The bald-headed Tiance let out a heavy sigh, and stood there blankly, looking into the distance, his eyes immersed in endless memories, the past events flashed in his mind scene by scene, as if they happened yesterday.

The three of Nie Feng looked around idly, not daring to disturb Tian Cezi.

After a while, Tiancezi's eyes that lost focus suddenly opened them hard, a flash of light flashed, and he smiled slightly: "I've changed my mind! I know the task of your inner door test. When I was still a corpse, I heard People have said it. I protect you for ten days until you leave, which is also my reward for you."

Nie Feng spread his hands, shrugged, and said, "Master Patriarch, you have the final say. But--according to Master Patriarch, don't you plan to go back to the sect?"

Tiancezi put his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "I am a person from the ancient times, and I am incompatible with today's Xianzong. Going back will only increase troubles. This ancient battlefield is the most suitable place for me! If the sect is in trouble, or Nie Feng, if you have difficulties, come here to find me."

Nie Feng nodded and said 'hmm', feeling that what Tiancezi said was very reasonable.As a person from the ancient times, his return to the Xianzong would cause great shock, and it would even make some bad associations with those in power now.

Tian Cezi is old and mature, how could he not understand the power struggle.

Tiancezi paced casually, and Nie Feng and the others followed behind him, chatting with each other from time to time.At this moment, Nie Feng's face was extremely rosy, and a mysterious place in his body was constantly vibrating, as if something was about to be squeezed out.

Nie Feng immediately understood that this was a harbinger of breaking through the 'removing the false and preserving the true'.He had no choice but to walk slowly while concentrating his mind on the Weilu acupoint, using his mind as a guide.

At this moment, a disgusting resentful corpse, with red eyes, stomped on the ground and rushed towards Nie Feng and the others like lightning.

Tian Cezi smiled faintly, turned around and pointed at Nie Feng, and said, "Nie Feng, you go and kill it. Success or failure depends on this."

Nie Feng was shaken all over, and looking at the resentful corpse that was approaching quickly, he understood what Tiancezi meant—to use life and death combat to help the body get rid of the last impurities and enter the eighth level of body refinement, the realm of ten thousand men. .

Nie Feng slowly spread out his right arm, and with a forceful movement of his five fingers, the Suppressing Demon and Slaughter Sword appeared in his palm along with a ball of golden light.He gripped the handle of the knife tightly, stared at the approaching corpse, and said with a faint smile: "Master Patriarch, then, Nie Feng has made a fool of himself!"

Before finishing the word 'ugly', Nie Feng leaned back slightly, kicked his feet hard, his whole body was like an arrow from the string, and with a 'bang', he shot towards the resentful corpse.Grasping the handle of the knife with both hands, he then jumped up and slashed towards the head of the corpse with all his strength.

The golden blade's light cut across the air, and it was about to split the corpse's head in half.The resentful corpse let out a low growl, clenched his fists with both hands, and spread them on both sides of his body. A black resentment force formed an arc-shaped aura above his head.

The sharp knife light passed through the aura, and encountered great resistance, causing golden light spots to splash everywhere, and the sound of "chi chi" could be heard endlessly.

Once the resentful corpse succeeded, with a sharp roar, his right fist rushed towards Nie Feng from his waist, a surge of resentment surged from his fist, which turned into a powerful black gas bomb, and collided with the demon-suppressing sword.

Nie Feng only felt a strong vibration from the blade, causing the blade to rise, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.But at this moment, the resentful corpse squatted suddenly, and then it bounced off the ground like a shell, black resentment surged from both fists, and it hit Nie Feng like a machine gun.

All of a sudden, countless black air bombs vibrated the air, hitting Nie Feng overwhelmingly.Nie Feng took a deep breath, gripped the handle of the knife tightly with both hands, and slashed hard at the black gas bullet.

The blade reappeared, but his whole body was constantly beaten back by the heavy impact, and he was at a disadvantage.

He could have come up, used the vision of vitality, suppressed the corpse, and then killed the corpse with a sharp knife!However, the purpose of his trip is to use the power of the resentful corpse to break through the shackles of the bottleneck and reach a new level.

So, with all his strength, the tiger's jaws of his hands were shattered, and blood dripped along the palms of his hands.

The resentful corpse was even more excited, clasped his hands together, and raised them above his left shoulder. The resentment from his whole body gathered between his palms, and he swiped forcefully to the lower right. An arc-shaped wave of resentment flew across the sky like a shooting star. It slammed down on the Monster Suppressing Sword.

'Boom! With a loud bang, Nie Feng was exhausted by the unrivaled force, and the Monster Suppressing Saber was thrown out of his hand, with a "buzz" across the sky, and inserted into the dry ground with sporadic bloodstains.

Nie Feng was like a paper kite with a broken thread, drawing an arc in the air, and smashed heavily on the ground not far from the Zhenyao Slaying Sword, with a 'bang' sound, stirring up dust all over the sky.His chest trembled, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

Just at this time, that terrifying impact spread to every corner of his body, making his vision blurred, and he felt a black shadow rushing towards him in the sky.At this very moment, Nie Feng only felt a 'boo' sound coming out of his tail acupoint.

This crisp sound spread like a water wave, making the blood in his whole body seem to boil.Just like a butterfly effect, every corner of his body was like boiling water, 'bubbling' with heat waves.

Heart-piercing pain was transmitted from every corner of the body through the nerves to his mind, making him almost scream out loud.Under his skin, a delicate and tough membrane grew from the Weilu acupoint and spread under the skin of all parts of his body at lightning speed.

However, at this moment, the resentful corpse opened its hands, black and sharp nails, like a sickle for harvesting life, swooped down from the air, raised its palm, and slashed fiercely at Nie Feng's neck.

All of this is slow to say, but in fact it only happened in an instant.

Hao Junyi froze all over, clenched his hands tightly, and shouted hoarsely: "No——"

Liang Wenyi pulled his right hand anxiously, and the black long sword transformed into a sword light, and shot towards the resentful corpse, shouting: "Get out!"

However, at this moment, Tiancezi put his hands behind his back, showing a calm but confident smile.

At this moment, Nie Feng's whole body was like a boiled lobster, emitting a billowing heat wave.When the corpse's blade-like nails almost cut his neck, Nie Feng's whole body shook several times with high frequency, and a ball of bruised blood gushed up from the Weilu acupoint to his throat, spurting out like a blood arrow.

With the force of a spray, his body was shaken violently, and he slid away more than ten steps, making the blow of the resentful corpse miss.I saw his body paused, as if there was a tight string behind his back, it flicked him forward with a 'buzz' sound.

Nie Feng's speed was very fast, like lightning, before the resentful corpse's sharp claws could be retracted, he stretched out the five fingers of his right hand, spread his arm like lightning, grabbed the resentful corpse's neck, pulled it along, and slammed it The resentful corpse hit the ground with a loud 'bang', stirring up a cloud of dust that spread everywhere.

The resentful corpse was severely injured, and with a 'roar', it let out a tragic cry, and a mouthful of purple-black blood spewed out from its mouth.Seeing that it was about to spray on Nie Feng, Nie Feng shook his arm vigorously and threw the resentful corpse into the air.I saw Nie Feng's right hand forming a claw, and the palm of his hand was sunken inward, creating a suction force. With a sound of '咻', he grabbed the Demon Suppressing Sword in his hand and threw it vigorously.

The Suppressing Demon Slaughter Sword is like an arrow that leaves the string, breaking through the layers of air waves, and it is as fast as a startled bird, and shoots towards the resentful corpse. With a sound of 'Puff', the Suppressing Demon Slaughter Sword sharply pierced through the dantian of the resentful corpse, and came out through the body.

The resentful corpse let out a scream before dying, turned into an arc, and fell to the ground with a bang.

Witnessing this process, Hao Junyi rubbed her hands and said to herself, "It's so fast, so powerful!"

Liang Wenyi changed his anxiety, smiled faintly, retracted the black long sword behind his back with a flick of his wrist, looked at Nie Feng, and secretly said: "He has improved again! But——I will definitely catch up to him."

Nie Feng kicked his feet and rushed to pick up the Demon Suppressing Sword. He saw that the blade was smooth and not stained with any filth. With a twist of his palm, the Demon Suppressing Sword disappeared in a blink of an eye. He walked slowly to Tiancezi and the others. In front of the person, he stretched his waist, smiled at Liang Wenyi and the two of them, "I made you worry."

The two quickly smiled and said, "That's foolishness."

Nie Feng turned around and said to Tian Cezi: "Patriarch, Nie Feng did not disappoint you?"

Tian Cezi smiled faintly, nodded and looked into the distance, and said: "No! You are in a state of nowhere, you can defeat the resentful corpse with strength, you are proud enough."

Nie Feng was praised by Tian Cezi in ancient times, and he felt flattered, and said with a smile: "It's still far behind the patriarch."

At this moment, everyone didn't notice the resentful corpse, and suddenly opened their eyes, staring at Nie Feng with clear eyes, and a sneer appeared at the corner of their mouths.Just as Nie Feng and the others turned and walked forward, it moved!

With unprecedented power, which does not belong to him, it pushed hard on the ground, causing the ground to sag with a 'bang'.However, at that moment, he came to Nie Feng like a ghost and stretched out his hand. He grabbed Nie Feng's neck with his five fingers, and flew into the sky with a sound of '咻'.

All of this happened so suddenly that no one, including Tiance, had noticed, and no one would have imagined that an ordinary resentful corpse would have such powerful strength.When they reacted, Tiancezi put his hands on his chest, swung back vigorously, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning and shot away.

However, the speed of the resentful corpse was far ahead of Tiancezi, far ahead, and then disappeared from Tiancezi's sight in a blink of an eye.

Nie Feng was even more flustered and inexplicable. He only felt that someone grabbed his neck, and the vitality in his whole body seemed to be sealed, and then he flew into the sky at an unimaginable speed.

When he was about to struggle, Tiancezi's voice came from his ear: "Nie Feng, the enemy is the Resentful Corpse King, and he definitely wants you to resurrect him. No matter what, don't agree to him, otherwise..." The following words , as if being cut off, there is no sound.

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