
241 Asking Nixon to See Me

Plagiarism - 240 One wants Nixon to come see me

In the evening, in the living room of Tan Jiabao's residence in New York, Tan Xiaozhong sat with the visiting members of the 'Nixon Campaign Committee'. They were talking and laughing happily like long-lost old friends, and the atmosphere was very warm.

According to Peric, several key members of the "Nixon Campaign Committee" had urgent consultations and consulted with Nixon himself, and they finally decided to come to Tan Xiaozhong for alms.

In fact, in the United States, the sudden emergence of Tang Dynasty Group Corporation has been quite controversial among the U.S. ruling and opposition parties.Although the legal person of this company's subsidiary in the United States is Tan Xiaozhong who has a U.S. household registration, everyone knows that this is a Hong Kong company and the boss is a Chinese named Tang Xiao.Generally speaking, the sponsoring consortia and companies selected by the US presidential election also have many scruples. Companies like Tan Jiabao's are generally not considered by them.However, rules are dead, people are alive, they are a group of smart people, of course they know how to deal with this kind of thing.Moreover, Peric revealed that the Tang Dynasty Group Company is willing to donate at least 0 yuan, which is what they urgently need.

It's hard to imagine not having enough money to win an election.The U.S. presidential election, on the surface, is a contest between candidates on the strategy of governing the country. On the other hand, the role of campaign funds in the campaign process is immeasurable.

Visiting today are two of Nixon's political advisers, Maury Stans and Peter Flanigan, former Eisenhower administration budget chiefs, and Bob Finch, Nixon's longtime friend and closest adviser.Nixon's main counselor and speechwriter, Raymond Carr Price Jr., Nixon's senior partner in a law firm, and John Mitchell, who has powerful political skills, and other five people.Nixon's top aides were almost in full force.

Tan Xiaozhong only brought his little secretary Hu Yinmeng with him.

Since two of them graduated from Harvard University, the distance between them has been virtually shortened.

"As we all know, we are against war and are very disappointed with President Johnson's expansion of the Vietnam War. As a company, we need a peaceful and stable environment. So we will support the Republican Party and Mr. Nixon." After getting closer, Tan Xiaozhong introduced the topic .

Bob Fincher laughed and said: "Honestly, we all saw that 'anti-war movie' you showed when the Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund was founded. It was a great movie and thought provoking , thought-provoking. Ms. Teresa.teng's song is even more shocking. We are against war, we love peace!"

Raymond Car Price then jokingly said: "I am the chief editorial writer of the "New York Herald Tribune", and I have long admired Mr. Tang Xiao from your company. Hehe, I really don't know his head How did it grow, could it be that his brain cells are several times more than ours?"

John Mitchell also said: "I am also in business. To be honest, Tang Dynasty Group's achievements are enviable. Of course, this is all due to the extraordinary courage of Mr. Tang Xiao and Mr. Tan Xiaozhong."

Tan Xiaozhong smiled and said modestly: "As an enterprise, I have to say that the investment environment in the United States is one of the best in the world. We are grateful for the support and trust of the American people. Similarly, as an enterprise, we also have deep A sense of social responsibility. Our support for Audrey Hepburn World Children's Fund is just a beginning, and then we will provide some special help to some special needy groups in the United States. At the same time, we will also , to make a contribution to some public welfare undertakings. In a word, enterprises must have a sense of social responsibility, and enterprises should also repay the society, and they should also be conscientious!"

After hearing Tan Xiaozhong's words, all five people applauded.Bob Finch said: "Old classmate, your words are very good. We believe that Tang Dynasty Group Corporation will become a respected enterprise! Hehe, in fact, sponsoring the US presidential election should also be regarded as a kind of Public welfare. Electing a good president is also a wish of the general public, and it can directly bring benefits to the citizens of this country."

Tan smiled and nodded: "Yes, as an American citizen, I hope we elect a good president. I have read some of Mr. Nixon's remarks, and I know that he is the good president in my mind. Dear Bob, if To donate to Mr. Nixon, how should I donate?"

Bob Finch said: "If it's a small amount, you can just donate directly. If it's a large amount, we think it's best to go through Mr. Perich's Dambis Company. Oh, of course, the donation list The name of the Tang Dynasty Group Company will not appear in the Admiral, I hope Mr. President will understand."

A slight displeasure appeared on Tan Xiaozhong's face, and he said, "We plan to donate more than 0 yuan. Is this a large amount or a small amount?"

Bob Finch saw Tan Xiaozhong's displeasure, and he said cautiously: "Old classmate, 0 yuan is of course a large donation. We have considered the foreign capital background of Tang Dynasty Group Company and some other reasons, so It is recommended that you donate through the channel of Dan Bisi. Of course, we will remember the donation from Tang Dynasty Group Company in our hearts."

In fact, Tan Jiabao didn't care much about the donation channel.Instead, they don't want to display their donations in public.As long as Nixon remembers their help this time, it is more important than those false names.Thinking of this, Tan Xiaozhong's face softened, and he said: "We can donate through the channel of Dan Bisi. But I have a condition, that is, within three days, Mr. Nixon must come to see me! Because after three days, I will Back to Hong Kong."

Morris Stans frowned. He didn't want to talk tonight, but now he had to say: "Dear Mr. Tan Xiaozhong, don't you think your request is a bit too much? $0 is not a decimal , but a future president will not give up his dignity for $0!"

Tan Xiaozhong looked at Maury Stans coldly, and said with a sneer, "Mr. Nixon hasn't announced his participation in the election yet, but he is participating. What are his chances of winning? Dear Maury, you should know better than me! So I say , it seems too early to call Mr. Nixon the future president, at least Mr. Humphrey and Robert Kennedy of the Democratic Party will not agree, will they? And, for now, the elected president of the United States The loudest voice is Robert Kennedy, not Mr. Nixon, right?"

Morris Stans gave Tan Xiaozhong a hard look, and he said in a muffled voice, "What you see now is only the superficial appearance. In fact, Mr. Nixon is very capable. We firmly believe that he will win this competition." election."

Bob Finch was much more tactful. He already saw that Tan Xiaozhong was not easy to deal with, so he shrugged and said, "Tan, Mr. Nixon is not in New York right now, look..."

Tan Xiaozhong interrupted him and said: "Old classmate, with the current means of transportation, even if he is in Antarctica, he can arrive within three days. What I want to say is that Mr. Tang Xiao is studying the US presidential election. He has some good advice... Nixon came to see me, that would do him no harm! In the end I will say that if Mr. Nixon asks himself, we donate 1000 million dollars, not for nothing possible!"

"You mean...Mr. Tang Xiao personally advises Mr. Nixon? You mean, you can donate us 1000 million US dollars?" Bob Finch looked at Tan Xiaozhong with wide eyes and said.

Tan Xiaozhong nodded firmly and said: "Of course Mr. Tang Xiao can provide him with some valuable suggestions. Of course, we will also make one or two requests that will not embarrass you and will not harm the interests of the United States. Therefore, I Ask to meet Mr. Nixon. Hehe, I don't think my request is too much, right?"

The eyes of the five people gathered together at the same time, and they were communicating silently. After a few seconds, the five people nodded at the same time.

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