
99 Sudden Happiness

99 Sudden Happiness

Barry Diller and Michael Eisner both stated their ideal jobs.

Tan Jiabao laughed and said: "Haha, it seems that you still lack confidence in yourself! In fact, I invited you to come to Tang Chao-Warner Company as the vice president to assist Mr. Cantona in his work! But you don't seem to have this confidence..."

"Ah." The two were taken aback.The two were stunned for a long time, but it was Barry Diller who reacted quickly, and he quickly said: "Hehe, to be honest, we really didn't expect that Mr. Chairman would think highly of us. However, I will definitely be competent as a vice president, nothing more than It’s just more hard work and more brains!”

Michael Eisner said: "We not only need to endure hardships and use our brains more, but also have an overall view, and more importantly, we must assist the president, Mr. Cantona."

Barry Diller groaned secretly in his heart. He didn't expect his friend Michael to be so despicable, and he always overwhelmed him today.He thought he should perform well, so he immediately said: "Yes, I completely agree with Michael's point of view. Let me add that we are still young after all, and we have many things to ask Mr. Chairman, Mr. President and Canton Mr. Na. I remember a saying from a great Chinese man called: 'Humility makes people progress, pride makes people lag behind.'”

"Hahaha..." Tan Jiabao laughed and said, "Unexpectedly, Mr. Diller can even recite the quotations of our great man. It's not easy. Indeed, both of you speak very well. Of course, I hope you can match your words with deeds. Closely unite around Mr. Cantona, study hard, work hard, develop hard, make progress, give full play to your ingenuity and wisdom, make Tang Dynasty-Warner Company famous, and strive to make Tang Dynasty-Warner Company a top Hollywood movie as soon as possible Enterprise, become a world-class enterprise!"

Barry Diller was taken aback, he glanced at Michael Eisner and smiled smugly.I thought this time I finally won a game with you.He felt that he should pursue the victory, so he said: "We will definitely be able to match our words with our deeds and unite closely around Mr. Cantona. By the way, Mr. Chairman, I am your most loyal reader of "The Godfather". Many people in China have become fans of "The Godfather", including this Mr. Michael, right, Michael? I think our Tang Dynasty-Warner Company should start shooting this movie as soon as possible. I think this movie will be a hit in the United States , even the whole world!"

Tan Jiabao smiled inwardly.He saw that these two people were now intriguing.In the previous life, they were all famous figures in Hollywood.They have cooperated, but they are more of a competition.In terms of final achievements, Michael Eisner far surpassed Barry Diller, because he became the CEO of Disney in 1984 and controlled this huge enterprise.The Walt Disney Company has also grown from assets of $1984 billion when Eisner took over in 14 to a company with annual revenue of more than $1998 billion in 180.And Barry Diller has made indelible contributions to both companies from Paramount to Fox.He didn't resign from Fox until he was 50 years old. After unremitting efforts, he finally established his own large Internet company-iac company.Relying on the success of iac, Diller didn't make it to the "Forbes" rich list for the first time until 04 with assets of 14 billion US dollars.

In order to prove their ability, Tan Jiabao asked Michael Eisner: "Eisner, what do you think of Mr. Diller's suggestion?"

Michael Eisner thought for a while and said: "The most urgent thing for us at Tang Dynasty-Warner Company is not to make movies, but to integrate internally. Not only the original Warner Bros. needs to be integrated, but also we have merged with United Artists. Matters need to be rationally integrated. I think that if the internal integration is not successful, we will not be able to shoot movies for a day. I think such a large company must have a solid foundation and must not covet some small interests in front of it."

Tan Jiabao and Tan Xiaozhong looked at each other the same way, then nodded.Then he said to Deborah beside him, "Lara, go and get the two appointment letters."

Tan Jiabao took advantage of the time when Deborah went to get the letter of appointment and asked them again: "May I ask you two gentlemen, if Tang Dynasty-Warner Company hires you, when will you be able to come to work? You know, the company has a lot of things to wait for." Let you do it, we can't wait too long for a position in your company."

Michael Eisner said without hesitation: "I will go to abc to resign tomorrow morning, and I can come to work tomorrow afternoon. No! As soon as I finish my resignation, I will rush over!"

Barry Diller said awkwardly: "Me, I'm the deputy manager over there, I have some stuff to hand over, so I may be a little late, I think about three days."

Tan Jiabao nodded and said, "Okay, this is the best!"

At this time, Deborah had already brought the letter of appointment, Tan Jiabao took out a pen, and began to write on it.After finishing writing, he handed over the two appointment letters to Tan Xiaozhong, and then said to them: "Now, Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, the president of Tang Dynasty Company, will read out the appointments for you two gentlemen."

Tan Xiaozhong took the letter of appointment and read it aloud: "On behalf of Tang Dynasty Group Corporation, I announce the appointment of Mr. Barry Diller as the vice president of Tang Dynasty-Warner Corporation!"

Barry Diller stood up happily, respectfully took the bright red letter of appointment in Tan Xiaozhong's hand with trembling hands.

Then, Tan Xiaozhong announced the appointment of Michael Eisner: "On behalf of Tang Dynasty Company, I announce the appointment of Mr. Michael Eisner as Executive Vice President of Tang Dynasty-Warner Company!"

Both Barry Diller and Michael Eisner understood that Barry Diller's vice president was preceded by two words less than Michael Eisner's vice president, two words called "executive".Of course they all know that there is a difference between the two types of VPs.Michael Eisner let out a long sigh of relief, and he glanced proudly at Barry Diller beside him.The joy in my heart is beyond words.He said in his heart, haha, Diller, didn't you say that I would be your deputy or go to the logistics department?Let's see, you, the vice president, will have to take orders from me, the executive vice president, in the future.

Tan Xiaozhong continued: "Mr. Diller is mainly in charge of the company's production department, distribution department, personnel department and the record company. Please pay attention to Mr. Diller. The current record company is very bad. We need to rectify it in a short time and sign some important and famous brands. Promising singers and music producers can also apply to the head office to acquire some record companies if necessary. I won’t say much about the production department and distribution department. This personnel department is the focus of your work in the last two or three months. For Some people who are no longer suitable for film work, such as those who are too old, lazy at work, and do not abide by the company system, etc. must be replaced firmly, especially those who have positions but no real skills must be replaced without hesitation. The third thing is to add fresh blood and sign a large number of capable film workers including directors, actors, photographers, screenwriters, and film musicians, as well as some excellent management talents. In this regard, Mr. Tang Xiao wrote a This list was recommended by some of his friends. It has been given to Mr. Cantona. I believe he will give it to you in due course. Mr. Diller, do you understand? Is there any question?"

Barry Diller nodded solemnly and said: "I completely understand what the chairman and the president mean. I have a question. There are several very, very powerful characters in abc. I think they are very suitable for development in our company, and they They are all young and very enthusiastic about their work. Can I recruit them here?"

Tan Jiabao said: "Of course, as long as there are excellent talents, we want as many as we have. It's just that I don't want to make things too big and complicated. It's best not to arouse abc's hostility and dissatisfaction with us."

Barry Diller said gravely, "Chairman, I know what to do."

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