Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 62 Xuan Mingzi

Su Yican is a good communicator, with a few casual words, everyone feels that his words are very reliable.Some people are even willing to let him lead this inner door test trip.

However, Nie Feng did not fully believe him, gathered his energy into a thread, and secretly passed the words into Hao Junyi's ears: "Senior brother Hao, what do you think of this Su Yican? Should we take the test with him?"

Hao Junyi straightened her body, pretending to think with her chin on her shoulders, and secretly replied via voice transmission: "I have heard about Su Yican for a long time, everyone has good comments on him, and he has a good reputation. All of you here are teachers with good cultivation bases from all peaks. Brother, let's join them, the inner door test should be easier."

Nie Feng nodded slightly, and asked Liang Wenyi again through sound transmission, and got a similar answer.I thought that Su Yican is probably a person who likes to make friends. Since he has a good reputation and has no grievances with him, it is not a big problem for everyone to pass the test together.

At this moment, Su Yican asked Nie Feng, "Junior Brother Nie Feng, what do you think?"

Nie Feng waved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother Su is warm and hospitable, so I am naturally willing to join."

With a smile on his face and joy in his heart, Su Yican asked Liang Wenyi, Hao Junyi and others one after another, and got affirmative answers from the other party.He laughed, raised his wine glass, and said with a smile: "Thank you all the brothers and sisters for giving Su some face, let's do it first!"

When he drank the fruit wine in one gulp, the sky suddenly darkened, and there were strange howling sounds like ferocious beasts, which made people shudder, and the hairs all over their bodies exploded.

The banquet was full of joy, and when Su Yican was in high spirits, a frightening roar of a beast came from the distant sky.Everyone's expressions changed drastically, no one expected that there would be monsters haunting Zidian Peak.

Nie Feng only felt a strange wind blowing past, and the melons and fruits on the table fell to the ground in a "thumping" manner. The strong whirlwind made people feel unsteady.He quickly circulated his golden vitality, a suction force rose from the soles of his feet, and he pressed against the floor, walked to Hao Junyi's side, and said anxiously: "Senior brother, what's going on?"

Hao Junyi had already mobilized her energy to resist, but felt that she was dying of sadness at this moment, and a depression surged from her heart, and she tried her best to say: "I don't know, let's get closer, so that we can take care of each other." After finishing speaking, the three of Nie Feng leaned together, Use your vitality to prop up an air wall, and try your best to support it in the strong wind.

Just at this moment, an angry laugh came from the sky.In the blink of an eye, the gust of wind became more violent, and a monster twice as tall as Nie Feng - shaped like a lion, with eyes like copper bells, and a mane as hard as steel needles - kicked its hard hooves and fell from the sky.

The monster faced Nie Feng and yelled at him, which made Nie Feng dizzy and bloody.Hao Junyi hastily put his hand on Nie Feng's shoulder, infusing a burst of vitality, which made Nie Feng's whole body lighten, and his blood returned to normal.

Nie Feng looked puzzled, not knowing where he provoked this monster.Facing such a monster, Nie Feng really looked small, and he didn't even have the courage to do it.The monster roared twice again, causing the whole pavilion to 'buzz'.

Nie Feng recalled that laughter, and knew that this monster belonged to the owner. He circulated his vitality and shouted: "Which senior brother and senior made such a joke with Nie Feng?"

A cold snort came from the monster's back: "Who's kidding you? Nie Feng, you bullying master and destroying ancestors, everyone can punish you. I, Xuan Mingzi, will teach you a good lesson today!"

While speaking, a person jumped out from behind the monster, dressed in a water-blue robe, with a slender figure, a golden sword pinned across his waist, handsome in appearance but with a bad look on his face, walking towards Nie Feng slowly with anger on his face.

With every step, there was a 'dong' sound, as if it was buckled on a person's heart. After walking five steps in a row, Nie Feng's face was uncomfortable, his blood flowed turbulently, and he was so sad that he wanted to vomit blood.

Seeing that the visitor was not kind, Nie Feng tried his best to straighten his chest, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "It turns out that it is the ancestor of Xuan Mingzi. I don't know where Nie Feng is'deceiving the master and destroying the ancestor' and 'everyone gets it and punish him'?" In fact, he had already guessed He realized that the other party was probably Huang Daozi's disciple, but he couldn't tell the truth, otherwise it would appear that he was afraid of it and lost his momentum.

Xuan Mingzi sneered, slapped the sword by his side with his slender fingers, and a majestic momentum swept the air, pressing towards Nie Feng, and said sternly: "Have you forgotten so soon? I think you are stubborn, Don't cry without seeing the coffin!"

Nie Feng was oppressed by this aura, he felt it was difficult to breathe, his face was flushed, he used all his vitality, tried his best to keep calm, and said: "Master Xuan Mingzi, please speak clearly. Nie Feng is a junior, so he dare not argue with you , but you have to figure it out.”

In one word, he pointed out that Xuan Mingzi was the elder and he was the junior, and that Xuan Mingzi used the big to bully the small.

Su Yican and the others gathered at the other end of the pavilion, their faces were filled with shock, and they didn't dare to take a breath.

Xuan Mingzi snorted coldly: "Okay, let me ask you, did you snatch my master Huang Daozi's 'Peng Zudan' at Luling Peak just yesterday, relying on your good cultivation?"

Seeing that he really came here for this matter, Nie Feng laughed and said, "It turns out that Master Xuan Mingzi is a disciple of Master Huang Daozi! Did Master Huang Daozi tell you that he wanted to grab my 'Dragon Control Pill' by force?" No, I was injured by my self-defense. I exchanged 'Peng Zudan' with 'Yulongdan'?"

As soon as everyone heard it, they knew the whole story, and all stared at Nie Feng and Xuan Mingzi.

Xuan Mingzi sneered, and said as a matter of course: "Hmph! As a junior, it is a big taboo to dare to fight with an elder. My master is an elder, and if he wants your Dragon Control Pill, you can give it to him! You don't even count Is it treason?"

When Nie Feng heard it, he felt extremely depressed, a wave of anger welled up in his heart, but he had to press it down, and tried his best to calmly say: "Master Xuan Mingzi, what you said is irrational!"

Xuan Mingzi frowned, and said angrily: "What? You want to die!" He shouted angrily, and at the same time wiped his big hand on the sword, and saw a cold light shoot out from his body, stabbing towards Nie Feng like lightning.

The sharp sword light tore through the air, and it was about to kill Nie Feng on the spot. Everyone was so frightened that they were covered in cold sweat and did not dare to breathe. Squeezed a cold sweat for Nie Feng.

Nie Feng felt a cold light flash in front of his eyes, and an unprecedented sense of crisis surged in his heart. At this moment, he couldn't find a solution, and could only feel infinite resentment towards Xuan Mingzi.

At this moment, a purple thunderbolt appeared out of thin air, and the purple light bloomed in the pavilion. The terrifying purple lightning bit Xuan Mingzi's sword like a poisonous snake. The broken blades splashed and nailed aggressively to the pillars of the pavilion, leaving hideous cracks.

Nie Feng felt that he was still in shock, and walked around the ghost gate, staring coldly at the astonished Xuan Mingzi.Before he could speak, a voice exploded between him and Xuan Mingzi: "Xuan Mingzi, you are so bold that you dare to act presumptuously on my Zidian Peak! If you are the first offender, get out of here!"

Like the roar of thunder, Nie Feng immediately recognized the voice of the owner of Zidian Peak, and he felt relaxed.

Xuan Mingzi trembled all over. The huge monster behind him had already been lying on the ground before Zidian appeared, making a docile 'purr' sound like a kitten.Xuan Mingzi trembled all over, scared out of his wits, he didn't expect that as a direct disciple, dealing with an outer disciple would also alarm the master of Zidian Peak.

He hurriedly bowed his head and said: "The disciple is presumptuous and disturbs the master's meditation, the disciple will retreat immediately."

After Xuan Mingzi finished speaking, he didn't hear the voice of the owner of Zidian Peak, so he quickly stepped back five steps before turning around and walking towards the monster.It's just that before leaving, the look he looked at Nie Feng revealed resentment like a poisonous snake spewing out a letter.

Nie Feng watched as Xuan Mingzi leaped onto the back of the monster, drove the terrifying monster into the sky with a gust of wind, and disappeared from the sky.What was in my mind was the arrogant, unreasonable and disgusting appearance of Xuan Mingzi, and the vicious look in his eyes when he was about to leave.

Before he could think too much, Nie Feng hurriedly bowed to the void, and said respectfully: "Thank you, Patriarch, for your rescue. Nie Feng will remember it in his heart."

The voice of the owner of Zidian Peak sounded again: "You don't need to be like this. You are on my Zidian Peak, and I will guarantee your safety." Immediately, this voice was like a stone sinking into the sea, and it did not resound.

Nie Feng bowed to the void again, calmed down his shocking mood, glanced at Su Yican and the others lightly, cupped his hands and said: "Everyone, because of me, I'm really sorry for spoiling everyone's interest. But such a Nao, I think everyone is no longer interested, so it's better to just break up like this."

Su Yican's heart was beating like a drum, and he quickly smiled and said: "Nie Feng is right, just now the grand master Xuan Mingzi was so powerful that we didn't even have a chance to speak..."

Nie Feng quickly interrupted him, saying: "Senior Brother Su, Xuan Mingzi's ancestor is an elder, I can understand your position. After half a month, we will go to the inner sect test! I still have some things that I haven't prepared yet. "

Su Yican hastily agreed.

Nie Feng exchanged glances with Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi, and after saying goodbye to Su Yican and the others, he strode away from the pavilion and drove the crane back to Luling Peak.

The three of Nie Feng said goodbye at the fork in the mountain road.

Hao Junyi frowned and said, "Junior Brother Nie Feng, do we still have to take part in the inner sect test with Su Yican and the others?"

Liang Wenyi also looked at Nie Feng after hearing the words, hoping to get an answer.

Nie Feng waved his hand and smiled: "We are casual acquaintances with Su Yican, and their behavior today is understandable. We are just helping each other. We have no hatred against them, and we are stronger in numbers. However, this half In the next month, we have to prepare more, everything depends on ourselves."

Hao Junyi took it seriously and said: "Junior Brother Nie is right, then we will see you in half a month."

Nie Feng also waved goodbye to Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi: "See you in half a month!" After speaking, he walked towards the east fork.

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