Everyone talked and laughed as they stepped on the snow towards Wu Nan's porridge and cake shop. Wu Nan's porridge and cake shop is located on Zishi Street in Qinghe County. , bypassing the store, there is a small courtyard that can lead to the residence on the second floor. In front of the store that is about to open, the clerk Xiaosi cleaned the snow on the steps. Seeing Wu Ling and others hurriedly greeted: "Wu Lishu, it's so early You are here, dare you not have breakfast? "Stinky boy, let Wu Nan deduct your wages again. -"" Wu Ling said with a smile, and immediately invited Wang Pang and others into the shop.

Inside the store, the young couple of Wu Nan were in full swing, preparing to open the door to welcome customers. Several kinds of porridge had already been boiled in several pots in front of the stove. He led three or four people into the store and hurriedly said, "Uncle, sit down first, I'll come right away."

Several people found a place to sit down, and Wang Pang looked at the busy Wu Nan. Wang Pang already knew that Wu Nan had suffered from an illness, and he kept muttering in his heart, and it happened that Wu Ling's son was named Wu Song, and Wu Nan They are selling cooking cakes again. I have always suspected but dare not confirm whether the legendary Wu Dalang is Wu Nan. Wu Nan is kneading the dough on the chopping board and sticking it to the stove one by one. Clearly, he didn't feel anything unusual.

Wu Ling shouted: "Stop nagging, come quickly and see who's coming."

Hearing the call, Wu Nan hurriedly agreed: "Come right here." After speaking, he got short, got off the stool behind the stove, clapped his hands and the floating surface of his clothes, and walked towards Wang Pang and the others. Come on, this made Wang Pang see clearly, the guy in his twenties is only about the height of a twelve or thirteen-year-old child, no wonder Wang Pang didn't feel anything strange just now, there was a stool behind the stove for Wu Pang's convenience. Nan works. [

Now Wang Pang sighed secretly, and the only luck in his heart was shattered, but Wu Nan rushed over when he saw the person clearly: "I vaguely remember the appearance of the prince, if I am not mistaken, this should be the prince." .” Then he stepped forward to salute.

Wang Pang hurriedly supported him and did not let him bow down: "Excuse me, this is not in the capital, and we don't need so many rules."

Wu Nan hurriedly greeted the kitchen: "Lady, hurry up and see the prince." The people inside also hurried out when they heard the voice, and bowed in front of everyone, Wang Pang raised his eyes to look at Mrs. Pan, Sure enough, she was a handsome woman, about seventeen or eighteen years old.

"You are Pan Jinlian."

"I'm right here." Xiao Pan lowered his head as he said.

Looking at it this way, I really can’t see it being frivolous. Could it be that the great master deliberately wrote it for the plot of the story back then, and then Wang Pang smiled. The world is unpredictable. Pan Jinlian was not like in the novel, thinking of this, he took out a piece of silver and beckoned to Wu Nan, "Unexpectedly, after so many years, Wu Nan has already married and established a business. I have nothing else to give, you accept this silver."

Wu Nan hurriedly said, "How good is this?"

Wang Pang looked at Wu Ling, and Wu Ling said: "If you want to accept it, you can accept it. This is also Wang Ye's wish."

The young couple thanked Wang Pang and went to work quickly. The clerk Xiao Si also finished cleaning the outside of the store and returned to the store. At noon, there was an endless stream of customers entering the store, and the small Kung Fu store was already full. Wu Nan, who had finished his work, came to Wang Pang and the others, and when he saw that the porridge and rice delivered were almost used up, he opened his hands He said: "There are so many people here, so if the prince doesn't mind, I can sit in the inner house with my uncle and talk."

Wu Ling led Wang Pang from the back of the store to the small courtyard, and went upstairs along the stairs, Wu Nan also followed with tea: "I have to be busy for a while, the poor hospitality will make the prince laugh."

"Go and get busy, I happened to be talking to the prince." Wu Ling said.

Wang Pang went upstairs and looked around the room, but it was facing the street, but he didn't know if it was the one where Pan Jinlian dropped the bamboo pole.

"My lord, you came to Qinghe County this time to find me something." Wu Ling asked.

Wang Pang kept thinking that now Wu Ling has already married and established a business. Wu Song is still young and Wu Nan would be better if Wu Ling took care of him. But when Wu Ling asked him, he said: "It's nothing serious. I was ordered by the emperor to collect herbs and make alchemy for the emperor, and I walked around to find medicinal materials. I originally planned that you had good skills to help me build the alchemy furnace, but now I am afraid that the most I can do is ask you to build it again."

"What kind of alchemy furnace does the prince want to build?"

Wang Pang took out the drawn blueprint and handed it to Wu Ling, who took it and looked at it repeatedly.

"This thing is not difficult to fight, but I don't think the prince will be so content with alchemy and medicine." Putting down the blueprint, Wu Ling looked at Wang Pang and asked. Wang Pang thought about the meaning of Wu Ling's words, but Wu Ling laughed. Said: "My lord, I have been with you for many years. Since Xixia came out and experienced so many things, I think my lord is someone who will do great things, otherwise I would not invite my lord here."

If you want to say that this place is really private, Dai Zong Shiqian is watching downstairs, and outsiders can't go up to the second floor of the inner house. Speaking of this, the king is not hiding it: "In the past six months, I still really plan to make alchemy. But my son Wang Shi has already found it, and now he is using his status as Liang Yibu's adopted son to gradually fight for the power of Xixia, and this time I am going to meet Big Brother He on the way to Koryo."

"So, the prince is planning something big in his heart." [


Wu Ling laughed: "Let me just say, there must be a reason for the prince to leave the palace. Now that the prince is back, I really look forward to the reunion of the brothers."

"I think it's good for you to live and work in peace and contentment in Qinghe County."

Wu Ling shook his head: "What's the matter, the servants in the six rooms all depend on the character of the county magistrate, if the county magistrate is of good character, we will have a job as a handyman, if the county magistrate is of bad character, we will be scolded by the people It’s like being a running dog, but you have to do the errands assigned by the county, so let’s take it as a support for the family.” Wu Ling’s words were a bit reluctant, and it seemed to be quite difficult, Wang Bang also understood that, to put it bluntly, the county’s errands Except for the county magistrate who is appointed by the imperial court, most of the others are temporary workers. The county magistrate changes every few years, and the team may also change along with it.

Wang Pang knew that it would be easy for Wu Ling to follow him to do things now, but he said, "It's different now. Back then, what I thought about was how to be loyal to the court, how to assist my father and the emperor to make great reform plans."

Wu Ling said with a serious face: "My lord, since we were with you, I have decided that you are going to do big things. Over the years, I always feel that half of what I did back then stopped abruptly. What should be done Have fun, this time, if you just ask me to help build the alchemy furnace, then I will definitely give you a proper note, if there are other things you want me to do, just say it straight, now Wu Nan can live and work in peace and contentment, One of my heart problems is also resolved, and I am finally worthy of my brother, as for how he will live in the future, it depends on his fate."

"Wu Nan is easy to handle, what about Wu Song?" Wang Pang looked at Wu Ling and asked.

"My lord, such a young child doesn't care what he does, and I don't know how to teach the child to read. If I teach him some knives, guns and sticks, he will love to fight and make trouble even more. Why don't his mother and grandfather take care of him? good."

Wang Pang nodded, at least Wu Ling's income would be higher if he followed him than as an official here: "Then it's settled, I'll ask Dai Zong to find an inn in a while, and we'll wait for you to settle at home in a day or two." thing."

Wu Ling stood up and said, "I'll tell Dai Zong that you wait for me, and I'll go to the government office to resign my job right away." After speaking, he turned around and left the room before Wang Pang could speak.

Wang Pang thought, this Wu Ling is so old and still so impatient, it is not appropriate to chase him out by himself, so he simply waited for him upstairs, and after a while he heard the sound of the stairs, Wu Nan went up with fruit and hot water Lou, heated up the charcoal fire in the furnace and said: "My lord, please take a break with this place first, we are closed at night, and we will prepare food and drinks for you."

Seeing that Wang Pang nodded, Wu Nan backed away, Wang Pang thought that the snow still stopped outside, there was no place to go in this weather, why not just wait for Wu Ling to finish his work, Wu Nan was afraid that Wang Pang would panic, The clerk Xiao Si didn’t know where to find a copy of last month’s residence newspaper. Wang Pang held it up and read it for a while. What’s new, except for some government orders and amnesties and changes in officials, he felt sleepy after watching the chat. Sitting in a chair, I dozed off.

In a trance, I felt a gust of wind gently blowing my neck. I opened my eyes and thought to myself, maybe I was naughty at that time, but I felt that it was wrong. Shi Qian liked to stay in lively places. , next to it is the bedroom of the young couple, he and Wu Ling are talking about it, others are afraid that it is inappropriate, he hurriedly opened his eyes, there are no other people in the room, looking back, there is a gap in the room, where the wind is coming from, presumably he just closed it .

Wake up and take a nap to the side, opened a little to look at the street, there are already people coming and going downstairs, it should be after lunch, the weather is gloomy and snowy, I can’t tell what time it is, and I don’t know that I’m asleep How long did it take, just when I was about to call for someone, I suddenly saw a commotion in front of a door diagonally opposite, four big men carried a man out and threw him into the street, the man stood up immediately, and said to those big men: "You wait until I have money."

The four big men laughed and said, "Then wait until you have money."

The person who was thrown out snorted, turned and walked this way, Wang Pang saw clearly this time that it was Xiao Si, the guy from the porridge and cake shop, Wang Pang thought that the shop opposite had a cover and a plaque, so he couldn't see what it was doing , but looking at the appearance of these big men, this may not be a serious place.

Xiao Si walked back and looked up to see Wu Nan standing in front of his shop, looking at him with his sleeves in his hands, "Shopkeeper, I..."

"Your hands are itchy again, and I want you to buy money for wine." Wu Nan stared at Xiaosi and asked.

"Lost, lost."

"Why don't you lose yourself too? If the mother-in-law knows about it, you don't plan to work in the store this time." Wu Nan said angrily.

"Shopkeeper, I was wrong, I don't dare to do it anymore, just help me when I see my father coming up."

Wu Nan sighed, and took out a few pennies from his pocket: "Go, stop playing, or I won't be able to help you."

Xiao Si quickly borrowed the money and trotted to buy wine, Wu Nan shook his head and sighed and turned back into the shop, all this happened to be noticed by Wang Pang.

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