dry, Nie Feng followed his memory and happily returned to the Spirit Beast Pen of Luling Peak. After registering, he drove a crane to Zidian Peak, and followed his memory to Huang Leizi's 'Thunder Fire Court'.

When Nie Feng arrived at the door, he saw Ma Ming chatting with Hua Xiong happily. It was probably about what happened to Nie Feng, but the three big men had already left angrily. .

The two of them were chatting vigorously, but suddenly they saw Nie Feng appearing in front of them like a ghost, they were quite frightened, and quickly asked, "Nie Feng, why are you here?"

Nie Feng hated these two villains very much. He approached step by step, tried his best to suppress his anger, and asked, "I'm not here, where should I be? Do you think I have no bones left?"

Ma Ming and Hua Xiong looked at each other, and after throwing glances at each other, Ma Ming passed Hua Xiong with a smile and walked up to Nie Feng: "Junior Brother Nie Feng, what do we mean? Seeing that you are safe and sound, I will I don’t know how happy this senior brother is!”

Nie Feng said angrily: "Bah! Who was making sarcastic remarks just now, who was taking pleasure in other's misfortunes!"

Ma Ming's face changed when he heard the words, and suddenly he heard Hua Xiong cough, Ma Ming kicked his feet on the ground vigorously, and jumped away from Nie Feng.As soon as Ma Ming moved away, Nie Feng heard Hua Xiong shout: "Purple Thunder Saber!"

After the sound fell, Nie Feng only saw a purple sword light with the thickness of an arm, splitting the air with a 'chi la la', and shooting towards Nie Feng.

Nie Feng only felt that the blade light was extremely powerful, and there was lightning in front of him, and there were lightning lights everywhere.He didn't dare to take it hard, and quickly made three handprints, his whole body was full of imperial vitality, and he shouted: "Volley technique!"

Before the voice fell, he soared into the sky, flying more than ten meters above the ground like lightning.

As soon as he flew up, the Purple Lightning Thunder Saber sliced ​​through the ground, leaving a burnt piece where Nie Feng was, showing its power.

Nie Feng had just ascended into the air, when he heard Ma Ming sternly shout: "Hurry up like a law, the heavens and the earth obey the law!" Immediately, he felt an invisible force surge up between the heavens and the earth, restraining him, even isolating the spiritual energy from the outside world. .

The volley technique was all supported by spiritual energy, and Nie Feng was enveloped by Ma Ming's spell, and immediately lost his support and plummeted towards the ground.If he falls from a height of more than ten meters, even if he is a master of strength training, he will be thrown until his seven orifices bleed.

He quickly aroused his vitality, a strong force formed around his body, broke through Ma Ming's magic spell with a 'bang', and then quickly cast the 'volley spell' again, his body lifted up again, and he saw that Hua Xiong was lucky again. The knife came to him.

Nie Feng sneered: "It's useless, strike in the air!" He shouted coldly, and his right hand formed a sword finger, using his hand instead of a knife, and hit a sharp golden knife light.The sword light went away with a 'huhu', and with a 'bang', the purple thunder knife was directly exploded.

Hua Xiong's spell was broken, his blood was stirred up, his face turned red, and he felt a mouthful of blood rushing from his throat.

Nie Feng didn't give him a chance to calm down, he slashed repeatedly with his right hand, and hit three "volley blows" at Ma Ming and Hua Xiong respectively. The vitality of the body was chopped off, and a deep bone-deep wound was cut on both arms by the blade light. The powerful impact caused him to be thrown more than ten meters away.

Ma Ming was not much different, with two more hideous knife wounds on his body, and he was lying on the ground in extreme embarrassment.

All of this is very slow to say, actually happened within a few breaths, from Hua Xiong's sneak attack on Nie Feng, to the two being seriously injured, only two or three times they fought.

Nie Feng slowly descended from the air, rushed to Hua Xiong's side with one step, lifted him into the air with his toes, and hit Ma Ming heavily, causing them to scream terribly.He took another step, ran to Ma Ming's side, raised his foot and stomped hard on Hua Xiong's body.

Ma Ming and Hua Xiong overlapped each other, and when Nie Feng stomped heavily, the two of them felt a heart-pounding pain in their hearts.Especially Ma Ming, Nie Feng used the strength of "beating a cow across the mountain", but stepped on Ma Ming's body fiercely across Hua Xiong.

'啪', '啪', '啪'...

Nie Feng didn't hesitate, his feet were like a gust of wind, he stepped on more than ten feet in a row, his heart was straightened, and Ma Ming and Hua Xiong fell into hell with one foot.It wasn't until Nie Fengshuang turned over that Huang Leizi rushed out with a group of disciples.

It's not that Huang Leizi reacted slowly, but that it didn't take much time from beginning to end.

When Huang Leizi saw Nie Feng, his face turned ashen, and he shouted: "How could it be you? How is it possible?"

In front of Huang Leizi's disciples, Nie Feng kicked Hua Xiong off, stepped on Hua Xiong's face, and said with a smile: "Haha, old dog Huang Leizi, what's wrong? You don't want to see me? It's you who hurt me first , It’s no wonder I’m here!”

Huang Leizi shook his head, woke up from the shock, and realized that Nie Feng was just a person in the third level of body training, who practiced moves and strength. What is it, dare to act wild in front of me, and live impatiently?"

Nie Feng took out Di Huanzi's token from his pocket, waved it in his hand, and said with a smile, "It's nothing, but... hehe!"

Huang Leizi's eyes fell on the token, and his expression changed drastically!

{Collection is very simple, thank you everyone. }

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