Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 52 Advance by leaps and bounds {for collection}

Nie Feng was worrying about his cultivation, when Tang Liuer's arrival unexpectedly triggered a prestige mission.He only heard a prompt from the system: "Prestige mission, get No. 1 in the outer sect disciple group of the Zhenwu Xianzong Exchange Conference."Reward reputation 2, gold coins 20. 』

Seeing him standing there, with joy in his eyes, but dumbfounded, Tang Liuer felt very strange, and quickly waved his hand in front of his eyes, asking, "Boss, are you listening to me?"

Nie Feng came back to his senses, happily patted Tang Liuer on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Haha, Tang Liuer is really my mascot!"

Tang Liu'er grinned and rubbed her shoulders, exaggerating: "Please, don't use such a lot of force! Also, what is a mascot?"

Nie Feng smiled sheepishly, and replied: "It's nothing, it's the native dialect of boasting people, and you don't understand it. Tell me, who are the outstanding disciples in the outer sect?"

Tang Liu'er straightened her back, pointed her thumb at herself, smiled without saying a word.Nie Feng raised his foot and kicked it, scolding with a smile: "I'm serious!"

Tang Liu'er retorted: "I'm serious too." Then, he was stared at by Nie Feng, so he had no choice but to say, "I know what you mean, you want to win the reward for the exchange meeting in three days' time, right?"

Nie Feng nodded, his actions were self-evident.

Tang Liuer gave Nie Feng a thumbs-up, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, you are the boss. You have such ambitions in only half a year, but I have to pour cold water on you. In the exchange conference three days later, even the senior brothers and the others will have to pass the exam." Participating, their cultivation and attainments are only a little short of catching up with the elders of the yellow-character generation."

When Nie Feng heard this, he said disapprovingly, "So what if it's only a little bit worse? My ability, Nie Feng, is no worse than theirs."

Tang Liu'er took his words very seriously. In the past six months, he had admired Nie Feng's ability to the point of complete admiration. He nodded and said, "Indeed, your strength is no worse than Eldest Senior Brother and the others. But, I I just want to tell you that in our Luling Peak alone, the Eldest Senior Brother can rank up to the [-]th place."

Nie Feng raised his brows and asked, "So, among the disciples of the outer sect, the eldest brother ranks around [-]?"

Tang Liu'er smiled and said, "Nor is it far! However, you have to know that being able to rank thousands among the outer disciples is also a very extraordinary thing."

Nie Feng's goal is No.1. Hearing Tang Liu'er's words, he just felt irritable, waved his hand and said, "Okay, I admit that you hit me, roll as far as you can, I need to be alone quiet!"

Tang Liu'er felt his mood, so she nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go first. Boss, I have to remind you, there is a saying in our Xianzong that 'speed makes waste', mentality is very important, don't be a genius like you." I died halfway, and I lost my backer."

After saying this, Tang Liu'er didn't dare to stay, and ran away with her head in her arms.

Seeing him fleeing in embarrassment, Nie Feng felt both funny and angry. The huge gap in his heart improved a little, and he thought about it for a while, but he had no good idea, so he had to go back to the farm space.

Calling up the virtual panel, Nie Feng checked his situation.The gold coins are about to tell Xin again, but there are still a lot of Baishou Dan, but the prestige is still lower than before the entry, and the opening of the pasture seems to be far away.

Nie Feng took several deep breaths in a row, calmed down a little, and then began to practice the second level of the Emperor's Kung Fu, practicing the moves that forge strength.

I saw his tall and straight figure, like a javelin, straight into the sky.His eyes were dignified and piercing, his hands were slowly lifted up, and his mind was completely integrated into his palms, just like the gesture of Tai Chi, the vitality poured into his palm rumblingly with his mind.

At the same time, behind him, a surging golden ocean suddenly rose up, and there was the sound of 'booming' waves, and each wave corresponded to Nie Feng's movements, agitating all parts of the body.

In the vast ocean, a round of dazzling golden sun slowly rises, a round of bright golden moon, the light of the sun and the moon competing for brilliance spreads, and sprinkles on Nie Feng's body, making his aura more ethereal. Dust, an indescribable taste, and the light of the sun and the moon, seemed to pour directly into Nie Feng's blood, playing a subtle role in the evolution of the body.

But at this time, Nie Feng's movements became faster and faster, with more and more strength, and every palm strike made a booming sound.At this moment, a golden blue dragon roared through the ocean and flew up to the sun and moon. The roar made Nie Feng's qi and blood circulate more intensely, making a 'squeak' sound.

Nie Feng didn't seem to be aware of it, but kept punching and kicking, causing the blood to rush continuously, circulating in his body like a mad beast.Every time qi and blood wash over the dantian, it will be calcined once by the 'Earth Fire Spiritual Flame', and then sweep the vitality and circulate again, making Nie Feng's emperor vitality continuously sublimated.

Suddenly, Nie Feng's fists and kicks became faster and faster, like a gust of wind and rain. In the end, he could only see a group of shimmering golden shadows, giving people a feeling of being dazzled.This process seems to be that some kind of air pressure is constantly rising, and it has been increasing towards a certain height, giving people an unparalleled sense of oppression.

This feeling constantly oppresses the top of the person's head, causing people to feel the suffocation of the air when they want to breathe.


faster and faster!

At that moment, the air pressure suddenly reached its limit, and with a 'bang', it broke through the shackles and cage, and exploded fiercely, and then a kind of hearty, depressed air that had been suppressed for a long time burst out from his mouth that feeling.

Nie Feng clenched his fists tightly, and his arms shook violently. A majestic force was transmitted along with Nie Feng's deafening long whistle. Cracked.

However, behind Nie Feng, the scene of the sun and the moon competing for glory has disappeared, but in the golden ocean, a golden blue dragon swims in it, giving people a majestic feeling.

Nie Feng took two deep breaths, loosened his fist, and immediately withdrew all his strength and vitality into his dantian. He said with joy on his face, "The breakthrough is really timely, and the feeling of qi and blood blending is really good, and..."

As soon as he changed his mind, the moment his vitality and strength surged into his fist again, the golden Wang Yang and the blue dragon also appeared.He dissipated his strength again, and then only used his vitality and strength, but no vision appeared.After doing this again and again, he was sure that he had mastered this powerful vision.

Qi Hai Canglong!

Nie Feng only felt that at this moment, without using any spells or saber tactics, just a simple punch could blow Hua Xiong and defeat his elder brother.If you add the second-level sword art of the 'Bawang Daolu', even the elders of the yellow generation who have nine levels of body training and internal vision can still fight.

Taking advantage of being in a good mood, he summoned the 'Suppressing Monster and Slaughtering Sword' and practiced the three sword moves.

"A volley strike!"

"Unrivaled Three Swords!"

"Break the flow!"

The three moves of the knife are extremely powerful, and each move shows unparalleled arrogance.These three moves were constantly switching in his hands, and sharp blade lights shot out from the precious sword, making the farm land full of hideous knife marks.

At the end of the practice, Nie Feng threw the treasured sword out of his hand, and then used the treasured sword as a carrier, intending to perform these three sword moves in sequence, but who would have thought that with just a "volley strike", the treasured sword would drain Nie Feng's body After the explosion of vitality, Nie Feng was so frightened that he backed away again and again, dumbfounded, and didn't speak for a long time.

He hurriedly sat down cross-legged, took out a Baishou Dan from the virtual panel and took it. After recovering his vitality for a long time, he was shocked. He stared at the precious sword lying on the ground like an earthquake, and said with a smile: " Haha, even Master Huang Xuanzi's 'Shield of Wind and Cloud' might not be able to withstand this cut!"

It was only at this moment that he regained his confidence. At this moment, the farm space ruthlessly reminded: "The stipulated time has come, please pay to stay?" 』

Knowing that gold coins are very important, Nie Feng is not willing to waste them, so with a thought, he returned to the living room.

At this moment, Nie Feng can't bring up the mood to continue to practice. After all, a person's concentration is limited, and it is impossible to practice all the time. Unless it reaches a very high level, a retreat lasts for 30 to [-] years. Ordinary monks , and it is impossible to practice without restraint.

He had only just broken through, he was full of energy, and he didn't want to sleep, so he had to open the door, took advantage of the moonlight, left the compound, and wandered around the compound with nothing to do.

The Luling Peak at night is just a breeze, which makes people feel cool. Taking advantage of the bright moonlight, you can see far away.For a moment, Nie Feng felt that good luck made people fool him. In his last life, he would never have imagined that he would live in such a magical world.

Everything seemed like a world away, and it felt like a dream in a mirror. He was afraid that when he woke up, he would find that it was just a big dream.

He walked alone on the stone steps in the mountains, and he didn't know how long he walked, and he didn't know where he went. When he woke up, he found that he was in an extremely strange place. The house, the house is lit with a faint fluorescent light.

Nie Feng felt curious, and slowly approached the room. After a closer look, the whole body of the room was made of yellow mud, but it gave people a natural feeling.

When he was thinking about whether to knock on the door, an old and hoarse voice suddenly came from the room: "Since you are here, please come in and have a seat!" After the voice fell, the crumbling wooden door creaked. Yay open.

Nie Feng thought that this was Luling Peak and there would be no danger, so he walked in boldly.At a glance, he saw that the mud house didn't look big from the outside, but inside it felt very spacious.

Inside the mud hut are some simple wooden beds, wooden tables, and wooden chairs. A strange oil lamp is burning on the wooden table, glowing with fluorescence.

{New week, please bookmark it. . . }

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