
215 A tree is as beautiful as a forest, but the wind will destroy it!

Plagiarism of the World - 210 Five trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them!

"Among friends, who owes whom? Besides, you've helped me so much." Tan Jiabao said haha ​​casually, his eyes never moving away from Mayer Rothschild's face .

The height is not cold.

Tan Jiabao understood that he had already stood on a high ground that many people dared not look up to, and Mayer Rothschild was undoubtedly the most important figure on this high ground.Characters at this level does not mean that there is no real friendship between them.Tan Jiabao understands that for these people, interests always come first, and friendship is very fragile in front of interests.

"Well said!" Mayer Rothschild laughed again.Meyer Rothschild took Tan Jiabao back to his living room and continued: "The commercial value of these medicines is unlimited, you should take good care of them! In fact, I am also itchy. These 36 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine, no matter Which kind of medicinal material is currently the best medicine for the treatment of the disease, and some of them are good medicines that cannot be replaced in the next few decades or hundreds of years. Hehe, it’s cheap for you!"

Tan Jiabao laughed and said, "Who told you to make such an oath? Who told you to keep your promise? Could it be that if you broke your promise, will those people after 3111 know?"

"It's hard to say, for your hype of btta stock, I not only set foot in the drug field, but also used future drug data... I thought it was done for you, I didn't get any commercial benefits, I didn't count as a breach of oath But I still received some warnings! Because I made those medicines myself." Meyer Rothschild said seriously, with a trace of fear in his expression.

"That's not right..." Tan Jiabao said suspiciously: "When btta was reorganized, those drugs had been in the US drug inspection agency for several years, and some even exceeded 10 years. Hehe, 10 years ago, I hadn't come to this world yet. Woolen cloth."

Mayer Rothschild sneered and said, "Why is this so difficult? Do you think American drug testing agencies such as PDA are so pure? And I can't even do this little thing. I'm still a Mayer." Yah Rothschild?"

When btta reorganized that time, Tan Jiabao was a little suspicious, but he didn't pay attention to this detail at the time.Didn't realize there was such a thing in there.Then, the btta stock myth was completely concocted by Mayer Rothschild.Thinking of this, Tan Jiabao glanced at him gratefully.

Mayer Rothschild sighed: "If I could get involved in the chemical and pharmaceutical fields, the world would have changed a long time ago. Perhaps, this world would be mine."

When he said this, his face was full of loneliness.His unreconciled mood has also been fully revealed.Tan Jiabao understood his mood very well.While he wondered that the people reborn in 3111 had to embrace so many rules and regulations, he was also thankful that he was unrestrained.

"As a time traveler, although I can do my own way, I can't live as long as you. Meyer, you should be content. Those who are content are always happy." Tan Jiabao comforted him.

Meyer Rothschild nodded and said: "You are very good. In fact, in this world, no one can do their own way and be lawless. This includes you. There is a saying in your country called "Tian Hui Hui, Shu Er "No Leak", I'm talking about you who think you are smart and capable. I don't know if you have ever thought about it, but the speed of your emergence is so fast that I feel dazzled. Hehe, of course I also admire your courage and courage. Before you, I met at least three time travelers, such as Edison. He is also a greedy guy, but compared with you, he is simply a coward. Haha, I don't know if I should say you are smart or should I say you are ignorant?"

"What happened? Tell me quickly!" Tan Jiabao knew that there was another reason for Mayer Rothschild to invite him.

"Man, look at these things." Mayer Rothschild took out a stack of copies, and then said: "Remember, it never hurts to keep a low profile. You have to have a name and a profit." , which tends to lose sight of the other. You and your subordinates should think about it!"

When Tan Jiabao opened the file bag, he didn't feel a shock all over his body, and his face turned livid.Oh, what kind of material is this...

"Report on Tang Dynasty Company's Behavior in my country";

"CIA Report on Request to Investigate Tang Dynasty Company";

"The FBI's Application for Investigative Action against Tang Dynasty Company";

"The U.S. Senate Meeting Needs";

"The Meeting of the U.S. House of Representatives";


"Letter of Reporting, Reporting the Facts and Evidence of Tang Chao Company's Illegal Operation of Stocks and Manipulation of Stock Prices";

"The Irregularities of Tang Dynasty Company's Acquisition of Disney Company";

"Evidence of Irregularities in Tang Dynasty's Acquisition of Bristol Meyers Company";


Mayer Rothschild told Tan Jiabao that because Tang Xi and Tang Dynasty Company were too eye-catching during this period, the US Congress, the CIA and the FBI had already begun preparations to investigate Tang Dynasty Company.However, Edward Disney and Bristol Meyers of Walt Disney Company collected a lot of transaction receipts and inter-bank transaction certificates of Tang Dynasty Company in the stock market.According to U.S. law, once convicted, the U.S. can confiscate the property of Tang Dynasty Company, impose high fines, and even impose criminal sanctions.Among them, Tan Xiaozhong and Peter Lynch are the most guilty.

Tan Jiabao was stunned.He, who has always been going smoothly, never thought that there is such a big danger hidden.His actions have drawn great attention from the US government and all walks of life.And some acquired companies were not reconciled to failure, and tried their best to obtain some important evidence.If these things are implemented, it will kill Tang Dynasty Company at once!Although in the U.S. stock market at that time, everyone did it like this, even when Bristol Meyers acquired Dan Bisi, it is an eternal truth to shoot the first bird.Now Tang Xiao and Tang Dynasty Company are so famous that they are jealous and suspicious by many people.Undoubtedly, this is the biggest test Tan Jiabao has faced since his rebirth.

Eagerness for success, excessive greed and self-righteousness are the main reasons for this crisis, and Tan Jiabao blamed himself deeply.Perhaps, his idea of ​​"laying a solid foundation in a short period of time" itself is wrong.However, he is deep in this crossroads of history, how can he not take risks?

As a time traveler, you can't do whatever you want.Even if you have decades of memories from your previous life, you can't do whatever you want.This time, Tan Jiabao felt this deeply.

"Mayer, why didn't you tell me until today that such a big thing happened? How do you want me to thank you? My friend!" Tan Jiabao said to Meyer Rothschild coldly after reading the materials. De said.

Mayer Rothschild shrugged: "Oh, I didn't expect it to be this bad."

"Nonsense!" Tan Jiabao thought to himself, he knew that the current situation was bad and urgent.Since Mayer Rothschild can obtain such "top secret" materials, he must have a way to help him.It's just that the friend in front of him doesn't seem to be a friend in the true sense.

"Say it, Meyer, your conditions!" Tan Jiabao finally said coldly.

Tan Jiabao thought that since Mayer Rothschild could obtain such "top secret" materials, it meant that this "friend" had been "caring for" him.Although there are reasons for Tan Jiabao's identity as a time traveler like him, there may also be factors that make things worse, but these alone are not enough.Frozen three feet does not happen in a day. Tan Jiabao knows that the reason why Mayer Rothschild has just watched his actions for so long is that Mayer Rothschild is involved in this matter. On, with his own plan.

"Oh, Tan. I'm a gentleman, and I wouldn't do something like this. Logically speaking, no matter how harsh the conditions I set out, you must agree now. Because the loss of your reputation and property is minor, But the fate of your relatives, friends, colleagues, and your confidante is huge. Besides, you are still busy with the affairs of your country. Once something happens to the Tang Dynasty company, all this is empty talk." Meyer Rothschild said with confidence: "As a friend, I can help you. But things have gotten so bad, it is quite difficult for the Meyer Rothschild family to turn this thing around. Oh, let’s just say that in order to settle this matter, the Rothschild family must mobilize multiple hidden forces, and these forces are not easily used by the Rothschild family.”

Tan Jiabao was taken aback again. During his anxiety just now, there were many things he hadn't thought of yet.When he mentioned it, Tan Jiabao felt like he was breaking out in a cold sweat.If an "earthquake" really happened to Tang Dynasty Company this time, then Tan Jiabao's loss would not only be in terms of property. The "Report on the Behavior of the Tang Dynasty Company in my country" has already mentioned Zheng Dashi's activities in the United States, and Zheng Dashi will be treated as a spy.What's more terrible, the "operation to collect Liuliu" that I have been running for a long time will have to be cancelled.His own failure was a minor matter, and he would never be reconciled to taking advantage of the Japanese like this.

"Hidden power"?Tan Jiabao finally believed the rumors about the Meyer Rothschild family.This family is deeply rooted and intricate, and their tentacles have extended to all walks of life on earth.Last time, they calmed down the underworld forces in Hong Kong for Tan Jiabao quietly, but now they need to deal with the US government and other American institutions, and they also need to deal with those troublemakers for Tan Jiabao.One can imagine the difficulty, Tan Jiabao was going to see what kind of lion he was.

"In fact, you have been holding this matter and controlling its development, right? My gentleman friend!" Tan Jiabao sneered as his mind became clearer and clearer.

Mayer Rothschild smiled, and then said: "It can be said, but the situation is very urgent now. If it is a few days later, maybe I can't control it."

Tan Jiabao understood.

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