Nie Feng approached Huang Daozi step by step. As he approached, he gritted his teeth and said, "As soon as I entered the door, I was very respectful to you, but you insulted me again and again, arrogantly, and looked like I didn't deserve to be beaten. You still want to occupy my elixir! Do you know that it was rewarded to me by Xianzong?"

While speaking, Nie Feng had already arrived in front of Huang Daozi.Huang Daozi was shocked by Nie Feng's indomitable momentum, and his whole body trembled slightly. There was a knocking sound from his teeth, and he said with a strong face: "Nie Feng! Do you know what you are doing? Deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors! "

Nie Feng took another step closer, and said with a sneer: "Deceive the master and destroy the ancestors? Do you think I don't know that there will be problems when exchanging pills with others? I have already recorded the situation of the transaction with you by means, in case of emergencies. Do you want to be greedy? I don’t mind sending my elixir to Xuandezi’s ancestor Xuandezi! Do you think Xianzong values ​​me or you?”

Huang Daozi's slender body trembled again. Regardless of what Nie Feng said was true or not, but this matter was spread, he must be the one who suffered the most.He regretted it in his heart, thinking that Nie Feng was just a disciple who had only started for half a year, and wanted to take advantage of him.But he didn't expect that Nie Feng was so courageous that he dared to challenge him.

Huang Daozi's thoughts changed sharply, and he thought of his dying years, he finally got a 'Peng Zudan', and wanted to wait for more than ten years, when his lifespan was about to expire, he would take it to prolong his life.Before, I just wanted to use the exchange as an excuse to lure Nie Feng into the bait and snatch Nie Feng's 'Dragon Control Pill' to break through the current realm.

But unexpectedly, Nie Feng turned out to be a hard bone with thorns all over his body.

Huang Daozi's pale face and wrinkled face made him look even more annoying. He was trembling with anger, and said, "! You go, you go, I will pretend that what happened today didn't happen !"

Nie Feng laughed coldly, and took another step closer, nose to nose with Huang Daozi's. The flames of 'Earth Fire Spiritual Flame' surged from his body, and the extremely high temperature roasted the ground until it emitted a burnt smell.His burning gaze made people dare not look directly at him.

He sneered and said: "Today, you made a mistake first, and I just left. Wouldn't it make me feel this anger for nothing? Bring your Peng Zudan! Otherwise, hehe..."

Huang Daozi's complexion changed, he circulated his vitality, grabbed Nie Feng's neck with one palm, and pushed Nie Feng's lower abdomen with one palm.His instantaneous burst of power caused the earth to crack with a 'pop', and it was as vicious as flying sand and rocks.

Nie Feng was already a master at keeping the fake from the real, but with his strength, he just came first with both palms behind, and grabbed Huang Daozi's skinny palm with a 'snap', and his golden vitality shook.Huang Daozi immediately screamed like killing a chicken, and his body shot backwards like a sandbag, smashing the stone table in the courtyard heavily.

Huang Daozi's palms were burnt to bloody flesh, and one of his arm bones was broken. He climbed up from the rubble with a face full of embarrassment, and stared at Nie Feng inexplicably in horror: "You... how can you be so powerful? Impossible!"

Nie Feng laughed and said, "What's impossible? I'll kill you like a chicken. Do I need any special means? Bring it from Peng Zudan!"

His last utterance was so stern that Huang Daozi's face turned pale with fright, and he didn't even have time to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and he said quickly: "Peng Zudan is the treasure I got through so much hard work, I can't just let you take it away ah!"

Nie Feng patted the dust on his shoulder, and said with a smile: "Haha! Do you think I am like you? I will snatch your Peng Zudan? A joke! I, Nie Feng, am a person of status and status, and I can't let go of my figure!"

When Huang Daozi asked Nie Feng to speak, he was immediately ridiculed and felt extremely uncomfortable.

While speaking, Nie Feng took out the vial containing the Dragon Pill from his pocket, threw it to Huang Daozi casually, and said, "It's just the Dragon Pill, it's not enough for me to snatch it shamelessly, take it!"

Huang Daozi's old face became even paler, and he reached out to catch the vial of Yulongdan. Seeing Nie Feng's piercing gaze, he didn't dare to hesitate, put Yulongdan in his arms, took out another vial and threw it at Nie Feng: "This is Peng Zudan, leave as soon as you get it!"

Nie Feng caught the vial, and immediately a notification sound came from his ears. He knew it was a genuine low-grade panacea. He sneered, turned around and left!He swaggered away from Huang Daozi's compound and returned to Huang Xuanzi's compound.

In the courtyard, I ran into Huang Xuanzi who was walking towards me.

Huang Xuanzi still had a smile on his face: "You came back from Huang Daozi? Did something unpleasant happen? Huang Daozi's strength is average, but his character is surprisingly poor. Before you left, I forgot to remind you."

Nie Feng nodded approvingly, and said: "Then Huang Daozi is really worthless, and he never planned to exchange pills with me from the beginning." After speaking, he briefly explained the story to Huang Xuanzi.

Only then did Huang Xuanzi realize that Nie Feng's aura was stronger, and he said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to break through again. You haven't even taken Yulongdan, and your talent is really scary!" Hearing this, Nie Feng just smiled , without explanation.

Huang Xuanzi said again: "Now you have a grudge with Huang Daozi, but don't worry too much. His low character is well known, but there is a better disciple, a direct disciple of the Xuan family, who is in charge of managing You should pay attention to this for the inner door test."

Nie Feng didn't expect that Huang Daozi would have such a disciple. He said with a smile, "This is something I didn't expect. I don't know if that person is powerful or not? What's his character like?"

Huang Xuanzi shook his head and said: "I don't know about this. Huang Daozi is an old guy who has exhausted his potential. He was already like this when I started. I just heard that there is such a person as a direct disciple of the Xuan family. "

Nie Feng smiled, but still kept this matter in mind, and said, "Thank you, master, I will pay more attention to it."

Huang Xuanzi nodded in response, then turned and walked towards his living room.

Nie Feng also turned back to his living room, closed the door, and entered the farm space after a second thought.In the farm space, Nie Feng found that it was much faster than the outside world, whether it was cultivating vitality or spells.

It seems that in the farm space, the gas that permeates the air makes Nie Feng's mind clearer and his thoughts more focused.For example, in the way of cultivation, at the beginning of practice, one must first learn to enter the state of tranquility, but Nie Feng hardly practiced, and immediately entered the state of cultivation, which made the originally boring stage of cultivation directly skipped.

Everyone, whether it is life attitude or learning efficiency, emotion and spirit have a great influence.When studying, if you can keep a clear mind and focused thinking, you can make some boring things lively and interesting.

Nie Feng himself didn't realize that his concentration and personality had been greatly changed because of the farm space.

He practiced in the farm space for a long time, and when he ran out of time for the day, he was kicked out by the farm system.However, the effect of practice is very obvious.Even genius disciples can't match this kind of cultivation effect.

But with the help of the farm system, Nie Feng has reached this point.

Nie Feng came out of the farm space, and it didn't take long for the sky to brighten.Tang Liu'er knocked on the door excitedly: "Boss, get up soon! Brothers Liang Wenyi and Hao Junyi are here to look for you."

Nie Feng opened the door and said to Tang Liuer: "It's not a big deal, it's not prudent at all."

Tang Liuer's eyes widened, and she shouted, "God, those are senior brothers Liang Wenyi and Hao Junyi! Boss, do you know that they used to be the pride of our disciples outside Luling Peak? They were my idols! But now you are too!" My idol!"

Nie Feng waved his hand, ignored Tang Liuer's exaggerated expression, and walked straight to the door. Seeing Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi leading them back to their living room, he asked Tang Liuer to prepare some refreshments.

After finishing all this, Tang Liuer excitedly stood beside Nie Feng.Nie Feng introduced Tang Liuer to Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi, and then chatted for a while.About halfway through the morning, the tall and imposing Su Yican, led by Du Delun, came to Nie Feng's room.

Nie Feng told Su Yican about the joining of Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi. Although Su Yican was a little surprised, he did not refuse. Instead, he took Nie Feng and the others away from Luling Peak, and drove a crane to a secondary peak of Zidian Peak. superior.

Under a waterfall and flowing spring, an octagonal pavilion was repaired, with a sign hanging on it, which was called: "Wangxian Pavilion".

Wangxian Pavilion occupies a large area and can accommodate more than 20 people.There are knee-high stone bars in the pavilion, and a futon is placed on the ground behind the stone bars.At this moment, the stone bars are already filled with melons, fruits and fruit wine.And there are more than ten people gathered inside.

These people have fluttering clothes, and although they have different looks, they all have a dusty temperament.When they saw Su Yican leading Nie Feng and the others, they quickly got up and greeted Su Yican and Nie Feng warmly.

In the battle that day, Nie Feng had already become famous in the first battle, and almost all the outer disciples knew him.As for Liang Wenyi and Hao Junyi, they have long been famous, and there are quite a few people who know them.

Su Yican waited for Nie Feng and the others to take their seats, and asked someone to add fruit wine and melons to Hao Junyi, then he waved his hand to attract everyone's attention, and said, "Su is lucky today, it's good to have so many here." Friends, especially this year's outer disciple champion - Nie Feng. I would like to thank everyone here."

After finishing speaking, he picked up the fruit wine, swept it away in front of everyone, and then raised his head to drink it.Everyone had a drink with him.

Next, under the control of a sociable person like Su Yican, everyone toasted each other and had a good time. After everyone had drunk three rounds, Su Yican said again: "I think everyone is very familiar with it, so I will tell you something about it." A question about our participation in the inner door test."

Everyone put down their wine glasses one after another and looked at Su Yican.

While putting down his wine glass, Nie Feng secretly recalled the news about Su Yican that he had collected in the past few days.He secretly warned himself not to trust an unfamiliar person easily, especially when it comes to life-and-death issues such as the inner door test.

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