Miss Li generously brought her with her as a salute, and was "picked up" by He Libo and returned to Mayer's Mansion.When the family happily had a reunion wedding banquet, the family still called Li Enxi Miss Li.After all, both He Libo and Li Enxi are not from the Song Dynasty. It seems that they are called like this, and he is used to it.

According to Wang Pang's regulations, it's time for the centralized meeting at the end of the month: this well-arranged meeting room by the Wang Pang of Meyer Mansion is just like our modern conference room, with a long table. "Meng's eldest son, sitting at the end of the table.Sitting on both sides were He Libo, Lu Shenyan, Li Enxi, Yin Shijie, Yu Danian, Cai Jing, and finally Cui Fu and Yan Zhihu.

Li Enxi impresses Wang Pang deeply because of her mental arithmetic and her sensitivity to numbers.Miss Li Enxi looked at the account books reported by various places several times, then gently put the account books on the table, and looked up at the king. "The accounts are very clear everywhere." Wang Pang nodded.He looked around at the others present.

These people performed their own duties. He Libo is the Northwest Coal Factory in Beijing, Lu Shenyan is the Southeast Tea Factory; The old man is very optimistic about the coal reserves of those two lands.And the low price is not expensive.There are also many people applying for the Jinxiang Mansion now, so there should be enough manpower.

Wang Pang knew that the division of labor was refined, the work efficiency was improved, and the staffing was reasonable and the labor force was streamlined, so that he would be able to develop other areas.Wang Pang looked at the map drawn by Yu Danian and Yin Shijie, and looked at the mining volume and manpower calculated by the two according to his instructions. He felt that it was very reasonable, so he signed an approval for the two to handle it in detail. He will pass by there when he goes to Xixia after the autumn exam. [

Lu Shenyan, a tea farm in the Southwest, reported that the third season of tea was about to arrive, and there was still some in stock for the second season. In addition, the original tea set sold for ten catties was free. Although it was popular at the time, it took a while to digest it.Lu Shenyan seemed to be very worried about the backlog of tea, so he frowned and asked the king, "Young master, do you want to reduce the ration from Jianzhou?"

Wang Pang glanced at Cai Jing, this [-]-year-old boy was looking at everyone who spoke with his shrewd eyes, Wang Pang couldn't help thinking that this kid was born with a good sense of words and emotions.Cai Jing's eyes happened to meet Wang Pang, who was looking at him.

Wang Pang asked: "Yuanchang, you are familiar with Jianzhou tea, tell me about it."

Seeing that Wang Pang asked himself to speak, Cai Jing straightened his back, cleared his throat, and said in his slightly immature voice: "Some of the tea in Jianzhou is picked for three seasons. I see that there is no need to order less. To prevent interruption."

Lu Shenyan turned his head to look at Cai Jing, this child is not very old, but Cai Jing usually watches over Yunxuan, regardless of his young age, he is very orderly, and Cai Jing's paintings and calligraphy are often appreciated by those literati, so Yunxuan has his foothold land.And when it comes to the tea in Jianzhou, Cai Jing naturally has a say among these people.Lu Shenyan has his own considerations, "I don't want to sell more at this time, and if the new tea arrives, the tea from the previous season will be sold at a low price."

"Well..." Cai Jing also had his own suggestion: "Why sell it at a low price? The price of new tea has to be increased, so it is natural to buy old tea at a lower price, and you can also differentiate the grades."

Wang Pang laughed secretly, this kid was really greedy, both of them looked at Wang Pang and waited for Wang Pang to speak.Seeing Miss Li shaking her head, Wang Pang seemed to disagree with both of them, so he asked, "Miss Li has an opinion."

Miss Li said: "Even if the price increase is only temporary, most of the people who go to the tea farm to buy tea now are tea shops and the people in the city. You see, so many people in this tea farm are selling tea. If they are not busy, they are idle. The cost is all Manually deal with the sales of each tea shop. It is better to find three or two tea shops and let them make more profits. Sell it for us, so that the tea factory only targets large households, and even the sale of tea and packaging can save at least ten dollars compared to now. Artificial."

Wang Pang knew that what Li Enxi said was reasonable. These dozens of laborers cost a hundred taels of silver a month, which is not a small amount of expenses in a year. Give the semicolon consignment sales, and the brand just released will be cheated because of the profit of the tea tax merchant.There is no such tea tax for tea for private use in tea shops, but if you monopolize this tax law, it is now the most popular.

"Miss Li is right, but these stocks are not a problem right now. If the emperor can approve us to open a few more states next year, then Miss Li's suggestion can be used." Wang Pang praised Li Enxi's idea, and first put Put this discussion aside for now, but he saw Li Enxi frowned slightly.Did she have something to say?

"Director Lu, stop giving away tea sets now, and tea sets can also be sold by grade." Wang Pang ordered.

"Yes, those who buy a lot will get tea sets as gifts. Common people can't buy so much. If you buy so much and save up, you won't be able to taste the taste. It's not bad for you to sell tea sets alone." Lu Shenyan praised, and at the same time, the paper in front of him Swipe up and record little by little.

This was also explained by Wang Pang. Every monthly meeting, important matters must be recorded. Fortunately, everyone here is literate.Even Xiao Lu and Cui Fu can write a few strokes.

Yun Xuan didn't need to say anything, Wang Pang knew that he was throwing money into it now, but he still had dozens of silver medals in his hand, and the market price was also a hundred taels, so after this autumn exam, it would definitely rise sharply.But Wang Pang didn't intend to sell silver medals.

He looked at Cui Fu, the old shopkeeper was flattered and listened carefully all the time.Seeing Wang Pang seeing himself, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Thanks to my lord, Jinxiulou's business is booming now, but it's no big deal. It's just that there are always peers poaching the wall and wanting to hire our chef buddy at a high salary."

"This is normal. Everyone wants their business to flourish. How will the old shopkeeper deal with it?" Wang Pang asked with a smile.

"Cough~ You don't have to deal with it at all. We are cooks. If we do well, we may have the opportunity to enter the official's house, and we may have the opportunity to be an imperial cook. Don't say that we have rewards, even if there is no reward, no one is willing to leave." Cui Fu said loudly He said, very proud of himself.

"Haha, don't be reluctant to reward those who should be rewarded." Wang Bang said with a big smile, shaking his folding fan.

"Yes, my lord, are there any other teahouses looking for us for tea girls?" Cai Jing also said that, these days, people have been asking him whether they can transfer the tea girls to other teahouses. [

Wang Pang listened a little proudly: "I will set up a school in the future, and I will train chefs and tea girls. If you want to learn crafts, you will spend some silver taels. If you want to employ people, we can also charge."

Thinking of the two profitable businesses, Wang Pang was proud. Looking back, there were peaches and plums all over the world. He even thought of the name, "Tao Li Academy." But he didn't say it out. The name sounds like a fruit seller.

He looked at the crowd, and He Libo took the lead and said yes, he took care of everything. The weather is hot recently, and He Libo's coal yard has been a lot quieter. There are guys watching on weekdays, trying to do something next to the king. thing.It's no wonder that Jinxiu Building's business is booming. In this hot weather, many people choose to go to the streets to buy something to eat, and they don't like to cook by the stove.Every snack in the capital, every restaurant business is pretty good.

His eyes swept over Li Enxi, and seeing Li Enxi frowned again, Wang Pang began to have doubts in his heart, why did this girl have a serious expression when he talked about developing new things?Is there a problem with funds?Wang Pang didn't care to think about it.

When it was Yan Zhihu's turn, she said: "There is nothing serious in the house, but, but."

Wang Pang saw that the rouge tiger, who was usually the same as a tigress, had only passed twice, so he looked at Xiao Lu, who was also at a loss, and everyone looked at the rouge tiger again, "But the old lady sent someone to ask, when will the young master pick up?" Miss Rou'er. Miss Rou'er, come here, you can't live with the maid and mother-in-law, this room in the mansion"

The rooms in this house are really tight enough, except for the house that is reserved for the guests in the front yard who come and go from all over the place, the hall in the front yard is for receiving guests.The main room of the inner house was used as an office, and the wing room was changed into a meeting hall.There are also places for servants to live and rooms for training cooks and tea girls.Lu Shenyan and He Libo are already at the end of the day, they share a yard with their two children.Wang Pang and Yue Xia were in the small courtyard when Wang Pang first arrived in the Song Dynasty.Even without Rou'er, the issue of expanding the mansion should have been on the agenda long ago.

"Miss Rou'er's matter is a private matter, so you don't need to discuss it here in the future." Lu Shenyan saw that the young master was a little embarrassed, and whispered to Yan Zhihu.Don't look at Yan Zhihu's usual speech to Brother Xiao Lu, but during this discussion, Xiao Lu has rules when speaking, and she said "Oh" to show that she understands.

Everyone talked about the expansion of the mansion again, Yuexia knocked on the door and came in, bringing two maids, each holding a tray, on which were placed porcelain bowls, some of the methods Wang Bang taught Yuexia in the porcelain bowls: Pulp juice mashed with fresh fruit, take out the ice cubes that have been frozen in winter from the ice cellar, and pour the pulp juice on the ice cubes that are as big as a porcelain bowl.

Yuexia asked the maid to distribute it to the crowd. They were hot and thirsty, so Yuexia personally brought a bowl to the king.These two people are so affectionate, others are laughing.Wang Pang saw that everyone was discussing about the same, stood up and said: "Today, these things should be done separately. Let's try this iced drink."

Right now the weather is hot enough, and there is no fan or air conditioner these years, which makes Wang Pang unhappy, thinking that when the mansion is expanded, we will build a swimming pool, but thinking about it would be troublesome, you can't swim in a long gown.

Seeing that Wang Pang had left the meeting, everyone went outside the house to eat ice and drink to pass the wind, but Miss Li Enxi didn't intend to get up yet.Wang Pang had seen her frowning a few times just now, and now he would see everyone going out, only she and Yue Xia were in the room, so he asked, "Miss, do you have something to tell me?"

Miss Li nodded and said, "My lord, you can't toss about new business and real estate anymore. If the house is not enough, we can move out to live."

Wang Pang couldn't help being surprised: "Doesn't the girl think it's not good to live in Meyer's Mansion?"

Miss Li shook her head and said in a low voice: "The Meyer Mansion is pretty good, but I just settled a bill for the young master, and if the young master continues to toss about, he will go bankrupt if he can't make ends meet."

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