Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 51 Showing the limelight {Looking for collection! }

Nie Feng looked at Huang Leizi's face with satisfaction, curled his lips and said, "Isn't it very strong? Come up and try!"

Huang Leizi is a person who knows the goods, so he is not willing to do it himself, so he quickly made a look at Nie Zha and said, "Nie Zha, go and talk to your cousin."

Nie Zha looked left and right, came out of the crowd reluctantly, spread his hands, and said that he was not threatening: "Cousin Nie Feng, I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding about this matter, can we sit down and talk?"

Nie Feng reached out his hand to pick out his ears, flicked the dust off his fingers, and reluctantly said: "Since you are interceding, there is no need to sit down and talk, let your master show sincerity."

Huang Leizi smiled quickly: "The more sincere thing is, this is a bottle of 'Bai Shou Dan', Nie Zha, send it to Nie Feng."

Nie Feng waved his hand, and said with a sneer, "This is sincerity? Don't treat me as a beggar. I have plenty of Baishoudan. Let me show you if you don't believe me?" Huang Leizi.

Huang Leizi quickly said: " said what you need, as long as I can get it out, I will give it to you!"

Nie Feng pretended to be contemplative, and after whetting Huang Leizi's appetite, he asked, "Let me ask you, where did those three people come from? What's your relationship with them?"

Huang Leizi seemed to be prepared, and said without hesitation: "They? I'm not very familiar with them. I met them last time when I went out to travel in the mountains. Yesterday, I introduced Xianzong through my disciples and told me that I want to meet a genius like you, Nie Feng. .I wonder……"

Knowing that he was making up a reason, Nie Feng quickly reached out to stop him, and said impatiently: "Don't tell me these things, you just need to know some things well. Forget it, I can't tell the difference after you tell me so much, so give it to me." The criminal law palace in Lulingfeng."

After he finished speaking, he ignored Huang Leizi's yelling, and circulated vitality into the token, mobilizing the large formation inside.The token immediately flashed a ray of light, and rushed into Nie Feng's body like lightning, causing a green air shield to rise beside Nie Feng.

The invisible aura gushed out from Nie Feng's body, making everyone feel a pressure from the soul pressing down on their hearts like Mount Tai. The legs of the weaker people couldn't stop trembling, and they almost fell to their knees on the ground.

Nie Feng didn't need to cast spells, he was already flying in the air, holding the token in one hand, and forming sword fingers in the other, he slashed at Huang Leizi fiercely, and shouted: "A strike in the air."

In an instant, a blade as thick as a forearm split out from Nie Feng's fingers, and struck Huang Leizi like lightning.The sword light came like a gust of wind, Huang Leizi only came to circulate his vitality, a surge of protective vitality gushed out of his body, and he let out a shrill scream.I saw that his vitality shield was sliced ​​through by the blade glow, and the blade glow remained undiminished, and it was cut on the chest again, spurting out a stream of scarlet blood.

Huang Leizi was lying on the ground with disheveled hair, his body was drained of blood, his vitality was low, and his face was extremely pale: "You are so ruthless!"

Nie Feng snorted coldly, and moved his hand again, a storm of vitality surrounded by five people suddenly rose from the ground and strangled Huang Leizi's disciples.Those disciples were no opponents, they were bruised all over by the vitality wind blade as soon as they met each other.

Within two moves, Huang Leizi was subdued by Nie Feng as soon as he became a master and apprentice, and lay on the ground moaning in pain.

Nie Feng descended from the sky, came to Nie Zha's side, squatted on the ground, and sneered, "Cousin Nie Zha, Huang Leizi's thigh is not firm at all. Cut it off, are you comfortable?"

Nie Zha was covered in bruises, and it was very difficult to move. He just looked at him beggingly, squeaked for a long time, and didn't say a word clearly.

Nie Feng shook his head, his expression darkened: "Come begging me now? It's too late! You won't forget, who once poisoned me to turn me into a useless person?"

When Nie Zha heard this, his whole body trembled, his hopeful eyes immediately dimmed, and he felt that the sky was turning around and the future was bleak.

Nie Feng didn't speak, and once again communicated with the formation in the token, he waved a wave of vitality, swept up Huang Leizi, his masters and apprentices, and Ma Ming, and flew towards the spirit beast fence of Zidian Peak.

I saw him flying alone in front, and a golden belt formed by golden vitality flew out behind him, and ten people were rolled up to follow behind him. The scene was extremely spectacular.

Some disciples of Zidian Peak were shocked when they saw this scene, and hurriedly notified several disciples of the yellow generation.In less than a moment, several disciples of the yellow generation stopped Nie Feng and asked Nie Feng to put down Huang Leizi.

Nie Feng raised the token in his hand, and said politely: "Masters and uncles, Huang Leizi violated the rules of the sect and colluded with outsiders to entrap his disciples. The Patriarch Huanzi of Luling Peak has noticed that he asked my disciples to arrest them. Please don't stop them. "

Among those yellow-robed senior uncles, a young man with a kind face walked out, and said with a smile, "Since it is the order of Master Di Huanzi, then just go, my nephew, but I have to report this matter to Zi Zi." Master of Dianfeng."

Nie Feng waved his hand, and said with a smile, "You are welcome."

At this moment, from the main peak of Zidian Peak, a frightening purple lightning surged into the sky, and an ethereal voice came from it: "Since it is the order of Senior Brother Di Huanzi, Nie Feng, just take Huang Leizi away. It’s just that if you are free, come to my Zidian Palace.”

Nie Feng didn't see him, but only heard his voice, he already felt that this person was unpredictable, respected him very much, and hurriedly said: "The master has an order, and Nie Feng dare not disobey it. Come to pay a visit immediately."

Another voice came from the main peak of Zidian Peak: "Well, go!" Immediately, the lightning from Zidian Peak disappeared in an instant, causing everyone to let out a sigh of relief and feel relaxed.

Nie Fengrao was blessed by the badge, and was also shocked by the momentum. At this moment, he relaxed, and said to the yellow-robed uncle: "Uncle, can Nie Feng leave?"

The yellow-robed Taoist just recovered from the shock just now, looked at Nie Feng twice more, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said with a smile: "No one dares to disobey the order of the master, Nie Feng, you go."

Nie Feng bid farewell to the other Taoist priests in yellow robes present, took Huang Leizi and his party, and landed in front of the spirit beast fence. Immediately, a disciple in white robes rushed over and took a crane for Nie Feng and sent it to Nie Feng.

Nie Feng thanked him, and the man quickly waved his hand and said, "Don't dare to do that." Nie Feng smiled at him, jumped on the crane, and left with Huang Leizi alone, leaving a group of people staring at Nie Feng's back in a daze.

The crane was extremely fast, flying between the mountain peaks like lightning. Huang Leizi and his group were already seriously injured, and they were killed by the cold air.It didn't take long for Nie Feng to drive the crane and stop at the spirit beast fence of Luling Peak.

The disciple guarding the spirit beast fence saw Nie Feng riding a crane alone, with a group of people behind him, one of whom was wearing a yellow robe. He was frightened and ran over quickly, first saluted Nie Feng, and then helped Nie Feng Registered.

When Nie Feng came out from the spirit beast fence, three Taoist priests in yellow robes came in front of him. One of the leaders made a peer salute to Nie Feng and said with a smile: "Nie Feng, the master has notified us to come and deal with it." Huang Leizi and others, hand them over to us."

Although Nie Feng didn't know any of them, he knew that the entire Luling Peak was under the control of Di Huanzi. With a wave of his hand, the golden belt shook violently, and Huang Leizi and others fell from behind like a wave. In front of the three Taoists in yellow robes, he said with a smile: "You three masters are really polite, I will leave these traitors to you."

The three said quickly: "Thank you."

Another person laughed and said, "Nie Feng, you are extremely talented. I'm afraid we will have to call you Uncle Master within ten years."

Nie Feng waved his hands quickly, and said modestly: "How can Nie Feng be so powerful, it's all because of the love of the masters and uncles."

The three of them said a few more polite words, and then cast a spell, leading Huang Leizi and his party for a while, before disappearing from Nie Feng's sight.Just as Nie Feng was about to leave, he felt the token in his hand vibrate. Before he could react, the token flew away automatically.

Nie Feng just waved his hand at the token and shouted: "Master, thank you!" Then he rushed towards his residence.

But more than ten minutes later, Nie Feng saw Huang Xuanzi in front of the courtyard.He hurriedly stepped forward to salute, then slightly modified some details of the matter, and told Huang Xuanzi what he could know.

After Huang Xuanzi heard this, he frowned slightly, and then sighed, "Oh! Ma Ming is asking for trouble. He still doesn't understand how important a ninth-rank disciple is to a sect."

Nie Feng stood beside him without speaking.

After sighing, Huang Xuanzi waved his hand and said to Nie Feng: "Okay, this matter is over, you don't have to worry about it. However, in half a year, the eight of you brothers and sisters will go out to practice in the mountains, and then we will have you Busy, practice hard."

After Nie Feng nodded in agreement, he bid farewell to Huang Xuanzi and returned to his living room.He closed the door, feeling that the current situation was very dangerous. He was worried that he would still be unable to deal with those three people in half a year.

He personally experienced the power of those three people, and he felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

After thinking for a long time, Nie Feng could only tell himself to work harder in cultivation, and to complete some prestige tasks as soon as possible to upgrade the farm space, or open the pasture, and see if it gets better by then.

At this moment, someone knocked on his door, and at the same time Tang Liuer's voice came: "Is the boss there?"

Nie Feng walked to the door and stretched out his hand to open the door, and replied, "Yes, come in!" After finishing speaking, he had already opened the door, and Tang Liu'er poked his head in. Without waiting for Nie Feng to invite again, he He walked into the room and found a place to sit down.

Nie Feng curled his lips and smiled: "If you have nothing to go to the Three Treasures Hall, do you want to treat me to barbecue again today?"

Tang Liu'er shook her head and said with a smile, "I'm here to tell you that in three days' time, we're going to the main peak of Zhenwu to exchange cultivation experiences with disciples from other peaks. I heard that there will be a competition and a grand prize!"

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