
248 Where is Hong Kong Going?

Plagiarism - 240 Where is Hong Kong Going?

Yankel's speech on Hong Kong's existing enterprises has made these economic leaders in Hong Kong start to talk a lot.Dong Haoyun and Feng Hanzhu's faces couldn't hold back even more, they were all blushed by the blunt words of this foreigner.After a while, Dong Haoyun resisted and said: "As far as I know, the composition of Tang Dynasty Group is also a family model. Mr. Yankel, why don't you talk about this company?"

Yankel didn't seem to know that the other party was annoyed. He continued to explain: "Tang Dynasty Group will definitely go public in the future, in Hong Kong, New York, or in Japan and Europe. But now we don't have to go public, because we have Sufficient funding, we have enough technology, and our talent is constantly coming from all over the world."

Dong Haoyun still wanted to say something, but seeing that all the participants were lost in thought, he swallowed what he had thought up.

Feng Hanzhu nodded sincerely and said: "I agree with Mr. Yankel's point of view. Hehe, we Chinese have been doing business with this family model for thousands of years. We have been doing business for decades, even hundreds of years, but We can’t compare with those European and American companies, and we can’t compare with Japanese companies. I think this is indeed the main reason. Regarding Mr. Yankel’s suggestion, I will definitely think about it after I go back. I also feel more and more , Li & Fung’s listing may really be our only way out. Only when it goes public can Li & Fung become strong, and Li & Fung may become a century-old enterprise, or even a 200-year enterprise.”

At this time, He Shanheng stood up and said: "I agree with the three suggestions of 'continuous innovation', 'establishing a brand' and 'transforming a family business into a modern enterprise'. However, our Hong Kong enterprises are not strong. It is also realistic. When there is trouble, the first thing to suffer is our Chinese-funded enterprises. Since 1965, how many Chinese-funded enterprises have closed down in Hong Kong? How many Chinese-funded enterprises have been acquired by British and foreign capital? I think, Chinese-funded enterprises First of all, we must unite ourselves, help each other, and support each other, that is the most important thing."

Tan Xiaozhong nodded. He knew that this He Shanheng had been longing to take back Hang Seng Bank from HSBC.So he said: "Mr. He is right. If we want to become stronger, helping each other is of course one aspect. However, the most important thing is to broaden financing channels. I know that it is too difficult to list in Hong Kong now, and British capital crowds out Chinese-funded enterprises have set the listing threshold very high and extremely strict. Therefore, after so long, there are only about 60 listed companies in Hong Kong, and more than 70% of them are British-funded enterprises. I think Hong Kong must develop and reduce the number of listed companies. The threshold is crucial. In fact, Hong Kong is now abundant with hot money and too many bank deposits. In order to facilitate the listing of Chinese-funded enterprises, I think it is necessary to open another stock exchange. We can unite and write to the British Hong Kong government, Express our demands."

"You said that the 'dawn' of Hong Kong is coming, so it will definitely come? We have all been in Hong Kong for so long, and some are native Hong Kong people. We know what Hong Kong is like, and we also have our own way of doing business. We know that the Kadoorie family sold all their properties to you. Could it be that the Kadoorie family, who have been shrewd all their lives, are not as good as you? The riots in Hong Kong, if the leftists have been leading the riots, may be within three months It can also be ended. But now it has become an issue of territorial disputes, and I don’t think even Beijing can easily stop this movement.” Xu Shifen said calmly, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

In the last life, the June [-]th riot in Hong Kong was about to end.However, now Tan Jiabao has intervened and created an "Operation to Conquer Ryu", which made the riot in Hong Kong last longer, and also involved more Hong Kong people in this movement.It is true that Beijing has not restored water and electricity supply to Hong Kong, and the UK has no better way.In this way, the struggle became more complicated and confusing, and rumors spread everywhere, making the whole of Hong Kong seem to be in a precarious state. No wonder many veterans can't understand it.

Tan Xiaozhong stared at Xu Shifen sternly and said, "I don't want to talk about this issue politically. I only know that Hong Kong's economy has reached the bottom, and it is impossible to get worse! Even if we are not as optimistic as we expected, after these three months There must be a decent rebound. This is a question of economics, and this is also the conclusion that Mr. Tang Xiao came to after studying the world economy and the Hong Kong economy. Believe it or not!"

Smith interjected at this time: "Tang Dynasty Group Corporation started compiling the Hong Kong stock index a few months ago. Everyone knows that stocks are a barometer of the economy. Judging from the stock indexes we have studied, Hong Kong's economy has indeed bottomed out. A rebound or The reversal is imminent!"

"Stock index?" Li Guanchun and He Shanheng exclaimed at the same time.Li Guanchun is the eldest son of Li Peicai's family, and his son Li Fuzhao was the founder of the "Far East Society" in the previous life.And He Shanheng was the leader who compiled the Hang Seng Index in his previous life.

"Yes, our index was inspired by Mr. Tang Xiao. After three months of hard work, 68 people from Tang Dynasty Company finally compiled it yesterday. So this index will be called 'Tang Dynasty Index' from now on. We Taking July 1964, 7 as the day for calculating the first index, the index on this day is 31. We selected 100 relatively active stocks such as HSBC, Bank of East Asia, Jardine Matheson Company and Hongkong Land as constituent stocks. According to our calculations, the annual average index in 33 and 1965 was 1966 points and 86 points respectively. In this year, the index peaked at 82 points on May 5, and at the end of August, the index reached 11 points, and then never reached another However, it has been oscillating around 97-63 points. Even on September 70 and October 85, when the political movement was the most intense, the index did not fall below 9 points again. According to the wave theory, the five-wave decline has ended, and now A brand-new market is brewing. So we all agree that Hong Kong’s economy has reached the bottom!” Smith spoke with confidence and confidence without using a notebook.


Smith shook his head and said, "We will announce these issues on the day the index is released. It's a long story now, and I don't want to waste everyone's time."

In this way, Tan Jiabao plagiarized the "Hang Seng Index" easily.

"How much do you think the index will rebound?" Li Guanchun felt that today's trip was worthwhile.His son Li Fuzhao obtained a master's degree in business administration from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States and obtained the qualification of an accountant.His son proposed to open an exchange, but he was still hesitating about his son's proposal.Now after listening to Tan Xiaozhong's words, he felt suddenly enlightened.

Smith shrugged and said: "I want to correct your wording. We never said that there will be a rebound! We are right, Hong Kong will usher in a magnificent big market! According to the principle of wave theory, the increase in this first wave will be quite large. Astonishing, and the gains in the third wave will be unbelievable."

Everyone discussed again, and some people began to think about buying some stocks.Some people even thought of buying listed companies.Huo Yingdong and Qiu Degen didn't speak for a while, and they were secretly happy.Because they have already laid out the layout in advance, and now they just wait for others to carry the sedan chair.In addition to what Tan Jiabao revealed to these two people, Jin Yong, Gu Long and Ni Kuang all bought the goods.

Xu Shifen is a little more well-behaved now, and he has put away his pride and self-righteousness.He continued to ask: "Mr. Tang Xiao and you Tang Dynasty Group Company think which industries will be the best to develop in Hong Kong in the future?"

Tan Xiaozhong said slowly: "If you have read Mr. Tang Xiao's "The Third Wave" and "Young World", you should know which direction you should develop. Investment, high-tech, electronics, toys and real estate have already been laid out. Tang Dynasty Group Corporation believes that although Hong Kong is a small place, it is also full of vitality. As long as it is based on traditional advantageous industries such as real estate, shipping, trade and manufacturing, then Starting to expand into finance, high-tech, electronics, medicine, and tourism, I think the future of Hong Kong will be even better than we imagined. In the future, Hong Kong will definitely become an international financial center, trade center, manufacturing center, and shipping center , tourism center, technology center and electronics center', oh, and a Hollywood East!"

"Haha, the blueprint for Hong Kong drawn by Mr. Tan Xiaozhong is so beautiful! I am beginning to have full confidence in Hong Kong. I will stick to Hong Kong, and when I go back, I will make a good plan." Feng Bingfen has been listening carefully and remembering carefully, Think hard.

But Tan Xiaozhong shook his head and said: "I don't agree with sticking to Hong Kong. The world is so big, why don't we consider going overseas to earn money from foreigners? Be bolder and take a bigger step! We must base ourselves in Hong Kong and look at the world!" I think that some larger companies and more powerful companies should formulate their own overseas expansion strategies from now on. After all, it is short-sighted to stick to Hong Kong. We have to go out! In fact, there are many things abroad now, many Stocks, a lot of land, and many companies are very cheap, as long as we are more courageous, we will definitely make good returns and grow our company. Of course, this must be done according to our capabilities."

Lin Baixin said at this time: "Yes, I think foreigners' money is really easy to make sometimes. But most of my products are exported to Africa, the Middle East and South America, and it is difficult for the United States and Europe to enter. However, we have already started to plan to enter the clothing market in the United States and Europe."

Hu Yingxiang said anxiously: "Should we also go to the United States and Europe to do real estate? I know that the fluctuation of real estate in the United States and Europe is not large, and there is absolutely no such big profit as Hong Kong."

Tan Xiaozhong smiled slightly and said, "I'm going to reveal a place that will be the most profitable in the world for many years to come. There, whether it's real estate, stocks for investment, or company acquisitions, everyone will make a lot of money. So the reason to disclose these things to everyone is because there is too much money in this world, and many things are too cheap, and it is really difficult for our company to make money. Especially the money in this place I mentioned, we have earned them With the money, maybe our parents and grandparents, even in the underground, may wake up with a happy smile!"

"Where is it?" Someone asked curiously.

"That place is called - Japan!" Tan Xiaozhong replied very positively.

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