
101 Bottom Line for Employees

Bottom line for one hundred and one employees

After the two young men left, Tan Jiabao walked to Cantona's office with a few scripts.He handed the script to Cantona and said: "Mr. Cantona, these are the scripts I wrote. However, we did not shoot these ourselves. I asked you to hand them over to other Hollywood production companies to show their favor. At this stage, we are newcomers after all. If we don’t keep a low profile and cause them to form an alliance to attack, it will be uncomfortable. The main problem we face now is the problem of survival. I don’t want to start a war with these companies at this time. "

Cantona took the script and nodded seriously.

In fact, another reason for Tan Jiabao to do this is that he wants to use the strength of other film companies to shoot many anti-war films, laying a good foundation for a certain project of his own in the future.

Then, Tan Jiabao took out a stack of planning books and found Tan Xiaozhong, because Tan Xiaozhong found Ralph Lauren a few days ago.Tan Xiaozhong quickly set up "Ralph Lauren Apparel Co., Ltd." with 00 million U.S. dollars for him, and registered four brands of men's clothing, women's clothing and children's clothing, including "polobyralphlauren", "ralphlauren", "laurenralphlauren" and "apparel". brand, designed the logo of the polo icon.

Now, Tan Jiabao took out the management and expansion plan of the clothing company and handed it to Tan Xiaozhong.Because he really didn't have time to meet the great self-taught fashion designer.


It was already the first ten days of June, and the names of Tang Dynasty Company and Tang Xiao from Hong Kong began to appear frequently in major newspapers and major media in the United States.

First of all, the social effect and various comments caused by the film "Run Lola Run", and Paramount sold the film to Europe, which aroused greater repercussions and discussions in Europe. For the first time into the sight of Europeans.

Then Tang Dynasty Company joined forces with Warner Bros. and United Artists to hold a joint press conference.At the press conference, a Chinese American named Tan Xiaozhong from Tang Dynasty announced in a low-key manner that he had successfully acquired the above two film companies.

The situation of United Artists in recent years has been bad, and everyone knows that it is not surprising that this company was acquired.What surprised them was that Warner Bros., one of the earliest film companies in the United States, was acquired. Some Americans could not accept it psychologically for the time being, so newspapers and media began to appear against Tang Chao Company.

Then, Tang Dynasty Company published an announcement in the "New York Times" and "Wall Street Journal", announcing that it will hold a "Tang Dynasty Company Innovation and Invention Product Promotion Conference" on Sunday, June No. 14. Tang Dynasty Company will present itself The latest inventions of the company are all displayed and promoted to the American people.At that time, there will be 36 major responsible persons of listed companies will attend this event, and all media reporters will be invited to this event...

Finally, the new books "General Patton" and "Jaws" by Tang Dynasty Publishing House, a subsidiary company of Tang Dynasty Company, will be published on June [-]th.These two books are the works of two outstanding young writers from Hong Kong and Taiwan. General Bradley and Mr. Tang Xiao, the five-star generals of the United States, respectively wrote the prefaces for the two novels "General Patton" and "Jaws".

Coupled with Tang Xiao's "The Godfather", which still occupies the top of the "New York Times" bestseller list, Americans seem to have discovered that there is a Tang Dynasty company around them overnight, and a Chinese named Tang Xiao has come to the United States.

Both Barry Diller and Michael Eisner are already in place, and Barry Diller has brought [-] young and promising right-hand assistants, plus Xu Guanwen and the other three young people, so the entire company was immediately swept away. The stagnant image has become vigorous and full of vitality.This group of young people are very motivated and tireless, as if they truly regard the company as their home.

Cantona has rich experience, is meticulous in dealing with people, decisive in handling affairs, and acts vigorously and resolutely.He quickly got acquainted with the young people around him. Although they lacked experience, they were all modest, cautious, hardworking, and respected him very much.Gradually, he fell in love with these young people.

Seeing this good situation, Tan Jiabao and Tan Xiaozhong felt relieved.A few days later, they left the company and came to New York.As soon as he arrived in New York, Tan Xiaozhong rushed to Tang Chao Warner's New York head office non-stop, and Tan Jiabao and the others met with Peter Lynch and the others.

After only a few days of separation, Tan Jiabao felt that Peter Lynch was getting thinner, but he was in good spirits, and his expression seemed to have matured a lot.

Indeed, these few days were the most fulfilling and meaningful for Peter Lynch.Tan Jiabao was so relieved to hand over 18 billion funds to him, which made him both moved and felt a great responsibility.In the past few days, he dared not relax in the slightest, and he did not allow himself to make any mistakes. He worked diligently on every single stock. In five days, he not only turned all the funds into stocks, but also cut all his funds into stocks. The book surplus of funds has increased by more than 15%, and most stock prices have only risen slightly compared with last week.

Tan Jiabao is very satisfied with his report card, not only full of praise for him, but also plans to reward him heavily, to reward this future stock saint!

But Peter Lynch resolutely refused.

"Why did you refuse?" Tan Jiabao asked him with concern.

Peter Lynch said even more inexplicably: "Tan, I am your friend and your employee. Of course, I will do my best to do the things you entrusted to me. This is what I should have done well." In other words, it is right to do well, and it should not be done well. This is the bottom line of being a good employee. Therefore, it is not a reward, it is against my principles of life.”

Tan Jiabao nodded secretly, admiring his noble character and self-discipline.At the same time, I also feel ashamed and embarrassed.

In fact, Tan Jiabao came from the Celestial Dynasty in that era, and he has become accustomed to praising the bottom line as the top line.For example, this small shop does not use waste oil; this brand of milk does not contain melamine; this comrade can go to and from work on time every day, and rarely arrives late and leaves early; the leader in this position is so clean that his personal deposit is only more than 100 This ktv has no ladies; this party is full of real songs; this ball game is so fierce, it may be real; the doctors in this hospital do not accept red envelopes, and the products in this store are all genuine...

Therefore, Tan Jiabao naturally thought of rewarding Peter Lynch, but Peter Lynch knew the bottom line of an employee very well.

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