
239 Martin Luther King Jr.

Plagiarism - 230 Martin Luther King Jr.

The next day, major media outlets in the United States published detailed reports on the inaugural meeting of the "Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund", and more or less expressed their yearning for peace and condolences to the injured people. Sympathy, reflections on this Vietnam War.

The cover of this issue of Time Magazine, which was just about to be released, was suddenly replaced with a tearful Teresa Teng on the cover.The catchy title on the cover is "Time" wrote the lyrics of the song on the title page and wrote a special article discussing the issue of "";

Audrey Hepburn is on the cover of Newsweek.On the cover, Audrey Hepburn, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks, is holding the baby with a beautiful smile. "Newsweek" fully affirmed Audrey Hepburn's charity.

Of course, there are also some newspapers that described Audrey Hepburn's new image in detail, and published many photos of her new image.However, most of the newspapers gave a "love" evaluation to Audrey, who is "beautiful in person and heart", and they look forward to the release of Audrey's new movie "My Sassy Girl" as soon as possible.

Tang Dynasty Warner Records squeezed out the time and released the three songs on "small discs", which became the objects of people from all over the world.

"Please support me, support my movies, support my records, and support my commercials. 70% of my income will be donated to the Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund. By supporting me, you are helping the world Children have done their part, and I would like to thank you on behalf of the children of the world." Audrey Hepburn once said at the press conference after the inaugural meeting.

So, from early in the morning, there was a long queue in front of the newly established Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund, and they all came to support their angel idol and do their part for the children of the world.

Tan Jiabao would read newspapers and magazines during this period.Although the Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund has been established for several days, the reports about this foundation are still unabated.As for the issue of "", the discussion in the media has become more and more in-depth.

On this day, he saw the name of the famous Martin Luther King Jr. in the magazine "U.S. News and World Report". He wrote an article of nearly [-] words. The title of the article was "" .

"At the inaugural meeting of the Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund that day, a young Chinese girl, teresa. I asked such a question, that is, how could the world be like this? For this question, the filmmaker Jack Warner did not know how to answer, nor did Mr. Roy Disney; Jack Warner asked At that time, more than 0 entrepreneurs, entertainers and reporters attended the meeting, but no one answered this question. Now this question has been out for several days, and no one has answered it. Everyone knows it, and everyone is unwilling or inconvenient to answer it. question. Well, let me answer that question today!"

The first paragraph of the article, written by Martin Luther King, is full of gunpowder.

"Actually, the answer is very simple. The main cause of this problem is the US government! Oh, everyone knows the whole story of the current war. The first to support the Republic of Vietnam was the Eisenhower administration who installed Ngo Dinh Diem as Prime Minister in South Vietnam and established a pro-American dictatorship. Then, the Kennedy administration launched a "special war", and the United States paid money and guns to send consultants to train the local army. Later, the current Johnson administration upgraded the "special war" to a "local war", expanded the scale of the war, and began to attack North Vietnam. In 1965, Johnson ordered the "Thunder Rumble" operation, no longer limited to the use of puppet troops in South Vietnam, and the United States sent troops directly to the war. The number of American troops increased rapidly, reaching 50. Oh, the war is still spreading, and the expanding..."

In his article, Martin Luther King began to talk about facts, rationale, and list data. He slammed the Johnson administration with his stern pen, and attributed all the pain this war brought to the people of the two countries and the haze it brought to the world. Johnson government.He predicted that the Johnson government would make the U.S. Army sink deeper and deeper in Vietnam, making it difficult to extricate itself.Failure is the only outcome of Johnson's government.

"Brother Martin, you are so angry, no wonder others want to get rid of you and hurry up." Tan Jiabao thought in his heart that this person would be shot dead by a "fool" character for no apparent reason next year.He is now considering whether to save this old man.

At the end of the article, the old man changed his style of writing and wrote suddenly: "As we all know, this song was composed by that mysterious person, Mr. Tang Xiao. I admire his talent very much. For his ability to make money, I also admire from the bottom of my heart, and I am amazed at all the magic he brought to this world. Like most Americans, I believe that he is a master at solving problems and troubles. But this time, he brought the problem to the fore. Come out and let us Americans answer for ourselves. Oh, I don’t know what this man’s intentions are, but I do know that he must know the answer to this question. What I also know is that this man is from China, the Chinese Either directly or indirectly participated in this war..."

Tan Jiabao smiled wryly, and he handed the article to Ren Zhichu who was beside him, and Master Zheng also came over to read it carefully.

During this time, Tan Xiaozhong was busy negotiating with Corning.Tan Jiabao intends to use his own "low-loss silica optical fiber" technology patent and some cash in exchange for a complete color picture tube production line and two TV assembly production lines from Corning Company.

Negotiations went well because Corning wanted to get out of the TV business, and they had already invested heavily in research and development of silica optical fibers.It's just that the two sides are still negotiating some details.Because Tan Jiabao's side was short of time, today, they planned to sacrifice a little interest, and Tan Xiaozhong took Deborah to Corning Company for the final signing.

Ren Zhichu had some contacts with some senior executives of Otis Elevator Company in those years, and he came forward to negotiate with Otis Elevator Company to establish a joint venture company in Hong Kong.After several days of hard work, Ren Zhichu was lucky enough to reach an agreement with Otis Elevator Company. Next week, the chairman of Otis Elevator Company will lead Otis Elevator Company's technicians to Hong Kong to inspect the factory site.Strive to lay the foundation for construction at the beginning of next year, and realize production and operation after one year.

Smith and his party flew to Hong Kong yesterday.

"In any case, I still admire this man. It takes a lot of courage for him to criticize the current government so blatantly. This man is a bit like Lu Xun back then." Ren Zhichu sighed: "It's still me Go ask Mr. Liang Shiqiu to write an article. We can neither offend this black leader, nor give him such an attack in vain, nor arouse the US government’s suspicion of us. Hehe, Liang Shiqiu is the most suitable candidate, he I have some experience with the pen battle."

Dashi Zheng suddenly said: "Three weeks ago, I met this man in Chinatown in San Francisco. I am not familiar with him, and I just chatted briefly. I thank him for that attack on Brooke Selati. Si Daren incident. I learned from Zhang Mianzhi that this man is very organized and has extraordinary eloquence. It is said that he is one of the most outstanding speakers in history. However, the US government does not like him. "

"Why did this person go to Chinatown? He also went to the Wuzhou Hongmen Zhigong General Hall in San Francisco?" Tan Jiabao asked curiously.

Zheng Dashi nodded with a smile and said: "Yes, he wants to unite the Chinese and persuade Mr. Zhang Mianzhi to hold a large-scale parade before Christmas. He even called on the colored people in the United States to unite, strike, strike, come A 'non-violent non-cooperation movement' like Mahatma Gandhi. However, Mr. Zhang Mianzhi declined his request. Of course, these activities of his were guessed by Mr. Zhang Mianzhi. Mr. Zhang has always been concerned about this person Very wary."

Zhang Mianzhi is the president of Wuzhou Hongmen Zhigong General Church and a leader of Chinese in the United States.Zheng Dashi first met an important person of Chinese in the United States in the United States, and he was also the first friend Zheng Dashi made in the United States.During the past few months, Zheng Dashi persuaded Zhang Mianzhi to join the "operation to collect Liuliu".With the help of Zhang Mianzhi, Zheng Dashi contacted Chinese organizations in major cities and states in the United States, and achieved good results.

At the same time, the first Chinese newspaper "Chinatown Daily" was also published under the name of Wuzhou Hongmen Zhigongzongtang. This newspaper showed explosive growth within a few months.Of course, the Tang Dynasty Group Company also made a "donation" to the Wuzhou Hongmen Zhigong General Hall through this newspaper.

Ren Zhichu said: "Yes, we should all be on guard against this person. I don't think we should get involved with him. After all, he is an American, but we are foreigners."

Tan Jiabao stood up, walked around the house, and suddenly said, "Master, I know, this person will die next year. I'm thinking whether to save him."

"Ah..." Both Ren Zhichu and Zheng Dashi were shocked.Dashi Zheng said even more stupidly: "No way? I've seen him before. He's very strong. I don't think he looks 40 years old yet."

"Someone wants him to die?" Ren Zhichu guessed right away.

Tan Jiabao nodded and said: "Yes. He will die inexplicably. Master, tell me, can I save him?"

Ren Zhichu lit a cigarette, he frowned and began to think seriously.After smoking, he said: "Save him, or not save him, I have two plans here, let's play it by ear. There is this person making trouble in the United States, and it will be more convenient for us to do something. Besides, if our If a person makes friends with him, he and his organization may be helpful to us at critical moments. However, this person is a natural leader, and it is difficult for us to control him. Also, we must not He wants to offend people who shouldn't be offended. I think, this matter, Mr. Zheng will do it. In this way..."

Therefore, the greatest black man in history has now become one of their pawns.

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