
242 1000 springs

Plagiarism in the World - 240 1000 [-] Springs

Xiaobao was also writing in the room, the president and the new vice president, Yankel, went to the newly acquired TV company, and everyone else was also busy. Deborah was the only one left in the huge apartment.Oh, and of course there is Tan Jiabao who is locked in the house all day.

During this time, Deborah felt increasingly unhappy.Xiaobao is too busy, although every day he will take time to chat with her and talk about love.But this kind of time is too little, and she can't bear to waste his time. With him, she really understands why many scholars say "time is precious".

That day, he took the four girls out for a whole day and brought Hu Yinmeng back.This made her, who was not happy in herself, feel even more painful.She knew all these girls, and they respected her very much, especially Hu Yinmeng.But she still felt uncomfortable. In front of them, she felt a deep sense of inferiority.Hu Yinmeng has the most contact with her. She thinks that Hu Yinmeng is really smart and talented. She published a book at the age of 4, and it was in English. Brigitte Lin is very beautiful, and it is obvious that Xiaobao likes her very much.Teresa Teng is even better, even she can't help but like this girl who sings so well; there is also a woman named Audrey Hepburn, although she is not young, but her beauty is infinite As far as people can wait, she is simply a fairy.She knew that Tan Jiabao was obsessed with this woman.

Although she knew that a capable man like Tan Jiabao treated women as greedily as he treated money, and he didn't hide it from her.She also thought that she could accept everything about him, but now she knew that was not the case.So she felt extremely painful.

She loves him!From the moment he rescued her from the evil police, she couldn't help falling in love with this mysterious figure.She also knows that Tan Jiabao loves her too.Even in front of Hu Yinmeng, he still defends her everywhere.Thinking of this, she unknowingly burst into tears.

At this time the doorbell rang, and she hurriedly wiped away her tears and went downstairs to open the door.Tan Jiabao told her that within three days, important figures in the American political circles would visit. Could it be them?

Opening the door, Deborah found a middle-aged lady standing outside the door, who looked like a Chinese.She looked so calm and graceful, and she also had an indescribable charm.

The lady smiled and said in standard Mandarin: "Excuse me, does Mr. Tang Xiao live here?"

"" Deborah looked a little panicked.After all, no one came to see Tang Xiao yet, Tang Xiao was so mysterious, she couldn't let strangers see him.

"Oh, little girl, Mr. Tan Xiaozhong should live here?" The lady still asked friendlyly.

"Excuse me, are you..." Deborah asked tentatively. For some reason, she seemed to have an indescribable intimacy with this woman.

The woman smiled and said, "My name is Chen Xiangmei, oh, my English name is Anna."

Deborah hesitated for a moment, then said: "Aunt Chen, please come in. President Tan Xiaozhong may not be back until noon. You... If you don't mind, you can go up and have a seat."

Deborah's education level and experience were not high, she didn't know who this woman named Chen Xiangmei was.I just feel that this person is kind and kind, and she seems to have a desire to get close to her.

"Little girl, what's your name?" Chen Xiangmei could also see that the other party didn't know her name, but just followed her upstairs, and as they walked, Chen Xiangmei asked her kindly.

"My name is Deborah..."

After entering the large living room, Deborah Marley made her a cup of tea, and then sat beside her.

"Thank you. Miss Deborah, oh, can I call you Lala?" Chen Xiangmei also seemed to like this girl from the motherland very much. Like an elder, she asked her kindly: "Lala, how old are you? You are from Hong Kong." ? Let's speak Cantonese."

Deborah was inexplicably moved. She pursed her lips and nodded vigorously.

Chen Xiangmei continued to speak kindly in Cantonese: "You have been in the United States for several months. It is not easy to be outside. I have lived in Hong Kong for a few years... Oh, by the way, Lala, do you miss your parents? "

"My parents and relatives?" Deborah murmured, tears flowed out in disobedience, she said softly: "I... I have no parents, I grew up in an orphanage."

"Oh, I'm sorry, poor child!" Chen Xiangmei took Deborah's hand and gently comforted her.She said: "Lala, since I entered the door, I felt that you were unhappy. Now I am waiting for someone. Lala, if you have anything on your mind, can you tell your auntie? Maybe Auntie can help you. Besides, tell me what's on your mind, It will feel better."

After hesitating for a moment, Deborah selectively told the story between herself and Tan Jiabao. She neither mentioned Tan Jiabao's name nor Tan Jiabao's romantic nature, but only told the story between them to this first-timer. A woman who meets once listens.Yes, here, she has no relatives and no friends.She was full of thoughts and no one said: "I love him, really, auntie. Do you know how hard it is to love someone, especially a man like him...? Although... our age The difference is too much, but I still can't help not loving him."

"Lala, are you talking about Tang Xiao?" What kind of smart person is Chen Xiangmei?Why can't she tell who the hero in the story is?She felt more pity for Deborah, and she said angrily: "He's so shameless. Oh, Lara, he doesn't care about you so much. A good man shouldn't be like this, he... makes me feel very disappointed .With all due respect, Lala, you are not in love with a human being, but a working machine!"

"I can't blame him, Auntie. I know that he is not only trying to make money, but I also know that he is not just making money for himself. He often said to me, 'I will only be able to have a good life if I am as strong as a country. Sufficient energy to serve my motherland'. I also know that besides his own company, he is still doing a great thing for the country and the people..."

Chen Xiangmei was shocked again. She didn't expect that among her compatriots, there was such a person who was so persistent in thinking about the motherland.He is so arrogant, but his spirit is commendable.

"Lala, I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune for you to meet him. I also don't know how big the age difference between you is? But Auntie thinks this person is worthy of your love. Of course, if I see him , I will remind him. In fact, Auntie is also like you. When she was young, she fell in love with a man who was very different from her age. Oh, you may not think that he is 35 years older than me!"

"Ah, isn't he in his 70s now, almost 80?"

There was incomparable tenderness in Chen Xiangmei's eyes. She shook her head gently, as if she was afraid of waking up her distant person, and said with a smile: "He has been away from me for almost 10 years, but I always feel that he is still by my side. Hehe , Lala, you know? I lived with him for 10 years, but he gave me 1000 springs... I feel like every day with him is a spring... Oh, Lala, You brought back my memories, the first time I saw you, I felt that you were very similar to me when I was young, and now my emotional experience is even more like me. Oh, would you like to hear the story of your aunt?"

Deborah nodded vigorously, as if she had met a confidant.

"When I first met him, I was 19 years old. I was a reporter, and at the same time, I was also a young girl who went to interview him, the commander of the Flying Tigers of the US Air Force to China. He walked towards me through the crowd When I came, I was shocked by his appearance. He was so handsome, so mighty, and so charming. I was so flustered that I couldn't even speak..." Chen Xiangmei spoke very slowly, as if she was confiding in tender feelings to General Chennault .

Chen Xiangmei's story is very long, only hearing Deborah's tenderness overflowing, turning back and forth, tears in her eyes.

The story is over.Chen Xiangmei's eyes turned to the sky outside the window, as if unable to extricate herself from the memory.

"Aunt Chen..." Deborah called her softly.

Chen Xiangmei came out of the memory, wiped away her tears, and said to Deborah with a smile: "Oh, Lala. I haven't spoken Chinese for so long, and I haven't told anyone my story for a long time. You and I It's really destined. Lala, you are an orphan, and although I have two daughters, I don't care about having another daughter..."

"You, aunt,... want to adopt me as a goddaughter?"

Deborah stood up excitedly, bowed deeply to Chen Xiangmei, and said with a sob: "Godmother!... Oh, mother..." She threw herself into Chen Xiangmei's arms and burst into tears.Ever since she was a child, she didn't know how many times she dreamed of her mother.When she saw other children lying in her mother's arms and acting like a baby, how much she longed to have a mother herself.

"Poor child, good daughter, mother will love you even more in the future." Chen Xiangmei also had tears in her eyes, gently stroking her hair and stroking her back.

After a long time, Chen Xiangmei looked at her watch, then straightened Deborah and said, "Lala, it seems that Mr. Tan Xiaozhong will not come back. Why don't you go to your mother, who will introduce your two sisters to you. Then, our family will have a good reunion. "

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