The one-armed man slowly put the servant down, and the servant was limp on the ground, his face pale with fright, panting heavily, and foaming at the mouth...

"Good! Good!" The onlookers applauded in unison.

"Don't compare inside, why not compare outside?" Someone shouted.

"Yeah, yeah, there's a lot of competition outside, and it's so good when Wang's family is recruiting relatives! It's really good when everyone can see it!"

Taking advantage of this chaos, a servant raised a knife from behind and slashed at the man in Tsing Yi, and I kicked the knife away...

The man in Tsing Yi turned his head, "***", he is about to step forward to arrest this servant, I waved my hand, "Brother, you don't need to be as knowledgeable as them!"

The one-armed hero glanced at me and didn't speak.

Those who held the list let them go one by one, and the one-armed man was let in by the servant with a nod and bow.The man in Tsing Yi was stopped outside.

"I have a list, why not let me in?"

"Your character!"

"How is my character?"

The man in Tsing Yi was arguing with them, it was my turn, and I was also stopped outside the door.

"What? I won't let you in either?"

"You work as a minion for a tiger, of course you can't enter!"

I sneered and said, "I keep saying that I will build a platform of gold and attract people from all over the world, but I didn't expect to have such a big heart. What nonsense!"

A fat man came forward and said, "Let them in."

The fat man smiled at me and the man in Tsing Yi, "Please, two great heroes!"

The man in Tsing Yi and I were led in by the fat man.

"Brother, thank you for your help. May I ask your name?" The man in Tsing Yi who was walking with me asked me.

At this time, how can I say my real name?Then he casually said the alias he had used, "My name is Zhou Farun. What about you?"

"A big man doesn't change his name when he goes or sits. He is happy with his surname Li."

"Haha, this name is interesting. There are so many of you with the surname Li, and I know quite a few people with the surname Li."

"Haha, the Li and Tang Dynasties will have the surname Li all over the world. Big brother, otherwise let's not go. I saw that fat man just smiled maliciously."

"What are you afraid of? As long as I'm here, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"I'm not afraid. I'm only worried for my brother. Seeing that my brother is handsome and looks like a king, I should seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

"Haha, brother can really talk, no one has ever said that I am handsome."

"That's because they don't have eyes."

"Is it over yet?" Two family members passed by, one of them scolded us.

Li Xi turned around and glared. I touched Li Xi, and Li Xi swallowed his anger.

The courtyard of Beimen’s house is really big. It’s ten steps to the first floor, five steps to the pavilion, and you can’t see the other side of the wall after walking for a long time.

Li Xi and I entered the house, put the list on the table, and covered our faces. The servants who led us also covered their faces, and led us to move on.

"Hi Hi!"

"Bang bang! Dang dang!"

Shouts of killing and clashes of weapons could be heard from afar.

There was thick smoke lingering in the sky, and after sniffing, I could smell a strange smell.

We were led into a large courtyard surrounded by high walls.

In the open space, two people were fighting with each other with guns and knives.

There are many masked people around.

Not long after, the knife-wielding general and the gun-wielding guy chopped off the head, and a big black dog ran out with the head in its mouth.

Two more people flew over and threw the headless body into the raging fire. I only heard the sound of Karpa Karpa, and after a while, I smelled an unpleasant smell. I just wanted to vomit. ***, how is it so cruel.

The only tall monk without a mask raised his hand, "Be quiet, be quiet!"

The great monk pouted, "I am Wujing, the great master. In the past few days, whoever enters this courtyard with a red list, the winner is the king, and the loser is a ghost! Swords and guns have no eyes, and they have their own moves in offense and defense! Next, here is let me try!"

A man's legs were shaking, he fell to his knees, and cried, "Master, I won't compare, I won't compare!"

Grandmaster waved his hand, and four masked men went up and threw the crying man into the fire with arms and legs. Hearing "Ah", the man jumped out of the fire and ran around in chaos. Fleeing, no matter how you roll on the ground, the fire will never go out. The man looked at the arch master and rolled towards him, wanting to die with him. The arch master picked up a big knife and clicked the burning man. broken in two...

I copy!Is this where people come from?It was hell!

The ** master said again: "Those who are as timid as a mouse will die faster! Die more miserable!"

The fat man who let me and Li Xi in murmured a few words in Grandmaster's ear, Grandmaster glanced up and down at Li Xi, pointed with his finger, "You fuck me!"

Li Xi said, "It's not my turn yet?"

**The master said: "I said it's my turn, then it's my turn."

Li Xi said: "Go up, go up. Who is afraid of whom?"

Li Xi went to the weapon rack and picked out a big iron rod with points on both ends.

Before Li Xi could stand still, the saber wielder swung his saber and slashed at Li Xi. As soon as Li Xi made a move to meet him, sparks flew everywhere, and the two of them clashed with each other with swords and sticks.After a few rounds, Li Xi beat the knife wielder's head to pieces, and the knife wielder was also thrown into the fire, only to hear another scream...

The magician stretched out his thumb, "Okay! Good! This strong man looks like a Shaolin stick." As soon as the magician whistled, two wolves pounced on him. Li Xi jumped back and forth, and the two wolves cooperated. With a tacit understanding, they rushed left and right, and after a while, Li Xi stabbed a wolf's bloody maw with the tip of his stick, and the wolf screamed and fell to the ground...

The other wolf was about to flee, Li Xi hit the wolf on the back with a stick, and the wolf fell to the ground. Li Xi threw the stick at the wolf's head, and the wolf's head bloomed again.

A few masked men went up and wanted to throw the wolf into the fire. The priest said: "Idiot, carry it into the kitchen, how good it is to eat wolf meat!"

The warden patrolled for a week, pointing at the one-armed hero, "You, give it to me!"

The one-armed hero picked up a chain hammer and dazzled a bit.

**The teacher said: "The Beimen family collects famous utensils from all over the world, and orders the heroes of the world to achieve great things. Every winner can choose a famous utensil of his own."

The one-armed hero actually played the chain hammer like a tiger, and Li Xi's stick flew around like a flower, and the two fought for dozens of rounds regardless of the outcome.

Suddenly, the chain hammer knocked away the stick in Li Xi's hand. I yelled "Be careful", but seeing the hammer go straight towards Li Xi, I closed my eyes and only heard "OK", I opened my eyes and saw, The one-armed hero put away the hammer, threw the chain hammer aside, and fought with Li Xi shirtless...

After a stick of incense, Li Xi finally tripped the one-armed hero to the ground. Not long after, the one-armed hero turned over and pressed Li Xi under him. No matter how hard Li Xi struggled, he couldn't turn over. , Li Xi said: "I am convinced!"

The one-armed hero stood up and helped Li Xi up as well.

When several masked men came over, they pulled Li Xi, and the one-armed hero stopped in the middle: "Who dares?"

I flew over and stood with Li Xi and the one-armed hero, and I said: "Since ancient times, heroes have cherished heroes, why should they kill each other and put each other to death. Rivers cannot be formed without accumulation of small streams. If you have the heart to embrace all rivers, why should you lose the heart of the heroes of the world?"

"Yes, yes, we are here for a martial arts competition, not to die!" The faces of all the heroes were full of anger.

**The master said: "You bald donkey, where did you come from, you dare to deceive the crowd with false words, all losers deserve to die, I hate those who pretend to be numbers the most!"

"As a great master, you should be compassionate. I have never seen someone like you who caress about human life!"

The one-armed hero said: "It's fine for the loser to let him out, why do you want his life?"

"Yes, yes!" All the heroes agreed.

The ** master said: "Okay, what you said is not unreasonable. I just want to meet this bald head for a while. If you win me, I will change the rules and show mercy to the contestant. If you lose, then Still the king of the winners, the ghost of the losers."

"Compare to compare!"

The grand master took a Zen stick, and I used a reed leaf spear, which was also used by Yang Yanzhao who guarded the border.At first, I was still not used to it, but gradually I got used to it, and I was flying like a dragon and a phoenix.

"What kind of kung fu do you call this? Is it Zen or Zen?"

"My name is Immortal Spear."

I fought with him for a long time, and it was hard to tell the winner. When the arch master was anxious, I swayed my gun, and he used the Zen staff to meet him. His dog is dead...

"Okay, okay, okay!" Someone shouted and clapped their hands.

I put away the gun and turned around, and it turned out to be a senior official from the North Gate.

"This hero actually defeated my archmage, it's really high, it's really high!"

**The master said: "He used tricks, it doesn't count!"

The official at the North Gate waved his hand, "Everyone, do you think it counts?"

"Forget it!" All the heroes said in unison.

"What are you still doing?" The North Gate official pointed to the raging flames.

The **** teacher's face suddenly lost color.

"Your official, please spare my life! Your official, please spare my life!" Eight men came up and came to arrest Grand Master.

Beimen Hongdao: "You start the fire, you set the rules, how can you break them?"

I said, "Wait a minute! Sir, I just made a bet with the archmage, and I didn't say that the loser would be thrown into the fire."

"Oh, what bet?"

"If I win, the rules of winner king and loser ghost will be cancelled. Since it is a martial arts competition, martial virtues should be respected. Everyone can see the outcome naturally."

Beimenhong asked Grand Master: "What do you say?"

**Master said: "What should the officials say?"

Beimenhong asked me again: "Little Guangdanhammer, what's your name? What's your history?"

I said: "My name is Zhou Farun. I didn't know who my parents were when I was young. I studied with a master in Wutai Mountain. The master was a monk. I refused to become a monk. I didn't want him to pass away last year, so I stayed there again." One year, it was really boring to be alone, so I went down the mountain and planned to join the Yue Family Army. When I came to Ruye County, I saw the red list, so I wanted to give it a try. I have heard that the official of the North Gate is called the angel Bai Dian Ben, and anti-golden patriotism, the small ones do not seek to be known to the lords, but to accompany the high officials at the North Gate."

"Okay, okay, well said, you don't need to compete anymore? Grand Master Wujing, tell me, does he need to compete again?"

"No need to compare, no need to compare. It's just that I'm also in Mount Wutai, why haven't I seen him?"

I laughed and said, "Wutai Mountain is so big, how could you see me?"

"Then which temple do you belong to?"

"I don't belong to any temple. My master and I live in an old forest deep in the mountains. There is only one stone house there, and only my master and I live there. I don't know how old my master is."

Wujing said: "Could it be that your master is Du Cang, if that's the case, I still have to call you uncle."

"Haha, interesting." The North Gate official stroked his beard and smiled, "Master Wujing, get up. Heroes, if you can enter the North Gate's house, you think highly of me, because I love talents very much. Anyone who is famous can come to the stage to get gold, if the top ten want to stay, then stay, if you don't want to stay, then please do it yourself."

"Good!" All the heroes cheered in unison.

"Little Guangdan hammer, you take off the cloth on your face and let me take a look?"

Let me copy, the officials of the North Gate must have a good memory, what should I do if they recognize me?

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