
102 Peter Lynch is dropping out

[-] peter lynch to drop out

Peter Lynch looked at Tan Jiabao who was in a daze, then pointed at Jian Ning and Zhang Zhiren beside him, then laughed and said: "Tan, in fact, I have worked hard these five days, but I am very happy. And Jane and Zhang Zhiren Zhang, the two of them are very interesting and cooperate very well. More importantly, I have learned a lot in these five days, and I have understood many problems that I could not understand before. I can't learn from books for a year. Therefore, I should also thank you for trusting me so much and giving me the opportunity to get in touch with stocks so closely on the front line. These five days are of great significance to me, and it will make my life hard to forget."

Jian Ning and Zhang Zhiren blushed, but said nothing.

Tan Jiabao calmed down, nodded and said: "Lynch, I feel very relieved that you have such an understanding. I think I have read you right! Work hard, and you will definitely become a great investor. By the way, tomorrow you Should be back to school, right?"

Peter Lynch nodded and said, "Yes, but I will be back soon after I return to school tomorrow, Tan, will you still welcome me? Haha, because I plan to drop out of school!"

"What?" Tan Jiabao was taken aback. He stood up from his seat, looked at the young man in front of him strangely and said, "Why? Have you thought it through? Does your family know?"

"This is my own business, why should I let my family know?" Peter Lynch looked at Tan Jiabao strangely and said: "I am an adult, my mother loves me very much, but she will not interfere with my choice Also, in these five days, I thought a lot, and I wanted to understand a truth, that is, many things cannot be learned in school, and even if you continue to study, it is a waste of time. Oh, time is So precious. Of course, Tan, I also remember the promise you gave me. You said that you would let me run an investment company. Hehe, what a wonderful opportunity, isn’t it? I think this is the place I should go the most. "

Tan Jiabao smiled wryly in his heart.Regarding "self-reliance", there is a big difference in the concept between the East and the West.So Tan Jiabao never thought that he would drop out of school. Although he knew many cases of dropping out of college and finally going to success, such as Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, and Michael Dell, but at this time Peter * Lynch still surprised him when he said he was dropping out.

Undoubtedly, the arrival of Tan Jiabao has changed the lives of many people, and Peter Lynch is one of them.In his last life, he joined the Fidelity Management Company Research Company as a researcher after graduating from a graduate school in 1969, and became a fund manager of the Magellan Fund in 1977.The arrival of Tan Jiabao made his dream 10 years ahead of schedule! How much does 10 years mean to a person?Especially someone like Peter Lynch, who can turn $13 million into $00 billion in 140 years, so what about 23 years?

Tan Jiabao laughed and said: "Lynch, since you have made such a decision, as a friend, I will definitely support you! My promise is always valid for you!"

Peter Lynch nodded excitedly, and said, "Thank you, Tan, I will definitely work hard! I will never let you down!"

Tan Jiabao said again: "After you finish the withdrawal procedures and come back, temporarily manage these 18 stocks for me. I will complete this stock operation plan within three months, and then quietly help me in a short period of time. Acquire a company. After these two things are done, you can start an investment company right away.”

"Acquisition? Which company to acquire?" Peter Lynch became interested.

Tan Jiabao said: "Disney! My next target is Disney, so from now on, you have to spare some time to study this company and find out its capital structure and shareholder dynamics."

"Disney?" Peter Lynch asked curiously: "Tan, can you tell me how you fell in love with this company? Why did you choose this time to acquire it?"

Seeing that he is so obsessed with stocks, he even plans to drop out of school to join his team.Tan Jiabao felt that it was time to "teach" him. He used the viewpoints of "Beat Wall Street" and "Learn to Get Rich" he had read to inspire him, and hoped that these things that should belong to him would be inductively injected into his mind, thus forming his own theories and methods more quickly.So he thought for a while, and then said: "I bought Disney not to hype it, but to privatize it! But there are also many reasons for doing stocks, Lynch, and Zhang Zhiren, you two listen carefully Clear. Let me tell you how to pick stocks. You'd better write it down with a pen."

Peter Lynch and Zhang Zhiren knew that Tan Jiabao was going to reveal something real, so they quickly took out their pens and notebooks and listened carefully to Tan Jiabao's stock trading tips.

"I will first talk about the '25 Golden Rules for Operating Stocks'. First, investing is exciting and enjoyable, but it can also be dangerous if you are not prepared. Second, the magic weapon of investment is not obtained from Wall Street investment experts, it is what you already have. You can use your own experience to invest in industries or companies that you are already familiar with, and you can beat the experts..."

Tan Jiabao spoke very slowly. After he finished the 25 golden rules, he continued: "This is the standard that must be carefully implemented in stock selection based on fundamentals. It combines some Graham's things. Let me talk about it later. 13 stock selection criteria: first, the company name sounds boring; second, the company's business is boring; third, the company's business is disgusting; fourth, the company is spun off from the parent company; Sixth, the company is surrounded by rumors: it is rumored to be related to toxic garbage or the mafia; seventh, the company’s business feels a bit depressing; eighth, the company is in a zero-growth industry; ninth, the company There is at least one niche; Tenth, people will continue to buy the company's products; No.11, the company is a user of high-tech products; No.12, company insiders are buying their own company's stock; No.13, the company is in buy back stock."

After talking about this, Tan Jiabao then talked about how to find 10 times stocks, explained six types of company stocks and stocks that should be avoided, etc., and then explained to them based on the current situation of Disney: "Disney is a company Seriously undervalued company whose assets mainly consist of animation film production, film production, theme parks, film archives and television assets. Any of its assets is a very good 'niche' and it is now The market value of the company is less than [-] million US dollars, tell me, is a company like this very valuable for investment?"

Peter Lynch and Zhang Zhiren nodded repeatedly, and even Jian Ning, who was at the side, listened with gusto.Peter Lynch said: "Tan, I really agree with what you said today. To be honest, I really like this fundamental investment method rather than the technical method of operating stocks."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said, "Yes, to operate stocks, you must choose an operation method that suits you. However, you can operate stocks at a high frequency after learning some technical means, but in actual operation, it is difficult to grasp it accurately."

Peter Lynch said with great emotion: "Tan, you talked too much today. Although a lot of it is easy to understand, it will take at least several years to really absorb and digest these things. I think, I The rush to do now is to try to make these ideas my own."

Tan Jiabao suddenly thought of another point, so he said: "Operating stocks requires a broader perspective. We can't just confine ourselves to one market. The world is so big, we can't just think about the US stock market, but also the markets of Japan, West Germany and Canada." They are all very worthy of our investment. Therefore, the economic conditions of these countries and their important companies are worthy of our attention and research.”

"The Japanese economy is developing very fast. I used to work in a Japanese-funded electronics factory. Their management level and the quality of their workers are very high. I think Japanese companies are indeed worthy of our investment." Jian Ning suddenly said: " Their electronics, automobile, machinery and chemical industries are relatively advanced and very profitable, because I know that most of their employees’ wages are much higher than those of Hong Kong enterprises. So I think their common people are richer. In this way, can the consumer industry Invested? Including housing and other bulk consumer goods."

"Not bad, Jian Ning, I didn't expect you to understand so quickly! Have you ever done stocks before?" Tan Jiabao saw that Jian Ning didn't record it, but was listening casually, but at this point, he actually reacted like this quick.

Jian Ning scratched her head in embarrassment and said: "I have speculated in stocks before, but when I lost more, I made less. I know a little about everything, but I am not good at everything. I am interested in all new things and like Go and have a try. So far, I have found that except for the mechanical industry, I am at a 'half bucket of water' level in other industries, so my friends call me 'panacea'."

Tan Jiabao was stunned, thinking, isn't this the same Tan Jiabao from the previous life?

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