Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 68 Tiance

The three of Nie Feng stared at the group of resentful corpses rushing in with panicked expressions, feeling their scalps go numb.If you want to kill one at this moment, you will have to pay an extremely heavy, even irreparable price.

There are too many resentful corpses!

Fortunately, the vision of the sun and the moon competing for glory made the resentful corpses surround Nie Feng and the three of them, wandering outside the vision of the sun and the moon competing for glory.However, driven by instinct, they became more and more impatient, and they might rush in at any time, kill Nie Feng and the three of them, share and eat them!

Hao Junyi held the copper staff tightly, stared at the corpses around him vigilantly, and asked anxiously: "What should we do? Junior Brother Nie, how long can we hold on?"

Nie Feng only felt the vitality in his body flowing like a torrent of a broken bank. Fortunately, the "Songhe Longevity Pill" on his chest played a very important role, and said in a deep voice: "Don't pay attention to me, I can still hold on!"

He was already prepared, and he couldn't hold on anymore, so he bought the repairing liquid. After all, prestige is important, but compared to life, it is insignificant.

Hao Junyi's spirit was shaken, she raised her brows, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's okay!"

Liang Wenyi tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword, and the ink-colored long sword was emitting a faint radiance. He glanced at the resentful corpses around him, and said, "However—the resentful corpses seem to be unable to restrain themselves. When they swarm up, then we can Kill as many as you want!"

When Nie Feng thought of the disgusting resentful corpses, densely packed, he felt a chill down his spine, and said with a wry smile: "There is no way!"

At this moment, the densely packed resentful corpses in front of Nie Feng's eyes suddenly separated like waves, leaving a passage enough for the two of them to walk side by side.Nie Feng looked at it, and at the end of the passage, a resentful corpse was walking towards him.

This resentful corpse, with clear eyes and a humanized ruthlessness on his face, is dragging a large knife that is one person long and fifty centimeters wide. The notes passed into the ears of Nie Feng and the others.

Nie Feng showed an extremely wonderful expression on his face, and said with a wry smile: "Unfortunately, the crow's mouth is right, a resentful corpse comparable to a personal disciple came. I'm afraid we can't even kill a resentful corpse!"

Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi's ability to stand out in Luling Peak shows that they are not mediocre.At this moment, they also disregarded life and death, sweeping away the fear just now.

Hao Junyi laughed boldly, and said: "It's comparable to the resentful corpse of a direct disciple, but what level of experience and knowledge do you need?"

Although Liang Wenyi's appearance was ugly, his aura of being able to stand out from the crowd among the outer disciples was enough to make up for his innate insufficiency.At this moment, he spread his five fingers wide, waved his hand vigorously, and said with a laugh: "In this battle, there will be no regrets in death!"

At this time, the resentful corpse dragging the knife stomped heavily on the ground and came to Nie Feng step by step. On his ugly and disgusting face, there was a humanized sneer, and a 'gurgling' sound came out from his Adam's apple , the arm dragging the knife swung back and forward as if lightly, the huge and suffocating heavy knife cut through the air like a wave, and with a whoosh, it cut into Nie Feng's golden ocean.

The wide and sharp blade slashed on the shining golden waves, making a loud 'bang', and a wave of aftermath struck away in a circular air wave.Countless resentful corpses roared crazily after being hit by the air waves.

Nie Feng's complexion changed suddenly, he felt that the vitality in his body was drained in an instant, and the vision of the sun and the moon contending for brilliance could hardly be maintained.Panicked, he quickly called out the virtual panel, stretched out his hand like a dragonfly touches water, and took out a bottle of psychic liquid from the void, about to drink it in one gulp.

At this moment, the resentful corpse was chopped again.

Hao Junyi's face changed, and Nie Feng trembled all over, and was blown away by a pounding force. Under his exhaustion, the spiritual liquid in his hand flew straight away, and sprinkled to one of the countless resentful corpses.He was worried about Nie Feng, and shouted: "Be careful! Xiao Liang, save me!"

Liang Wenyi narrowed his eyes, squatted slightly, and a burst of vitality gushed out from the soles of his feet. With a sound of '咻', he crossed the space and came under Nie Feng. The long sword gushes out into streams of sword energy, forcing away the rushing corpses.

Hao Junyi's eyes were wide open, like a King Kong with angry eyes. Holding the copper staff with both hands, he spun the staff quickly, and rushed forward like a lion and tiger, fighting side by side with Liang Wenyi.

Nie Feng was lying on the ground, feeling exhausted all over. He forced himself to grab the handle of the knife as hard as he could, and was about to get up when his throat suddenly felt salty, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.Fortunately, at that moment, the 'Songhe Longevity Pill' in his heart sent a burst of medicinal power in a 'buzzling' way, which shocked him and forced him to stand up.

Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi only lasted for a while, and then they were beaten by countless resentful corpses so that they could not fight back. They lay on the ground, spitting blood, unable to move.

At this moment, the real crisis is coming!Countless resentful corpses showed greedy eyes, their throats rolled with thirsty saliva, and they made dense and disgusting sounds.

Nie Feng held the handle of the knife with one hand, and supported his body with the 'Suppressing Demon Slayer Sword' inserted into the ground. He smiled wryly and said, "It's an honor to fight side by side with you, two senior brothers. Life and death depend on each other!"

Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi smiled wryly one after another, and the word was circling in their throats, but they couldn't make it out clearly, they could only shake their heads, expressing that they were helpless!

The resentful corpses rushed forward, spread their blackened claws, opened their disgusting yellow mouth, showing their stinky teeth, and rushed towards Nie Feng and the others one after another, just like a vicious dog seeing a meat bun. Showcasing the most primitive instinct!

Just when the three of Nie Feng were about to become the snacks for the resentful corpses, a naked man, like a light and shadow, shuttled between the three of Nie Feng, spread his arms vigorously, and shouted loudly.An invisible force field, with its majestic force, bounced away the surrounding resentful corpses one after another.

All of a sudden, all the resentful corpses fell like rain, hitting the ground with a 'bang bang', spitting out disgusting purple-black liquid from their mouths, struggling twice, and stopped moving.

The man laughed heartily. Facing the waves of resentful corpses, he stretched out his right hand and swung it vigorously, bringing out an invisible energy, which turned into an arc nearly two meters away, driving the group of resentful corpses away. The corpse was smashed to pieces.His right hand kept clenching into a fist, and the sound of 'cuckoo' came from the fist.

Countless white thunder lights exploded between his five fingers, and he roared and punched out with force.The bursting lightning turned into a straight line and exploded along the way, hitting the resentful corpse who was comparable to a personal disciple.

Wherever the light of thunder passed, countless corpses were blown apart by the lightning and turned into ashes.The resentful corpse, who was comparable to his own disciple, had a humanized look of panic on his face, and he was holding the thick handle of the knife tightly with both hands, about to slash Lei Guang with one blow.

But—he was late!

When the big knife pierced the air and moved towards his ears, the terrifying thunder came through his body with a 'poof' sound, causing his whole body to explode like fireworks. The purple and black blood, Blooming in the air, dripping onto the earth.

As soon as this man made a move, the corpses of the resentful corpses were scattered all over the field, and no one survived.And that terrifying corpse, comparable to a personal disciple, was also reduced to ashes by his fist, leaving only a purple-black liquid all over the place.

In an instant, the sky and the earth are still.

Nie Feng held the 'Suppressing Demon Slaughter Sword' in his right hand, his chest heaved violently, and his breathing was so rapid that his scalp was numb. He stared at the naked man, feeling that the glory of heaven and earth shrouded him.

The man turned around slowly, and in the blink of an eye, a black Taoist robe formed on him like something out of nothing.He stared at Nie Feng with a smile on his face, stretched out his hand and waved slowly in front of Nie Feng, an invisible force poured into the bodies of Nie Feng and the others, healing the injuries of Nie Feng and others. <wind!

Although this person waved his hand, although it was not as effective as the repairing liquid, Nie Feng and the others regained [-]% of their physical strength in a short moment and were able to move freely.

Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi raised their arms and got up from the ground, with uncontrollable joy on their faces.Rao really puts life and death aside, but no one can restrain the joy of the rest of life after the catastrophe.They hugged each other, laughed and said, "I survived! I survived!"

After the three of them clapped their crowns to celebrate, they hurriedly said respectfully to the man: "Thank you for saving my life, senior!"

The man was wearing a black Taoist robe, the sleeves were windless, and his eyes were as bright as stars. Although he was bald and without eyebrows, he still gave people the feeling of being above nine days. He smiled lightly: "Each, each other! You also save me!"

Nie Feng raised his brows, turned his palms, and the Suppressing Monster Slaughter Sword turned into a ball of light and disappeared, just staring at the bald man in bewilderment.

The man smiled faintly, stretched out his hand in front of Nie Feng and the three of them, revealing the bottle containing the spiritual liquid just now, and said with a smile: "Thanks to this miraculous spiritual liquid, I can recover my human body." He paused, and said again: " Judging by your appearance, you must be descendants of my Zhenwu Xianzong."

Nie Feng opened his mouth, showing an extremely incredible expression.He was shocked beyond measure!The person in front of him turned out to be a resentful corpse restored to human form, a heroic spirit from the ancient battlefield! < ren, it's really scary to the extreme!

Seeing this, the bald man smiled and said, "Not only you are surprised, even I can't believe it, but the truth is right in front of me. Before I fell, I never expected that there would be a day of recovery. Thank you all!"

Hao Junyi hurriedly said: "Are you the patriarch of ancient times? Oh my god! You don't have to thank us, the spirit liquid belongs to Junior Brother Nie Feng."

The bald man looked at Nie Feng and said, "Your name is Nie Feng? I know that the spiritual liquid is yours, of course, and I haven't lost the memory of the resentful corpse! Just now I saw that you had the vision of the vitality of the sun and the moon competing for glory. I am a genius disciple of the True Martial Immortal Sect."

Nie Feng showed embarrassment, and quickly waved his hands and said, "I'm not a genius! Coincidentally, it's just a coincidence!"

The bald man said again: "Do you still have that spiritual liquid?"

Nie Feng was already prepared, his face remained unchanged, and he said with a look of regret: "No, it was used for healing before."

The bald man sighed, looked up to the sky and said helplessly: "I see, it seems to be God's will! Sovereign, Tiance, I will rescue all the brothers and sisters one day. Nie Feng, I still don't understand. Are you coming with me, or?"

Nie Feng knew that the resentful corpses were going berserk collectively, so he would not act alone, so he hurriedly said, "Master Patriarch, we'd better go with you!"

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