
216 Mayer Rothschild's conditions

Plagiarism - 210 Six Mayer Rothschild Conditions

Now it is becoming clearer and clearer that, just as Tan Jiabao expected, Mayer Rothschild is sure to settle this matter, but the old fox needs to get a considerable benefit.Thinking of this, Tan Jiabao felt a little more relaxed. He said, "Meyer, tell me what you need me to do. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it."

Meyer Rothschild pondered for a while, and then said: "You know, the Rothschild family has gradually lost its motivation to develop to this day. Even money is not very tempting to us. We The family seems to have lost the desire to make money. Hehe, I have to admit that this is a bad phenomenon. Last time we met, you mentioned that you might surpass the Rothschild family, but I didn't care at that time. But, After observing these months, I feel that you are becoming more and more terrifying. You know, once the Rothschild family is surpassed, it will be disastrous for our family. We cannot be surpassed! We Don't be threatened by others! Haha, my dear friend, because of your appearance, my fighting spirit has been aroused."

After a pause, Meyer Rothschild continued: "So after careful consideration, I decided to invest 100 billion US dollars in your Tang Dynasty Group Company as the Rothschild family, occupying no less than 30% of the Shares. Hehe, in fact, at present, the total assets of your company will not exceed 50 billion US dollars. My investment should be acceptable to you. Everyone knows that I am definitely not taking advantage of the fire. "

Tan Jiabao was stunned. On the surface, if 100 billion US dollars to participate in a company with less than 50 billion US dollars, and only 30% of the shares, Tan Jiabao's company has indeed taken advantage of it.But in fact this is not the case, at least from the perspective of the development of the Tang Dynasty Group Company, Tan Jiabao has suffered a lot.Besides, according to Tan Jiabao's temper, he never wants outsiders to take part in his company, he doesn't want to be restrained by others, and he doesn't want to be threatened by others.

"Meyer, I'm sorry, I will not agree to this proposal. I am like you, and I don't want to be threatened by others. Hehe, especially a person like you. You have stayed in China, and you should have heard such a sentence Saying, 'How can you allow others to snore on the side of the couch?'" Tan Jiabao firmly rejected Mayer Rothschild's proposal.

Mayer Rothschild frowned and said, "Tan, you're very straightforward. I like that about you. But you need to understand where you're at. If I don't help you, not only will you get nothing, And you lose a lot of things."

Of course Tan Jiabao knew his current situation, and also knew that the only person who could solve this problem was him, this man named Mayer Rothschild—the No. 1 in this world of ancient and modern.

He calmly re-examined the senior traveler in front of him.He suddenly thought of Meyer Rothschild's fraudulent death, even though he was still controlling everything in the family and holding the lifeline of the family.But there are always times when people are bored, and there are also times when they are unable to do what they want, so what if they are time travelers?Retiring to the background, which in itself shows an attitude, an attitude of passive withdrawal!Wealth is not more than three generations. Although the Rothschild family has been rich for three generations, it is hard to escape the fate of gradual decline.The appearance of Tan Jiabao may have aroused the passion of the head of this ancient and huge family, but how can he be full of fighting spirit in an instant after a century of depression?

He needs Tan Jiabao more than Tan Jiabao needs his help!Besides, Tan Jiabao's downfall did not benefit him at all.This is the important conclusion that Tan Jiabao came to in an instant.

"I know. Meyer, you must want to make a lot of money by becoming a shareholder of our company, right? But after you participate in the shares, do you think I will do so desperately? To be honest, your participation has posed a great threat to me. Very upset. At the same time, this bad idea of ​​yours will prevent me from concentrating on my work, at least I will spare time and energy to defend you. I am afraid that you will eat me at any time. In that case, for you, for you I have no benefit." Tan Jiabao decided to negotiate with him: "So, I would like to ask you to think of other ways, preferably a win-win way."

Meyer Rothschild thought for a moment, then nodded, "I'll eat you? Joke, Tan, your words make me so sad! Well, I'll make a concession. This is my last concession Alright, listen up. I’m investing 0 billion dollars this time, and I’m going to get back 10 billion dollars in 00 years, and I need cash! If you can’t do it within 10 years, hehe, my 0 billion dollars will be automatically Convert to 50% of your company's shares!"

"What? Meyer, are you crazy? Do you know the concept of 00 billion US dollars? Oh, China, a country whose GDP was only 1966 billion US dollars last year, that is, in 760, yet you asked for 00 billion US dollars, and you want Cash. Ah, Meyer, $00 billion, maybe I can buy the whole of Africa, you just kill me." Tan Jiabao stood up in surprise and anger, and said loudly: "Mayer, you are also a time traveler, Tell me yourself, at the current stage, which investment or business can earn 10 billion US dollars in 00 years? I think, even if I go to drug trafficking and have drug trafficking networks all over the world, it is impossible Earn 10 billion US dollars within a year?"

Mayer Rothschild was unmoved, and when he saw Tan Jiabao calm down, he said lightly: "As long as you have a reasonable plan, this task is not difficult to achieve. Your 50 billion US dollars, plus my 0 billion US dollars, you now have a total of 250 billion US dollars. As long as you maintain a compound growth rate of about 30% every year, how much will this amount be in 10 years? Do your own calculations ...Of course, after we cooperate, I will try my best to help you. As long as I can do it, the Mayer Rothschild family will definitely do their best. Even including those important national affairs you are going to do. Also, you should put Your company is governed as a country. 00 billion, for a developing country, it’s actually nothing, isn’t it?”

When he said this, Mayer Rothschild's eyes flickered inadvertently, but they returned to their original state in an instant.Tan Jiabao clearly captured his subtle expression.Tan Jiabao felt that he was guilty!Why is he guilty?Also, he put it bluntly, asking me to maintain a growth rate of 10% for a company with more than one billion yuan within 0 years, how easy is it?As a time traveler, and the Mayer Rothschild family started with finance, doesn’t he know that if he wants to earn 30 times the profit in 10 years, he can only invest in one thing, and that is gold !

Tan Jiabao remembers the most profitable things in the world in the current 10 years or so.Take the yen for example. After 1971, the yen was forced to appreciate, causing the Japanese stock market to rise more than 1965 times between 1981 and 8.The real estate industry has also experienced a similar increase, and some cities such as Osaka and Kyoto have increased by more than ten times.

Originally, Japan was the best destination for the billion dollars, but the ongoing "receipt of Ryukyu" may have an impact on the appreciation of the yen.Because the appreciation of the yen was implemented on the premise that the United States agreed to return "Ryukyu" to Japan.So there are still some variables in Japan.

The appreciation of gold is inevitable.From 1968 to 1980, that is, from March 1968, 3, when the "gold pool" disintegrated, the price of gold rose from a minimum of $17 an ounce to a maximum of $35.This period lasted for 850 years, the average price increased by 12 times, and the highest price increased by 18 times.During this period, the price of gold was triggered by factors such as the credit crisis of the US dollar and hyperinflation, coupled with the turmoil in the world political situation (during the Middle East War, the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan, the Iran-Iraq War and the first oil crisis) and other factors. Panic, in order to pursue the hedging and safety of funds, funds entered the gold market one after another, and the price of gold also reached its highest price of US$24 per ounce on January 1980, 1.

The most profitable time, the most profitable place and the most profitable business, Tan Jiabao had already done his homework before he was reborn, and he was worried that he would not have the money to buy gold.However, the Meyer Rothschild family, who are also time travelers and whose main business is finance, doesn't seem to know about it.Did he really not know or did he have another purpose?

So this person who knew little about financial knowledge began to "naively" plan for the bright future of gold.His rebirth advantage made him get carried away, and he actually underestimated this figure who has been in the financial world for 0 years.

Tan Jiabao put on a sad face, and took out a pen from his desk, and worked hard to calculate.After a long time, he still shook his head and said, "Mayer, can I take your 10 million US dollars, and I will return you 300 billion US dollars in [-] years?"

Mayer Rothschild shook his head firmly and said: "Tan, absolutely not! I know that it is not difficult for you to turn 500 million U.S. dollars into 0 billion U.S. dollars, but the difficulty is to turn 00 billion into [-] billion. The larger the base, There is less room for an increase in proportion."

Tan Jiabao seemed to be suffering more and more, giving off an expression of remorse.He grinned and asked: "Mayer, can you give me some tips? Which industries and those things are the most profitable? Stocks, futures, gold or other non-ferrous metals? Or other industries? Collectibles?..."

Mayer Rothschild spread his hands and said regretfully: "I'm sorry, dear Tan. If I knew, would I still need your help? However, within these 10 years, as long as I can I will try my best to help you! Of course, you can't cause me any more trouble."

"Don't worry, Mayer, I will never do this kind of illegal thing again. Mayer, can you give me a little more time? For example, 15 years? I will give you back 2 billion US dollars, let you Earn enough 0 billion, how about it?" Tan Jiabao seemed to be begging him.Only now did he know that this person actually didn't know that gold was about to appreciate sharply.Why doesn't he know? , Maybe he didn't learn "Financial History" well, or he traveled too far, and he can't remember so many things.In short, he has already determined that he is the only person in this world who knows that gold is about to appreciate in value.It was originally a very difficult event that might bring disaster to Tan Jiabao, but now it has dramatically turned into an opportunity to catalyze the accelerated growth of Tang Dynasty Group Company.

"No!" Mayer Rothschild said firmly.

"Year 14?"

Mayer Rothschild was a little annoyed, and he said, "Tan, if you are really not sure, you might as well be more straightforward! Give me 30% of the shares!"

"There are principles in life. I will not violate my principles. I'm sorry, Mayer." Although Tan Jiabao said painfully, his tone was very firm, giving people a kind of "I'd rather die than die." "a feeling of.

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