Xiaosi, the guy at the congee and cake shop, came out of the shop. He lowered his head all the way and couldn't figure out why the ingot of silver was gone. When he returned home, the walls were empty, like a dilapidated house and a cold kiln. He could only avoid the wind and snow, but Even if surrounded by warmth, I couldn’t sleep, and thought it’s better to go back to the store, at least I wouldn’t be frozen to death. When I walked to the door of the store, I listened to laughter, and when I thought of Shi Qian’s words, it always seemed to be saying Feeling very guilty, I turned around and took two steps, and when I heard the sound of seeing off guests, I hid in the corner of the alley and peeked at the store door secretly. -" Hearing the sound of the door, Wang Pang and others left the porridge and cake shop and walked towards the Lion Street in the north of the city. Dai Zong said: "I have reserved a room in the Lion Tower, and we will stay there tonight." Several people gradually away.

Xiao Si let out a long breath, thinking that these people had finally left, when he was about to take a step, he suddenly felt a tightness in his neck, an arm strangled his neck, and a voice said in his ear: "Shut up, robbery." As he spoke, a hand touched his body up and down.

Xiaosi was startled and froze, not daring to move, suddenly out of the corner of her eye a man strangled her arm, the front of the sleeves of the robe fluttered empty in the wind, the man touched a few copper coins on Xiaosi's body, Cursing in his mouth: "It turns out that he is a poor boy. These few pennies are not enough for the master to drink, so get out." As he said that, he kicked Xiao Si's ass, and Xiao Si took two steps forward and almost fell, but he Immediately turning around, a beggar-like man with disheveled hair was counting the few copper coins found on Xiao Si's body.

When the beggar looked up and saw Xiaosi staring at him, he asked, "Are you still willing to give up these few copper coins?"

Xiaosi hurriedly said: "Why don't you be reluctant to give up a few copper coins, you seem to be someone I know."

Hearing this, the beggar turned around and left, and Xiao Si followed behind without saying a word. The beggar walked faster and faster, and Xiao Si also followed faster. After walking for a few streets, the beggar finally stopped with a fierce look in his eyes: "You Follow me and I'll kill you."

"Don't, don't, isn't your surname Liu?"

The beggar reached out and pulled out a dagger from behind his waist, pointed at Xiaosi and said, "I think you don't want to live anymore."

Which little four knelt down with a plop: "Master, come on again, please accept my obeisance."

The beggar was stunned there: "Who are you?"

"I'm Xiaosi. I was only this tall when you left Qinghe County." He said and gestured to the height of the teenager.

"You are the little four of the cake seller."

"Oh, it's me." Xiaosi said while pulling the beggar a few steps forward, "Stop staying here, come to my house for a meeting."

The two returned to Xiaosi's dilapidated house, and Xiaosi said: "Master, wait, I'll get you something to eat." Then he turned and left the room, went back to the congee shop to collect some leftovers from Wang Pang and others , took another handful of firewood and rushed back to his home, lit the brazier in the house, surrounded by two people, and Xiao Si spread out the food and wine: "Master, you just settle down first, and when I have money later, I will pay my respects." you."

The beggar straightened his disheveled hair, grabbed the wine and meat with one hand and began to eat. Xiao Si watched him eat, and asked cautiously, "Master, when did you return to Qinghe County? How did you end up in such a mess?"

"Who is your master?"

"You, although you didn't teach me anything personally, but I saw you killing all the gambling houses in the county, so much gold and silver were piled up in front of you, and you threw me some. Since then, I want to worship you It's a pity that you left Qinghe County later, otherwise you would have been my subordinate at that time, and now I have already reached the level."

This beggar was indeed surnamed Liu, and his name was Liu Yishou. After wandering around for a few years, he claimed to have learned how to never lose in a hundred bets. That year he went back to Qinghe County and swept up several gambling houses. Liu Yishou was also very generous in rewarding him. He always gave rewards to the people in front of him, so that the naughty teenagers in the county would regard him as a role model. No matter where he went, he would be followed by a group of followers, and Xiaosi was one of them. Later, Liu Yishou went to After wandering around in the capital, he left Qinghe County. After walking for a year or two, he heard that someone had a hand cut off because of something wrong with him. Xiaosi still felt very regretful.

Later, this little four also often went to the casino to play money, but he didn't have the luck of Liu Yishou. For this reason, he was always worried about it, and his small family business was also lost. Then send it to the casino, if you have no money, you can rely on working in the porridge and cake shop to find a living, but even if you have no savings, you will send the few coins every month to the gambling house.

Coincidentally, today Wang Pang rewarded Wu Nan with an ingot of silver. Wu Nan went back to the kitchen and handed it to Pan Jinlian. Pan Jinlian was busy washing rice and cooking porridge, so she asked Wu Nan to put it on the table. After she wiped her hands, she took it. Coincidentally, Xiao Si went into the kitchen and saw that the couple were both busy, and she couldn't hold back seeing the money, so she put it in her arms. When Pan Jinlian asked Wu Nan, Wu Nan didn't see the money, and thought it might be Xiao Si's fault. , but I was afraid that I would wrong someone if I missed it, and there were outsiders who couldn't talk about my family's ugliness, so I covered it up and bought food and drinks first.

These happened to be seen by Shi Qian. When Shi Qian saw Xiao Si going out, he followed him. When he entered the gambling house, he knew that this person had a habit of gambling, so he found an opportunity to steal the money back, and Xiao Si entered the gambling house. Just on the betting case, naturally he didn't notice the people around him, so Shi Qian got his hands on it.

Liu Yishou didn't know these things, he heard Xiao Si ask himself, and sighed faintly: My name is Liu Yishou, but today I only keep one hand and only one hand.

Xiaosi hurriedly said with interest: "If you don't want to tell me, I won't ask. Now your house has been flattened by the government. At that time, the roads in the county town were to be repaired. Now, even if you go to the government to ask for compensation and resettlement, it will not take half a day. It’s better to settle here first.”

Liu Yishou sighed and said, "I never imagined that I would roam the rivers and lakes for a while, but in the end I would ask you to help me."

Xiao Si said: "What's the matter, if one day I have your fortune at that time, let me sweep the gambling house and we will make a fortune."

Liu Yishou's eyes lit up, and he looked at Xiao Si: "Why, you bet too."

"I would like to gamble, but look at me now, there is even a chance to make money. The few copper coins you just robbed were made by me today while helping the shopkeeper to drink."

Liu Yishou frowned, squinted his eyes and looked at Xiao Si up and down. This man was ten years old, with fair skin and a pair of peach blossom eyes, but there was no evil in him, and it seemed that the evil was also in those eyes. If he was born in a wealthy family, he should be A dandy with wine, lust and wealth.

"For the sake of entertaining me today, I will teach you two tricks. However, if you lose, you can't blame me. If you win..."

"Win, I haven't known what it's like to win for a long time. If I can win, I'll keep [-]% and the rest will be a tribute to Master and you." Xiaosi didn't mean to flatter you when he said this, let alone [-]%, even if he only needs one Cheng Na is better than watching the face of the proprietress in a porridge shop.

"Stretch out your hand." Liu Yi kept his life.

Xiaosi didn't know what he meant, and obediently stretched out his hands, Liu Yishou grabbed Xiaosi's hand and squeezed it, thinking that Xiaosi was really a son's body, but this hand was as soft as a woman's. Xiao Si bared his teeth and almost screamed, wondering what Liu Yishou meant by scratching, pinching, and pulling backwards.

Liu Yishou nodded in satisfaction: "Although you are a bit older, I never thought you had good aptitude."

"So, you are willing to accept me as an apprentice."

Liu Yishou squinted at Xiaosi, raised his right arm and said, "I can't gamble, but you remind me that I can teach my apprentices."

Xiao Si made up his mind, this time he let himself copy it. As the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Liu Yishou can't gamble anymore, but if he teaches himself, he will be able to make a fortune. He hurriedly bowed down: "Master I will be worshiped by my disciples."

"Hahaha, come on, take these and make some good wine." Liu Yishou said, throwing the copper coins he just snatched to Xiaosi.

Xiaosi's side was happily playing wine and lighting a fire, and was busy finding some clothes for Liu Yishou to bathe and change clothes. The master and apprentice talked. Take Xiao Si to the surrounding areas to practice hand skills, and one day he will return to Qinghe County and return home in good clothes.

Not to mention how the two masters and apprentices talked, Wang Pang and others went to the Lion House. This Lion House is the largest hotel in Qinghe County. The lobby on the first floor is the inn on the second floor. A guest room, Wu Ling bid farewell and agreed to go on the road together tomorrow.

It was already dark, about seven or eight o'clock in the evening according to the current time, Wang listened to Dai Zong chatting with Shi Qian, and looked at the book while chatting, and vaguely heard Shi Qian ask: "Brother Dai, do you think it's strange? Nan said that his master has only one son, so why his buddy is called Xiao Si."

"Maybe there is a sister too, what do you care about?"

The two of them were chatting sentence by sentence, when they heard footsteps stopped outside the door, someone said: "Your prince lives here, Sun Qian, the shopkeeper of the gambling shop on Zishi Street, asks to see you."

Gaming Fang is really a good name for himself. Wang Pang put down his book and nodded towards Shi Qian. Shi Qian went to open the door and saw an old man standing at the door. He was about five or sixty years old and had a white beard. He was wearing a warm hat. Wearing a satin cotton robe, a wide shirt with straight seams inside, and cooked leather boots on his feet, he stood at the door of the room and asked respectfully.

Seeing that Shi Qian opened the door, he said: "Xia Sunqian, I heard from the military officials that a distinguished guest came from a long way, so I would like to meet you."

"Inside, please." Shi Qian let Sun Qian into the room. Sun Qian raised his head and saw the king who was sitting next to him. King Nan?"

Wang Pang said with a smile on his face: "Exactly, please sit down, Mr. Sun." [

Sun Qian hurriedly thanked him for his seat: "My lord has traveled a long way, and Sun is doing his best to be a landlord, but I really don't know, please forgive me, my lord. I just heard from the military officials that my lord will leave Qinghe County tomorrow. Before I leave, I seem to have something to do to my grandson." A certain person said, so I’d like to see you.”

"Mr. Sun, you are welcome. I happened to meet an old friend when I passed through Qinghe County this time. I don't want to disturb you because of the rush of the schedule. There is one thing I want to ask Mr. Sun." He said and glanced at Dai Zong. He took out a tray with more than a dozen silver ingots on it, and brought it to Sun Qian.

Sun Qian was puzzled, although he had heard of Zhennan King back then, but he was not familiar with him, so he quickly waved his hands and said, "What does the prince mean?"

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